[[!meta title="Object Oriented Code in the Gnus Newsreader"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2020 Eric Abrahamsen"]] Back to the [[schedule]] Previous: Lakota Language and Emacs Next: Maxima a computer algebra system in Emacs # Object Oriented Code in the Gnus Newsreader Sunday, Nov 29 2020, 3:11 PM - 3:31 PM Eric Abrahamsen The venerable Gnus newsreader has evolved over the years to interface with many different types of news- or mail-like backend programs, presenting all of them using a unified interface. This sort of software often calls for an object-oriented architecture, at least as regards polymorphism, yet Gnus was written well before Emacs lisp acquired the object-oriented tools and libraries – largely borrowed from Common Lisp – that it boasts today. Yet Gnus needed something "object-oriented-like", and so nnoo.el was born: a rather amazing (and frankly terrifying) implementation of object-oriented behavior using functional code. This talk will be a brief introduction to how this existing system works, and to the ongoing, incremental effort to port it over to newer Elisp tools like generic functions, structs, and objects. Back to the [[schedule]] Previous: Lakota Language and Emacs Next: Maxima a computer algebra system in Emacs All times are approximate, and we might shuffle talks around as needed. Please check a few days before the start of the conference for instructions on how to watch and participate. See you then!