WEBVTT 00:00:02.240 --> 00:00:03.120 all right 00:00:03.120 --> 00:00:05.359 in the meantime while waiting for corwin 00:00:05.359 --> 00:00:06.399 wow we did it 00:00:06.399 --> 00:00:09.599 look at that 00:00:09.599 --> 00:00:12.799 yeah it's I mean who would have thought 00:00:12.799 --> 00:00:14.960 right 00:00:14.960 --> 00:00:17.279 I mean I I surely didn't when we started 00:00:17.279 --> 00:00:18.640 no knowing how 00:00:18.640 --> 00:00:20.560 exhausted I was at the end of the first 00:00:20.560 --> 00:00:22.000 day I would have imagined 00:00:22.000 --> 00:00:24.480 to survive the second day of more of 00:00:24.480 --> 00:00:29.279 this same nonsense 00:00:29.279 --> 00:00:32.320 um yeah it's it's been fun 00:00:32.320 --> 00:00:35.200 it's been a lot of work um especially 00:00:35.200 --> 00:00:36.880 for you and sasha 00:00:36.880 --> 00:00:39.680 but um you know it's it's incredible I'm 00:00:39.680 --> 00:00:41.040 I'm very happy 00:00:41.040 --> 00:00:43.520 that um you know we managed to pull 00:00:43.520 --> 00:00:44.399 through 00:00:44.399 --> 00:00:46.960 um you know for two days straight not 00:00:46.960 --> 00:00:48.800 one day 00:00:48.800 --> 00:00:52.320 yeah well hey we did try 00:00:52.320 --> 00:00:54.000 well we actually did manage to accept 00:00:54.000 --> 00:00:55.360 all the top proposals 00:00:55.360 --> 00:00:57.360 so if you're thinking oh I could I could 00:00:57.360 --> 00:00:59.039 give an even better talk than the ones I 00:00:59.039 --> 00:00:59.840 heard today 00:00:59.840 --> 00:01:01.680 or yesterday please send us a talk 00:01:01.680 --> 00:01:03.440 proposal for next year 00:01:03.440 --> 00:01:04.960 we might be able to fit it's all in but 00:01:04.960 --> 00:01:06.720 we might have to declare an Emacs week I 00:01:06.720 --> 00:01:09.840 don't know 00:01:09.840 --> 00:01:12.799 yeah absolutely yeah it's it's funny 00:01:12.799 --> 00:01:13.200 like 00:01:13.200 --> 00:01:15.360 um I remember a little bit last year but 00:01:15.360 --> 00:01:16.880 also this year we kind of 00:01:16.880 --> 00:01:19.439 we're trying to set up um I guess sort 00:01:19.439 --> 00:01:20.960 of a procedure for 00:01:20.960 --> 00:01:23.200 accepting and rejecting talks but then 00:01:23.200 --> 00:01:24.720 you know we have got the actual 00:01:24.720 --> 00:01:27.680 submissions and oh my god so much 00:01:27.680 --> 00:01:28.880 awesome stuff 00:01:28.880 --> 00:01:30.799 um I mean I definitely wouldn't have 00:01:30.799 --> 00:01:33.360 been a movie 00:01:33.360 --> 00:01:35.360 how can you say not anything it's emad 00:01:35.360 --> 00:01:36.720 so you just throw it all in 00:01:36.720 --> 00:01:38.159 including the kitchen sink and then 00:01:38.159 --> 00:01:40.640 we'll sort it all out later 00:01:40.640 --> 00:01:42.720 so if you went through all this the 00:01:42.720 --> 00:01:44.240 entire conference and you missed some 00:01:44.240 --> 00:01:46.079 interesting talks because a we started 00:01:46.079 --> 00:01:46.640 early 00:01:46.640 --> 00:01:48.240 because you're very excited and didn't 00:01:48.240 --> 00:01:50.399 need the technical you know buffer time 00:01:50.399 --> 00:01:53.119 uh or b you really had to step away at 00:01:53.119 --> 00:01:54.159 some point so you must 00:01:54.159 --> 00:01:55.840 talk you really wanted to recordings 00:01:55.840 --> 00:01:58.960 will eventually be available 00:01:58.960 --> 00:02:02.320 yes absolutely um yeah I know 00:02:02.320 --> 00:02:05.360 so many people asked in the chat um you 00:02:05.360 --> 00:02:06.000 know 00:02:06.000 --> 00:02:08.000 is did I already miss the stock or are 00:02:08.000 --> 00:02:09.200 the pre-recordings up 00:02:09.200 --> 00:02:12.319 um yeah so they're not up yet but 00:02:12.319 --> 00:02:15.280 um you know especially with the 00:02:15.280 --> 00:02:16.400 pre-recordings that 00:02:16.400 --> 00:02:18.560 those are basically um ready to be 00:02:18.560 --> 00:02:19.920 uploaded so 00:02:19.920 --> 00:02:22.879 you know right after we finish this talk 00:02:22.879 --> 00:02:23.760 um 00:02:23.760 --> 00:02:26.879 I'm going to um start uploading them 00:02:26.879 --> 00:02:29.599 um because you know those are just ready 00:02:29.599 --> 00:02:30.480 we have them 00:02:30.480 --> 00:02:32.720 and then for the ones that were only 00:02:32.720 --> 00:02:33.519 live 00:02:33.519 --> 00:02:36.879 also as well as the live q a sessions um 00:02:36.879 --> 00:02:40.080 we will try to process them 00:02:40.080 --> 00:02:43.440 and get those up as well yes after 00:02:43.440 --> 00:02:45.680 you've had some sleep 00:02:45.680 --> 00:02:49.040 yeah after after some rest um 00:02:49.040 --> 00:02:51.920 yeah and I'm I'm just with us oh there 00:02:51.920 --> 00:02:55.040 you go hey corbin 00:02:55.040 --> 00:02:57.280 um yeah I don't think we have your sound 00:02:57.280 --> 00:02:58.959 yet so double check that 00:02:58.959 --> 00:03:03.440 but um hi how about now yes 00:03:03.440 --> 00:03:05.920 um yeah I'm just seeing the chatbot go 00:03:05.920 --> 00:03:07.360 by an EmacsConf and 00:03:07.360 --> 00:03:09.360 everyone is being so nice um it's just 00:03:09.360 --> 00:03:12.239 making me smile 00:03:12.239 --> 00:03:14.159 okay people want a question section so 00:03:14.159 --> 00:03:15.360 I'm gonna add a question 00:03:15.360 --> 00:03:17.599 thing and people can throw in their 00:03:17.599 --> 00:03:18.720 questions 00:03:18.720 --> 00:03:22.159 somewhere just telling you if you want 00:03:22.159 --> 00:03:23.840 three Emacs conference per year the 00:03:23.840 --> 00:03:26.159 answer is no judging by the amount of 00:03:26.159 --> 00:03:28.159 stress that we've accrued all together 00:03:28.159 --> 00:03:28.959 today 00:03:28.959 --> 00:03:30.799 we are not ready to do this three times 00:03:30.799 --> 00:03:32.640 every year the answer is 00:03:32.640 --> 00:03:34.480 you're welcome to organize it and we'll 00:03:34.480 --> 00:03:36.000 happily share our notes 00:03:36.000 --> 00:03:38.159 um and I will take a mention of it in my 00:03:38.159 --> 00:03:39.040 Emacs news 00:03:39.040 --> 00:03:41.200 so please feel free to go ahead and put 00:03:41.200 --> 00:03:43.920 things together yourselves 00:03:43.920 --> 00:03:46.959 yeah absolutely um you know for me I 00:03:46.959 --> 00:03:48.400 think once a year is 00:03:48.400 --> 00:03:51.680 quite enough but um if 00:03:51.680 --> 00:03:55.040 go ahead oh however if I if today leaves 00:03:55.040 --> 00:03:56.080 you wanting more 00:03:56.080 --> 00:03:58.720 there are emax meetups and I think there 00:03:58.720 --> 00:04:00.000 are a couple of a 00:04:00.000 --> 00:04:02.239 couple of them coming up in december so 00:04:02.239 --> 00:04:04.319 if you check back in my talk 00:04:04.319 --> 00:04:06.560 for Emacs news highlights I've linked to 00:04:06.560 --> 00:04:08.080 a couple that are coming up in the next 00:04:08.080 --> 00:04:09.760 couple of weeks 00:04:09.760 --> 00:04:12.000 nice yeah and I think zakariya mentioned 00:04:12.000 --> 00:04:12.959 that um 00:04:12.959 --> 00:04:15.920 he's either participating or he runs or 00:04:15.920 --> 00:04:17.840 is one of the people that