[[!sidebar content=""]] This file is automatically exported from [/2022/organizers-notebook/index.org](/2022/organizers-notebook/index.org). You might prefer to navigate this as an Org file instead. To do so, [clone the wiki repository](https://emacsconf.org/edit/). # Table of Contents - [Cadence](#cadence) - [Overall priorities](#overall) - [Projects and other long-running tasks](#projects) - [Ideas for next year](#maybe-projects):nextyear: - [Things to figure out / decisions to make](#decisions) - [Roles needed](#roles) - [Infrastructure notes](#infra) - [Other tasks and processes](#other) - [In case of](#exceptions) - [Task archive](#archive) - [Communications](#comms) - [Supporting code](#code) - [Lessons learned](#lessons) Projects and tasks: - [Manage front0 and live0 size](#resize):bandali: - [Finalize the files to be used for streaming](#files) - [Look for ways to reduce risk](#derisk):derisk: - [Make checkin and Q&A process slide](#qa):sachac: - [Caption talks and make chapter headings](#caption) - [Prepare intros for the hosts to read](#host-intros) - [Set up talks on Toobnix and YouTube](#video-platforms):sachac:yt:toobnix: - [Do another run](#dry-run) - [Turn off file upload service on media.emacsconf.org](#upload-off):sachac:infra: - [Review notebook for tasks, priorities, and scheduling](#review) - [Use Mumble for backchannel coordination and also on-stage](#mumble) - [Satellite events](#satellite) - [Volunteer update](#volunteer-2022-11-14) - [Make a linear hyperlist for managing EmacsConf](#hyperlist):sachac: - [Record intro/outro for day-1 and day-2](#rec-intro):zaeph: - [Add category tags and possibly links between talks across 2022 and all previous years](#link-pages):quiliro:wiki: - [JS/CSS enhancement](#watch-css):emacsconf: - [Build up the ansible playbook](#ansible):sachac:opal: - [Consider breakout rooms for lunch break](#breakouts) - [Work on the OBS scenes](#obs-scenes):zaeph:corwin:sachac: - [Plan Etherpad use and hosting](#etherpad):sachac:ansible: Schedule by status: (gray: waiting, light yellow: processing, yellow: to assign, light green: captioning, green: captioned and ready) - Updated by conf.org and the wiki repository  # Cadence
Week ending | Work | Speakers | Volunteers | Public |
acceptance, reply to confirm | ||||
schedule, reply if not okay | overall priorities | |||
Etherpad, stream | infra update | |||
file upload, | file upload instructions, backstage | training | ||
OBS in the cloud | caption kickoff | schedule, posters? | ||
intro, exit, dry run, prerecs | prerec confirmation/reminder, caption progress | |||
captions | tech check, bio, support links (ex: Liberapay)? | shifts | ||
captions | checkin instructions and schedule updates | |||
captions | last weekend before EmacsConf | watching |
Good | Better | Best | |
conf.org management | on sachac’s laptop | S: on res.emacsconf.org | DONE S/Z: other people know how to work with it |
prerec | convert to webm | normalize audio | DONE Z: reduce noise |
DONE S: link to stream, pad, IRC | S: link to prerec when live | embed stream, pad, IRC, prerec | |
schedule | one track | DONE S: two tracks | aligned times, full roster |
upload | FTP | DONE S: web-based | auto-encoded, preview (SReview?) |
streaming | ffmpeg from computer | OBS | DONE: OBS in cloud, switchable hosts |
other streams | 480p | + Toobnix | S: + YouTube |
volunteer coordination | ad-hoc | DONE playbook | training meetings + recordings |
BBB rooms | about 5 rooms that we cycle through | DONE S: one room per speaker | |
host | no host, speaker reads pad | host reads pad | host monitors IRC and helps with BBB as well |
BBB Q&A | none | DONE open to community | moderated by speaker and host |
BBB Q&A start | awkward silence while waiting | speaker can demo a little | host has prepared questions just in case no one shows up |
