WEBVTT captioned by sachac, checked by sachac

NOTE Introduction

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Welcome to my talk, which is pre-recorded,

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so please don't blame me if I come across

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as wooden and humorless.

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It's hard to work up any emotion

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when looking at a mechanical eye.

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Of course, I am German,

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so I am pretty wooden and humorless to begin with.

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What else do you need to know about me?

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Not much, I suppose, except that I have been

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an Emacs user on and off

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since my days as a graduate student

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in theoretical physics in the 1990s.

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I picked Emacs and Org Mode up again

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for teaching during COVID

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when I had a lot of time on my hands,

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and when the teaching and learning needs shifted

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because of the exclusive online teaching.

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Now I'm going to take my picture away.

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You had a good look at me.

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I think that's just going to be in the way.

NOTE My interest in this topic

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So my interest in this topic began with

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an Emacs talk given by Daniel German

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from the University of Victoria in Canada in 2021.

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Daniel demonstrated in detail

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how he uses Emacs and Org Mode

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to prepare and deliver lectures

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on different programming languages.

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This gave me the idea to try the same thing

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with my students with an important alteration.

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I wanted to force them to use Emacs and Org Mode

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just as most computer science instructors

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force their students to use whatever they are using

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when they develop their material.

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I carried my plan out and mandated Emacs and Org Mode

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as the only programming platform and IDE

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for three consecutive terms in all my courses,

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nine courses in total.

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I will give more details later.

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I published my results as a case study

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in September of this year,

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and it contains the missing bits

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that I will not talk about today for lack of time,

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especially regarding the methodology,

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the assessment, et cetera.

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Please also use the Q&A to inquire about such details

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if they interest you.

NOTE What is data science?

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I probably don't have to explain what computer science is,

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but not everyone may know what data science does.

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I teach courses in both disciplines

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and the boundaries between them are blurred,

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so much of what I'm saying about data science

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will also be relevant for computer science.

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Conceptually, data science is an interdisciplinary affair

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that intersects with computer science

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and with whatever it is that the data scientist

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or his or her clients know very well; their domain.

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Because of this interdisciplinary character,

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and because their focus is on the data

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rather than only on algorithms or mathematics,

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successful data scientists need to be more broadly educated

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than specialists in computer science or statistics.

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In particular, there's a need to master

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the entire so-called data science pipeline:

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from data cleaning, which you see

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on the very left in this slide,

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over coding, to statistical modeling,

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and to data storytelling through visualization,

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which you see on the very right.

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This is why until recently,

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data science was a graduate-level education

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only for software engineers, computer scientists,

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statisticians, psychologists, biologists, business people,

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or for whoever took a special fancy

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to data in their chosen field.

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Only with a growing interest in machine learning,

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this has changed.

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And now we train--or try to train--data scientists

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in undergraduate programs as well.

NOTE Computer science is a craft

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Now, what I'm saying here, I think is true

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for all areas of computing,

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from software engineering to data science.

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They are mostly taught and learned like a craft

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rather than a science, not through research,

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but through drill.

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The elements of this drill can be illustrated

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by learning how to fix cars.

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They include taking a problem apart

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with the tools you already know,

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learn a lot more tools in the process of doing that,

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then solve many, many problems

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of increasing difficulty

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while being or getting more literate, as it were,

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about the mechanics of computing,

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including the hardware, the infrastructure,

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and finally develop a way of thinking

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that allows the learner to identify patterns

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to solve new problems better and faster.

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Unlike learning how to fix cars,

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all of the objects of our interest--

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both hardware and software--are evolving rapidly.

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In this field, radical innovation is the rule,

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not the exception.

NOTE The problem

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The problem that I identified is that students,

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especially undergraduate students

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in computer and data science,

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often do no longer understand the infrastructure.

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Here are a few examples of the problems

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that the students seem to have.

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They do not understand computer architecture,

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except in theory.

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They cannot navigate their way around their own computers.

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They don't understand the value or the issues of networks.

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They are often more interested in convenience

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than in customization of the environment.

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As a result, the machines which we're meant to control

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have all the power--though passively,

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of course, for now anyway.

NOTE The solution: Emacs + Org-mode

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Enter Emacs, the self-extensible operating system

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disguised as a text editor.

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You're at EmacsConf, so of course I don't have to tell you

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what Emacs can do.

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Here's a rundown on the right-hand side

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of some of its most important properties,

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and an Org Mode file excerpt

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from one of my classes on the left.

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What you may not know is how to onboard students who have,

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at the start, no interest whatsoever

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in leaving their comfort zone,

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which is defined by a lifetime of Windows,

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pre-configured graphical interfaces, and software bloat.

