WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:28.999 Introduction 00:00:29.000 --> 00:00:48.599 1. It’s an Emacs REPL 00:00:48.600 --> 00:01:10.119 2. It’s also a shell 00:01:10.120 --> 00:03:27.559 3. You can mix these two modes 00:03:27.560 --> 00:04:36.079 4. Emacs is better than shell 00:04:36.080 --> 00:06:13.479 5. Better regular expressions 00:06:13.480 --> 00:07:39.639 6. Loops are better with predicates 00:07:39.640 --> 00:09:08.519 7. Output of last command 00:09:08.520 --> 00:10:26.879 8. Redirection back to Emacs 00:10:26.880 --> 00:12:28.399 9. Using Emacs buffers 00:12:28.400 --> 00:12:59.359 10. cd to remote systems 00:12:59.360 --> 00:14:01.920 Summary