[[!sidebar content=""]] This file is automatically exported from [/2022/organizers-notebook/index.org](/2022/organizers-notebook/index.org). You might prefer to navigate this as an Org file instead. To do so, [clone the wiki repository](https://emacsconf.org/edit/). # Table of Contents - [Overall priorities](#overall) - [Next comms update](#update) - [Projects and other long-running tasks](#projects) - [Ideas for next year](#maybe-projects):nextyear: - [Things to figure out / decisions to make](#decisions) - [Roles needed](#roles) - [Infrastructure notes](#infra) - [Other tasks and processes](#other) - [In case of](#exceptions) - [Task archive](#archive) - [Communications](#comms) - [Supporting code](#code) - [Lessons learned](#lessons) Projects and tasks: - [Harvest live talks and Q&A](#harvest) - [Send thanks](#thanks) - [Finalize the files to be used for streaming](#files) - [Look for ways to reduce risk](#derisk):derisk: - [Make checkin and Q&A process slide](#qa):sachac: - [Caption talks and make chapter headings](#caption) - [Prepare intros for the hosts to read](#host-intros) - [Set up talks on Toobnix and YouTube](#video-platforms):sachac:yt:toobnix: - [Do another run](#dry-run) - [Turn off file upload service on media.emacsconf.org](#upload-off):sachac:infra: - [Review notebook for tasks, priorities, and scheduling](#review) - [Use Mumble for backchannel coordination and also on-stage](#mumble) - [Satellite events](#satellite) - [Volunteer update](#volunteer-2022-11-14) - [Make a linear hyperlist for managing EmacsConf](#hyperlist):sachac: - [Record intro/outro for day-1 and day-2](#rec-intro):zaeph: - [Add category tags and possibly links between talks across 2022 and all previous years](#link-pages):quiliro:wiki: - [JS/CSS enhancement](#watch-css):emacsconf: - [Build up the ansible playbook](#ansible):sachac:opal: - [Consider breakout rooms for lunch break](#breakouts) - [Work on the OBS scenes](#obs-scenes):zaeph:corwin:sachac: - [Plan Etherpad use and hosting](#etherpad):sachac:ansible: - [Write about EmacsConf behind the scenes](#writing):sachac: Schedule by status: (gray: waiting, light yellow: processing, yellow: to assign, light green: captioning, green: captioned and ready) - Updated by conf.org and the wiki repository  # Overall priorities This table makes it easier to move the slider depending on who wants to volunteer and how much we can get done. At some point, we’ll figure out how to track our current status so we know what we need to scramble to do in order to get the conference off the ground. **bold** is our current goal. Feel free to volunteer for anything that interests you!
Good | Better | Best | |
harvesting talks & Q&A | recordings trimmed if needed, published | chapter markers | edited transcripts |
conf.org management | on sachac’s laptop | S: on res.emacsconf.org | DONE S/Z: other people know how to work with it |
prerec | convert to webm | normalize audio | DONE Z: reduce noise |
DONE S: link to stream, pad, IRC | S: link to prerec when live | embed stream, pad, IRC, prerec | |
schedule | one track | DONE S: two tracks | aligned times, full roster |
upload | FTP | DONE S: web-based | auto-encoded, preview (SReview?) |
streaming | ffmpeg from computer | OBS | DONE: OBS in cloud, switchable hosts |
other streams | 480p | + Toobnix | S: + YouTube |
volunteer coordination | ad-hoc | DONE playbook | training meetings + recordings |
BBB rooms | about 5 rooms that we cycle through | DONE S: one room per speaker | |
host | no host, speaker reads pad | host reads pad | host monitors IRC and helps with BBB as well |
BBB Q&A | none | DONE open to community | moderated by speaker and host |
BBB Q&A start | awkward silence while waiting | speaker can demo a little | host has prepared questions just in case no one shows up |
