# Emacs News Highlights Sacha Chua [[!template id=vid src="https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2020/emacsconf-2020--01-emacs-news-highlights--sacha-chua.webm" subtitles="/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--01-emacs-news-highlights--sacha-chua.vtt" duration="3:58" download="Download with subtitles" size="11MB"]] [Download compressed .webm video (13.4M)](https://media.emacsconf.org/2020/emacsconf-2020--01-emacs-news-highlights--sacha-chua--compressed32.webm) [Download compressed .webm video (10M, highly compressed)](https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2020/smaller/emacsconf-2020--01-emacs-news-highlights--sacha-chua--vp9-q56-video-original-audio.webm) [View transcript](https://github.com/sachac/emacsconf-2020-emacs-news-highlights) Quick highlights from Emacs News since the last EmacsConf # Links - <https://github.com/sachac/emacsconf-2020-emacs-news-highlights> # Following up Got any cool Emacs links you'd like me to share? You can post interesting things to <https://reddit.com/r/emacs> or <https://reddit.com/r/orgmode>, depending on the topic. I include selected links from there in my Emacs News. Alternatively, you can e-mail me at <sacha@sachachua.com>. I tend to reply pretty slowly, but I'm happy to hear from you. <!-- from the pad ---> # Questions ## Any news about guile-on-emacs? Is it a dead project? - [Sacha]: Haven't been linking to things about it lately. Last major news was <https://emacsninja.com/posts/state-of-emacs-lisp-on-guile.html> (May), I think - The only contributor to it occasionally shows up on #emacs, they revealed they've been busy programming for a living to improve browser JS engines and would need funding to do further Guile Emacs work (like, 10$ monthly from a few dozen people on Patreon or so) ## Is there some kind of online summary page of Emacs community meetups and events? - [Sacha]: Not yet, although <https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Usergroups> is a start. We should figure out how to make a webpage and a calendar feed! # Notes - Additional online meetup (French): <https://www.emacs-doctor.com/emacs-paris-user-group/> - Please make your big blue button full screen. +1 - Super happy with emacs! - 🤞 maybe next time we'll be taking notes with crdt.el (<https://code.librehq.com/qhong/crdt.el>) +1 - super solid video, loved the baked captions +1+1 - <https://github.com/sachac/emacsconf-2020-emacs-news-highlights> <- The talk