[[!sidebar content=""]] [[!meta title="This Year in Org"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2022 Timothy"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/orgyear-nav)" raw="yes"]] # This Year in Org Timothy (he/him, IRC: tecosaur) [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/orgyear-before)" raw="yes"]] You've all been avid readers of the (somewhat irregular) "This Month in Org", now you can be an avid listener of a special edition exclusive to EmacsConf: "This Year in Org", a quick rundown of major developments in Org over the past year, and perhaps a hint of some things lying around the corner. # Discussion ## Questions and answers - Q: Not a question, but just a great thanks for "This month in org" which helps us get awareness about the greatness of Org! - A:Thanks :) - Q: Does the project need other kinds of support (infrastructre, etc.) which can't be covered by donations to devs? (without detriment to supporting devs!!) - A: There isn't much in terms of ongoing costs (just hosting really), but donations are great for dignifying the work done, indicating the value it has to the community, motivating developers, and also helping justify/enable more time to be spent working on Org. - Q: What is the use of parsers in other languages? Is it to make org available in other applications? - A:Org is being used outside Emacs (e.g. Hugo, Logseq, rendering on GitHub/GitLab/Gitea), and so it's worth trying to make sure they treat the syntax in a consistent manner. Similarly, if people build nice tools for Org outside Emacs, that's nice for us :) - Voit: Shameless plug: is also an idea to promote the syntax of Org mode in tools outside of Emacs. After all, everybody is getting advantages when Orgdown (syntax of Org mode; often named "org" but it's frequently mixed up with the Elisp implementation) is a rather popular syntax. - Q: citar package is a really pleasant addition with support for org-style citations. What's your take? - A: Citar is great, IMO - Q: How many hours a week do you spend contributing to org? - A: It varies a lot. It's also a bit difficult to say, because there have been a fair few patch sets which have been "incubated" in my config before brining them to Org mode, and so I need to detangle "time spent tinkering on Org in my config" and "time spent working on patches for Org mode". Some weeks it's ~0h, others it might be as much as ~30h. The average might sit around ~5h, but that's just a wild guess. - Q: As a fan of emacs org-mode and Julia myself too, do you see any possiblities/wishes/plans to somehow connect org and julia evenmore (apart from ob-julia). Perhaps a julia parser of org-mode, or something like that?  Just wanna personally thank you for all the effort in org, emacs and julia you are putting throughout! I have learned quite a bit about doom emacs config from your blogs too. I feel like our setup/interest overlaps quite a bit, and its always helpful too see your work out there. Thanks again, keep up the great work! - A: Wait a few slides 😉 () - Q: "Org", "Org-mode", "org-mode", "Org/Org-mode"? Which one for the format/notation and which one for the software proper, and then the whole thing (with org-contrib and third-party packages) vs just the repo and major mode per se? - A: "Org mode" for the project, "org-mode" for the major mode, "Org" for the format - Q: How much time/week do you spend editing your doom config? - A: Err, too much 😆  - I feel that :D - Q:In your doom configs, you like using variables fonts and stuff, basically a lot visuals everywhere. I feel that it makes everything sluggish. Am I doing something wrong? Maybe there are less visible tricks in your config? - A: It doesn't make things slow enough that I care, basically. Doom does some nice performance stuff, and I try to go for deferred loading and look for text-properties over overlays for performance in visual packages. As for varaible pitch fonts look, that's handled by Harfbuzz not elisp AFAIK (and so doesn't really affect performance). - Q: Do you use linux or mac system? What kinds if not a secret?Q - Linux, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed specifically - Q: I wonder why the export to HTML has not been modernized. Any particular reason? - A: It's going to take a whole lot of time an effort. I take that as being more flexible and better able to suit "modern HTML/CSS" usage. Incidentally, the HTML and Markdown backends are two things I'd like to have a look at next year (if I end up having the time). - Q: haven't looked at citation support at all yet, any great intro articles out there? - I may be (am) biased, but try https://blog.tecosaur.com/tmio/2021-07-31-citations.html 🙂 - More discussion about citations: - and I have found the citar package a really pleasant addition with support for org-style citations - Citar is great, IMO - Citar is indeed great. I have been meaning to switch to Citar from ivy-bibtex, but honestly I am just being lazy - I am not sure as I haven't used ivy-bibtex. I am half-way migrating away from org-ref but will likely keep that around for a while longer (mostly for old links and its doi-utils import functions) - I found citar really easy to set up and get started with. Very clear and clean entry points - Org mode outside of Emacs: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Tool-Support.org - A: Also https://orgmode.org/tools.html 🙂 - your visuals have always been charachteristic, where did you learn that? in the sense that I can reasonably guess you made something when I see the result. I was also thinking about your config or the survey website, or are they inspired by that theme? - A: I think that's just "themed Beamer metropolis". I do also naturally go to light themed content with a pale yellow-y background. - Q: "Org", "Org-mode", "org-mode", "Org/Org-mode"? Which one for the format/notation and which one for the software proper, and then the whole thing (with org-contrib and third-party packages) vs just the repo and major mode per se? - A: "Org mode" for the project, "org-mode" for the major mode, "Org" for the format - Q: Thank you :) Any plans to use tree-sitter with org? How would it relate to org-element? But if I remember correctly org syntax can not be fully expressed as tree-sitter grammer... So maybe tree-sitter is not for org? - i don't grasp the recent infatuation with external parsers. - A: They're happening, and syntax divergence is bad. and if they are used to make neat things, it's nice if we can make use of them too ## Other discussions from IRC - yeah org-modern ? - lots of progress on the syntax doc, i just checked it out on worg - engraved-faces is excellent. - Again, an excellent talk. - Both talks were great! Thanks - good pace, slides, and clearly delivered - "aspirational rather than descriptive" -- I will remember this for future use :D - thanks tecosaur for the very nice overview and reminder of all the recent changes in org! [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/orgyear-after)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/orgyear-nav)" raw="yes"]]