tracks | + IRC | DONE S: + talk info, maybe even current/recent/next | |
pad | one pad for conf | one pad per talk, wikimedia | DONE S: one pad per talk, self-hosted so we can access API |
IRC | #emacsconf, -org | DONE #emacsconf, -gen, -dev, -org | IRC volunteer copying to pads; maybe even IRC bots |
ERC commands | DONE S: hook-based | timer-based | |
sched update | DONE S: publish at start | update main sched | update talk pages |
other platforms | S: Toobnix & YT after event | S: Toobnix + YT when live | |
schedule view | text table | imagemap fallback | DONE S: interactive SVG |
caption workflow | YT autosubs | Whisper autosubs | DONE: Whisper + more granular timestamps |
wiki | plain text, markdown | DONE S: some JS and CSS enrichment | more JS and CSS, embeds, videoplayer |
ansible | none | DONE S: some automation | comprehensive, can also work against containers |
intro and exit | DONE: slide on screen, host on Mumble | per-talk video, recorded voiceover | Emacs thing so we can display info, countdowns, IRC |
S-g | gen VNC |
S-d | dev VNC |
S-G | gen console |
S-D | dev console |
S-o | orga@res console |
intro | talk | Q&A | Expected | |
journalism | recorded | live | ||
school | recorded | recorded | IRC | |
handwritten | recorded | recorded | BBB | |
treesitter | ||||
health | live | recorded | BBB | |
jupyter | live | live | BBB |
Emailed | Onboarded | |
FlowyCoder | X | access granted, briefed |
jman | X | access granted, briefed |
vetrivln | X | access granted, briefed |
Host | Streamer | Checkin | IRC | Pad | Coord | |
Gen AM | zaeph | sachac | corwin | dto | publicvoit | sachac |
Gen PM | zaeph | sachac | FlowyCoder | bandali | publicvoit | sachac |
Dev AM | bandali | sachac | corwin | dto | sachac | |
Dev PM | bandali | sachac | FlowyCoder | bandali | sachac |
Host | Streamer | Checkin | IRC | Pad | Coord | |
Gen AM | zaeph | sachac | corwin | dto | publicvoit | sachac |
Gen PM | zaeph | jman | FlowyCoder | bandali | publicvoit | sachac |
Dev AM | bandali | sachac | corwin | dto | sachac | |
Dev PM | bandali | sachac | FlowyCoder | bandali | sachac |
Suffix | Description |
–original.EXT | File as submitted by speaker |
–reencoded.webm | Reencode via ffmpeg incantation |
–final.webm | Broadcast-ready reencode with normalized audio |
–original.EXT | Extracted audio track from speaker upload; used for speech-recognition |
–normalized.opus | Normalized audio track |
–?(incomplete-)transcript | Transcript provided by speaker |
–main.EXT | Broadcast-ready reencode; different formats for different uses |
Start | End | Slug | Notes | URL | Timestamp |
Project | Docker | Buster | Base | Notes |
https://www.projectsend.org/ | php+mysql | |||
https://github.com/pomf/pomf | php+mysql | |||
https://github.com/psi-4ward/psitransfer | official | node | can set upload password, resumable; data volume needs uid 1000 | |
https://github.com/epoupon/fileshelter | official | ppa | C++ | |
https://github.com/mickael-kerjean/filestash | official | general FTP client | ||
https://gitlab.com/moejo42/Jirafeau | official | php | ||
https://github.com/YouTransfer/YouTransfer | official | node | looking for maint | |
https://github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh/ | ||||
https://github.com/eikek/sharry |
~/bin/track-obs | start OBS with the track’s profile and scene collection |
~/bin/track-mpv file.webm | play the file using the track’s sink |
recorded intro | live intro | |
recorded talk | school; play automatically | workflows; show in-between, host intros over mumble, streamer types “play slug” |
live talk | journalism; play intro automatically, join bbb | survey; join bbb, no in-between slide |
Hours | Mult | Notes | |
Large | 2:49 | 8 | |
Medium | 2:03 | 5.9 | |
Small | 0:40 | 2 | More run-on sentences |