WEBVTT 00:00:36.000 --> 00:01:31.080 Introduction 00:01:31.080 --> 00:02:01.880 What is orgvm? 00:02:01.880 --> 00:02:49.560 Nodejs 00:02:49.560 --> 00:03:38.320 The itch I was trying to scratch 00:03:38.320 --> 00:05:29.760 Demo 00:05:29.760 --> 00:06:24.920 Needs a relatively recent version of Emacs 00:06:24.920 --> 00:08:13.520 Usage patterns 00:08:13.520 --> 00:09:09.160 Emacs Lisp 00:09:09.160 --> 00:10:38.720 Variables 00:10:38.720 --> 00:11:17.200 Replace 00:11:19.120 --> 00:13:06.480 Getting into the code some more 00:13:06.480 --> 00:13:37.320 Generating Elisp 00:13:37.320 --> 00:14:32.400 Org blocks 00:14:32.400 --> 00:16:43.000 Building some Lisp 00:16:43.000 --> 00:19:25.040 How Elisp gets encoded 00:19:25.040 --> 00:22:09.860 How the export works 00:22:09.860 --> 00:26:07.440 Walking through the code 00:26:07.440 --> 00:32:39.760 Executing the source block 00:32:39.760 --> 00:33:55.120 Conclusion 00:33:58.880 --> 00:35:48.940 Questions and answers 00:35:48.940 --> 00:35:58.460 Why am I not running the web server in Emacs? 00:36:22.140 --> 00:37:35.460 Is this using org-info-js? 00:37:35.460 --> 00:38:15.580 EmacsConf 00:38:15.580 --> 00:42:04.340 How I'm using this at work 00:42:04.340 --> 00:43:05.540 Volunteering for EmacsConf 00:43:08.380 --> 00:45:06.100 It's easy to build a program that uses Emacs in the pipeline