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In fact, when I started this, I wasn't very hopeful,

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but the results have made me even more optimistic

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than I already am by nature.

NOTE Emacs configuration file

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So to rein in your expectations,

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you cannot do entirely without

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configuring the student's experience.

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An important part of this

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is the initial Emacs configuration shown here.

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The minimal configuration file,

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which you can see on the right-hand side,

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allows the students to run code in C and C++, R, SQL,

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SQLite, Python, and Bash.

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It will allow them to update Emacs packages

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from the stable Melpa repository,

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and it will allow them to create code blocks easily

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using skeleton commands for code blocks,

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and to auto-load the Emacs Speaks Statistics package,

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which you particularly need when you run R in Emacs,

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and lastly, to disable toolbar and graphical menu bars.

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To do that encourages the exclusive use of the keyboard

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to control Emacs, and to stop the students

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from flicking all the time to the mouse;

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seems to be an essential part of getting used to Emacs.

NOTE Story + code = source + documentation

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Now Org Mode was included in Emacs in 2006 as a major mode,

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and as you know, it's a structured plain text format

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with notebook live code execution.

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It's an ideal platform for literate programming,

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which is a term for programming that intermingles code,

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documentation, and output within a single document,

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and that can, as you can see here from an org file,

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either be tangled into source code

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or woven into a documentation file, which could be PDF,

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could be Markdown, could be OpenOffice,

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could be a notebook format.

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This methodology was conceived by Donald Knuth in 1984,

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and it is therefore even older than Emacs itself.

NOTE What is literate programming?

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The main purpose of literate programming is not only

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to make code or documentation or output more manageable,

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but to allow humans to create a data story with ease

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from a single source.

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So what you see on the slide on the left-hand side

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is the story and code inside a Org Mode file.

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The file starts with some documentation,

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then with the white background is the code,

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and at the bottom you see an output file,

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which is not shown here on the slide itself.

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In the middle, you have the source code,

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which is the result of tangling

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or of opening a buffer inside org-mode.

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And on the very right-hand side, you have a PDF--

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actually this HTML rendering of the very same file

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that you see on the very left.

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So the humans look at some of this code,

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and the machines will look at other parts of the code.

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I actually did all my programming in a literate way

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even in the early 1990s, not using org-mode,

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which didn't exist yet,

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but using Norman Ramsey's Noweb preprocessor.

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And I still use it inside org-mode today.

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This preprocessor, Noweb, allows you to tangle code

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from within an org-mode file that's a self-standing file,

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much like org-mode's edit functions,

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which export code blocks into buffers

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in whatever language the code block is written.

NOTE Emacs as a literate programming tool

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In data science, these interactive notebooks

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in one of the interpreted languages like Julia,

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Python, or R dominate.

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The basis technology,

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is that of Jupyter notebooks, which take their name

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from Julia, Python, and R.

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And these notebooks use a spruced-up shell (for example,

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IPython for Python) with an option to add SQL cells.

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Org Mode inside Emacs has a large number of advantages--

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some of them are listed here--over these notebooks.

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Two of these stand out particularly.

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Different languages can be mixed, as shown in the image,

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while in Jupyter notebooks, a notebook is limited to

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running a kernel in one language only.

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So the content of the notebook--

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its document code or output part--

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can be exported in a variety of formats,

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which makes it much easier to share with others

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and to use one's work in different reporting formats;

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for example, to read it out into a LaTeX publication.

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Actually, to come back to this,

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the file does not show different languages.

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That is something you can see in a paper of mine,

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in one of the figures.

NOTE Case study: basic setup

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Now, coming to the case study itself,

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here are some of the overall results of the case study.

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Now, the courses ranged from introductory to advanced,

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as you can see here in the table on the left-hand side.

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The topics covered different programming applications.

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The courses were taught

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over a period of three consecutive terms.

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There was between 6 and 28 participants per course.

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I used a few other tools besides Emacs:

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GitHub as the main repository for all the material,

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Datacamp for structured online lessons and exercises,

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Canvas as a learning management system,

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and Zoom to record the sessions for later use.

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Now, the material for all these courses

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is openly available on GitHub,

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and the address is on the slide at the bottom.

NOTE Emacs + Org-mode notebooks

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I'm now going to briefly comment on

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the most important aspects of using Emacs and Org Mode

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in and outside of class.

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Essentially, these two--Emacs and Org Mode--

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were used all the time for almost everything

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that the students were doing in and outside of class.

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The only exception were multiple choice tests

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and online assignments

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on the Datacamp learning platform

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in the data science courses.

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But everything else--code-along lectures, home assignments,

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student projects, practice in class--

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was done with these two tools.

