WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:01:35.399 Introduction 00:01:35.400 --> 00:02:01.159 Cubing in Emacs 00:02:01.160 --> 00:02:32.039 Prior art 00:02:32.040 --> 00:03:16.519 The name 00:03:16.520 --> 00:03:49.239 What's in wca-prep 00:03:49.240 --> 00:04:03.080 Demo 00:05:15.340 --> 00:07:09.219 Challenges: Representing the cube 00:07:09.220 --> 00:08:09.499 Scrambling 00:08:09.500 --> 00:08:56.419 Visualization 00:08:56.420 --> 00:09:55.579 UI with Transient 00:09:55.580 --> 00:11:12.579 Book-keeping with SQLite 00:11:12.580 --> 00:13:30.860 Conclusion