tracks | + IRC | DONE S: + talk info, maybe even current/recent/next | |
pad | one pad for conf | one pad per talk, wikimedia | DONE S: one pad per talk, self-hosted so we can access API |
IRC | #emacsconf, -org | DONE #emacsconf, -gen, -dev, -org | IRC volunteer copying to pads; maybe even IRC bots |
ERC commands | DONE S: hook-based | timer-based | |
sched update | DONE S: publish at start | update main sched | update talk pages |
other platforms | S: Toobnix & YT after event | S: Toobnix + YT when live | |
schedule view | text table | imagemap fallback | DONE S: interactive SVG |
caption workflow | YT autosubs | Whisper autosubs | DONE: Whisper + more granular timestamps |
wiki | plain text, markdown | DONE S: some JS and CSS enrichment | more JS and CSS, embeds, videoplayer |
ansible | none | DONE S: some automation | comprehensive, can also work against containers |
intro and exit | DONE: slide on screen, host on Mumble | per-talk video, recorded voiceover | Emacs thing so we can display info, countdowns, IRC |
S-g | gen VNC |
S-d | dev VNC |
S-G | gen console |
S-D | dev console |
S-o | orga@res console |
intro | talk | Q&A | Expected | |
journalism | recorded | live | ||
school | recorded | recorded | IRC | |
handwritten | recorded | recorded | BBB | |
treesitter | ||||
health | live | recorded | BBB | |
jupyter | live | live | BBB |
Emailed | Onboarded | |
FlowyCoder | X | access granted, briefed |
jman | X | access granted, briefed |
vetrivln | X | access granted, briefed |
Host | Streamer | Checkin | IRC | Pad | Coord | |
Gen AM | zaeph | sachac | corwin | dto | publicvoit | sachac |
Gen PM | zaeph | sachac | FlowyCoder | bandali | publicvoit | sachac |
Dev AM | bandali | sachac | corwin | dto | sachac | |
Dev PM | bandali | sachac | FlowyCoder | bandali | sachac |
Host | Streamer | Checkin | IRC | Pad | Coord | |
Gen AM | zaeph | sachac | corwin | dto | publicvoit | sachac |
Gen PM | zaeph | jman | FlowyCoder | bandali | publicvoit | sachac |
Dev AM | bandali | sachac | corwin | dto | sachac | |
Dev PM | bandali | sachac | FlowyCoder | bandali | sachac |
Suffix | Description |
–original.EXT | File as submitted by speaker |
–reencoded.webm | Reencode via ffmpeg incantation |
–final.webm | Broadcast-ready reencode with normalized audio |
–original.EXT | Extracted audio track from speaker upload; used for speech-recognition |
–normalized.opus | Normalized audio track |
–?(incomplete-)transcript | Transcript provided by speaker |
–main.EXT | Broadcast-ready reencode; different formats for different uses |
Start | End | Slug | Notes | URL | Timestamp |
Project | Docker | Buster | Base | Notes |
https://www.projectsend.org/ | php+mysql | |||
https://github.com/pomf/pomf | php+mysql | |||
https://github.com/psi-4ward/psitransfer | official | node | can set upload password, resumable; data volume needs uid 1000 | |
https://github.com/epoupon/fileshelter | official | ppa | C++ | |
https://github.com/mickael-kerjean/filestash | official | general FTP client | ||
https://gitlab.com/moejo42/Jirafeau | official | php | ||
https://github.com/YouTransfer/YouTransfer | official | node | looking for maint | |
https://github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh/ | ||||
https://github.com/eikek/sharry |
~/bin/track-obs | start OBS with the track’s profile and scene collection |
~/bin/track-mpv file.webm | play the file using the track’s sink |
recorded intro | live intro | |
recorded talk | school; play automatically | workflows; show in-between, host intros over mumble, streamer types “play slug” |
live talk | journalism; play intro automatically, join bbb | survey; join bbb, no in-between slide |
Hours | Mult | Notes | |
Large | 2:49 | 8 | |
Medium | 2:03 | 5.9 | |
Small | 0:40 | 2 | More run-on sentences |