[[!sidebar content=""]] [[!meta title="orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2022 Corwin Brust"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/orgvm-nav)" raw="yes"]] # orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org Corwin Brust (he/him/any, IRC: corwin) [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/orgvm-before)" raw="yes"]] [[!template id="help" volunteer="" summary="Q&A could be indexed with chapter markers" tags="help_with_chapter_markers" message="""The Q&A session for this talk does not have chapter markers yet. Would you like to help? See [[help_with_chapter_markers]] for more details. You can use the vidid="orgvm-qanda" if adding the markers to this wiki page, or e-mail your chapter notes to ."""]] OrgVM is, so far, a very simple nodejs wrapper, invoking Emacs in batch mode. I'll talk about how I use it to make project notes available on demand to my colleagues and how it works, especially the generation of elisp from javascript/JSON. # Discussion ## Questions and answers - Q: Why not build upon Nic Ferrier's elnode web server written in Elisp?  As Nic describes it: "Elnode is a non-blocking IO webserver written entirely in EmacsLisp. It's like an EmacsLisp version of node.js."  Your implementation will likely get much simpler if you keep it all in Lisp. - A: I chose to build with node.js because that was easy for me; but an Emacs based version sounds awesome! - Q: Is this using org-info-js?  - A: nope; I need to learn more about this - seems very exciting and like it could influence this project - Q: Why did you make yet another web server? - I read it was to make your org files portable. - He's auto-generating .html files to match his org files in the background so that he can browse them via web browser right? - Q: How is that portable. You still need a web browser. Org files need the very basic..... cat - Q: Have you heard about https://codeberg.org/gopiandcode/emacs-viewer, by any chance? [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/orgvm-after)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/orgvm-nav)" raw="yes"]] [[!taglink CategoryOrgMode]]