# Sharing blogs (and more) with org-webring Brett Gilio [[!template id=vid src="https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2020/emacsconf-2020--19-sharing-blogs-and-more-with-org-webring--brett-gilio.webm" subtitles="/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--19-sharing-blogs-and-more-with-org-webring--brett-gilio.vtt"]] [Download compressed .webm video (25.8M)](https://media.emacsconf.org/2020/emacsconf-2020--19-sharing-blogs-and-more-with-org-webring--brett-gilio--compressed32.webm) [Download compressed .webm video (20.8M, highly compressed)](https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2020/smaller/emacsconf-2020--19-sharing-blogs-and-more-with-org-webring--brett-gilio--vp9-q56-video-original-audio.webm) In this talk I will detail the ways in which static website generation results may be enhanced using org-webring. This talk will cover not only how to use org-webring (including how accessible and low-friction it is), but also how you may customize it, utilize it in different contexts unrelated to blogging (tracking project commits), and even as a way to respond to other blogs in a cogent and manner. Additionally, I will go into slight detail as to the history of this project, why it was made, what we are working on, and what we remaining we need to do before we can submit it to GNU Emacs / Org-mode. I think, in all, this can quite easily cover a 10 minute window. - - Actual start and end time (EST): Start: 2020-11-28T16.02.37; End: 2020-11-28T16.10.30; # Questions ## How do you keep doc/README.org in-sync with org-webring.el? I use an exporter in the .org file that outputs the MD file on save automatically. The relevant parts are at the bottom of the .org file. - I saw that :). I was wondering about the synchronisation between the .org file and the .el file. - – that is done manually Currently. I wish there was an Easier way. There should be a way to export public definition DocStrings. # Notes - - Any more questions on org-webring, email .