WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:01:03.319 Introduction 00:01:03.320 --> 00:01:21.319 The structure of this talk 00:01:21.320 --> 00:08:04.239 Introduction to Emms: The practical part 00:08:04.240 --> 00:11:01.199 The modeline 00:11:01.200 --> 00:11:29.859 Meta-playlist mode 00:11:29.860 --> 00:13:19.919 The browser 00:13:19.920 --> 00:16:23.819 How Emms works: The technical part 00:16:23.820 --> 00:16:36.439 The Emms core 00:16:36.440 --> 00:17:18.459 Tracks 00:17:18.460 --> 00:18:22.079 Playlist 00:18:22.080 --> 00:19:22.159 Sources 00:19:22.160 --> 00:20:20.519 Players 00:20:20.520 --> 00:21:36.659 Info 00:21:36.660 --> 00:22:51.619 The cache 00:22:51.620 --> 00:23:31.559 Healthy back and forth: mpv, mpd, and GNU.FM 00:23:31.560 --> 00:24:47.469 MPV 00:24:47.470 --> 00:26:07.439 MPD 00:26:07.440 --> 00:27:12.559 GNU FM and Libre FM 00:27:12.560 --> 00:28:52.589 How we work: Emms development 00:28:52.590 --> 00:29:06.079 The Rime Of The Ancient Maintainer 00:29:06.080 --> 00:31:24.079 The life and times of an Emms patch 00:31:24.080 --> 00:32:23.399 Let It Go: The release process 00:32:23.400 --> 00:34:44.848 It Is Not In Our Stars, But In Ourselves: Future directions 00:34:44.849 --> 00:36:05.979 Development policies: Interface language 00:36:05.980 --> 00:38:12.369 Development policies: Freedom 00:38:12.370 --> 00:38:38.040 Acknowledgements