[[!toc ]] Format: 19-min talk; Q&A: BigBlueButton conference room Status: Q&A finished, IRC and pad will be archived on this page
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="voice-mainVideo" data=""" 00:00.000 Introduction 00:37.400 Three activities in voice computing 01:02.560 Talk is not about ... and about ... 01:53.520 Motivations 03:33.240 Data 03:58.680 Voice In in the Chrome Store 04:25.628 Works in web pages with text areas 05:16.880 Built-in commands in Voice In Plus 06:41.740 Common errors made by Voice In 08:14.760 Custom speech-to-text commands 09:59.420 Custom speech-to-commands 10:37.540 Introducing Talon Voice 12:28.400 Talon GUI 14:02.540 Talon file with web scope 15:34.015 Terminals on remote and virtual machines 16:52.500 Recommendations 18:17.720 Acknowledgements """]]
Duration: 18:49 minutes
# Description