Sunday 9:00- 9:05 Sunday opening remarks sun-open 9:05- 9:25 Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey survey 9:35- 9:45 This Year in Org orgyear 10:00-10:20 Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex rolodex 10:40-10:50 Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten) orgsuperlinks 1:00- 1:30 Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode hyperorg 1:50- 2:10 Org workflows for developers workflows 2:30- 2:50 GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers grail 3:20- 3:40 Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb indieweb 4:00- 4:10 Fanfare for the Common Emacs User fanfare 5:00- 5:10 Sunday closing remarks sun-close 10:00-10:20 rde Emacs introduction rde 10:45-10:55 justl: Driving recipes within Emacs justl 11:05-11:35 Elisp and the TRAMP: How to NOT write code you don't have to tramp 1:00- 1:10 Getting detached from Emacs detached 1:35- 1:45 Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell eshell 2:10- 2:30 Emacs was async before async was cool async 3:05- 3:25 The Wheels on D-Bus dbus 4:00- 4:20 Pre-localizing Emacs localizing 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5
[[!toc ]] Format: 5-min talk Pad: Status: TODO
Times in different timezones:
Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~9:00 AM - 9:05 AM EST (US/Eastern)
Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~9:00 AM - 9:05 AM EST (US/Eastern)
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