runs the Emacs 00:04:17.840 --> 00:04:19.120 nyc meetup 00:04:19.120 --> 00:04:22.079 um yeah so definitely check that out and 00:04:22.079 --> 00:04:23.759 you know all the other ones that may be 00:04:23.759 --> 00:04:24.639 out there 00:04:24.639 --> 00:04:29.120 um yeah for sure uh 00:04:29.120 --> 00:04:32.160 yeah so so I'll jump in on there 00:04:32.160 --> 00:04:34.720 on that point too I I have a lot of 00:04:34.720 --> 00:04:36.000 energy for 00:04:36.000 --> 00:04:39.840 um for helping people get together um 00:04:39.840 --> 00:04:43.440 adam uh uh from melpa 00:04:43.440 --> 00:04:46.880 suggested uh I should do some twitch 00:04:46.880 --> 00:04:48.880 stuff I'll probably try that I have put 00:04:48.880 --> 00:04:50.320 a couple things out there and even a few 00:04:50.320 --> 00:04:51.360 people came by 00:04:51.360 --> 00:04:53.919 so I I think I would agree the interest 00:04:53.919 --> 00:04:54.840 is there 00:04:54.840 --> 00:04:57.600 and I definitely would love to spend 00:04:57.600 --> 00:04:59.120 that time talking to people that want to 00:04:59.120 --> 00:05:00.000 organize 00:05:00.000 --> 00:05:01.759 as well as people that are interested in 00:05:01.759 --> 00:05:04.160 just learning to use Emacs as an editor 00:05:04.160 --> 00:05:07.120 I think it's um I think it's a fantastic 00:05:07.120 --> 00:05:08.880 journey speaking for myself as somebody 00:05:08.880 --> 00:05:10.560 that um I don't 00:05:10.560 --> 00:05:12.080 always have the right keystrokes right 00:05:12.080 --> 00:05:13.759 at hand sometimes yeah 00:05:13.759 --> 00:05:16.160 my mentor in in computer programming is 00:05:16.160 --> 00:05:17.840 david dyer bennett and 00:05:17.840 --> 00:05:21.440 um I started uh apprenticing with him 00:05:21.440 --> 00:05:24.800 as when he was a freelancer um 00:05:24.800 --> 00:05:28.160 many decades ago now and 00:05:28.160 --> 00:05:31.919 you know he has a mantra that is uh 00:05:31.919 --> 00:05:33.440 you know I can do that in about five 00:05:33.440 --> 00:05:35.280 minutes if it's 00:05:35.280 --> 00:05:37.840 the right five minutes and and that's 00:05:37.840 --> 00:05:39.919 kind of the story of my life 00:05:39.919 --> 00:05:43.360 um and Emacs is just a tool to 00:05:43.360 --> 00:05:45.759 get the right five minutes more often no 00:05:45.759 --> 00:05:46.560 matter 00:05:46.560 --> 00:05:48.720 you know how can how cooperative the 00:05:48.720 --> 00:05:49.600 fingers are 00:05:49.600 --> 00:05:52.400 or or whether the ideas are free-flowing 00:05:52.400 --> 00:05:52.800 you know 00:05:52.800 --> 00:05:55.680 and getting that right environment is a 00:05:55.680 --> 00:05:56.800 lot of things for a lot of different 00:05:56.800 --> 00:05:58.720 people a lot of things to us on a 00:05:58.720 --> 00:06:00.639 different day 00:06:00.639 --> 00:06:04.080 um so yeah I have a ton of energy 00:06:04.080 --> 00:06:08.400 around you know hey let's talk more 00:06:08.400 --> 00:06:11.919 absolutely um yes so 00:06:11.919 --> 00:06:14.560 you know I think we are everyone's 00:06:14.560 --> 00:06:15.600 pretty energetic 00:06:15.600 --> 00:06:18.080 oh before I forget I know I will forget 00:06:18.080 --> 00:06:18.639 um 00:06:18.639 --> 00:06:20.800 to speakers uh those of you who are 00:06:20.800 --> 00:06:22.400 still watching right now 00:06:22.400 --> 00:06:24.720 um I would very much appreciate it if 00:06:24.720 --> 00:06:26.240 you could send us you know 00:06:26.240 --> 00:06:27.520 any of the materials you know for 00:06:27.520 --> 00:06:29.919 example the slides or any links and 00:06:29.919 --> 00:06:31.600 resources to us 00:06:31.600 --> 00:06:34.880 so we could add them to to the 00:06:34.880 --> 00:06:38.880 EmacsConf wiki 00:06:38.880 --> 00:06:41.840 or you can add them directly yourself if 00:06:41.840 --> 00:06:43.759 you go to Emacsconf.org 00:06:43.759 --> 00:06:46.400 edit there's instructions for basically 00:06:46.400 --> 00:06:47.120 anyone 00:06:47.120 --> 00:06:50.800 to edit the wiki if they like to um 00:06:50.800 --> 00:06:54.000 yes so now uh back to getting 00:06:54.000 --> 00:06:57.039 uh getting back to corwin's point um and 00:06:57.039 --> 00:06:58.800 also what sasha mentioned 00:06:58.800 --> 00:07:01.520 so um you know maybe one EmacsConf 00:07:01.520 --> 00:07:02.800 might be enough 00:07:02.800 --> 00:07:06.319 um for us for one year or for me but 00:07:06.319 --> 00:07:09.840 um in terms of Emacs related events 00:07:09.840 --> 00:07:14.160 um so this this conference was 00:07:14.160 --> 00:07:17.360 uh is like you know mainly about Emacs 00:07:17.360 --> 00:07:20.960 um but it's also in my opinion a 00:07:20.960 --> 00:07:22.319 showcase of 00:07:22.319 --> 00:07:24.160 um just how much you can do with free 00:07:24.160 --> 00:07:27.440 software Emacs itself is free software 00:07:27.440 --> 00:07:30.800 but um also all the tools that we used 00:07:30.800 --> 00:07:34.400 um these two days for like uh streaming 00:07:34.400 --> 00:07:37.759 for you know playing back to videos um 00:07:37.759 --> 00:07:39.840 yeah it's all free software and anyone 00:07:39.840 --> 00:07:41.440 can use and improve them 00:07:41.440 --> 00:07:43.840 so um one thing that I wanted to put out 00:07:43.840 --> 00:07:45.440 there before I forget 00:07:45.440 --> 00:07:48.960 is that um so we have these couple of 00:07:48.960 --> 00:07:50.000 servers set up 00:07:50.000 --> 00:07:52.960 for streaming for imax conf and I would 00:07:52.960 --> 00:07:54.639 be very much happy to 00:07:54.639 --> 00:07:59.039 um help any other group basically 00:07:59.039 --> 00:08:00.319 you know look into using our 00:08:00.319 --> 00:08:03.199 infrastructure for 00:08:03.199 --> 00:08:06.720 doing their own live event using only 00:08:06.720 --> 00:08:09.360 free software so if you are interested 00:08:09.360 --> 00:08:10.080 in that 00:08:10.080 --> 00:08:12.639 please feel free to ping me either in 00:08:12.639 --> 00:08:14.879 the max conf channel on freenode 00:08:14.879 --> 00:08:17.840 um where my nick is bandali or just 00:08:17.840 --> 00:08:18.720 email me at 00:08:18.720 --> 00:08:21.440 bandeli gnu.org um I would be happy to 00:08:21.440 --> 00:08:22.800 help you with that 00:08:22.800 --> 00:08:29.199 um yeah I'll defer to others 00:08:29.199 --> 00:08:31.440 we'll jump in and jump in there george I 00:08:31.440 --> 00:08:34.080 mean 00:08:34.080 --> 00:08:35.760 it's okay you've been you've been quiet 00:08:35.760 --> 00:08:37.839 for too long now I I have this I have to 00:08:37.839 --> 00:08:39.279 pick on people when there's more than 00:08:39.279 --> 00:08:40.640 three people in a group 00:08:40.640 --> 00:08:42.000 you know somehow that's the point of 00:08:42.000 --> 00:08:44.000 wait I'm afraid somebody gets shy 00:08:44.000 --> 00:08:47.920 and when it's not me I I you know 00:08:47.920 --> 00:08:51.440 um so you know I I 00:08:51.440 --> 00:08:54.080 uh yeah I can't thank you enough for the 00:08:54.080 --> 00:08:55.360 for all you've done I mean I have a 00:08:55.360 --> 00:08:57.040 whole list of thank yous here that I 00:08:57.040 --> 00:08:58.320 could just start reading 00:08:58.320 --> 