WEBVTT captioned by amine, checked by sachac

NOTE Introduction

00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.874
[Lukas]: Welcome to our presentation,

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Collaborative Data Processing

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and Documenting using org-babel.

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My name is Lukas Bossert, and I'm

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from the RWTH Aachen University

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in the city of Aachen, Germany.

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[Jonathan]: And my name is Jonathan Hartmann.

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I'm also from the IT Center here at RWTH Aachen.

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[Lukas]: Great.

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And we will show you today how you

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can use Org Mode for data processing.

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So you see a little workflow what we are going to do.

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First, we will give you a slight introduction to Org Mode.

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Then we will dive into the part of data preparing.

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First, you're going to query the data using the language SPARQL.

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Then we're going to clean it using a different language.

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And in the main part of our presentation,

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we're going to do the data processing, first aggregating

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using Python, later on counting items using Org,

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and even visualizing it using R. At the end,

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we're going to show you how to preserve

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the data and the document and its documentation,

01:01.760 --> 01:06.599
first doing in plain exporting, then adding some metadata,

01:06.600 --> 01:09.759
and showing you two different ways, first a manual export,

01:09.760 --> 01:13.359
and also then a batch-processed export.

01:13.360 --> 01:14.239
All right.

01:14.240 --> 01:16.079
Let's dive in to that.

NOTE Org Mode

01:16.080 --> 01:19.919
Jonathan, can you give us an introduction about Org Mode?

01:19.920 --> 01:20.439
[Jonathan]: Of course.

01:20.440 --> 01:23.079
So in case anyone isn't familiar with it,

01:23.080 --> 01:25.879
Org Mode, in the words of Carsten Dominik,

01:25.880 --> 01:28.559
is back to the future for plain text.

01:28.560 --> 01:31.439
So this is just a module available for Emacs,

01:31.440 --> 01:32.519
plain-text base.

01:32.520 --> 01:34.919
It's been around since 2003, which

01:34.920 --> 01:36.799
makes it about 20 years old.

01:36.800 --> 01:40.159
And it's extensible and fully customizable.

01:40.160 --> 01:43.999
And especially, it's very convenient, very good

01:44.000 --> 01:46.719
for scientific text production and organization.

01:46.720 --> 01:49.439
So for example, you can do project management, agenda,

01:49.440 --> 01:52.559
diary, journaling, personal knowledge management,

01:52.560 --> 01:53.359

01:53.360 --> 01:55.520
Even this is written in Org Mode.

01:55.560 --> 01:57.439
It's an Org Mode presentation.

01:57.440 --> 01:59.199
You can do single source publishing,

01:59.200 --> 02:01.679
which we will do later on, and also

02:01.680 --> 02:06.479
literate programming, which is the core of our talk.

02:06.480 --> 02:06.999

02:07.000 --> 02:10.799
[Lukas]: So let me stop this presentation here.

02:10.800 --> 02:14.719
So what you see here is the plain text underneath it.

02:14.720 --> 02:18.959
So this is Org Mode.

NOTE Working together

02:18.960 --> 02:21.919
And Jonathan, since we kind of already

02:21.920 --> 02:25.320
did the introduction together, should we

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also do the working part together?

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[Jonathan]: Of course.

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So you see on the screen there on the right,

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that's my screen in Emacs.

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And Lukas, why don't you host a session using CRDT,

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and I'll connect to your buffer.

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[Lukas]: OK. Great.

00:02:42.561 --> 00:02:43.280
I do that.

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So what I do, I'm using Doom Emacs.

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And I can use the `SPC` and then the `l`

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for the live share/collab part.

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I can use the `s` for share current buffer.

02:58.000 --> 00:03:01.559
So when I do this, I'm getting asked for some settings.

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I'm going with the default settings here.

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So default port, no password, and my display name.

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And now Emacs is connecting.

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And once it's connected, which just takes a couple of seconds,

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I can get the URL.

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So I'm going back to this menu and using `y`

03:21.160 --> 03:23.999
for copying the URL of the current session.

03:24.000 --> 03:27.799
And this is the URL I'm going to send over to you, Jonathan,

03:27.800 --> 03:29.079
to pick that up.

03:29.080 --> 03:29.599
[Jonathan]: Right.

03:29.600 --> 03:30.079

03:30.080 --> 00:03:36.999
And now on my screen, I'm going to do a `SPC l c` for connect.

