# Bard Bivou(m)acs - Building a bandcamp-like page for an album of music Saturday, Nov 28 2020, 10:35 AM - 10:45 AM Grant Shangreaux I hoped to become a successful musician someday, and while that has yet to happen, I've recorded a fair share of unreleased music over the years. I decided it was time to share some of it with the world through the power of Emacs! Rather than using the available non-free (or even free?) platforms out there, I decided to build a Bandcamp-like page from scratch. While I could have chosen many of the static-site building tools, I decided to use the tool closest to my heart and automate the process of building a web page from a directory of audio files with Emacs Lisp. I will share with you how I managed to create a personal workflow for releasing an album without leaving the One True Editor that includes editing audio metadata with EMMS and generating HTML while cobbling together yasnippet and the format macro. Back to the [[schedule]] All times are approximate, and we might shuffle talks around as needed. Please check a few days before the start of the conference for instructions on how to watch and participate. See you then! [[!meta title="Bard Bivou(m)acs - Building a bandcamp-like page for an album of music"]]