00:09:01.360 uh but but they you know they start with 00:09:01.360 --> 00:09:02.880 you and that was the abbreviated list I 00:09:02.880 --> 00:09:04.480 gave at the beginning of the first talk 00:09:04.480 --> 00:09:05.200 right 00:09:05.200 --> 00:09:06.800 I just appreciate the sense of 00:09:06.800 --> 00:09:08.399 encouragement and 00:09:08.399 --> 00:09:12.320 openness that you bring to it I think 00:09:12.320 --> 00:09:15.519 you know we share uh 00:09:15.519 --> 00:09:17.120 taking inspiration from a lot of people 00:09:17.120 --> 00:09:19.279 in the community and want to give that 00:09:19.279 --> 00:09:20.800 back and that's a great thing to have in 00:09:20.800 --> 00:09:21.440 common 00:09:21.440 --> 00:09:24.880 around any any volunteer 00:09:24.880 --> 00:09:27.920 thank you it's a it's a pleasure um to 00:09:27.920 --> 00:09:29.040 be part of this 00:09:29.040 --> 00:09:31.920 awesome community around Emacs um this 00:09:31.920 --> 00:09:33.600 piece of free software that has been 00:09:33.600 --> 00:09:36.800 around for more than 40 years as 00:09:36.800 --> 00:09:38.720 impressive as that is I think more 00:09:38.720 --> 00:09:41.440 impressive is a community around it 00:09:41.440 --> 00:09:44.720 and all the people people around it 00:09:44.720 --> 00:09:52.640 um yeah definitely 00:09:52.640 --> 00:09:54.560 sorry I'm just smiling because I've 00:09:54.560 --> 00:09:56.240 managed to catch a glimpse of the first 00:09:56.240 --> 00:09:57.760 question that we have 00:09:57.760 --> 00:10:00.560 and I'm trying to suit myself literally 00:10:00.560 --> 00:10:02.560 to know how to answer this question 00:10:02.560 --> 00:10:04.640 and I'm not exactly sure how to do this 00:10:04.640 --> 00:10:11.040 to the best of my ability so 00:10:11.040 --> 00:10:12.880 I don't know I think this at this point 00:10:12.880 --> 00:10:14.240 we would like to remind all of our 00:10:14.240 --> 00:10:15.680 viewers of the 00:10:15.680 --> 00:10:18.800 conduct guidelines 00:10:18.800 --> 00:10:22.800 try not to objectify our speakers 00:10:22.800 --> 00:10:24.959 yeah that's a generally good point to 00:10:24.959 --> 00:10:25.920 remember 00:10:25.920 --> 00:10:29.680 um even in the closing remarks 00:10:29.680 --> 00:10:31.680 because that's that's a thing I do and I 00:10:31.680 --> 00:10:34.000 just wa I want to go on record saying I 00:10:34.000 --> 00:10:34.320 am 00:10:34.320 --> 00:10:36.399 ready to take it on any live stream any 00:10:36.399 --> 00:10:38.880 day of the week please call me on that 00:10:38.880 --> 00:10:40.720 it's always you it's always a new 00:10:40.720 --> 00:10:42.320 experience for somebody 00:10:42.320 --> 00:10:44.399 I've definitely been across lines that 00:10:44.399 --> 00:10:46.160 embarrass me before and 00:10:46.160 --> 00:10:48.320 I want to know about that thank you in 00:10:48.320 --> 00:10:50.320 advance 00:10:50.320 --> 00:10:52.800 okay so do you want to do like someone's 00:10:52.800 --> 00:10:53.519 official 00:10:53.519 --> 00:10:55.760 closing of people so closing up stuff 00:10:55.760 --> 00:10:56.560 just in case 00:10:56.560 --> 00:10:58.000 people want to know what the next steps 00:10:58.000 --> 00:10:59.839 are and then we can do all the fun 00:10:59.839 --> 00:11:02.800 questions and hanging out thing 00:11:02.800 --> 00:11:07.040 okay um right so yeah 00:11:07.040 --> 00:11:09.680 okay following up um emax meetups and 00:11:09.680 --> 00:11:11.279 mention those uh if you want to keep 00:11:11.279 --> 00:11:12.640 connecting with people you can do that 00:11:12.640 --> 00:11:14.079 throughout the year 00:11:14.079 --> 00:11:16.240 we'll figure out some kind of like list 00:11:16.240 --> 00:11:18.399 on Emacs wiki or whatever that will list 00:11:18.399 --> 00:11:19.600 the different meetups or you can just 00:11:19.600 --> 00:11:21.839 search for emats meetup in your area 00:11:21.839 --> 00:11:23.360 but of course since many of them have 00:11:23.360 --> 00:11:25.680 online meetups now um Emacs news will 00:11:25.680 --> 00:11:27.600 mention those whenever people remember 00:11:27.600 --> 00:11:29.600 to tell me in advance 00:11:29.600 --> 00:11:31.920 um okay so Emacs meetups that's the 00:11:31.920 --> 00:11:33.440 thing collaborative pad 00:11:33.440 --> 00:11:36.160 the either pad isn't great there is a 00:11:36.160 --> 00:11:38.079 meta discussion so if you want to add 00:11:38.079 --> 00:11:40.000 things that worked well or make notes of 00:11:40.000 --> 00:11:41.760 things that could work even better next 00:11:41.760 --> 00:11:42.560 year 00:11:42.560 --> 00:11:44.880 then write it while it's fresh we'll 00:11:44.880 --> 00:11:46.720 make a copy and we'll post it 00:11:46.720 --> 00:11:49.440 to the wiki somewhere like we did last 00:11:49.440 --> 00:11:50.160 year 00:11:50.160 --> 00:11:52.000 we can also copy and paste the links 00:11:52.000 --> 00:11:53.680 from the individual sections 00:11:53.680 --> 00:11:56.079 into top pages so you can follow the 00:11:56.079 --> 00:11:58.240 links from there 00:11:58.240 --> 00:12:00.240 and if you spoke at a conference and you 00:12:00.240 --> 00:12:01.680 would like to make it easier for people 00:12:01.680 --> 00:12:02.880 to follow up with you 00:12:02.880 --> 00:12:04.560 please let us know your follow-up 00:12:04.560 --> 00:12:06.079 information and we can add it to that 00:12:06.079 --> 00:12:07.040 page also 00:12:07.040 --> 00:12:09.600 or it's a wiki you can edit yourself if 00:12:09.600 --> 00:12:11.120 you have questions when the videos 00:12:11.120 --> 00:12:12.079 finally come out 00:12:12.079 --> 00:12:13.519 when you watch them after the videos 00:12:13.519 --> 00:12:15.360 have come out then you can look at the 00:12:15.360 --> 00:12:17.120 page for follow-up information 00:12:17.120 --> 00:12:20.000 and subscribe to the mailing list low 00:12:20.000 --> 00:12:22.000 traffic you can get updates like when we 00:12:22.000 --> 00:12:24.480 release the photos I release the videos 00:12:24.480 --> 00:12:26.320 and uh and they're ready for you to 00:12:26.320 --> 00:12:28.800 check out so that's what I got for 00:12:28.800 --> 00:12:32.160 next steps awesome 00:12:32.160 --> 00:12:34.880 thank you sasha um do one of you guys 00:12:34.880 --> 00:12:35.680 want to do 00:12:35.680 --> 00:12:39.760 the um the thanks or should I do them 00:12:39.760 --> 00:12:42.800 no read to you so good 00:12:42.800 --> 00:12:44.480 I was gonna I was gonna say the same 00:12:44.480 --> 00:12:46.560 thing you are so you go ahead 00:12:46.560 --> 00:12:50.240 okay 00:12:50.240 --> 00:12:51.920 thinking that that was an awesome thing 00:12:51.920 --> 00:12:53.760 for for ramen to do if you would be 00:12:53.760 --> 00:12:57.360 willing 00:12:57.360 --> 00:12:59.120 yeah you're the lead organizer you get 00:12:59.120 --> 00:13:00.959 stuck with other fun jobs 00:13:00.959 --> 00:13:05.440 all the difficult stuff yeah 00:13:05.440 --> 00:13:07.360 yeah you don't know dating upwards read 00:13:07.360 --> 00:13:08.720 my crap if you don't want to 00:13:08.720 --> 00:13:12.320 but um oh no that's 00:13:12.320 --> 00:13:14.959 I definitely want to read that