[[!toc ]] Q&A: IRC Duration: 38:24 [[!inline pages="internal(2021/inline-alternate)" raw="yes"]] If you have questions and the speaker has not indicated public contact information on this page, please feel free to e-mail us at and we'll forward your question to the speaker.
  1. 00:00 About me and this talk
  2. 04:44 The inherent Emacs qualities for an autodidact
  3. 09:17 The interconnectedness of the Emacs space
  4. 14:07 The documentation culture of the Emacs community
  5. 18:55 The Promethean Ideal of freeing know-how and expertise
  6. 23:59 The 'killer apps' of Emacs
  7. 28:53 You can't be an Emacs tourist
  8. 33:39 Emacs as a champion of software freedom
# Description