In this talk, Ramin Honary shares how he uses HyRolo to create and navigate links between his notes. Afterwards, he will handle questions via IRC.
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="rolodex-mainVideo" data=""" 00:00.000 Introduction 01:41.040 Key takeaway 02:17.000 Overview of Zettelkasten 02:46.320 Tools I use in day-to-day writing 03:25.360 Quick overview of Hyperbole 04:03.520 Explain HyRolo 04:55.240 Configuration of Hyperbole using ~use-package~ 05:44.280 The Hyperbole menu-driven user interface 06:37.600 Getting started with *HyRolo*: Create a /zettel/ 08:23.760 Searching the *HyRolo* database 09:27.120 Demo *HyRolo* search 10:06.960 Search operators AND/OR/NOT 10:42.520 Navigating the search results 12:01.760 Editing entries creates timestamps 12:25.560 How is *HyRolo* a zettelkasten? 12:56.040 Demo interlinked notes via *HyRolo* search 14:26.800 Explaining how Hyperbole hyperlinks work 15:35.080 Demo Hyperbole "implicit links" 16:04.680 Explain Hyperbole "explicit links" 16:04.680 Demo creating an explicit link 18:32.720 Demo creating an /zettel/ entry for a person 19:19.880 Demo explicit linking new entry to others 20:10.560 How "explicit buttons" encode actions 21:12.480 Conclusion """]]
# Description