corbin um 00:13:14.959 --> 00:13:16.399 yeah I'll pull it up 00:13:16.399 --> 00:13:20.399 but um yeah before we get into that um 00:13:20.399 --> 00:13:23.279 I want to read what we have here so uh 00:13:23.279 --> 00:13:25.040 thank you very much to the free software 00:13:25.040 --> 00:13:26.079 foundation 00:13:26.079 --> 00:13:29.040 especially the tech team for lending us 00:13:29.040 --> 00:13:29.600 allowing 00:13:29.600 --> 00:13:31.760 us to use this very big blue button 00:13:31.760 --> 00:13:32.720 instance 00:13:32.720 --> 00:13:35.839 that we've used for live calls and um 00:13:35.839 --> 00:13:38.000 live q a with so many of the speakers 00:13:38.000 --> 00:13:39.199 this year 00:13:39.199 --> 00:13:42.959 um thank you so much uh shout out to the 00:13:42.959 --> 00:13:43.760 tech team 00:13:43.760 --> 00:13:47.040 um especially reuben who does a lot 00:13:47.040 --> 00:13:50.240 especially with big blue button um 00:13:50.240 --> 00:13:53.199 and like streaming in general um but 00:13:53.199 --> 00:13:53.680 also 00:13:53.680 --> 00:13:55.519 the other members of the tech team like 00:13:55.519 --> 00:13:57.360 ian andrew and michael 00:13:57.360 --> 00:14:01.519 thank you all um next stop volunteers 00:14:01.519 --> 00:14:05.920 bobbin david bremner uh dave o'toole for 00:14:05.920 --> 00:14:09.199 taking um on basically writing 00:14:09.199 --> 00:14:10.240 descriptive text 00:14:10.240 --> 00:14:15.279 in our #emacsconf-accessible channel 00:14:15.279 --> 00:14:18.480 along with uh joe corneli and 00:14:18.480 --> 00:14:21.920 um sea bass or sea bass um 00:14:21.920 --> 00:14:25.199 basically for transcribing talks 00:14:25.199 --> 00:14:27.950 um in a way live um 00:14:27.950 --> 00:14:29.120 [Music] 00:14:29.120 --> 00:14:32.320 yes thank you to corwin of course 00:14:32.320 --> 00:14:35.600 uh thank you to carl voight uh thank you 00:14:35.600 --> 00:14:35.920 to 00:14:35.920 --> 00:14:39.519 sasha and leo very much um 00:14:39.519 --> 00:14:42.639 for all your hard work um this event 00:14:42.639 --> 00:14:44.240 literally wouldn't have been possible 00:14:44.240 --> 00:14:45.680 without all of your uh 00:14:45.680 --> 00:14:49.279 guys's helps um so thank you 00:14:49.279 --> 00:14:51.760 and as I told you in the chat you know 00:14:51.760 --> 00:14:52.639 you would have been 00:14:52.639 --> 00:14:54.800 really happy to one-man army the entire 00:14:54.800 --> 00:14:58.160 thing if we hadn't been there so 00:14:58.160 --> 00:15:00.560 I I don't know I may have been able to 00:15:00.560 --> 00:15:01.839 but I definitely would have been happy 00:15:01.839 --> 00:15:02.320 to 00:15:02.320 --> 00:15:05.760 I'm much more happier this way so um 00:15:05.760 --> 00:15:07.600 I guess it's the moment when we ask you 00:15:07.600 --> 00:15:09.519 uh your energy level is it at 00:15:09.519 --> 00:15:12.560 50 is it at 40 can you give us an 00:15:12.560 --> 00:15:13.120 estimate 00:15:13.120 --> 00:15:16.399 roughly um yeah which is what uh 00:15:16.399 --> 00:15:19.120 corbin had mentioned um I think I'm at a 00:15:19.120 --> 00:15:19.519 good 00:15:19.519 --> 00:15:22.320 like 50 or 60 percent um it's just 00:15:22.320 --> 00:15:23.040 blended 00:15:23.040 --> 00:15:24.800 yeah definitely more than I can say last 00:15:24.800 --> 00:15:27.199 for last year 00:15:27.199 --> 00:15:30.320 but yes thank you um 00:15:30.320 --> 00:15:33.519 thank you to um all of the 00:15:33.519 --> 00:15:36.720 our awesome audience members um everyone 00:15:36.720 --> 00:15:39.279 who participated in any way 00:15:39.279 --> 00:15:42.880 in the conference also 00:15:42.880 --> 00:15:44.959 of course a big thank you to all the 00:15:44.959 --> 00:15:46.399 awesome speakers 00:15:46.399 --> 00:15:48.720 for submitting all of these amazing 00:15:48.720 --> 00:15:49.440 talks 00:15:49.440 --> 00:15:52.320 um on a very wide range of topics from a 00:15:52.320 --> 00:15:53.120 wide 00:15:53.120 --> 00:15:56.160 range of backgrounds it was just awesome 00:15:56.160 --> 00:15:59.680 thank you um and now corbin do you want 00:15:59.680 --> 00:16:03.600 to read over your text or should I do it 00:16:03.600 --> 00:16:07.759 it's entirely up to you I mean I 00:16:07.759 --> 00:16:09.920 I would have to find it again but I will 00:16:09.920 --> 00:16:11.759 I just have to bring the right Emacs to 00:16:11.759 --> 00:16:12.720 the front here 00:16:12.720 --> 00:16:16.240 my story of today yeah sure go forward 00:16:16.240 --> 00:16:18.959 um I've already talked enough so I kind 00:16:18.959 --> 00:16:20.480 of like the idea of putting words in 00:16:20.480 --> 00:16:20.880 your mouth 00:16:20.880 --> 00:16:23.600 honestly if you feel good saying go go 00:16:23.600 --> 00:16:25.440 for it and that'll be good for me 00:16:25.440 --> 00:16:27.759 or if we want to segue into random next 00:16:27.759 --> 00:16:29.680 conversation I'm up for that too but I'm 00:16:29.680 --> 00:16:30.720 conscious of 00:16:30.720 --> 00:16:33.839 other people with uh um 00:16:33.839 --> 00:16:35.600 young friends wandering about the house 00:16:35.600 --> 00:16:37.120 and beginning to thump on things 00:16:37.120 --> 00:16:39.360 I got it I probably didn't what have you 00:16:39.360 --> 00:16:41.440 pasted me before 00:16:41.440 --> 00:16:44.399 right that one is that what you wanted 00:16:44.399 --> 00:16:44.800 yeah 00:16:44.800 --> 00:16:46.399 I saw the question in there about 00:16:46.399 --> 00:16:48.399 windows that's definitely a subject I'm 00:16:48.399 --> 00:16:50.320 happy to talk about I think others on 00:16:50.320 --> 00:16:51.519 the call have gotten 00:16:51.519 --> 00:16:54.000 uh gotten some of that in in as part of 00:16:54.000 --> 00:16:55.600 other conversations 00:16:55.600 --> 00:16:58.800 um in brief summary it's kind of a 00:16:58.800 --> 00:16:59.839 necessity thing 00:16:59.839 --> 00:17:03.040 it's um 00:17:03.040 --> 00:17:06.160 it's it's complicated you know it's but 00:17:06.160 --> 00:17:09.280 I I guess I I can say uh 00:17:09.280 --> 00:17:11.760 I'd ask you not to not to make free 00:17:11.760 --> 00:17:13.280 software purity tests right 00:17:13.280 --> 00:17:17.439 you know I um need windows right now 00:17:17.439 --> 00:17:19.839 and so that has to be fine because I 00:17:19.839 --> 00:17:33.840 want to be able to give back 00:17:33.840 --> 00:17:35.360 I'm looking at it I had the wrong part 00:17:35.360 --> 00:17:48.799 of the buffer open I think karen 00:17:48.799 --> 00:17:56.799 let me briefly say um 00:17:56.799 --> 00:17:58.559 we're using okay so I can I can talk 00:17:58.559 --> 00:18:00.960 about crdt we experimented with it um 00:18:00.960 --> 00:18:04.320 and I quite a bit and then eric and I 00:18:04.320 --> 00:18:07.039 significantly further we uh messed up 00:18:07.039 --> 00:18:08.880 some of our slides significantly getting 00:18:08.880 --> 00:18:10.480 a little too ambitious with having 00:18:10.480 --> 00:18:12.080 multiple people editing it 00:18:12.080 --> 00:18:14.400 and letting everybody go to work on the 00:18:14.400 --> 00:18:15.360 presentations 00:18:15.360 --> 00:18:17.919 so we wasted we found many different 00:18:17.919 --> 00:18:19.679 ways to use Emacs to waste time and 00:18:19.679 --> 00:18:21.360 preparing for emax conf 00:18:21.360 --> 00:18:23.840 but I'm pretty confident we have we have 00:18:23.840 --> 00:18:25.520 all the good parts saved and 00:18:25.520 --> 00:18:28.480 we'll just need to pull those together 00:18:28.480 --> 00:18:28.880 uh 00:18:28.880 --> 00:18:30.720 for you back into a single or more file 00:18:30.720 --> 00:18:33.600 that we can put up with those videos 00:18:33.600 --> 00:18:36.000 thanks again for bearing with us um 00:18:36.000 --> 00:18:37.919 hopefully my point about 00:18:37.919 --> 00:18:54.640 Emacs being there for you came across 00:18:54.640 --> 00:18:56.480 oh yes I can scroll I can scroll back 00:18:56.480 --> 00:18:57.679 down to your text if you like 00:18:57.679 --> 00:19:04.320 okay here we go 00:19:04.320 --> 00:19:06.559 uh we're figuring out carwin here's your 00:19:06.559 --> 00:19:08.240 text 00:19:08.240 --> 00:19:10.080 if you want to read it otherwise I'll be 00:19:10.080 --> 00:19:11.600 plenty happy to read it if you want me 00:19:11.600 --> 00:19:12.480 to 00:19:12.480 --> 00:19:15.919 take it all right 00:19:15.919 --> 00:19:18.400 obviously you had to ask the esl learner 00:19:18.400 --> 00:19:20.480 so english as a second language to read 00:19:20.480 --> 00:19:24.000 a chunk of text so thank you for this 00:19:24.000 --> 00:19:28.960 all right okay so uh this is my call win 00:19:28.960 --> 00:19:32.400 so Emacs is very very complicated 00:19:32.400 --> 00:19:35.440 and using computer is hard with Emacs we 00:19:35.440 --> 00:19:37.200 have an ideal opportunity to learn 00:19:37.200 --> 00:19:40.160 from our errors to take on hard work 00:19:40.160 --> 00:19:41.600 with diverse groups 00:19:41.600 --> 00:19:44.160 and to effect lasting solutions to make 00:19:44.160 --> 00:19:44.960 Emacs 00:19:44.960 --> 00:19:47.600 and thereby any word of software thing 00:19:47.600 --> 00:19:48.320 in practically 00:19:48.320 --> 00:19:50.799 any human and spoken language easier to 00:19:50.799 --> 00:19:52.320 learn and to use 00:19:52.320 --> 00:19:55.520 forever life doesn't come with warning 00:19:55.520 --> 00:19:56.080 labels 00:19:56.080 --> 00:19:59.039 or margin notes we have a blank map and 00:19:59.039 --> 00:20:00.799 an uncertain number of batteries for the 00:20:00.799 --> 00:20:01.840 torch 00:20:01.840 --> 00:20:04.159 but there's light in the darkness it's 00:20:04.159 --> 00:20:05.200 freedom 00:20:05.200 --> 00:20:07.200 it's the idea of giving to people 00:20:07.200 --> 00:20:12.240 something that cannot be taken away 00:20:12.240 --> 00:20:14.320 ultraman to say that that was very 00:20:14.320 --> 00:20:15.440 beautiful uh 00:20:15.440 --> 00:20:21.120 thank you corbin for writing that 00:20:21.120 --> 00:20:26.960 okay so uh are there any questions 00:20:26.960 --> 00:20:32.159 oh muted 00:20:32.159 --> 00:20:34.240 I still can't I'm muted I think I'm 00:20:34.240 --> 00:20:36.400 sorry 00:20:36.400 --> 00:20:40.559 um what I said was thank you uh 00:20:40.559 --> 00:20:45.600 just thanks 00:20:45.600 --> 00:20:48.640 I just this community has really been 00:20:48.640 --> 00:20:49.760 there for me it's 00:20:49.760 --> 00:20:56.080 hard to learn and need 00:20:56.080 --> 00:20:58.080 so yeah I keep laughing because I I see 00:20:58.080 --> 00:21:00.000 things coming through the chat and I do 00:21:00.000 --> 00:21:01.600 not know how to react visually 00:21:01.600 --> 00:21:02.960 I'm not used to getting those types of 00:21:02.960 --> 00:21:04.640 messages 00:21:04.640 --> 00:21:08.000 it is very upsetting I don't know which 00:21:08.000 --> 00:21:11.120 one to use I'm using my english as well 00:21:11.120 --> 00:21:13.120 I'm intentionally not looking over there 00:21:13.120 --> 00:21:14.320 because I'll just get dragged into 00:21:14.320 --> 00:21:16.799 conversation and then this we will be on 00:21:16.799 --> 00:21:18.080 live stream all night I don't know if 00:21:18.080 --> 00:21:19.600 you know me at all in fact I 00:21:19.600 --> 00:21:21.679 I my apologies you probably don't hi my 00:21:21.679 --> 00:21:24.080 name is corwin I like to talk 00:21:24.080 --> 00:21:27.039 I like to get you excited about ideas 00:21:27.039 --> 00:21:28.720 that I think we agree about 00:21:28.720 --> 00:21:31.440 so we can get somewhere solving an 00:21:31.440 --> 00:21:33.200 important problem and there's a lot of 00:21:33.200 --> 00:21:35.520 important problems in the world so 00:21:35.520 --> 00:21:37.840 I have been living in a devil's paradise 00:21:37.840 --> 00:21:39.600 throughout covet as people are sitting 00:21:39.600 --> 00:21:40.159 at home 00:21:40.159 --> 00:21:42.799 and really frustrated especially in the 00:21:42.799 --> 00:21:44.480 united states where I live 00:21:44.480 --> 00:21:46.640 about political and social justice 00:21:46.640 --> 00:21:47.520 issues you 00:21:47.520 --> 00:21:49.760 probably heard of the town where I live 00:21:49.760 --> 00:21:50.799 recently 00:21:50.799 --> 00:21:54.559 as a direct um 00:21:54.559 --> 00:21:58.000 uh kind of crucible there right 00:21:58.000 --> 00:22:02.400 um we are a troubled people 00:22:02.400 --> 00:22:04.559 we're arguing about freedom it's to the 00:22:04.559 --> 00:22:06.320 point where it's hard to put those words 00:22:06.320 --> 00:22:07.280 down 00:22:07.280 --> 00:22:10.400 without assuming people are gonna write 00:22:10.400 --> 00:22:12.320 you off as a shyster 00:22:12.320 --> 00:22:15.600 that's insanity we know exactly what 00:22:15.600 --> 00:22:16.640 that means 00:22:16.640 --> 00:22:20.480 especially in this community we uh 00:22:20.480 --> 00:22:23.679 we're here because we want to 00:22:23.679 --> 00:22:26.640 um because we want to make sure that 00:22:26.640 --> 00:22:27.200 some 00:22:27.200 --> 00:22:29.280 part of what the potential that 00:22:29.280 --> 00:22:30.880 technology offers 00:22:30.880 --> 00:22:32.880 is indelibly written out there that 00:22:32.880 --> 00:22:34.320 nobody can take away 00:22:34.320 --> 00:22:36.799 that's the bottom line on that that that 00:22:36.799 --> 00:22:38.240 closing thought I mean that's where I'd 00:22:38.240 --> 00:22:40.240 leave you at with Emacs conference 00:22:40.240 --> 00:22:41.919 you want to make stuff that other people 00:22:41.919 --> 00:22:43.280 can't take away because that's where 00:22:43.280 --> 00:22:44.320 freedom 00:22:44.320 --> 00:22:48.320 is hiding 00:22:48.320 --> 00:22:51.360 thank you and I agree there is something 00:22:51.360 --> 00:22:52.799 to be said about 00:22:52.799 --> 00:22:55.039 um you know this idea of having some 00:22:55.039 --> 00:22:56.080 piece of software 00:22:56.080 --> 00:22:59.360 or an art form to um 00:22:59.360 --> 00:23:01.679 setting it free to to live on 00:23:01.679 --> 00:23:03.360 indefinitely into the future and for 00:23:03.360 --> 00:23:04.400 everyone else 00:23:04.400 --> 00:23:06.320 um and for people who may have not 00:23:06.320 --> 00:23:07.600 already even been born 00:23:07.600 --> 00:23:09.679 to you know at some point someday 00:23:09.679 --> 00:23:11.280 discover it and 00:23:11.280 --> 