#+todo: TODO(t) INPROGRESS(i) WAITING(w) | DONE(d) CANCELLED(c) #+OPTIONS: h:6 toc:nil #+PROPERTY: header-args :results silent :exports code :tangle yes #+begin_export md #+end_export #+TOC: headlines 4 * COMMENT How to export this file :noexport: - [[elisp:(progn (org-md-export-to-markdown) (org-babel-tangle))][Export and tangle]] - [[elisp:(progn (org-md-export-to-markdown) (org-babel-tangle) (magit-stage-modified) (magit-commit-create (list "-m" (read-string "Commit message: "))) (call-interactively #'magit-push-current-to-pushremote))][Export, tangle, commit, push]] - [[elisp:(org-babel-execute-buffer)][Execute buffer]] * Current tasks / status Planned dates and phases: | [2022-09-26] | Yes/no decisions for original submissions | | [2022-09-30] | Original speaker notification date | | [2022-09-26] | Yes/no decisions for original submissions | | [2022-09-??] | Early speaker notification for original submissions | | [2022-10-??] | Yes/no decisions for late submissions | | [2022-10-15] | New speaker notification date (possibly only for late submissions) | | [2022-10-30] | Ask early submitters if they can start | | [2022-10-31] | Schedule published | | [2022-11-05] | Target date to receive prerecs; earlier is better | | | zaeph: reencode videos | | | sachac: prepare talks for captioning | | | volunteers: tech checks, captions | | 2022-12-03, 2022-12-04 | Conference | ** TODO Organizers: Review the submissions in emacsconf-2022-private and e-mail emacsconf-org-private with any objections or comments by Sept 26 for possible [[*Early speaker notification][early speaker notification]], Oct 7 for everything DEADLINE: <2022-09-26 Mon> - zaeph: will start reviewing on Sep 21 ** TODO zaeph: Write preparation instructions and decide on deadline for prerecs :zaeph: DEADLINE: <2022-09-26 Mon> We need time after the prerecs get submitted to: - convert the videos and check that they've been reencoded properly by watching the re-encoded ones all the way to the end - caption videos - capture any extra info - follow up with missing prerecs zaeph will also figure out the ffmpeg incantation for converting videos and the process for handling submitted prerecs ** WAITING sacha: add more submissions (CFP deadline Sept 30) :sacha: DEADLINE: <2022-09-30 Fri> - Sacha: Add submissions to emacsconf-2022-private, draft 2-day schedule by Oct 10 ** INPROGRESS sacha: copy things over from previous notebooks :sacha: ** TODO corwin: Double-check sachac’s timezone conversions for availability :corwin: ** TODO corwin: Investigate streaming options, maybe OBS in the cloud :corwin: DEADLINE: <2022-11-20 Sun> - Issue: zaeph was dropping frames and couldn’t pay attention to as many things as he wanted - Issue: corwin needs assitance to not be locked in his chair for the whole conf. Premptively, zaeph can do it by broadcasting OBS scenes via the rmtp (instead of just his webcam). *** TODO corwin: plan an approach to use a centralized OBS/nginix "bouncer" :corwin: *** TODO corwin: document such that someone else could use/fix it :corwin: *** TODO corwin: recrute at least one more person to help operate the "video bouncer" :corwin: ** TODO coriwn, zaeph: Work on the OBS scenes :zaeph:corwin: - [ ] corwin is out from Nov 11-20, and we should start working on them before then. ** TODO Prepare to export talk information to wiki :sacha: DEADLINE: <2022-10-15 Sat> ** TODO bandali: Give access to emacsconf-2022-private to dto :bandali: * Other tasks and processes ** DONE Sacha: Organize volunteer information :sacha: ** TODO bandali: Set up file upload :bandali: DEADLINE: <2022-10-28 Fri> ** Once talks are approved - Publish initial talk information pages - Format them nicely - Publish draft schedule - Confirm e-mail communication with all of the speakers ** As prerecorded talks come in - - Sacha: Parcel out captioning work to volunteers, help them get set up - Volunteers: Caption pre-recorded videos (usually starting from autogenerated ones for easier work) - Make sure all the links/resources mentioned are written down somewhere (web page and enriched captions for pasting into #emacsconf-accessible) ** When a talk is captioned - ** Other tasks before the conference - Coordinate volunteer schedules so all the roles are covered ** During the conference - Volunteer: Check in speaker for live Q&A, make sure audio/video works *** Roles needed :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: roles :END: Each role comprises different responsibilities. A person may have multiple roles. - Streamer - Send the combined stream to Icecast for broadcasting - Director (possibly same as streamer) - Switch scenes, manage audio volumes as needed - Provide timekeeping information to host (especially go-live countdowns) - Host - Introduce talks and speakers - Read questions - Give time warnings - Thank speakers and transition to next talk - Timekeeper (possibly same as host) - Manage time based on all available information (prerecs durations, speakers not showing up, etc.) - Check in - Notice speakers checking into IRC - Get them into the correct room and help them doublecheck their audio and video quality - Troubleshoot as needed - Notify host about next room to join - Follow up with speakers who haven't checked in yet - Questions - Copy questions from IRC and the pad to wherever the host and speaker are looking - Pad - Organize and format people's contributions - Add notes about links, key points, Q&A - Quality checker - Doublecheck stream quality and audio volume - Accessibility - Describe visuals in #emacsconf-accessible - Nice to have: echo the captions into #emacsconf-accessible - Publisher - Announce talks in the IRC channels - Nice to have: Update the wiki page with resources (video) - Nice to have: Set resources to public as each talk is played (Toobnix, YouTube) - Nice to have: Update the schedule to reflect changes throughout the day *** During each talk :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: each-talk :END: - Volunteers: post links/resources/descriptions/captions (depending on your level of energy) to #emacsconf-accessible - Volunteers: making sure questions get posted somewhere the speaker can see them * Communications ** TODO Ask emacsconf-org-private for feedback on early submissions The EmacsConf 2022 CFP was extended to Sept 30 with notifications to go out on Oct 15. We've got plenty of submissions and with any luck, you've been reviewing them as they come in (assuming you have access to emacsconf-submit@). As a courtesy to people who got their stuff together in a timely manner and to give them extra time to prepare a prerecorded talk (which might also translate into extra time for us to process and caption the talks), I'd like to send acceptances and tentative time allotments by Sept 30. I plan to offer a max of 20 minutes with a note that additional time may be available for Q&A depending on how many additional submissions we get. Could everyone who wants a say in the program please add comments to $url by **Sept 26** so that we can send out early acceptances? In general, we try to say yes to everything, so here's your chance to raise any red flags or suggest ways to make things even better. Thanks! Sacha ** TODO Early speaker notification DEADLINE: <2022-09-30 Fri> We can accept early or send people a note saying notification of acceptance will be on Oct 15, because of the extended CFP. *** TODO Option A: Early speaker notification(?) :PROPERTIES: :SUBJECT: EmacsConf 2022: Accepted: $title :END: Hi, $name! I'm happy to tell you that we've accepted your EmacsConf proposal for "$talk." Thanks for volunteering to share what you're learning about! I know it takes a fair bit of work to prepare a presentation, so I appreciate that you're taking the time to show what's possible with Emacs and encourage people to learn more. We've extended the call for participation to Sept 30, so we might get a few more submissions over the next two weeks. That means we'll confirm time allocations on Oct 15. Since you submitted before the original deadline, we wanted to send you your acceptance by the original timeline so that you wouldn't be waiting in uncertainty. Just like last year, talks will be prerecorded in order to minimize technical risks, make it easier for speakers to enjoy other people's talks, allow captions, and let attendees catch up or share cool stuff quickly. I hope we get everything together in time so that we can ask volunteers to check for any issues that might come up when we re-encode. (I missed parts of some talks last time because I was rushing. ) ----- if $time = $max_time You asked for $max_time minutes for your talk and I think that should be all right. ----- else You asked for at most $max_time minutes for your talk. I think at this moment we can commit to $time minutes, with possibly more time being available depending on other submissions. If you want to plan a pre-recorded talk for that length and then use extra time for a live presentation or as Q&A, that would be great. Alternatively, you can wait until we confirm the schedule in case you want to plan a longer prerecorded talk. ----- --- if Q&A will be live or IRC --- You'll have some time after your talk for Q&A, so the $time minutes can be just for your talk. Of course, if you like, you can make it shorter. ----- If you want to get a head start on recording your talk, please feel free to do so. We'll be streaming talks at 1920x1280 resolution, so the closer your recording is to that, the easier