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EmacsConf 2021 | Online Conference | November 27 and 28, 2021 (Sat-Sun)

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[[Program|schedule]] | [[Posters|poster]] | [[Prepare]] | [[Planning]] | [[Guidelines for Conduct|conduct]]

EmacsConf is the conference about the joy of Emacs and Emacs Lisp.

We are busy putting things together for EmacsConf 2021, and we would love to have *your* help to make EmacsConf 2021 amazing, much like the previous EmacsConfs. [[Learn how you can help!|contribute]] We are holding EmacsConf 2021 as an online conference again this year. We remain fully committed to freedom, and we will continue using our infrastructure and streaming setup consisting entirely of [free software][freesw], much like previous EmacsConf conferences. ## Watching On November 27 and 28, you will be able to watch the livestreams via , which will also have details on how to watch the streams using media players that support streaming (like mpv and VLC). In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy the videos from [[2020]] and previous years. ## Participating For audience questions specifically, we will use a collaboratively-editable Etherpad as the primary means of collecting audience questions. We will be posting a link to the pad closer to the event. If, however, you are unable to access the pad to add your question(s), we will still try to take questions from our questions-specific IRC channel (`#emacsconf-questions` on `irc.libera.chat`), and we ask one or two volunteers to kindly add questions from that channel to the pad on behalf of folks who are not able to or prefer not to use the web-based questions pad. Come hang out with us in the `#emacsconf` channel on `irc.libera.chat` (the [Libera.Chat][libera] IRC network). You can join the chat using [your favourite IRC client][libera-emacsconf], [your favourite Matrix client][matrix-emacsconf], or by visiting [chat.emacsconf.org][chat] in your web browser. [emacs]: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ [freesw]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html [libera]: https://libera.chat [libera-emacsconf]: ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/emacsconf [matrix-emacsconf]: https://matrix.to/#/#emacsconf:libera.chat [chat]: https://chat.emacsconf.org ## Alternate Stream for APAC There is also an alternate stream suitable for APAC hours, see . ## Thanks - Volunteers: - bandali (Amin Bandali): main organization, communications - zaeph (Leo Vivier): meeting chair, notes, communications - mplsCorwin (Corwin Brust): FOSSHost - sachac (Sacha Chua): schedule, captions - seabass (Sebastian Crane), dto (David O'Toole): ideas - zleap (Paul Sutton), garulfo (Garulfo Azules), alphapapa (Adam Porter): beautiful posters for EmacsConf 2021 - bhavin192 (Bhavin Gandhi): captions ## Archive [[Call for Proposals|cfp]] | [[Ideas]] | [[Submit]]