[[!sidebar content=""]] [[!meta title="The Emacs Buddy initiative"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2022 Andrea"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/buddy-nav)" raw="yes"]] # The Emacs Buddy initiative Andrea () [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/buddy-before)" raw="yes"]] Emacs is a cryptic marvel of usefulness: who else can help you solve its riddles if not a buddy? The Emacs Buddy initiative [0] aims to help you find somebody that can support you in your Emacs exploration. No matter if this is the first (or second?) time you start Emacs or if it is decades you use it: everyone hits a wall behind which there is progress. More often than not somebody else (sometimes a younger sometimes an older one but always with a different context) can help us move past those walls towards new discovery. So come and listen about how to stand on the shoulders of your Emacs buddies! In this short talk I will give an idea of how to request a buddy, how to become a buddy yourself and how the initiative worked out so far! [0] # Discussion - Q: OFF TOPIC and not a question but a remark: hotmail.com is constantly blocking more and more smaller email servers (for valid but also dubious reasons) and many administrators are frustrated enough not to try to get off Microsoft's blocklist any more. So your email address might not be reachable by a substantial set of people especially people who do not use the big email players such as Google. - A: oh what do you suggest? I can use/make a different one - Karl: I'd recommend not to use Microsoft email servers in general as I've realized in too many situations that admins gave up fighting Microsoft. For example, my Mastodon instance can not be used any more by people using hotmail for that reason. Sometimes, admins do have to pay real money in order to get unblocked by Microsoft. This is a pattern I'd not support myself. YMMV. - The worst part: users of Hotmail do not realize this until they really need to contact a company or a person who got blocked. - Ah didn't know that, I will look into it then. Thanks! - Have a look at e.g. mailbox.org (using renewables), migadu.com (partly), posteo.de (if you don't require an own domain...) - For people who focus on mobile apps and webmailers, protonmail might be a good idea. They are Swiss-based and focus on a very high level of privacy and security. AFAIR IMAP is only for payed plans and for for the free plan. - interesting, thanks! [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/buddy-after)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2022/info/buddy-nav)" raw="yes"]] [[!taglink CategoryCommunity]]