it will be to process for streaming. .webm format is preferred, but we can convert other formats. $recording has some tips on recording tools and settings that you might find helpful. We'll send you instructions on how to upload files once we get that set up. We're going to try to caption as many talks as possible again this year, and extra time helps a lot. People found the captions really helpful while watching the stream, and sending your talk in early will make it more likely that we'll be able to get your captions edited and reviewed before the conference. Could you please reply to this email so that we can confirm that I've got the right email address for you and that messages can get properly delivered? We'll be putting up the public wiki pages for each talk soon using the information from the talk abstract, and we can put $public_email as the contact information for you. Please let us know by $publish_date if you would prefer something else. Thank you so much! Sacha *** TODO Option B: Just letting them know it's been postponed :PROPERTIES: :SUBJECT: EmacsConf 2022: Speaker notification delayed :END: Hi, $name! We extended the EmacsConf 2022 call for participation deadline to Sept 30, so speaker notifications will go out on Oct 15 instead. Thank you for your patience! Sacha ** Future *** Acceptance **** Code #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun conf-summarize-times (time timezones) (let (prev-day) (mapconcat (lambda (tz) (let ((cur-day (format-time-string "%a %b %-e" time tz)) (cur-time (format-time-string "%H%MH %Z" time tz))) (if (equal prev-day cur-day) cur-time (setq prev-day cur-day) (concat cur-day " " cur-time)))) timezones " / "))) ;; (assert (string= (conf-replace-plist-in-string '(:test "ABC") "hello ${test} world") "hello ABC world")) (defun conf-draft-acceptance () (interactive) (let* ((mustache-key-type 'keyword) (sched (org-timestamp-from-string (org-entry-get (point) "SCHEDULED"))) (attrs (append (emacsconf-get-talk-info-for-subtree) :other-notes (if (org-entry-get (point) "ORG_NOTE") (concat "--- notes ---\n" (org-entry-get (point) "ORG_NOTE") "\n-----\n\n") ""))) (avail (plist-get attrs :avail))) (plist-put attrs :availability (cond ((null avail) "I don't think you specified availability when submitting. Would this time be okay with you?") ((string-match "!avail" avail) "We know this isn't when you've indicated when you'd be available, but will this time be okay for presenting the talk? It's okay to follow up with questions after the event. If you happen to be available, we'd love to have you join us.") ((string-match "live" avail) "We've scheduled a few minutes for live questions and answers via web conference. Will you be available around this time? If there are more questions, you can also continue over Etherpad/IRC.") ((string-match "IRC" avail) "Will you be able to join around this time to handle questions over IRC or the pad? If not, we can forward questions to you.") ((string-match "pad" avail) "Will you be able to join around this time to handle questions over the pad? If not, we can forward questions to you.") (t avail))) (plist-put attrs :time-explanation (if (<= (string-to-number (plist-get attrs :time)) (string-to-number (plist-get attrs :min-time))) "Thank you for suggesting an awesome talk of that length!" "This is less time than you requested, but we've had to make some tough choices to fit all these interesting talks into the schedule. Would it be possible for you to squeeze your talk into that time?")) (save-excursion (goto-char (org-find-entry-with-id "acceptance")) (plist-put attrs :subject (conf-replace-plist-in-string attrs (org-entry-get (point) "ITEM"))) (org-end-of-meta-data) (plist-put attrs :body (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (org-end-of-subtree)))) (compose-mail (plist-get attrs :email) (plist-get attrs :subject) '(("Reply-To" . "emacsconf-submit@gnu.org") ("Mail-Followup-To" . "emacsconf-submit@gnu.org")) nil) (message-goto-body) (save-excursion (conf-replace-plist-in-string attrs (plist-get attrs :body))))) #+end_src **** Template :PROPERTIES: :ID: acceptance :SUBJECT: EmacsConf ${year} SUB${sub-id} accepted: ${title} :END: Dear ${name}, We would love to have your talk "${title}" as part of EmacsConf ${year}, and we've allocated ${time} minutes for it. ${time-explanation} Your talk is tentatively scheduled for ${scheduled}. The times may move around a bit as we update the schedule, so we'll check in with you if things change a lot. ${availability} ${other-notes}Please plan to prerecord your ${time}-minute talk(s) by Sunday ${prere-date} at the latest. If you can, please send it in as early as possible. Submitting your video early lets us ask volunteers to help caption the