WEBVTT 00:00:02.960 --> 00:00:58.319 Introduction 00:00:58.320 --> 00:01:57.679 Contours of this presentation 00:01:57.680 --> 00:02:27.359 Intended audience 00:02:27.360 --> 00:04:32.079 Shaping and bidirectionality 00:04:32.080 --> 00:05:30.638 Emacs: a truly multilingual capable editor and environment 00:05:30.639 --> 00:06:09.918 Significance of Emacs support for Perso-Arabic scripts 00:06:09.919 --> 00:06:49.918 About Emacs input methods 00:06:49.919 --> 00:07:27.839 Emacs Persian input methods 00:07:27.840 --> 00:12:00.159 Selecting Persian input methods - gif-screencast 00:12:00.160 --> 00:12:27.999 Emacs built-in documentation 00:12:28.000 --> 00:12:43.999 Pointers to code 00:12:44.000 --> 00:14:48.958 Keyboard layouts for Persian input methods - gif-screencast 00:14:48.959 --> 00:16:17.518 Complete documentation 00:16:17.519 --> 00:17:25.279 Ramification Of BIDI and Perso-Arabic on Emacs applications 00:17:25.280 --> 00:17:53.519 BIDI-aware Emacs applications 00:17:53.520 --> 00:18:44.639 Emacs Native Markup Language (ENML) 00:18:44.640 --> 00:19:24.239 About ByStar And BISOS 00:19:24.240 --> 00:19:25.240 About Blee and Persian Blee