00:23:13.840 um you know start using it and making it 00:23:13.840 --> 00:23:15.039 even better 00:23:15.039 --> 00:23:18.880 um yeah so I think on that note 00:23:18.880 --> 00:23:21.120 this might be a good note to conclude on 00:23:21.120 --> 00:23:23.039 what you folks think 00:23:23.039 --> 00:23:24.720 I always like to go around the room one 00:23:24.720 --> 00:23:26.640 time but again I'll keep everybody on 00:23:26.640 --> 00:23:28.240 the phone forever so don't 00:23:28.240 --> 00:23:30.960 don't don't use my definitely I have to 00:23:30.960 --> 00:23:31.860 be seconded 00:23:31.860 --> 00:23:33.840 [Laughter] 00:23:33.840 --> 00:23:38.000 okay um leo sasha 00:23:38.000 --> 00:23:40.240 uh I was just wondering if we'd answered 00:23:40.240 --> 00:23:41.760 as many questions as we could 00:23:41.760 --> 00:23:43.840 from the people because I believe we've 00:23:43.840 --> 00:23:45.440 answered some of them and sasha has been 00:23:45.440 --> 00:23:47.520 kind enough to answer them in line 00:23:47.520 --> 00:23:49.360 but maybe we wanted to take some of them 00:23:49.360 --> 00:23:50.960 live especially some of the later ones 00:23:50.960 --> 00:23:52.080 just to 00:23:52.080 --> 00:23:54.320 send people off with a feeling that we 00:23:54.320 --> 00:23:56.240 answered to the very last question that 00:23:56.240 --> 00:23:58.640 they had 00:23:58.640 --> 00:24:01.360 and until the sound over my head gets 00:24:01.360 --> 00:24:03.360 too loud and I have to mute I'll be here 00:24:03.360 --> 00:24:04.400 and then I'll uh 00:24:04.400 --> 00:24:07.039 be here if I can convince the loud ones 00:24:07.039 --> 00:24:10.799 to come watch with me 00:24:10.799 --> 00:24:13.039 so it's really up to you I mean we I'm 00:24:13.039 --> 00:24:14.559 the one crumbling right now you know I'm 00:24:14.559 --> 00:24:15.200 just 00:24:15.200 --> 00:24:17.200 it's pure showmanship that is keeping me 00:24:17.200 --> 00:24:18.799 up right now the energy that I've been 00:24:18.799 --> 00:24:21.120 accumulating over the last few days 00:24:21.120 --> 00:24:22.799 but what's going to happen basically 00:24:22.799 --> 00:24:24.400 when we finish this live stream 00:24:24.400 --> 00:24:26.240 firstly I'm going to turn off this light 00:24:26.240 --> 00:24:27.840 which has been blasting 00:24:27.840 --> 00:24:30.000 a very white light in my eyes and up 00:24:30.000 --> 00:24:31.039 until 11 pm 00:24:31.039 --> 00:24:34.400 every single day you see this very comfy 00:24:34.400 --> 00:24:37.120 uh you know so far what not I'm just 00:24:37.120 --> 00:24:37.919 going to 00:24:37.919 --> 00:24:42.880 crush on it right away so 00:24:42.880 --> 00:24:45.440 that sounds like a good plan to me um 00:24:45.440 --> 00:24:47.279 you know we've all worked hard 00:24:47.279 --> 00:24:50.159 especially you all um and definitely 00:24:50.159 --> 00:24:51.360 deserve some rest 00:24:51.360 --> 00:24:54.640 to um you know rejuvenate our job 00:24:54.640 --> 00:24:58.159 and get back into it again um 00:24:58.159 --> 00:25:01.279 yeah sasha did you want to add anything 00:25:01.279 --> 00:25:05.919 else 00:25:05.919 --> 00:25:08.240 you just muted yourself yes you've just 00:25:08.240 --> 00:25:12.640 muted yourself 00:25:12.640 --> 00:25:14.799 uh yeah just answering questions at the 00:25:14.799 --> 00:25:15.780 moment um 00:25:15.780 --> 00:25:17.039 [Music] 00:25:17.039 --> 00:25:18.400 at some point I will have to do two 00:25:18.400 --> 00:25:20.320 things but in the meantime I can do 00:25:20.320 --> 00:25:25.520 Emacs grown-up Emacs things wow 00:25:25.520 --> 00:25:26.880 what are you saying grown-up Emacs but 00:25:26.880 --> 00:25:28.799 we still had a talk by uh 00:25:28.799 --> 00:25:32.400 someone today who was uh 17 I believe 00:25:32.400 --> 00:25:36.480 so yeah I was very impressed by this 00:25:36.480 --> 00:25:39.039 yeah it's awesome just seeing the wide 00:25:39.039 --> 00:25:40.320 diversity and the wide 00:25:40.320 --> 00:25:43.600 age range of people um just getting into 00:25:43.600 --> 00:25:45.200 Emacs picking up 00:25:45.200 --> 00:25:48.240 for all sorts of different things um 00:25:48.240 --> 00:25:49.840 corbin and I had a bit of a chat about 00:25:49.840 --> 00:25:51.440 this about this 00:25:51.440 --> 00:25:53.440 piece of free software that is Emacs and 00:25:53.440 --> 00:25:54.960 all the freedoms 00:25:54.960 --> 00:25:58.320 freedoms that it grants us um but yeah 00:25:58.320 --> 00:25:58.960 we could 00:25:58.960 --> 00:26:02.080 go on forever and ever um yeah I really 00:26:02.080 --> 00:26:02.559 can 00:26:02.559 --> 00:26:05.039 and then and you know and it has to be 00:26:05.039 --> 00:26:06.400 about getting something done and that's 00:26:06.400 --> 00:26:07.440 where I think 00:26:07.440 --> 00:26:11.679 sasha your work and organization is so 00:26:11.679 --> 00:26:15.679 uh vital to us 00:26:15.679 --> 00:26:18.799 we uh you know we have to direct that 00:26:18.799 --> 00:26:20.720 energy into self-organizing 00:26:20.720 --> 00:26:22.480 and and that's where I'd like probably 00:26:22.480 --> 00:26:24.159 to focus my work 00:26:24.159 --> 00:26:26.159 over the probably the next several years 00:26:26.159 --> 00:26:27.200 is 00:26:27.200 --> 00:26:31.120 um is is putting that thought and some 00:26:31.120 --> 00:26:32.000 of the 00:26:32.000 --> 00:26:34.720 uh some of the ideas that are built into 00:26:34.720 --> 00:26:35.600 org mode and 00:26:35.600 --> 00:26:37.200 in fact some of the implementation 00:26:37.200 --> 00:26:38.720 that's built into org one and in fact 00:26:38.720 --> 00:26:40.240 probably org mode 00:26:40.240 --> 00:26:43.440 because hey there it is 00:26:43.440 --> 00:26:46.159 to work on that yeah you should see all 00:26:46.159 --> 00:26:47.279 the org scripts I wrote 00:26:47.279 --> 00:26:50.320 so cool not that other people but anyway 00:26:50.320 --> 00:26:51.760 we wrote this like fancy scheduling 00:26:51.760 --> 00:26:52.000 thing 00:26:52.000 --> 00:26:52.799 and you should check out the 00:26:52.799 --> 00:26:55.360 submissions.org to to try to use it 00:26:55.360 --> 00:26:57.279 because then if other people use it they 00:26:57.279 --> 00:26:59.360 can improve it and then I get to use the 00:26:59.360 --> 00:27:00.720 improvements next year 00:27:00.720 --> 00:27:04.159 also erc ux irc clients awesome 00:27:04.159 --> 00:27:06.159 so a lot of automation was a lot of fun 00:27:06.159 --> 00:27:07.919 to work on absolutely 00:27:07.919 --> 00:27:10.400 yeah sasha did a lot of cool automation 00:27:10.400 --> 00:27:11.440 stuff this year 00:27:11.440 --> 00:27:13.200 um you know around generating the 00:27:13.200 --> 00:27:15.039 schedules and everything the pages in 00:27:15.039 --> 00:27:17.200 the Emacs freaky with org mode 00:27:17.200 --> 00:27:19.919 um and you know for the calls with uh 00:27:19.919 --> 00:27:21.039 speakers 00:27:21.039 --> 00:27:24.159 and coordinating in imaxcom.org 00:27:24.159 --> 00:27:26.720 um or like you know updating the topics 00:27:26.720 --> 00:27:27.600 all this stuff 00:27:27.600 --> 00:27:30.480 she basically automated all of this um 00:27:30.480 --> 00:27:32.240 