WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:30.680 Introduction 00:00:30.680 --> 00:00:44.960 TIS-100 00:00:44.960 --> 00:01:08.040 WebAssembly 00:01:08.040 --> 00:02:07.640 Basic stack operations 00:02:07.640 --> 00:02:44.680 Numeric commands 00:02:44.680 --> 00:03:21.400 Boolean operations 00:03:21.400 --> 00:04:00.240 Port operations 00:04:00.240 --> 00:05:15.720 Control flow 00:05:15.720 --> 00:06:14.480 Modules 00:06:14.480 --> 00:08:33.040 Puzzle 00:08:33.040 --> 00:09:35.200 The game loop 00:09:35.200 --> 00:11:25.880 Tic-tac-toe 00:11:25.880 --> 00:12:07.800 Text properties 00:12:07.800 --> 00:14:00.920 Code cells 00:14:00.920 --> 00:14:37.560 Undo 00:14:37.560 --> 00:14:52.360 Parentheses 00:14:52.360 --> 00:16:07.440 Assembly text to executable code