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And I'm going to paste the URL

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that Lukas just sent me in here.

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Default port, no password.

03:43.720 --> 00:03:45.440
And we're connecting now.

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So this takes a second just to get us synced up.

03:51.600 --> 00:03:54.160
So we can work on the same document at the same time.

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We can follow each other's cursors around.

03:56.640 --> 03:58.839
We can have multiple buffers open and work on them

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at the same time.

04:01.000 --> 04:04.719
And so here you see that we are both in the same document.

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You can see my cursor popping around.

04:09.040 --> 04:13.279
And you can see we're both editing the same item.

04:13.280 --> 04:14.039

04:14.040 --> 04:18.039
[Lukas]: So we also see who else is currently in our buffer

04:18.040 --> 04:20.199
with the user overview.

04:20.200 --> 04:23.559
So let me just delete that window.

04:23.560 --> 04:26.079
And that's going to work in our main one.

04:26.080 --> 04:29.599
So we said first part is about data retrieval.

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So we should give it a headline.

04:37.080 --> 04:39.239
We said prepare stage.

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So what are we going to do first, Jonathan?

04:42.320 --> 00:04:43.940
[Jonathan]: So what we're going to do,

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what this whole document is based upon,

04:45.400 --> 04:50.119
is we're going to pull data from Wikidata using a SPARQL query.

04:50.120 --> 04:53.519
The data we're going to pull is related to the NFDIs,

04:53.520 --> 04:55.639
which here in Germany is the National Forschungsdaten

04:55.640 --> 05:00.679
Infrastructure, which is a sort of collection of universities

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that work together on various research projects.

05:03.400 --> 05:05.599
And this is emblematic of the kind of data

05:05.600 --> 05:09.239
that we would be interested in working with here.

05:09.240 --> 05:13.359
So I'm going to paste a--forgive the pre-written code--

05:13.360 --> 05:19.840
I'm going to paste some text in here.

05:20.040 --> 00:05:21.407
[Lukas]: And while you are talking, I just

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keep on documenting what we do

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so we can split the work.

05:27.360 --> 05:29.679
[Jonathan]: In here, after a minor technical upset,

05:29.680 --> 05:32.559
is the raw dataset cell.

05:32.560 --> 00:05:34.740
And it's going to use SPARQL,

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which is how we have the syntax highlighting

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in our code here.

00:05:37.941 --> 05:40.639
It's going to go to the URL endpoint

05:40.640 --> 05:43.639
query.wikidata.org/sparql ,

05:43.640 --> 05:46.799
and it's going to return the data as a text CSV,

05:46.800 --> 05:49.279
and it's going to cache that data

05:49.280 --> 05:51.439
so that we don't constantly hammer the API every time

05:51.440 --> 05:54.239
we run this notebook.

05:54.240 --> 00:05:57.360
So I'm going to run that there.

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You can see down at the bottom of my screen,

05:58.800 --> 06:00.840
we're contacting the host query.wikidata.org .

06:05.720 --> 06:07.319
[Lukas]: And there's the result.

06:07.320 --> 06:11.799
[Jonathan]: Yeah, except I think that for our purposes here,

06:11.800 --> 06:15.279
we're just going to limit this to 50 results.

06:15.280 --> 06:16.279
[Lukas]: Oh, yeah.

06:16.280 --> 06:18.679
[Jonathan]: Just so it's a little easier for us to manage.

06:18.680 --> 06:20.719
I'm going to run that again.

06:20.720 --> 06:21.519
There we go.

06:21.520 --> 00:06:22.319
That looks a little better.

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[Lukas]: I think that's fine.

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50 items is fine.

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So what do we see here, Jonathan?

NOTE Data cleaning

06:27.840 --> 06:28.319
[Jonathan]: Right.

06:28.320 --> 06:31.239
So the first thing we see when we look at this

06:31.240 --> 00:06:33.307
is a couple of Q codes at the top,

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which are an artifact of Wikidata.

06:36.080 --> 06:39.519
So these are pages which don't have

06:39.520 --> 06:42.519
the label for whichever institution they happen to be.

06:42.520 --> 06:45.919
For our purposes here, we're just going to exclude them.

06:45.920 --> 06:48.199
We could just go on Wikidata and edit them ourselves.

06:48.200 --> 06:50.399
But for now, it's a little more interesting

06:50.400 --> 06:52.519
if we go and remove them.