which is definitely very impressive and 00:27:32.240 --> 00:27:34.480 I know I'm gonna be looking into 00:27:34.480 --> 00:27:37.600 um yeah definitely check out um 00:27:37.600 --> 00:27:40.720 erc I'm a little biased um I 00:27:40.720 --> 00:27:43.360 started sort of maintaining it a little 00:27:43.360 --> 00:27:44.320 bit ago 00:27:44.320 --> 00:27:47.760 but um it's been there forever and 00:27:47.760 --> 00:27:49.279 you know I'm just following the 00:27:49.279 --> 00:27:51.919 footsteps of giants or standing on their 00:27:51.919 --> 00:27:53.120 shoulders 00:27:53.120 --> 00:27:56.640 so definitely check it out um yeah 00:27:56.640 --> 00:27:59.919 any uh last notes to add before we get 00:27:59.919 --> 00:28:00.559 back 00:28:00.559 --> 00:28:03.120 to um playing the last few demos that we 00:28:03.120 --> 00:28:04.960 have 00:28:04.960 --> 00:28:07.600 I just wanted to say that I'm really sad 00:28:07.600 --> 00:28:08.480 for the people 00:28:08.480 --> 00:28:11.360 uh viewing uh viewers right now who 00:28:11.360 --> 00:28:12.000 won't get 00:28:12.000 --> 00:28:14.320 the thrill of receiving a message by 00:28:14.320 --> 00:28:16.080 sasha at 3am telling 00:28:16.080 --> 00:28:17.679 oh I found a way to automate all the 00:28:17.679 --> 00:28:18.960 talks I found a way to have this 00:28:18.960 --> 00:28:20.480 schedule be generated automatically in 00:28:20.480 --> 00:28:21.760 an old mode file 00:28:21.760 --> 00:28:23.520 and you know I'm having my team in the 00:28:23.520 --> 00:28:25.360 morning I'm waking up I see an email 00:28:25.360 --> 00:28:27.760 which was unless three am and I say 00:28:27.760 --> 00:28:31.039 wow impressive 00:28:31.039 --> 00:28:33.600 that works like quite nicely for you um 00:28:33.600 --> 00:28:34.159 leo 00:28:34.159 --> 00:28:36.000 with like you know the times and time 00:28:36.000 --> 00:28:37.360 zones and everything 00:28:37.360 --> 00:28:39.440 and with sasha usually getting it on 00:28:39.440 --> 00:28:40.480 later at night 00:28:40.480 --> 00:28:44.399 um yeah you do get this bedtime right 00:28:44.399 --> 00:28:45.919 wait until bedtime and then up until 00:28:45.919 --> 00:28:47.279 like one or two because it's too much 00:28:47.279 --> 00:28:49.200 fun 00:28:49.200 --> 00:28:52.559 yeah exactly um yeah 00:28:52.559 --> 00:28:56.240 so uh on that note 00:28:56.240 --> 00:28:59.919 if uh there isn't much else to say then 00:28:59.919 --> 00:29:03.200 I will uh thank each and every one once 00:29:03.200 --> 00:29:04.000 again 00:29:04.000 --> 00:29:07.039 um who was in any way 00:29:07.039 --> 00:29:10.240 part of this um and helped with um 00:29:10.240 --> 00:29:13.520 any of this um basically 00:29:13.520 --> 00:29:16.640 um Emacs company anyway um and watched 00:29:16.640 --> 00:29:17.039 it 00:29:17.039 --> 00:29:20.640 helped whatever um submitted the talk um 00:29:20.640 --> 00:29:22.960 I very much thank you um this wouldn't 00:29:22.960 --> 00:29:23.760 have been 00:29:23.760 --> 00:29:27.120 what it has been without um all of 00:29:27.120 --> 00:29:30.240 you folks participation and help and 00:29:30.240 --> 00:29:32.960 um just being out there and spreading 00:29:32.960 --> 00:29:34.720 the gospel of Emacs 00:29:34.720 --> 00:29:37.760 um yeah so 00:29:37.760 --> 00:29:40.799 yep there we go leo 00:29:40.799 --> 00:29:42.399 sorry someone just asked me if I was 00:29:42.399 --> 00:29:44.159 still wearing jeans today so I just felt 00:29:44.159 --> 00:29:46.799 obligated to show it 00:29:46.799 --> 00:29:50.320 nice I never got my thanks in I I have 00:29:50.320 --> 00:29:51.039 to thank 00:29:51.039 --> 00:29:54.399 uh leo and uh 00:29:54.399 --> 00:29:57.760 and I'll just stare at you but I I won't 00:29:57.760 --> 00:29:58.480 say your name 00:29:58.480 --> 00:30:01.520 yet again um for the insane work that 00:30:01.520 --> 00:30:02.000 you do 00:30:02.000 --> 00:30:06.320 and and and sasha um 00:30:06.320 --> 00:30:09.039 you are an asset to our whole community 00:30:09.039 --> 00:30:11.039 with the vibrance that you bring and the 00:30:11.039 --> 00:30:13.200 the passion that you have for 00:30:13.200 --> 00:30:16.720 um for community itself uh 00:30:16.720 --> 00:30:18.480 I think a lot of us can say that you're 00:30:18.480 --> 00:30:20.000 you're driving a lot of our work 00:30:20.000 --> 00:30:24.240 in in certain ways um 00:30:24.240 --> 00:30:25.919 and then I I want to thank all the 00:30:25.919 --> 00:30:28.480 presenters for uh 00:30:28.480 --> 00:30:30.399 for working with us to get every 00:30:30.399 --> 00:30:31.760 everything scheduled 00:30:31.760 --> 00:30:35.520 and also my team and project 00:30:35.520 --> 00:30:39.279 um for helping uh get the project 00:30:39.279 --> 00:30:41.200 actually testable we had some 00:30:41.200 --> 00:30:43.279 interesting stuff to show 00:30:43.279 --> 00:30:46.720 and my family for uh all that they do 00:30:46.720 --> 00:30:49.279 to make it possible for me to give back 00:30:49.279 --> 00:30:56.080 to free software 00:30:56.080 --> 00:30:57.679 oh there's a question um someone's 00:30:57.679 --> 00:30:59.440 volunteering to help just get the stream 00:30:59.440 --> 00:31:00.399 recordings out 00:31:00.399 --> 00:31:02.880 so it's it's up to you yeah your call 00:31:02.880 --> 00:31:03.600 you want 00:31:03.600 --> 00:31:05.760 them out and then you have some time to 00:31:05.760 --> 00:31:07.200 prepare nice 00:31:07.200 --> 00:31:09.600 cut up versions or do you want everyone 00:31:09.600 --> 00:31:11.120 to hang on and then just link to like 00:31:11.120 --> 00:31:12.960 the EmacsConf website 00:31:12.960 --> 00:31:16.159 right right um I would very much 00:31:16.159 --> 00:31:17.679 appreciate help with that 00:31:17.679 --> 00:31:20.880 in fact um for last year's um live 00:31:20.880 --> 00:31:21.919 recordings 00:31:21.919 --> 00:31:25.279 we had someone to help us um 00:31:25.279 --> 00:31:28.320 uh andrew jordy in fact who also helped 00:31:28.320 --> 00:31:30.159 light a bunch of transcripts last year 00:31:30.159 --> 00:31:32.559 did an awesome job um 00:31:32.559 --> 00:31:34.240 yeah I really wanted to have him around 00:31:34.240 --> 00:31:36.080 this year but you know circumstances 00:31:36.080 --> 00:31:36.720 with 00:31:36.720 --> 00:31:39.279 um everything going on around around the 00:31:39.279 --> 00:31:39.840 world 00:31:39.840 --> 00:31:42.880 um just didn't work out but um yeah I 00:31:42.880 --> 00:31:43.279 could 00:31:43.279 --> 00:31:46.240 definitely use um help with cutting up 00:31:46.240 --> 00:31:48.159 the videos 00:31:48.159 --> 00:31:49.679 you know for the pre-recordings that's 00:31:49.679 --> 00:31:51.519 pretty trivial it's just me having to 00:31:51.519 --> 00:31:52.640 upload them 00:31:52.640 --> 00:31:55.120 and create the pages so I will do that 00:31:55.120 --> 00:31:55.679 but 00:31:55.679 --> 00:31:58.320 um to whoever asked the question if it's 00:31:58.320 --> 00:31:59.279 on the pad 00:31:59.279 --> 00:32:01.200 or if it's in irc sorry I missed it I 00:32:01.200 --> 00:32:03.440 will go I'll look back later 00:32:03.440 --> 00:32:06.240 um yeah just ping me message me or email 