WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:30.520 What is Haskell? 12 00:00:30.520 --> 00:01:33.640 Parts of a Haskell program 34 00:01:33.640 --> 00:02:13.400 Example of Haskell source code 44 00:02:13.400 --> 00:02:37.160 Writing Haskell like Lisp 52 00:02:37.160 --> 00:03:53.760 What is a code explorer? 79 00:03:53.760 --> 00:04:56.240 Prior art 97 00:04:56.240 --> 00:05:46.080 Haskell mode 111 00:05:46.080 --> 00:06:43.560 Jumping to declarations 128 00:06:43.560 --> 00:07:24.840 Finding references 135 00:07:24.840 --> 00:08:20.520 The Haskell language server 150 00:08:20.520 --> 00:08:54.960 Hoogle and Hackage 162 00:08:54.960 --> 00:09:34.600 Haskell Code Explorer 176 00:09:34.600 --> 00:10:42.080 Demo of Haskell Code Explorer 189 00:10:42.080 --> 00:12:35.480 Learning about monads 214 00:12:35.480 --> 00:13:39.920 Web client 230 00:13:39.920 --> 00:14:47.800 User freedom 246 00:14:47.800 --> 00:15:38.560 hc.el 259 00:15:38.560 --> 00:16:46.520 Demo 282 00:16:46.520 --> 00:17:38.920 Declarations 293 00:17:38.920 --> 00:18:19.160 Finding definitions and references 302 00:18:19.160 --> 00:19:22.360 Eldoc 317 00:19:22.360 --> 00:20:32.560 Searching for identifiers 330 00:20:32.560 --> 00:22:01.440 Help buffer integration 350 00:22:01.440 --> 00:23:28.840 Haddock 371 00:23:28.840 --> 00:24:30.480 Servant 388 00:24:30.480 --> 00:25:50.320 Org 408 00:25:50.320 --> 00:26:19.280 Links 415 00:26:19.280 --> 00:28:41.160 Navigation 449 00:28:41.160 --> 00:29:39.520 Going the other direction