# Org-roam: Technical Presentation Leo Vivier [[!template id=vid src="https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2020/emacsconf-2020--18-org-roam-technical-presentation--leo-vivier.webm" subtitles="/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--18-org-roam-technical-presentation--leo-vivier.vtt"]] [Download compressed .webm video (47.4M)](https://media.emacsconf.org/2020/emacsconf-2020--18-org-roam-technical-presentation--leo-vivier--compressed32.webm) [Download compressed .webm video (23.5M, highly compressed)](https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2020/smaller/emacsconf-2020--18-org-roam-technical-presentation--leo-vivier--vp9-q56-video-original-audio.webm) Org-roam is a Roam replica built on top of the all-powerful Org-mode. Org-roam is a solution for effortless non-hierarchical note-taking with Org-mode. With Org-roam, notes flow naturally, making note-taking fun and easy. Org-roam should also work as a plug-and-play solution for anyone already using Org-mode for their personal wiki. Org-roam aims to implement the core features of Roam, leveraging the mature ecosystem around Org-mode where possible. Eventually, we hope to further introduce features enabled by the Emacs ecosystem. The purpose of the talk is to present some technical aspects of Org-roam. From the very beginning, we wanted Org-roam to scale with your notes, and this meant that we had to keep a close eye on our performances. As we iterated, optimisation remained a top-priority, leading us to constantly peek under Org-mode's hood. Not only has this made us better developers, but it has also uncovered paths of optimisation for Org-mode itself. The talk is targeted at software engineers willing to peek under Org-mode's hood. A rudimentary understanding of Elisp will be required. Points to be covered - SQL database via emacsql - Elisp libraries - Parsing of Org-mode files - org-elements.e - Parsing with a background-process - Ensuring consistency via hooks - Actual start and end time (EST): Start: 2020-11-28T15.39.41; Q&A: 2020-11-28T15.56.29; End: 2020-11-28T16.01.03 # Questions ## Why not to run a background Emacs for parsing instead of implement a new parser? Running a background Emacs progress sounds great, but is still limited. Forwarding all queries to a background Emacs (like org-mode's exporter does) is only feasible with a (??? zaeph can probably fix the answer). ## How often does the DB index get updated in order to contain changes within Org files? Either on save, or on idle-timer. ## Did you ever think of opening up (or designing) the SQL DB as a general Org speedup-tool outside of org-roam so that other libraries that do execute complex queries are able to re-use the summarized data? FYI, see John Kitchin's work, he uses a SQLite database to index his Org files. . - John's DB approach is great. However, we should not end up using several DB-index in parallel. ;-)+1 ## Obviously with the 'global backlinks' agenda, it would be interesting to combine with the eev stuff from before :-) () ## About the external program, you could just talk to the PANDOC guys (or Firn [Parses org-files into data structures with Orgize ], Logseq [OCaml & Angstrom, for the document parser ]), they're very helpful and have already a good org-mode parser ## Is it feasible to have this process of parsing org-roam following the LSP protocol? that would allow to be editor agnostic, and it would save the work to define the communication protocol and any other technical details. # Notes - "org-roam just wants to create backlinks". - org-mode has many many files (377 lines in dired… including .elc files). - If you want to create an index of all the org files using the native format, it would be very slow. So org-roam uses a sqlite database. - ripgrep (written in Rust) is more capable than grep; used by some Zettelkasten implementations. - "Is there something we could do to import backlinks into Org mode?" - "We've always tried to have an experimental ground where we can track backlinks"