06:52.520 --> 06:55.159
So I'm going to create a new cell.

06:55.160 --> 06:58.279
Lukas, if you don't mind starting one for data cleaning.

06:58.280 --> 06:58.879
[Lukas]: Oh, yeah.

06:58.880 --> 06:59.479
Good point.

06:59.480 --> 07:02.039
Yeah, data cleaning.

07:02.040 --> 07:03.439

07:03.440 --> 00:07:05.499
How do you want to do that, Jonathan?

00:07:05.500 --> 07:09.759
[Jonathan]: I'm going to use a shell command.

07:09.760 --> 07:11.119
So let's see.

07:11.120 --> 07:12.999
There we go.

07:13.000 --> 07:15.159
And so you can see, here is another cell,

07:15.160 --> 07:20.039
that the cell is now using a shell,

07:20.040 --> 00:07:23.799
and that we have this thing `:var input=raw-dataset`,

00:07:23.800 --> 00:07:25.840
which is the name of the cell above

00:07:25.841 --> 00:07:28.439
where we got our data from Wikidata.

07:28.440 --> 07:31.679
This is going to run just a simple shell command.

07:31.680 --> 07:33.959
It's going to take the input and then run `sed` on it

07:33.960 --> 00:07:37.039
and exclude any records which have a Q

00:07:37.040 --> 00:07:41.279
followed by one or more digits afterwards.

07:41.280 --> 07:43.960
That should remove those from our data set.

07:44.000 --> 07:45.400
So I'm going to run that.

07:48.640 --> 07:51.039
That seems to have done the trick.

07:51.040 --> 07:51.879
[Lukas]: Great, yeah.

07:51.880 --> 07:52.919
That's really good.

07:52.920 --> 07:55.399
We got rid of all the Q items.

07:55.400 --> 07:55.919
Very good.

07:55.920 --> 07:59.959
So we just have two-column table: institutions

07:59.960 --> 08:02.759
and consortia.

08:02.760 --> 08:04.039
Very nice.

NOTE Processing

08:04.040 --> 08:08.719
So let's come to our main part, doing some processing.

08:08.720 --> 08:13.560
Let me give you a headline here, process the data.

08:13.640 --> 08:15.519
What do you want to do first?

08:15.520 --> 08:17.599
[Jonathan]: This is not a very complicated data set,

08:17.600 --> 08:19.439
but let's just do some simple counts first.

08:19.440 --> 08:22.199
I'm going to start with Python,

08:22.200 --> 08:25.239
and we're just going to do some aggregation with Python.

08:25.240 --> 08:30.039
Again, I've got some pre-written code here.

08:30.040 --> 08:34.999
You can see that we've started a cell using Python.

08:35.000 --> 08:37.879
The variable `clean_df` now is equal to `clean-dataset`.

08:37.880 --> 00:08:39.707
So we're going to take that data

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that we retrieved from the SPARQL query,

08:41.040 --> 08:42.680
we're going to run it through the cleaning cell,

08:42.720 --> 08:45.239
and then we're going to import it into this cell.

08:45.240 --> 08:47.839
This is just going to do some simple Python aggregation.

08:47.840 --> 00:08:49.007
We're going to import `pandas`,

00:08:49.008 --> 00:08:51.307
which is the Python data science library,

00:08:51.308 --> 00:08:54.839
create a data frame out of our input,

08:54.840 --> 08:57.479
and then aggregate it, grouping on `wLabel`,

08:57.480 --> 08:59.959
and getting a count from that and returning it.

08:59.960 --> 09:01.640
So if we execute that cell...

09:05.040 --> 09:08.879
[Lukas]: Nice, we get institutions and a count.

09:08.880 --> 09:14.119
But what about not ordering it by the alphabet,

09:14.120 --> 09:17.079
but more like ordering by counts?

09:17.080 --> 09:18.439
[Jonathan]: Sure.

09:18.440 --> 09:22.839
So let's do this... `sort_values()`, I think, as the Python.

09:22.840 --> 09:24.919
How does that look?

09:24.920 --> 00:09:27.640
[Lukas]: Better, but I would like to

00:09:27.641 --> 00:09:29.239
have the highest number first

09:29.240 --> 09:32.239
and then ascending.

09:32.240 --> 09:34.719
Well, not ascending, descending.

