# Orgmode - your life in plain text Saturday, Nov 28 2020, 1:03 PM - 1:13 PM Rainer König This is a talk about Orgmode, my favorite Emacs application. The goal is to show you the power of Emacs when you want to manage and organize your life. Orgmode is your swiss army knife for that job, and so far the only tool that you can customize for your needs and you need to customize yourself to fit the restrictions of a "ToDo list tool". Background info: I'm using Orgmode for many years now, and I'm not exaggerating if I tell you that it saved me from a nervous breakdown when my wife got diagonosed with severe illness and I was suddenly in charge of everything. Orgmode was there and reminded me of the important things so nothing was forgotten and I could focus on what really matters. This talk should introduce people to Orgmode, showing them what they can do and how it makes your life easier, freeing time for the things that matter to you. I was holding a similar talk at the local Linux Day in our town in 1. In 2016 I recorded a set of tutorial videos which are available on my YouTube channel which gained more than 3500 subcribers because of those tutorials. In Summer 2020 I recorded the tutorials again for a course at Udemy which went online in October 2020 and is supplemented by a 100+ pages course book. Back to the [[schedule]] All times are approximate, and we might shuffle talks around as needed. Please check https://emacsconf.org/2020 a few days before the start of the conference for instructions on how to watch and participate. [[!meta title="Orgmode - your life in plain text"]]