[[!meta title="Ideas"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2020 Amin Bandali"]] This is _the_ place to collect ideas for talks and other sessions for EmacsConf 2020. :-) Be sure to check out the ideas from previous years as well: [[2019|2019/ideas]], [[2015|2015/ideas]]. ## Ideas ### Organize panel discussions between Emacs users and contributors - How to improve Emacs UI? - How to make using Emacs easier for beginners? - How to make contributing to Emacs easier for everyone? ### Ask Emacs users to send short videos testimonies - What's your most funny story with Emacs ? - What is your favorite package? - What's your "ahah" moment in your Emacs history? - How would you convince others to use Emacs? ### Overview of gccemacs What is the status of gccemacs, and what can package maintainers do to make their code native-compilation-friendly?