[[!meta title="Emacs and Montessori Philosophy"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2021 "]] [[!inline pages="internal(2021/info/montessori-nav)" raw="yes"]] # Emacs and Montessori Philosophy [[!inline pages="internal(2021/info/montessori-schedule)" raw="yes"]] As a former Montessori guide and now parent, I often think about the relationship of this particular educational philosophy and how it manifests in my work with software, Emacs in particular. This talk introduces the concept of Emacs as an educational environment and how it expresses elements of Montessori psychology regarding "Human Tendencies". Human tendencies are innate drives present in everybody that allow us to explore and make sense of our world. # Discussion - having studied in a school which founded by following Montessori Philosophy, I can relate <3 - Love the emphasis on creativity! - Such a cool talk - Great perspective in that talk. - the reference to Montessori made me think of Alan Kay's talks about Frenet and Papert. - i was thinking the exact same thing regarding Alan Kay and his talks about education, and of his philosophies behind Smalltalk (the programming language). - and Smalltalk as a platform shares a lot with Emacs, both are a world where a user lives and develops - garjola: yeah...the whole thing about discovery, figuring things out for yourself, having an epiphany. # Outline - 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline) Quick overview of a Montessori classroom environment: - the adults or guides primarily observe and present material - the children are free to explore materials as they choose (within limits) - the environment itself is prepared specifically to foster engagement Enumerate the "Human Tendencies": - Abstraction - Activity - Communication - Exactness - Exploration - Manipulation (of the environment) - Order - Orientation - Repetition - Self-Perfection - Work (also described as "purposeful activity") How does Emacs express these things? - in the short version, pose the question, and perhaps give one example. - Emacs is an environment that provides facilities for individuals to find their way to proficiency through their Human Tendencies. - We are all both learners and guides, Emacs is our classroom [[!inline pages="internal(2021/captions/montessori)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2021/info/montessori-nav)" raw="yes"]]