video, making your talk more accessible and searchable. You can check out https://emacsconf.org/${year}/prepare/ for tips on preparing and recording your talk. If you have questions or concerns, please let us know. Thanks, Sacha Chua EmacsConf organization team P.S. Please keep emacsconf-submit@gnu.org in To or Cc when replying. *** Acknowledge pre-rec submission #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun emacsconf-acknowledge-submission () (interactive) (let ((files (directory-files "captions" t (regexp-quote (org-entry-get (point) "VIDEO_SLUG")))) (page (format "https://emacsconf.org/%s/talks/%s" conf-year (org-entry-get (point) "SLUG"))) (slug (org-entry-get (point) "VIDEO_SLUG"))) (emacsconf-mail-speaker "Thanks for sending us your prerecorded video for EmacsConf ${year}!" (concat "Hi! Just a quick note to let you know that I've downloaded your submission for \"" (org-entry-get (point) "ITEM") "\".\n" (format "\nNow we have the following file%s starting with %s:\n%s" (if (= (length files) 1) "" "s") slug (mapconcat (lambda (f) (format "- %s (%s, md5: %s)\n" (replace-regexp-in-string slug "" (file-name-nondirectory f)) (file-size-human-readable (file-attribute-size (file-attributes f))) (string-trim (shell-command-to-string (concat "md5sum " (shell-quote-argument f) " | cut -f 1 -d ' '"))))) files "")) (format "A quick check shows that it's about %d minutes long.\n" (ceiling (/ (compile-media-get-file-duration-ms (seq-find (lambda (o) (member (file-name-extension o) subed-video-extensions)) files)) 60000.0))) "\nWe'll be working on captioning it over the next few weeks. We'll e-mail again a little closer to the conference with schedule updates and other useful information. If you want to upload a new version, you can upload it the same way you did the previous one.\n\n" "Please feel free to e-mail us at emacsconf-submit@gnu.org if you need help updating the talk wiki page at " page " or if you have other questions.\n\n" "Thank you so much for all the work you put into preparing a talk for EmacsConf ${year}, and thank you for submitting the prerecorded video before the conference!\n\nSacha")))) #+end_src *** Captions for approval :PROPERTIES: :SUBJECT: EmacsConf ${year}: Please review these captions for ${title} :EMAIL_ID: captions :END: Hi ${speakers-short}! Thanks for speaking at EmacsConf ${year}! ${captioner} volunteered to caption your talk video, and here it is. I've attached the caption text file in case you want to review it, suggest any corrections, or use the text in a blog post or elsewhere. You can look at the attached file or watch your video with closed captions at ${url} . Thanks again for your contribution! Sacha *** Speakers we haven't confirmed e-mail communications with Hi, ${name}! I think we haven't heard from you since we accepted your EmacsConf ${year} proposal for "${title}". EmacsConf coming up soon, so I wanted to check in with you to see how you're doing. Could you please e-mail us to let us know if you're still working on your prerecorded video, if you're planning to present live, or if you can't make it this year? No worries if other priorities have come up and you don't have the time for a presentation. If you've been working on a presentation, fantastic! When you're ready, you can upload it following the instructions at https://emacsconf.org/${year}/prepare/ (ideally before ${prerec-date} so that we have time to download it, doublecheck, etc.). If you plan to present live, please go through the self-check at https://test.bigbluebutton.org/ . Some speakers have encountered technical issues with BigBlueButton that they didn't have with Zoom or Google Meet, so this is something we definitely want to look into earlier rather than later. If that works for you, please e-mail us back so that I can keep your timeslot. The tentative schedule for your talk is on the talk page at ${url} . *Please e-mail us your plans before ${date}.* I'm planning to shift the schedule around to give more time to confirmed speakers for Q&A and possibly live demos. If I don't hear from you by then (maybe an over-enthusiastic spam filter has been swallowing up all our mail?), I'll probably reallocate the ${time} minutes that had been set aside for your talk. We might be able to squeeze it back in afterwards or play a video from you at the end of the conference day, but it would be nice to get the schedule sorted out instead of scrambling to fill gaps on the day of the conference. Hope to hear from you by ${date}! Sacha Chua (Please use Reply to All to keep emacsconf-submit@gnu.org in the loop. Thanks!) *** Speakers who are missing prerecs #+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :tangle no (let ((template (conf-mail-merge-get-template "missing"))) (seq-map (lambda (info) (compose-mail (plist-get info :email) (conf-replace-plist-in-string info (plist-get template :subject)) `(("Reply-To" . ,(plist-get template :reply-to)) ("Mail-Followup-To" . ,(plist-get template :mail-followup-to)) ("Cc" . ,(plist-get template :cc)))) (message-goto-body) (insert (conf-replace-plist-in-string info (plist-get template :body))) (plist-get info :email)) (mapcar 'cadr (seq-group-by (lambda (o) (plist-get o :email)) (seq-filter (lambda (o) (string= (plist-get o :status) "WAITING_FOR_PREREC")) (conf-get-talk-info)))))) #+end_src **** Template :PROPERTIES: :SUBJECT: [need answer by Friday noon EST] EmacsConf ${year}: Don't have a prerec from you yet, aaah! :EMAIL_ID: missing :END: Hi ${speakers}, EmacsConf is in a few days and I don't think we have your prerecorded video yet, so I'm getting miiiildly stressed about the schedule. And you're probably stressing out about it too, so let's go figure out how we can make this work. Option A: If you happen to have the prerecording or can get it done by tomorrow, we can probably squeeze it in. Please upload it to ftp-upload.emacsconf.org by following the instructions in https://emacsconf.org/${year}/prepare#ftp-upload , or send us a link using your favourite file-sharing service (especially if FTP is giving you problems). Option B: If you want to present live, it might be an option. I'm a little worried about the potential for technical issues, since we've had problems with that in previous EmacsConfs. The tight schedule means there's not a lot of time to figure things out, and it can be hard to make something as focused as a prerecorded video when you're doing it live. We will definitely want to make sure that: - your self-serve tech check works: https://test.bigbluebutton.org at your convenience; - you check in as early as possible (at least 1 hour before, so we know if the speaker before you needs to extend) and let us know that you want to do it live https://emacsconf.org/${year}/speakers . We keep adapting the schedule as things come up, so please check https://emacsconf.org/${year}/schedule/ on the day of the conference. If there are technical issues or your talk runs a little over time, we might have to stop streaming it on the main stream when it's time for the next talk. We may be able to continue streaming it on the alternate stream. If so, people can continue watching it there if they wish to. Option C: If you can't make it, that's okay. Life gets crazy sometimes. Please let us know and we can update the wiki. If you happen to be able to make a prerecorded video afterwards, we can add that to the wiki, playlists, and announcements. We hope you can join us next year. Since EmacsConf is *this weekend* (aaaaaaah), please let us know by tomorrow noon EST (Friday; 9AM PST, 5PM GMT, 6PM CET) so that we can keep the time allocated for you in the schedule. If we don't hear from you, we'll probably reallocate the ${time} minutes reserved for you so that other talks can have longer Q&A. If you can still make it, check in early and let us know so that we can try to work out an alternate stream for you. Hope to hear from you soon! Sacha *** Check-in instructions :PROPERTIES: :SUBJECT: Getting ready for EmacsConf ${year} :END: Goals: - Ask speaker verify their scheduled time It has already been confirmed with them, but it might have changed slightly (give-or-take 30' - HOW: They should check the time at the top of their talk page on the day of the conference - Double-check Q&A preference, encourage tech checks for live talks/Q&A - If they are available: - Direct to tech-checks via https://emacsconf.org/${year}/prepare/ - Inform them of the check-in process - They come say hi to us 30' before their session in #emacsconf-org or #emacsconf (they can use chat.emacsconf.org ) - We get them set up in a room where they can wait until the end of the broadcast of their pretention - They’re joined by the streamer and host. **** Code Slightly more complex because of the conditionals #+begin_src emacs-lisp :lexical t (defun emacsconf-mail-checkin-instructions () (interactive) (seq-map (lambda (list) (let ((template (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect emacsconf-org-file) (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template (car list))))) (seq-map (lambda (email-list) (let* ((email (car email-list)) (talks (cdr email-list)) (combined-info (emacsconf-combine-plist talks " , ")) (for-mail (list :name (or (car (plist-get combined-info :speakers)) "???") :url (or (string-join (plist-get combined-info :url) " , ") "???") :email (car (plist-get combined-info :email)))) (body (when (plist-get for-mail :email) (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string for-mail (plist-get template :body)))) (subject (when (plist-get for-mail :email) (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string for-mail (plist-get template :subject))))) (when (plist-get for-mail :email) (compose-mail (plist-get for-mail :email) subject `(("Reply-To" . ,(plist-get template :reply-to)) ("Mail-Followup-To" . ,(plist-get template :mail-followup-to)) ("Cc" . ,(plist-get template :cc)))) (message-goto-body) (save-excursion (insert body))))) (cdr list)))) ;; Group by e-mail (seq-map (lambda (list) (cons (car list) (seq-group-by (lambda (o) (plist-get o :email)) (cdr list)))) ;; Group by q-and-a pref (seq-group-by (lambda (o) (pcase (plist-get o :q-and-a) ('nil "checkin-unknown") ((pred (string-match "after")) "checkin-after") ((pred (string-match "live\\|irc\\|pad")) "checkin-at-conf") (_ "checkin-unknown"))) (emacsconf-filter-talks (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))))) (defun emacsconf-cancel-mail-merge () (interactive) (mapc (lambda (buffer) (when (string-match "unsent" (buffer-name buffer)) (let ((buffer-modified-p nil)) (kill-buffer buffer)))) (buffer-list))) #+end_src #+RESULTS: :results: conf-cancel-mail-merge :end: **** E-mail for speakers who are planning to be at the conference :PROPERTIES: :EMAIL_ID: checkin-at-conf :SUBJECT: EmacsConf ${year}: Check-in instructions :END: Hello, ${name}! We're looking forward to having you join us at EmacsConf! We'll probably keep updating the schedule even on the day of the conference. You can get a rough idea of when your talk is scheduled at ${url}. You might want to check it some time next week to get a rough sense of where it is, and then check it again on the day of your talk. Please check in at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of your prerecorded talk so that we can deal with small scheduling changes or technical issues. You can find the check-in process at https://emacsconf.org/${year}/speakers/ . If something comes up, please let us know as soon as you can. Here's our emergency contact information: ${emergency} Looking forward to seeing you soon! Sacha **** E-mail for speakers who are not planning to be around, but who have sent us their prerecs :PROPERTIES: :EMAIL_ID: checkin-after :SUBJECT: EmacsConf ${year}: Check-in instructions :END: Hello, ${name}! Thank you so much for contributing a talk for EmacsConf ${year}! We're looking forward to collecting questions and forwarding them to you by e-mail after the conference. We'll also post the prerecording at the time that it gets streamed, so people will be able to access it at ${url} once it has gone live. If it turns out that you can make it to the conference after all, feel free to drop us a line at #emacsconf-org and we'll let people know you're around. You can find the check-in process at https://emacsconf.org/${year}/speakers/ . Thank you again for being part of EmacsConf ${year}! Sacha *** Last email before the conference #+begin_quote Friends, emacsians, hackers, lend me your ears! This is it, the final stretch until the next EmacsConf. A couple of weeks ago, we’ve shared our program with you; now, it is time for us to share our schedule, i.e. when the talks will happen! You can find it on our wiki: https://emacsconf.org/$year/schedule/ All the times on the program are listed in EST (UTC-5). If a talk catches your eye, we invite you to click on its title to find out at what time it will be broadcast in your local time. Also, if the talk is pre-recorded, it will also be the time at which the talk will be made available on the same page. #+end_quote *** Thank you, next steps **** Code #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun conf-mail-thanks-after-conference () (interactive) (let* ((template (conf-mail-merge-get-template "speaker-thanks")) (info (conf-get-talk-info-for-subtree))) (compose-mail (plist-get info :email) (conf-replace-plist-in-string info (plist-get template :subject))) (message-goto-body) (save-excursion (insert (string-trim (conf-replace-plist-in-string (append (list :subtitle-note (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name (format "%s/captions/%s--main.vtt" (plist-get info :year) (plist-get info :video-slug)) conf-directory)) "You can add the subtitles by downloading them from the talk page and uploading them to your video. " "We didn't quite manage to squeeze in captions for your talk during the conference, but we'll work on those soon.") :qa-note (if (plist-get info :qa-public) "The recording of your Q&A session is also on the talk page. " "") ) info) (plist-get template :body))))))) #+end_src #+RESULTS: :results: conf-mail-thanks-after-conference :end: **** Text :PROPERTIES: :EMAIL_ID: speaker-thanks :SUBJECT: Thanks for speaking at EmacsConf ${year}! Prerec