WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:39.320 Introduction 00:00:39.320 --> 00:01:48.520 Justfiles 00:01:48.520 --> 00:02:27.680 Executing recipes 00:02:27.680 --> 00:02:56.440 Other features 00:02:56.440 --> 00:04:19.280 Comparison with Makefiles 00:04:19.280 --> 00:04:52.400 justl.el 00:04:52.400 --> 00:06:17.280 Executing recipes in Emacs 00:06:17.280 --> 00:06:36.600 Options 00:06:36.600 --> 00:06:57.320 Eshell 00:06:57.320 --> 00:07:15.520 Going to the recipe line 00:07:15.520 --> 00:07:39.560 Re-executing recipes 00:07:39.560 --> 00:08:56.600 Example 00:08:56.600 --> 00:09:34.680 justl-exec-recipe-in-dir 00:09:34.680 --> 00:10:02.040 End