w[[!meta title="lsp-bridge: complete asynchronous LSP client"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2022 Andy Stewart"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/lspbridge-nav)" raw="yes"]] # lsp-bridge: complete asynchronous LSP client Andy Stewart and Matthew Zeng (IRC: Andy: manateelazycat) [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/lspbridge-before)" raw="yes"]] Emacs built-in single-threaded mechanism and GC design will cause Emacs to freeze when receiving oversized LSP data. Lsp-bridge uses python's threading technology to build caches that bridge Emacs and LSP server. Lsp-bridge will provide a smooth completion experience without compromise to slow down emacs' performance. lsp-bridge is completely asynchronous, to the point that even the completion popup is controlled by lsp-bridge. It offloads all the computation to an external python process, and hence the emacs session itself stays always responsive, as it has very few things to do. lsp-bridge has now supported 39 LSP servers and all kinds completion backend: include LSP、 TabNine、 Citre、 Elisp、 Search Words、 Path、 Yasnippet、 Tempel、 Telegra、 English etc, it just works pretty well out of the box. Related design, please check and (sorry, I'm Chinese Emacser) [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/lspbridge-after)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/lspbridge-nav)" raw="yes"]] [[!taglink CategoryCoding]]