for ${title} up on page, YouTube, Toobnix :END: Hi ${speakers-short}! Thank you so much for being part of EmacsConf ${year}! Hundreds of people enjoyed it, and I'm sure even more will come across the videos in the days to follow. Your prerecorded video is available on the talk page at ${url} , and we've added the questions and comments that we've collected from IRC/BBB/Etherpad. ${qa-note} We've also uploaded your talk video to ToobNix (a PeerTube instance) at ${toobnix-url} and YouTube at ${youtube-url} . If you want to reupload the video to your own channel, feel free to do so. ${subtitle-note} If you let me know where you've uploaded it, I can switch our playlist to include your version of the video instead. That way, it might be easier for you to respond to comments on videos. If you would like to share more resources, you can add them to the talk page or e-mail them to us and we can add them for you. Thanks again for speaking at EmacsConf! Sacha ** Archive *** DONE Second announcement: CFP :PROPERTIES: :SUBJECT: [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 Second Call for Participation (extended until Sep 30) :END: :LOGBOOK: - Note taken on [2022-09-18 Sun 13:29] \\ Sent by bandali to emacsconf-discuss@gnu.org, emacs-devel@gnu.org, emacs-orgmode@gnu.org, emacs-tangents@gnu.org :END: Dear fellow Emacsians, This is the second and final Call for Participation for EmacsConf 2022 now extended until September 30, and the conference itself planned for December 3 and 4 (Sat-Sun). Please see the CFP below for details on how to send in your proposal(s), or chat with us about them and about other ways of participating and volunteering around EmacsConf via our main IRC channel #emacsconf on the Libera.Chat network. If you're considering submitting a proposal but think the remaining time may not be enough, please reach out to me off-list as soon as possible so we could work something out. I'll close this portion of the email with a thank you to all of the folks who have submitted session proposals or expressed interest in volunteering with EmacsConf. We look forward to reading and reviewing all of your messages and proposals, and getting back to you about them and about the next steps soon. :-) Best, amin P.S. please direct any replies to this post either to myself or to the emacsconf-discuss list, so as to help avoid generating extra off-topic chatter in the other lists cc'd on this message. Thank you. *** DONE First announcement: CFP :PROPERTIES: :SUBJECT: [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 Second Call for Participation (extended until Sep 30) :END: :LOGBOOK: - Note taken on [2022-07-17 Sun 22:00] \\ Sent by bandali to emacsconf-discuss@gnu.org, emacs-devel@gnu.org, emacs-orgmode@gnu.org, emacs-tangents@gnu.org :END: Dear fellow Emacsians, We are excitedly calling for your participation for EmacsConf 2022, planned for December 3 and 4, 2022 (Sat-Sun)! The CFP will be open until September 18. Please see below for details on how to send in your proposal(s), or chat with us about them and about other ways of participating and volunteering around EmacsConf via our main IRC channel #emacsconf on the Libera.Chat network. As an entirely volunteer-run conference we are always looking for more volunteers and organizers to help with various aspects of organizing and running the conference, including reviewing session proposals and streaming parallel tracks. To get involved, please come by our IRC channel or one of our public mailing lists (see below) and introduce yourself and tell us about your interests, or contact myself or one of the other organizers directly if you're feeling a bit shy; we hope to hear from you! :) Best, amin P.S. please direct any replies for this message either to me or to the emacsconf-discuss list, so as to help avoid generating extra off-topic chatter in the other lists Cc'd on this message. Thank you. * Supporting code #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun emacsconf-org-publish-this-page () (interactive) (org-md-export-to-markdown) (org-babel-tangle) (magit-stage-modified) (magit-commit-create (list "-m" (read-string "Commit message: "))) (call-interactively #'magit-push-current-to-pushremote)) #+end_src * COMMENT Copyright & License Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Sacha Chua, Amin Bandali, Leo Vivier The EmacsConf 2022 organizers' notebook is part of the EmacsConf wiki, and is dual-licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License; and the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of these two licenses is available on the EmacsConf wiki, in the [[https://emacsconf.org/COPYING.CC-BY-SA][COPYING.CC-BY-SA]] and [[https://emacsconf.org/COPYING.GPL][COPYING.GPL]] files.