In this talk, George Mauer demonstrates several ways that Org Mode can help people explore and develop code. Afterwards, he will handle questions via BigBlueButton. # Talk
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="workflows-mainVideo" data=""" 00:00.000 Introduction 00:53.960 The future 02:30.200 Org development workflows 03:15.680 Taking notes 04:54.600 org-capture templates 06:10.680 Building up a dashboard 06:49.160 org-store-links 07:45.680 Formatting 08:21.480 Pasting code 08:52.200 Git 10:04.960 async-shell-command 11:29.040 Literate programming and tangling 13:47.840 Noweb 14:36.400 Running commands 16:04.480 Buttons 16:43.600 Workspaces 18:04.800 dash 18:36.000 Header arguments 19:29.920 Conclusion """]]
# Q&A
Listen to just the audio:
# Description