WEBVTT 00:00:00.320 --> 00:00:18.559 Introduction 00:00:18.560 --> 00:00:33.599 Emacs 28 00:00:33.600 --> 00:02:36.399 Native compilation 00:02:36.400 --> 00:02:55.759 Build with Cairo by default 00:02:55.760 --> 00:03:22.958 New mode, but off by default: context-menus 00:03:22.959 --> 00:03:37.839 Tab-bar and tab-line received many enhancements 00:03:37.840 --> 00:04:20.319 A command can marked as specific to a mode 00:04:20.320 --> 00:05:00.879 Transient input methods 00:05:00.880 --> 00:05:14.559 show-paren-mode is enabled by default 00:05:14.560 --> 00:05:39.519 We now have a Non-GNU ELPA 00:05:39.520 --> 00:06:18.399 repeat-mode 00:06:18.400 --> 00:06:26.719 project.el has dozens of new commands 00:06:26.720 --> 00:06:54.959 Shorthands for Lisp symbols 00:06:54.960 --> 00:06:55.960 Emacs 29 is just beginning