# Maxima a computer algebra system in Emacs Fermin MF [[!template id=vid src="https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2020/emacsconf-2020--33-maxima-a-computer-algebra-system-in-emacs--fermin.webm"]] [Download .webm video, 720p, 260MB](https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2020/emacsconf-2020--33-maxima-a-computer-algebra-system-in-emacs--fermin.webm) [[!template id=vid src="https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2020/emacsconf-2020--33-maxima-a-computer-algebra-system-in-emacs--prerec--fermin.webm"]] [Download prerec .webm video, 720p, 58M](https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2020/emacsconf-2020--33-maxima-a-computer-algebra-system-in-emacs--prerec--fermin.webm) Maxima is a great tool for symbolic mathematics, it has some support for Emacs in the main repository, but is quite outdated and doesn't receive the love I think it should, so a couple of months ago I decide to improve and "modernize" the maxima-mode.el code base. So, I want to talk about the integration with Emacs, the maxima REPL, how some of the main tool for Emacs integrate in maxima-mode and in general show how to start using maxima within Emacs. # Questions ## Q9 Is it is possible to include Maxima in org files similar to jupyter notebooks? (Does ob-maxima have support for the :results graphics header argument of org-src blocks?) Yes it is, needs more work to be done on it. ## Q8 Are you planning to upstream your package into Maxima? (would be nice :) Don't know about that, can be bit messy. No problem with doing that though. Running tests might be tricky (CI). ## Q7 In which University do you start to use Maxima? University of Zaragoza - ## Q6. Is there support for images in maxima-mode? Not as of now. ## Q5: Is Maxima's syntax a strict infix Lisp syntax or are there exceptions and special cases? Yes I mean Maxima itself. ## Q4. Is Maxima easy to get into in your opinion? (has its quirks though!, mailing list is usually helpful) Yes, it is. ## Q3: Do you plan to amend ob-maxima to support named session for Maxima code blocks in org mode (e.g. begin_src maxima :session **my-maxima**)? (the current implementation supports exactly onesession named **maxima**) Yes, want to improve it, will start with it soon. ## Q2: How does Maxima compare to SageMath in Emacs? does Maxima have more support because it is written in common Lisp whereas SageMath is written in Python? Don't known what is SageMath. ## Q1: So I am an avid Octave user right now (had a MATLAB lesson in uni and so I knew the basics and it was easy to get into), what would you say are the advantages of Maxima over Octave as from my understanding they are pretty similar. I would be interested in trying it out but I am not sure if its worth it compared to Octave. (Octave is a MATLAB "clone", not meant for analytic calculations, more matrix multiplications etc.) Don't known Octave much. Found the Octave package hard to understand. # Notes