09:34.720 --> 09:37.600
[Jonathan]: Right, so we can do `ascending=False`.

09:39.880 --> 09:42.559
[Lukas]: This is perfect, I'd say.

09:42.560 --> 09:43.079
[Jonathan]: Great.

09:43.080 --> 09:44.079
[Lukas]: Very good.

09:44.080 --> 00:09:46.799
OK, that's nice.

00:09:46.800 --> 09:47.999
We get a good overview here.

09:48.000 --> 09:50.079
But can we also do something else,

09:50.080 --> 09:56.079
like counting how many institutions are

09:56.080 --> 09:57.799
involved in one consortium?

09:57.800 --> 10:00.879
And also using this later on in the text?

10:00.880 --> 00:10:00.880
[Jonathan]: Sure, so I'm going to put a new...

00:10:00.881 --> 00:10:05.040
If you give me another heading down here

00:10:05.041 --> 00:10:08.320
for institutions per consortium...

10:12.080 --> 10:16.799
And here we're going to use awk code just to spice things up

10:16.800 --> 10:18.959
and add yet another language in here.

10:18.960 --> 10:22.439
So you can see this is awk.

10:22.440 --> 10:26.279
We're using standard in instead of defining a variable.

10:26.280 --> 10:28.359
But the really interesting thing about this cell

10:28.360 --> 00:10:33.399
is that we have this `:var consortium="NFDI4Memory"`.

10:33.400 --> 00:10:35.640
And what this code is doing is

00:10:35.641 --> 00:10:38.040
it's counting any time it sees

00:10:38.041 --> 00:10:40.279
that particular consortium name

10:40.280 --> 10:41.759
and keeping track of that.

10:41.760 --> 00:10:43.907
So if we execute this,

00:10:43.908 --> 00:10:45.919
Lukas, why don't you execute this one?

10:45.920 --> 10:49.399
[Lukas]: OK, I'm going to enter it.

10:49.400 --> 10:52.439
And I get a result, NFDI4Memory,

10:52.440 --> 10:58.239
because this is our default value for this variable.

10:58.240 --> 10:59.439
And we get the count.

10:59.440 --> 00:11:01.640
So it's five institutions are involved

00:11:01.641 --> 00:11:04.639
in the NFDI4memory consortium.

11:04.640 --> 11:07.839
Great, but the very nice thing, what I think,

11:07.840 --> 11:12.519
is here that we can use this code snippet within our text.

11:12.520 --> 11:14.279
So, blended in seamlessly.

11:14.280 --> 11:16.199
Let me give you an example.

11:16.200 --> 11:18.919
I'm writing out the text.

11:18.920 --> 11:27.599
Now we know how many institutions are in...

11:27.600 --> 11:29.239
Give me an example.

11:29.240 --> 11:31.480
I would like to know how many institutions are

11:31.560 --> 11:35.079
involved in NFDI4Objects, which is a consortium.

11:35.080 --> 11:39.239
So I'm writing `call_` and using

11:39.240 --> 00:11:42.607
the name of this snippet here, of this cell,

00:11:42.608 --> 00:11:46.607
which is `inst-count(`,

00:11:46.608 --> 00:11:51.719
and writing my value, `NFDI4Objects`.

11:51.720 --> 11:57.999
As soon as I evaluate this using `C-c C-c`,

11:58.000 --> 12:00.279
I get the result back here.

12:00.280 --> 12:05.159
I can do this even for more.

12:05.160 --> 12:14.039
Or in writing, `call_inst-count`, go with `NFDI4Earth`,

12:14.040 --> 12:16.799
which is another consortium.

12:16.800 --> 12:20.559
`C-c C-c`, it's three institutions.

12:20.560 --> 12:23.439
This can be used throughout your text,

12:23.440 --> 12:26.639
and as soon as the data set changes from in the beginning,

12:26.640 --> 12:30.399
maybe different results requiring Wikidata,

12:30.400 --> 12:35.079
this also will be updated once it's exported.

12:35.080 --> 12:36.039
Very nice, Jonathan.

NOTE Visualization

12:36.040 --> 00:12:38.974
But I think we did a lot of analysis

00:12:38.975 --> 00:12:41.079
on text and counting things.

12:41.080 --> 12:43.679
Can we also do something more visual?

12:43.680 --> 12:45.199
Show me something.

