WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:18.839 Problems 00:00:18.840 --> 00:00:30.839 Solution? 00:00:30.840 --> 00:00:55.839 A common underlying problem 00:00:55.840 --> 00:02:05.759 Capitalism 00:02:05.760 --> 00:03:49.839 Copyright 00:03:49.840 --> 00:05:01.759 An attribution-based economic system is efficient 00:05:01.760 --> 00:07:45.199 Gyroscopes 00:07:45.200 --> 00:09:05.919 Prototypes 00:09:05.920 --> 00:10:05.919 Founding documents 00:10:05.920 --> 00:10:24.319 Declaration of non-ownership 00:10:24.320 --> 00:11:23.239 The financial model 00:11:23.240 --> 00:12:49.119 The attribution model 00:12:49.120 --> 00:13:59.919 The accounting system 00:13:59.920 --> 00:15:17.599 drym.org Github account 00:15:17.600 --> 00:17:11.559 Expanding the boundary 00:17:11.560 --> 00:18:39.159 Adopting this idea 00:18:39.160 --> 00:19:04.079 Closing thoughts 00:19:04.080 --> 00:19:56.240 Taking care of one another