WEBVTT captioned by Sebastian 00:00:00.000 --> 00:01:23.674 Introduction 00:01:23.774 --> 00:02:38.882 Q1 - Does it become unwieldy due to the interaction of the edit org-source to use org-mode and the virtual linear programming as the project becomes larger? 00:02:38.982 --> 00:03:16.080 Q2 - I want to take a look at the files used in your demo, are they somewhere online? 00:03:16.080 --> 00:04:54.960 Digression - some explanations about the background dinosaur :D 00:04:54.960 --> 00:05:49.640 Information about org-entry-get 00:05:49.640 --> 00:13:32.960 Are workflows as they are in your life closely tied to particular projects or are they general workflows? - Long discussion about the workflow! 00:13:32.960 --> 00:17:54.440 Wrapping up