12:45.200 --> 12:45.759
[Jonathan]: Sure.

12:45.760 --> 12:48.639
So what we can do with this, because we just

12:48.640 --> 12:51.399
have two columns here that are sort of related,

12:51.400 --> 12:53.759
we can build a little network plot out of it.

12:53.760 --> 12:56.999
So let's make a network visualization.

12:57.000 --> 12:59.599
We're going to use the `igraph` library from R

12:59.600 --> 13:02.559
and just plot the edges that we see here.

13:02.560 --> 13:04.239
There we go.

13:04.240 --> 13:11.879
There's my little heading and space.

13:11.880 --> 13:13.479
Here is our code.

13:13.480 --> 13:16.039
Again, just to be fancy and keep using

13:16.040 --> 13:19.719
different languages in here, we set a variable called

13:19.720 --> 13:21.560
`NFDI_edges` equal to `clean-dataset`.

13:21.600 --> 13:23.399
So this, again, is sort of cascading

13:23.400 --> 00:13:25.740
through the original data

00:13:25.741 --> 00:13:28.807
that we pulled from the Wikidata endpoint,

00:13:28.808 --> 00:13:30.959
cleaning that data, and now it's being inserted

13:30.960 --> 13:32.959
into this cell as well.

13:32.960 --> 13:34.239
But you see the difference here.

13:34.240 --> 13:36.839
Instead of exporting a table, what we're saying

13:36.840 --> 13:39.239
is that there will be a graphics file,

13:39.240 --> 13:44.639
and it will be called network-plot.png.

13:44.640 --> 13:45.119
All right.

13:45.120 --> 13:47.959
And so Lukas, why don't you execute this one?

13:47.960 --> 13:48.759
[Lukas]: There you go.

13:48.760 --> 13:52.919
I can click `C-c C-c`

13:52.920 --> 13:59.159
and I get a nice plot of the network below our cell.

13:59.160 --> 14:01.759
So this is very nice indeed.

NOTE Preserve

14:01.760 --> 14:05.199
So I think it's about time to wrap it up and to export

14:05.200 --> 14:07.959
and to preserve the data and the documentation

14:07.960 --> 14:13.079
that we have in our very last step, calling preserve.

14:13.080 --> 14:16.239
So I would like to do it in two steps.

14:16.240 --> 14:18.600
First, maybe manually exporting it,

14:18.800 --> 14:22.239
but then also doing it in a batch process.

14:22.240 --> 14:27.119
Giving you some insights how to do that manual export.

14:27.120 --> 14:30.559
For example, you can do a LaTeX export.

14:30.560 --> 14:34.279
Let me write down the key combination to do that here.

14:34.280 --> 14:44.560
So you press `SPC m e l o`.

14:44.600 --> 14:49.159
Let me show you how this is done.

14:49.160 --> 14:51.439
So I'm pressing `SPC`.

14:51.440 --> 14:55.679
I'm pressing `m`, which is my local leader.

14:55.680 --> 15:01.279
I'm pressing `e`, which is now the `org-export-dispatch`.

15:01.280 --> 15:03.519
And now I have different options I can choose from.

15:03.520 --> 15:07.119
I want to do a LaTeX export because I want to get in PDF.

15:07.120 --> 00:15:08.674
So I'm pressing `l`.

00:15:08.675 --> 00:15:11.479
Now I've got different options available.

15:11.480 --> 15:17.399
So I'm pressing `o` for a PDF file and open that.

15:17.400 --> 15:21.119
Let's see now the code.

15:21.120 --> 15:25.639
Now this is exporting document.

15:25.640 --> 00:15:29.674
And what we have here is PDF,

00:15:29.675 --> 00:15:31.974
which contains our workflow in the beginning,

00:15:31.975 --> 00:15:35.707
our bullet points we have here,

00:15:35.708 --> 00:15:37.919
and also the code snippet

15:37.920 --> 15:41.120
that we use for querying the data.

15:41.280 --> 15:43.599
And we have the result below that.

15:43.600 --> 15:46.999
So this is our table with all the data sets.

15:47.000 --> 15:51.879
But as you can see, this is running out of the page.

15:51.880 --> 15:55.679
So this is not very nice using the default settings.

15:55.680 --> 16:00.239
But everything is in this PDF.

16:00.240 --> 16:02.759
I guess we can now show you a way

16:02.760 --> 16:06.519
how to improve this result.

