[[!meta title="BigBlueButton tips for speakers"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2023 Sacha Chua"]] # BigBlueButton tips for speakers We'll be using BigBlueButton for EmacsConf 2023 live presentations and web conference Q&A sessions. It should act mostly like other web conferencing systems people have used before, but just in case, it's a good idea to test it with your setup before the conference begins. We've set up one room for each speaker or group of speakers, and we'll e-mail you with your personal URL. Before the conference, we'll set it so that anyone can start a meeting and all users are moderators. That way, when you connect to the meeting room to test your setup, you'll be able to share your screen and/or your webcam. ## Audio - When you connect to the meeting, it will say "How would you like to join the audio?" After you choose "Microphone", it will display "Connecting to echo test..." and then "This is a private echo test. Speak a few words. Did you hear audio?" When you talk, you should hear your words echoed back to you after a short delay. If you don't, please try different audio settings, check your web browser's audio permissions, or try a different web browser. - [How to manage your camera and microphone permissions with Mozilla Firefox](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-manage-your-camera-and-microphone-permissions) - [How to manage your camera and microphone permissions with Google Chrome](https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/2693767?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop) You can repeat the echo test by leaving and rejoining the audio using the telephone handset icon at the bottom. - Using headphones or earphones can help reduce noise and avoid audio feedback loops. If you happen to have an external microphone, using it may also help reduce noise. - You will start off muted. You can unmute yourself by using the microphone icon near the bottom. Then you can doublecheck your audio by seeing if your name shows up with a microphone icon near the top when you're speaking, or by joining from another device. - If you plan to share sounds from your computer (not just your microphone), please test if this works and if the audio can be heard via the web conference. It should be echoed back to you during the echo test. If it isn't echoed back to you, - BigBlueButton sometimes makes interesting choices about audio levels. If you can familiarize yourself with the microphone volume control setting for your system, that will make it easier to adjust audio during the conference. ## Sharing - You can share your screen using the monitor icon on the bottom toolbar. (This might not be available on phones.) Sharing a single window might be better than sharing the whole screen, because then you'll be able to easily resize the window in order to improve readability. - Sharing screens can be a little tricky with multi-monitor setups. If you use more than one monitor, please check if sharing works the way you expect it to. If it doesn't, you may need to consider using one monitor during your Q&A session. - Uploading a presentation (PDF or other document types) doesn't work on our instance, so if you would like to share something, you will need to share your screen. ## What to expect during the conference I'll change the room settings on Dec 1 so that anyone can start the web conference but people won't be moderators when they join. Please check your setup before then. You can check in during the conference by introducing yourself in the [#emacsconf-org channel](https://chat.emacsconf.org/?join=emacsconf-org) with something like "Hi, this is *name* checking in". The check-in volunteer will join you in your BigBlueButton room, make you a moderator, and go through the pre-flight checklist with you. Here is the checklist we'll do: - Can you speak and be heard? Is there echo? - Can you hear the check-in volunteer? - Can you share your screen? Will the screen be readable at 1280x720? - If you plan to show your keystrokes, is that display visible? - If you want to share your webcam (optional), can you enable it? Is it visible? Will there likely be distractions in the background? - Can you view the Etherpad where we'll collect questions? (The Etherpad link is in the backstage area under your talk.) Will you be comfortable reviewing questions on your own (perhaps by keeping it open beside your shared window), or do you want a volunteer to read questions to you? - If you plan to play sounds during your Q&A session, are they audible? After the check-in volunteer gets you settled in, you can keep the browser tab open with the BigBlueButton room, stretch, get a glass of water, etc. A few minutes before your Q&A session starts, we'll pop back in to give you a heads-up. We'll remind you to close any other tab where you might be watching EmacsConf so that you don't end up hearing yourself with a delay (that can be quite confusing), and we'll start the recording. We'll start the recording when the host and streamer join you. You can answer whatever questions you like in whatever order you like. We would greatly appreciate it if you read the question out loud first before you answer it. That makes it much easier to capture the notes and to add an index so that people can jump to specific questions. When you and the host are comfortable with how things are going, we can open it up for people to join you so they can chat with you directly. You can stay in the web conference room and chat with them for as long as you like. When you're ready to wrap up, you can click on the three-dot menu in the top right and choose **End meeting**. If you accidentally share something or say something that you want to be removed from the recording (it happens!), type something into the text chat like "oops!" with possibly some details of what you'd like us to do. We can get the timestamp from that and look into editing the recording. ## After the conference We'll download the recordings, process them, copy questions and answers to the wiki page, and see if we can add a chapter index so people can jump to specific parts of the discussion. We'll keep you up to date as things move through the process. Thank you so much for being part of EmacsConf!