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Q&A: live  
Duration: 29:48  

[[!inline pages="internal(2021/inline-alternate)" raw="yes"]]  

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# Talk

[[!template id="vid" vidid="mainVideo" src="https://media.emacsconf.org/2021/emacsconf-2021-bindat--turbo-bindat--stefan-monnier--main.webm" poster="https://media.emacsconf.org/2021/emacsconf-2021-bindat--turbo-bindat--stefan-monnier--main.png" captions="""<track label="English" kind="captions" srclang="en" src="/2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-bindat--turbo-bindat--stefan-monnier--main.vtt" default />"""
size="36.6M" duration="29:48" other_resources="""[Download --compressed56.webm (28.8MB)](https://media.emacsconf.org/2021/emacsconf-2021-bindat--turbo-bindat--stefan-monnier--compressed56.webm)  
[Download --main.vtt](https://media.emacsconf.org/2021/emacsconf-2021-bindat--turbo-bindat--stefan-monnier--main.vtt)  
[Download --main--chapters.vtt](https://media.emacsconf.org/2021/emacsconf-2021-bindat--turbo-bindat--stefan-monnier--main--chapters.vtt)  
[View on Toobnix](https://toobnix.org/w/qQeuipEkbSJgZbDm6xRg9q)  
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="mainVideo" data="""
00:01 Introduction
02:06 What is BinDat?
05:27 Conversion to lexical scoping
08:30 The BinDat specification
15:35 New design
17:47 Documentation
19:30 Advantages
21:51 New features
23:08 Examples
27:56 Conclusion
28:28 Negatives

# Q&A

[[!template id="vid" vidid="qanda" src="https://media.emacsconf.org/2021/emacsconf-2021-bindat--turbo-bindat--stefan-monnier--answers.webm" poster="https://media.emacsconf.org/2021/emacsconf-2021-bindat--turbo-bindat--stefan-monnier--answers.png" 
size="89.8M" duration="47:23" other_resources=""""""]]
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="qanda" data="""
00:00 bindat seems very similar to GNU Poke.
00:55 Is your dog's name something Lisp or PL related?
01:15 Is it merged into mainline Emacs, a patch, an external library?
01:35 Are there benchmarks of this vs. the older bindat?
02:13 Do you know of any CL or Scheme libs similar to bindat.el?
02:55 You are a hero of kittens everywhere.  Do you have any feline pets as well?
03:47 (Q&A logistics)
05:35 I hope cl-loop is more efficient than intermediate lists...
06:16 BBB chat: Curious: how is GNU Poke more flexible?
07:55 How Stefan got involved with bindat
08:33 BBB chat: What hobbies/interests do you have besides Emacs (and PL)?
09:42 BBB chat: Thoughts on making Emacsconf better?
11:40 BBB chat: Poke's from-scratch DSL vs. building on an existing language
14:10 Winnie the dog interjects.
15:15 BBB chat: Favorite talks so far?
19:00 BBB chat: What kind of dog is Winnie?
20:05 BBB chat: More control over types coming into Elisp?
24:15 Andrea Corallo joins discussion about types and performance.
38:19 BBB chat: Do you plan to add bit-level support?
41:15 Is there an automated way to convert bindat C type specs to Lisp specs?
43:00 BBB chat: That's a classic hard problem that essentially requires a C compiler.
43:51 BBB chat: And there's a problem of object size being arch dependent.
44:54 BBB chat: Parsing a generic .h file is way more difficult.
46:05 BBB chat: Automatic translation is more for automatically writing C bindings.
46:50 Thanks

# Description