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# Using Org-mode to teach programming
Daniel German

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In this presentation I will explain how to use org-mode effectively to
prepare teaching materials, and how to present them.

For the last 5 years I have been using org-mode to teach programming
in different languages: C++, SQL, Ruby, Python, SML
and Scheme. Org-mode has three key advantages:

1.  it supports most programming languages with a common interface,
2.  it is an interactive medium for delivering teaching materials; and
3.  it is an always-up-to-date format that does not need to be exported in order to be published.

I explain how I use org-mode in my courses and how I combine org-mode
notes other tools such as github org-mode to get
always up-to-date teaching materials that one can use for both
teaching and studying (see
for an example).

Finally, I will discuss some important aspects to consider when using
org-mode for this purpose.

# Discussion


- how do you keep the discipline of working on your notes? that's probably my biggest problem 
- I like "Try that with PowerPoint!" as a new org-babel slogan
- we just need krita and inkscape modes
- i remember doing similar in Smalltalk using a presentation tool with in it but with a full on graphical display of the Smalltalk environment not just text based.
- I liked the trick with annotating the code in xournal -- what is the elisp glue for that? Do you have a package for that?


- Can you talk about how the students re0act to this org-mode approach?
- What level are your students typically? what is the subject matter?
- Why GitHub? GitHub is nonfree.
  - Perhaps because gitlab is also there and that there is achoice?
  - GitHub requires reCAPTCHA to signup and similar things that are free exist (various GitLab and Gitea servers, Savannah, sourcehut).
  - GitLab.com is just as bad (and unlike GitHub, you can't sign in without nonfree JS), but GitLab CE is fine.
- Do you think org-mode+git could be used for students' assignments?

From [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmi9AAaqegY&feature=em-comments): 

- this is by far one of the most motivating talk about Org. I feel sorry about all my teaching colleagues that still use WYSIWYG presentation tools. my life, as a trainer, literally changed with Org, even without literate programming. 
- Great presentation. New to Emacs and starting to find many uses for it. One thing which theme you are using 

# Outline

20 minutes:

-   Introduction
-   Quick demonstration
-   Workflow
-   Some Important considerations
-   Emacs configuration and how to get started

I have create a git repository with examples and config files that is ready to use:

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