[[!sidebar content=""]] [[!meta title="Getting detached from Emacs"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2022 Niklas Eklund"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/detached-nav)" raw="yes"]] # Getting detached from Emacs Niklas Eklund (he/him, ) [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/detached-before)" raw="yes"]] As an enthusiastic Emacs user I would find myself replacing the usage of an external terminal emulator with the Emacs alternative interfaces. This included using packages such as dired for file management, magit for git and proced for processes. However I always kept a terminal around for running shell commands. These were commands that I knew would either, take a long time to run, produce a lot of rapid text output or that I would run on a remote machine. In the remote case I would rely on tmux to be able to detach and let the command run even when I wasn't connected. To rid me of the need for the terminal emulator in these situations I developed the detached.el package. It is a package that builds on top of the dtach program, which provides the ability to detach and re-attach to processes, to offload Emacs from these processes. The package seamlessly integrates the ability to detach and attach into Emacs, and offers integration with many built in features such as shell, eshell, compile, org and dired. In this talk I will demonstrate the features of this alternative way to run detached processes and how the package can leverage built in Emacs functionality to provide a great experience. The user interface will be showcased and how the processes essentially becomes text, which fits very well into Emacs. [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/detached-after)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/detached-nav)" raw="yes"]]