WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:01:01.569 Introduction 00:01:01.570 --> 00:02:07.635 Before the beginning, the Beginning 00:02:07.636 --> 00:02:56.169 Oops 00:02:56.170 --> 00:04:52.935 Yada yada yada 00:04:52.936 --> 00:06:51.802 During all this time... 00:06:51.803 --> 00:07:29.769 Pandemic 00:07:29.770 --> 00:08:50.002 Anyway 00:08:50.003 --> 00:09:38.235 A growing obsession 00:09:38.236 --> 00:10:32.735 What is the point of all of this? I thought we were talking about frowing. 00:10:32.736 --> 00:11:14.669 Conversation 00:11:14.670 --> 00:11:33.069 Later... 00:11:33.070 --> 00:11:34.070 frowny.el