16:06.520 --> 16:07.039
[Jonathan]: Right.

16:07.040 --> 16:09.399
So we have, of course, a version of this

16:09.400 --> 00:16:10.774
that we prepared ahead of time,

00:16:10.775 --> 00:16:14.279
which is more or less identical to the one we just made,

16:14.280 --> 16:17.839
but it has a little more text, a little more explanation,

16:17.840 --> 16:20.559
a little more documentation along with the code.

16:20.560 --> 16:23.879
You can see we have some metadata up at the top,

16:23.880 --> 16:26.879
the title, the authors, a bibliography,

16:26.880 --> 16:31.679
and most importantly, the `custom-export.setup` file,

16:31.680 --> 16:36.879
which lists specifically the sort of LaTeX commands

16:36.880 --> 16:43.599
that we're using and the HTML styles that we're going to use.

16:43.600 --> 16:45.919
And then down at the bottom of this file,

16:45.920 --> 16:49.119
we have our automatic batch process.

16:49.120 --> 16:51.719
Here is one more language we're including in here.

16:51.720 --> 16:53.439
So this is Lisp.

16:53.440 --> 16:57.359
And you can see here we are exporting to HTML, ASCII,

16:57.360 --> 16:58.079
and PDF.

16:58.080 --> 17:01.359
The nice thing about this is that this is a document.

17:01.360 --> 00:17:03.307
It's a sort of document that we have a couple of

00:17:03.308 --> 00:17:08.639
that we can have running automatically and building.

17:08.640 --> 17:12.919
It will export a HTML, an ASCII file, and a PDF file

17:12.920 --> 00:17:14.674
every time it's run based off of

00:17:14.675 --> 00:17:17.319
the most recent data available on Wikidata.

17:17.320 --> 17:19.719
So it's self-documenting.

17:19.720 --> 00:17:22.440
We have, of course, our data retrieval steps,

00:17:22.441 --> 00:17:25.159
our data cleaning steps, our data preparation steps,

17:25.160 --> 17:28.359
and our preservation steps all listed at the same time.

17:28.360 --> 17:30.239
And then you can see over on the right,

17:30.240 --> 17:34.320
there's an example of the HTML file that we get out of this.

17:34.360 --> 17:37.639
We also get a very nicely formatted PDF file,

17:37.640 --> 17:39.239
which doesn't have that little issue

17:39.240 --> 17:41.719
with the overflow of the table.

17:41.720 --> 17:43.559
It's very nicely put together.

17:43.560 --> 17:46.199
And we even have an ASCII file.

17:46.200 --> 17:47.879
And I should also point out very quickly,

17:47.880 --> 17:51.799
while you have this one up, Lukas, after the awk code,

17:51.800 --> 17:56.079
you can see the text for the number of consortia,

17:56.080 --> 17:57.839
or the number of institutions per consortia

17:57.840 --> 18:00.519
is actually printed inline.

18:00.520 --> 18:01.799
[Lukas]: Yeah, you're very right.

18:01.800 --> 18:06.119
So this is what we had as code,

18:06.120 --> 18:10.719
and now this is nicely integrated into our text.

18:10.720 --> 18:15.279
So we got the consortium and number of institutions.

18:15.280 --> 18:19.199
You can't tell a difference between code and text.

18:19.200 --> 18:20.719
[Jonathan]: And those are automatically updated.

18:20.720 --> 18:23.879
So if another institution joins NFDI4Earth,

18:23.880 --> 18:26.319
then the next time this runs, we update the text right here.

18:26.320 --> 18:28.519
It's nothing we have to worry about.

18:28.520 --> 18:30.400
We just pull it directly out of Wikidata.

18:31.840 --> 18:34.679
[Lukas]: And for the sake of completeness,

18:34.680 --> 18:37.879
this is the ASCII file.

18:37.880 --> 18:39.320
That's in the export format.

18:42.760 --> 18:46.440
It contains also everything, code and data.

18:48.360 --> 18:51.680
Yeah, so this is what we wanted to show you,

18:53.240 --> 18:56.639
how to do some data processing,

18:56.640 --> 18:58.679
some collaborative work,

18:58.680 --> 19:01.119
documenting using org-babel.

19:01.120 --> 19:03.960
Thanks for listening.

19:05.720 --> 19:07.280
[Jonathan]: Thank you all, have a good day.