In this talk, Bala Ramadurai shares how he takes handwritten notes and includes them in his Org Mode files. Afterwards, he will handle questions over BigBlueButton. # Talk
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="handwritten-mainVideo" data=""" 00:02.200 Introduction 01:41.080 Org Mode 02:29.520 Handwriting 03:42.167 Combining Org Mode and handwriting 03:59.720 Step 1: Write the notes by hand 04:14.420 Step 2: Scan them 04:23.640 Step 3: Store the document 04:42.300 (Optional) Step 4: Convert the notes 05:02.280 Using touch devices 06:30.920 Options """]]
# Q&A
Listen to just the audio:
# Description