NOTE Onboarding: simplified Emacs tutorial

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To facilitate the onboarding,

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so to get students used to Emacs in the first place,

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I developed a simplified Emacs tutorial,

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which was focused on the basics of literate programming.

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It included navigation in major modes,

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managing files and buffers, customizing the interface,

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and keyboard shortcuts.

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It was considerably shorter;

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about a quarter of the size of the standard Emacs tutorial,

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which contains a lot more stuff.

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As a result of this onboarding,

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by the end of the second week,

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most students were able

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to use Emacs and Org Mode competently

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for their assignments in and outside of class,

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completely independent of their previous exposure

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to any of these tools.

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Most of the students, in fact, had never heard of Emacs.

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All the classes were taught physically in a computer lab.

NOTE Instruction + interaction

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Emacs with Org Mode

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and the necessary languages for the class

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were pre-installed on the computers.

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The computers ran Windows, unfortunately,

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like most of the students' personal computers.

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A typical class involved a lecture delivered by me

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in Emacs as a code-along.

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The students would get an Org Mode file

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with all the code removed.

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You can see an example here

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on the slide on the right-hand side.

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This example is actually only one line of code in blue,

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visible at the bottom for an award file.

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Then the students submitted home assignments

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also as Org Mode files, complete with documentation,

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code and sample output.

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Working this way makes the classes highly interactive.

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So the students are busy coding

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and they learn to control their environment better

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all the time.

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In my classes, the students have to complete

00:14:38.600 --> 00:14:41.359
an independent, agile research project

00:14:41.360 --> 00:14:44.239
using an adaptation of Scrum as a methodology.

00:14:44.240 --> 00:14:48.079
You can find examples of these rather high-octane projects

00:14:48.080 --> 00:14:48.719
in my paper.

NOTE Assignments + projects

00:14:48.720 --> 00:14:52.679
Now, using literate programming for the projects

00:14:52.680 --> 00:14:54.399
provided some unique benefits.

00:14:54.400 --> 00:14:57.959
By having to continuously interweave documentation,

00:14:57.960 --> 00:15:01.599
references and output alongside functional code,

00:15:01.600 --> 00:15:04.319
the students learn to communicate their work

00:15:04.320 --> 00:15:05.599
throughout the term

00:15:05.600 --> 00:15:07.559
in various stages of completion,

00:15:07.560 --> 00:15:09.839
from the research question at the start,

00:15:09.840 --> 00:15:12.879
over the prototype to the finished product.

00:15:12.880 --> 00:15:14.999
And here on the right-hand side,

00:15:15.000 --> 00:15:17.479
you can see one of those assignments

00:15:17.480 --> 00:15:18.839
that the students received,

00:15:18.840 --> 00:15:24.959
including some of the metadata for their Org Mode files

00:15:24.960 --> 00:15:26.159
in the beginning of the course.

00:15:26.160 --> 00:15:32.599
Here are two graphs that I created early on

00:15:32.600 --> 00:15:34.319
when I started doing this.

00:15:34.320 --> 00:15:36.439
They show how the test results of the students

00:15:36.440 --> 00:15:39.639
in two different courses, actually three courses,

00:15:39.640 --> 00:15:41.719
changed from before to after

00:15:41.720 --> 00:15:45.919
introducing literate programming with Emacs and Org Mode.

00:15:45.920 --> 00:15:49.559
So you see the before and after

00:15:49.560 --> 00:15:53.479
introducing literate programming in the red curve before

00:15:53.480 --> 00:15:54.919
and the blue curve afterwards.

00:15:54.920 --> 00:15:58.519
And the improvement, especially on the right-hand side,

00:15:58.520 --> 00:15:59.719
is quite significant.

00:15:59.720 --> 00:16:01.999
It was this performance improvement,

00:16:02.000 --> 00:16:05.119
apart from the students who were voicing their support,

00:16:05.120 --> 00:16:07.999
that made me extend the Emacs experiment

00:16:08.000 --> 00:16:09.159
after the first term

00:16:09.160 --> 00:16:15.279
and continue for the following two terms.

NOTE Overall results positive

00:16:15.280 --> 00:16:18.839
The courses... Coming to the result, the overall result...

00:16:18.840 --> 00:16:20.999
The courses were formally and informally

00:16:21.000 --> 00:16:23.119
also evaluated by the students,

00:16:23.120 --> 00:16:24.599
but you need to look at my paper

00:16:24.600 --> 00:16:27.039
for some explicit student comments,

00:16:27.040 --> 00:16:28.199
which you will find there.

00:16:28.200 --> 00:16:29.879
Here, I'm giving you only the summary.