00:32:06.240 --> 00:32:07.200 me 00:32:07.200 --> 00:32:10.080 at vandalia gnu.org and um I would 00:32:10.080 --> 00:32:17.840 appreciate your help 00:32:17.840 --> 00:32:20.159 so have we finished the roundtable uh I 00:32:20.159 --> 00:32:20.880 believe we're 00:32:20.880 --> 00:32:23.760 doing the last thinking so colwin did it 00:32:23.760 --> 00:32:24.640 sasha did it 00:32:24.640 --> 00:32:27.679 should I go next 00:32:27.679 --> 00:32:30.320 so well as you can see I've lowered 00:32:30.320 --> 00:32:31.200 myself 00:32:31.200 --> 00:32:33.360 ever since the last time I've spoken so 00:32:33.360 --> 00:32:34.399 the dynasty started 00:32:34.399 --> 00:32:36.640 starting to set in but uh yeah I just 00:32:36.640 --> 00:32:37.600 wanted to 00:32:37.600 --> 00:32:40.399 um rejoin everyone and just say that 00:32:40.399 --> 00:32:40.880 thank you 00:32:40.880 --> 00:32:42.320 so much to all the organizers who have 00:32:42.320 --> 00:32:44.640 been helping us uh we've done a stellar 00:32:44.640 --> 00:32:45.279 job 00:32:45.279 --> 00:32:47.279 that I believe at least this year of 00:32:47.279 --> 00:32:48.880 keeping things on track 00:32:48.880 --> 00:32:51.440 and I hope that all of you have been 00:32:51.440 --> 00:32:53.039 able to enjoy this 00:32:53.039 --> 00:32:56.240 and yeah I don't have any anyone 00:32:56.240 --> 00:32:58.480 in particular to thank you know uh for 00:32:58.480 --> 00:32:59.840 me free software was 00:32:59.840 --> 00:33:01.919 for a very long time something I did in 00:33:01.919 --> 00:33:02.960 my bedroom 00:33:02.960 --> 00:33:04.559 on the side of my studies and generally 00:33:04.559 --> 00:33:06.080 when I was procrastinating 00:33:06.080 --> 00:33:08.720 from writing that one particular essay 00:33:08.720 --> 00:33:10.559 or that one particular thesis 00:33:10.559 --> 00:33:13.120 you know I did my old mood stuff in the 00:33:13.120 --> 00:33:13.919 background so 00:33:13.919 --> 00:33:16.159 just to be able to you know join the 00:33:16.159 --> 00:33:17.440 community 00:33:17.440 --> 00:33:19.360 when normally I got the chance to you 00:33:19.360 --> 00:33:21.279 know write some code for it and try to 00:33:21.279 --> 00:33:23.600 animate to community but also to be part 00:33:23.600 --> 00:33:24.399 of an event 00:33:24.399 --> 00:33:28.480 that is so genuine 00:33:28.480 --> 00:33:30.960 in its mission so genuine in the way 00:33:30.960 --> 00:33:31.519 that 00:33:31.519 --> 00:33:34.799 we got speakers together we had you know 00:33:34.799 --> 00:33:36.399 we had this excitement that we wanted to 00:33:36.399 --> 00:33:38.000 share and judging 00:33:38.000 --> 00:33:39.360 by the reactions we've had over the 00:33:39.360 --> 00:33:41.200 couple of days you know I I believe 00:33:41.200 --> 00:33:41.840 we've 00:33:41.840 --> 00:33:44.799 completely hit our target and as corwin 00:33:44.799 --> 00:33:45.679 said yesterday I 00:33:45.679 --> 00:33:48.320 am I guess I suppose a little humbled I 00:33:48.320 --> 00:33:50.000 know it might sound weird for me because 00:33:50.000 --> 00:33:50.320 I'm 00:33:50.320 --> 00:33:52.240 from britain all the time but when we're 00:33:52.240 --> 00:33:53.760 going to press stop 00:33:53.760 --> 00:33:56.080 to diet you know for the broadcast I 00:33:56.080 --> 00:33:56.799 think it's 00:33:56.799 --> 00:33:59.840 going to start slowly dawning slowly 00:33:59.840 --> 00:34:02.880 sorry french accent coming back slowly 00:34:02.880 --> 00:34:06.480 dawning on me what we've done and 00:34:06.480 --> 00:34:08.320 yeah it'll take me a couple of weeks to 00:34:08.320 --> 00:34:09.520 recover mentally 00:34:09.520 --> 00:34:12.000 spiritually physically and whatnot but I 00:34:12.000 --> 00:34:13.599 believe after I'll be able to enjoy what 00:34:13.599 --> 00:34:15.599 we've been able to do and for that 00:34:15.599 --> 00:34:20.800 thank you so much 00:34:20.800 --> 00:34:24.480 um yeah it's you're still you know kind 00:34:24.480 --> 00:34:25.919 of in the moment and 00:34:25.919 --> 00:34:29.359 um kind of maybe you haven't quite grabs 00:34:29.359 --> 00:34:32.159 grasped at all yet but yeah I think 00:34:32.159 --> 00:34:33.359 it'll 00:34:33.359 --> 00:34:36.079 start hitting us all individually at 00:34:36.079 --> 00:34:37.599 different points over the next couple of 00:34:37.599 --> 00:34:39.119 days or weeks 00:34:39.119 --> 00:34:42.079 um as we take some time to you know rest 00:34:42.079 --> 00:34:43.599 up and re-energize 00:34:43.599 --> 00:34:47.359 and you know keep going forward um 00:34:47.359 --> 00:34:50.960 yeah so on that note if um 00:34:50.960 --> 00:34:53.839 no one else has anything to add I will 00:34:53.839 --> 00:34:54.320 um 00:34:54.320 --> 00:34:57.200 [ __ ] you all farewell and thank you 00:34:57.200 --> 00:34:59.680 everyone once again for joining us 00:34:59.680 --> 00:35:03.839 and making an awesome amazing EmacsConf 2020. 00:35:03.839 --> 00:35:06.079 um just quickly say we weren't sure that 00:35:06.079 --> 00:35:07.680 we will be able to pull it off 00:35:07.680 --> 00:35:09.599 given all the madness going on around 00:35:09.599 --> 00:35:10.720 the world but 00:35:10.720 --> 00:35:13.839 for us to have broken um so many of our 00:35:13.839 --> 00:35:14.880 numbers and records 00:35:14.880 --> 00:35:17.440 for all of them basically um you know we 00:35:17.440 --> 00:35:18.240 just had 00:35:18.240 --> 00:35:20.240 just about like two and a half or three 00:35:20.240 --> 00:35:22.320 terabytes of streaming bandwidth usage 00:35:22.320 --> 00:35:22.960 so that's 00:35:22.960 --> 00:35:25.520 incredible and so many people join in so 00:35:25.520 --> 00:35:26.400 many talks 00:35:26.400 --> 00:35:30.079 so it's amazing thank you um 00:35:30.079 --> 00:35:31.839 yes I see a question coming will the 00:35:31.839 --> 00:35:34.040 ether pad be archived somewhere on 00:35:34.040 --> 00:35:35.440 imageconf.org 00:35:35.440 --> 00:35:37.920 um and the answer is yes I think sasha 00:35:37.920 --> 00:35:38.960 is answering 00:35:38.960 --> 00:35:41.800 um yes it will be linked under 00:35:41.800 --> 00:35:43.200 imanxconf.org 00:35:43.200 --> 00:35:46.400 2020 um that page will contain all the 00:35:46.400 --> 00:35:47.680 resources about 00:35:47.680 --> 00:35:50.880 everything um you know 00:35:50.880 --> 00:35:54.880 uh about imsgufton20 2020 sorry 00:35:54.880 --> 00:35:57.599 um yeah now you see some people saying 00:35:57.599 --> 00:35:59.119 early happy birthday to me 00:35:59.119 --> 00:36:02.320 um thank you so very much um I think 00:36:02.320 --> 00:36:02.800 this 00:36:02.800 --> 00:36:05.760 uh this conference was an incredible um 00:36:05.760 --> 00:36:06.160 I guess 00:36:06.160 --> 00:36:09.200 prelude to to my birthday um 00:36:09.200 --> 00:36:12.880 so thank you all and on that note 00:36:12.880 --> 00:36:15.599 I will end the stream and say goodbye 00:36:15.599 --> 00:36:15.920 and 00:36:15.920 --> 00:36:19.680 beat you very well bye 00:36:19.680 --> 00:36:23.040 bye everyone and then you're going to 00:36:23.040 --> 00:36:23.839 play the 00:36:23.839 --> 00:36:27.119 devils yep exactly okay 00:36:27.119 --> 00:36:30.960 bye bye