WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:21.560 Intro 00:00:21.560 --> 00:01:02.560 Diagrams 00:01:03.320 --> 00:02:51.360 eev 00:02:51.360 --> 00:08:52.560 Another figure 00:08:52.560 --> 00:10:44.240 eev-wconfig, magic, and black boxes 00:10:44.240 --> 00:16:10.960 Lua 00:16:10.960 --> 00:19:19.822 Object orientation in Lua 00:19:19.823 --> 00:20:31.000 My init file 00:20:31.000 --> 00:25:28.280 LaTeX and LuaLaTeX 00:25:28.280 --> 00:26:30.879 Manim 00:26:30.880 --> 00:31:03.240 Generating diagrams from REPLs 00:31:03.240 --> 00:39:03.200 Parsers 00:39:03.200 --> 00:50:04.160 ELpeg1.lua 00:50:04.160 --> 00:59:26.040 Building lists