00:16:29.880 --> 00:16:34.519
So first of all, Emacs proved to be hard to learn for some,

00:16:34.520 --> 00:16:37.839
but all students succeeded in all courses,

00:16:37.840 --> 00:16:39.519
independent of the level of

00:16:39.520 --> 00:16:40.959
their previous knowledge and skill.

00:16:40.960 --> 00:16:45.919
The documentation practices remained pretty uneven.

00:16:45.920 --> 00:16:49.639
So some students wrote a lot, others wrote little.

00:16:49.640 --> 00:16:52.999
But they were overall much higher than in classes

00:16:53.000 --> 00:16:57.279
without the use of Emacs and Org Mode.

00:16:57.280 --> 00:16:59.559
The interactivity enabled through Emacs

00:16:59.560 --> 00:17:01.599
was highly praised by the students

00:17:01.600 --> 00:17:05.039
and always identified on the evaluations.

00:17:05.040 --> 00:17:08.559
And lastly and most importantly, given the problems

00:17:08.560 --> 00:17:13.279
that I identified earlier, the computing file

00:17:13.280 --> 00:17:15.079
and data handling competence

00:17:15.080 --> 00:17:18.279
of the students who worked with Emacs throughout

00:17:18.280 --> 00:17:23.399
opening Emacs shells, running programs through Emacs,

00:17:23.400 --> 00:17:26.999
these skills increased massively.

00:17:27.000 --> 00:17:30.599
In the published paper, I have expressed

00:17:30.600 --> 00:17:32.839
a little more doubt than you see on this slide.

00:17:32.840 --> 00:17:38.359
But now, actually, I'm feeling quite hopeful again,

00:17:38.360 --> 00:17:41.879
especially because recently for one term,

00:17:41.880 --> 00:17:47.679
I have returned to Jupyter notebooks.

00:17:47.680 --> 00:17:50.599
In the current term, I abandoned Emacs again

00:17:50.600 --> 00:17:53.119
for online Jupyter notebook installations.

00:17:53.120 --> 00:17:55.679
The reason is that these Jupyter notebooks

00:17:55.680 --> 00:18:00.159
that I use from DataCamp have generative AI support

00:18:00.160 --> 00:18:03.439
from ChatGPT integrated into the notebook.

00:18:03.440 --> 00:18:04.919
And I wanted to try that.

00:18:04.920 --> 00:18:08.519
But after one term without Emacs,

00:18:08.520 --> 00:18:10.199
I regret that decision now.

00:18:10.200 --> 00:18:13.199
The AI advantage does not make up

00:18:13.200 --> 00:18:15.119
for the loss of the immersion

00:18:15.120 --> 00:18:19.799
that Emacs and Org Mode deliver.

NOTE Conclusion & outlook

00:18:19.800 --> 00:18:21.399
And here's the summary.

00:18:21.400 --> 00:18:23.759
When learning computer and data science,

00:18:23.760 --> 00:18:25.679
immersion is everything.

00:18:25.680 --> 00:18:29.479
The best students will aim at immersion anyway.

00:18:29.480 --> 00:18:31.239
But for the majority of students,

00:18:31.240 --> 00:18:33.679
immersion must happen in class.

00:18:33.680 --> 00:18:39.839
Emacs and Org Mode performed throughout very well

00:18:39.840 --> 00:18:42.319
as the central literary programming platform.

00:18:42.320 --> 00:18:45.959
And the pre-configuring and the onboarding,

00:18:45.960 --> 00:18:48.959
which I showed to you, were very important

00:18:48.960 --> 00:18:50.359
to train the students quickly.

00:18:50.360 --> 00:18:54.479
In the paper, I also speculated on the impact

00:18:54.480 --> 00:18:57.919
of low-code, no-code, and AI coding assistance.

00:18:57.920 --> 00:19:00.239
And my general view on this is that

00:19:00.240 --> 00:19:01.799
the arrival of these tools

00:19:01.800 --> 00:19:04.319
make literary programming as an immersive technique

00:19:04.320 --> 00:19:08.399
focused on teaching a broad range of skills

00:19:08.400 --> 00:19:09.719
even more important.

00:19:09.720 --> 00:19:13.079
So even with AI--or especially with AI--

00:19:13.080 --> 00:19:16.799
this kind of approach, I think, could be critical.

00:19:16.800 --> 00:19:18.439
And that's it.

00:19:18.440 --> 00:19:19.839
I'm at the end of my presentation.

00:19:19.840 --> 00:19:21.719
Thank you very much for your attention.

00:19:21.720 --> 00:19:22.839
And I'm looking forward to the Q&A.

00:19:22.840 --> 00:19:27.280
Thank you.