[[!meta title="Transcripts"]] Emacs community update - Sacha Chua - script at ## User talks - [[Use Org mode when away from the desktop - Zen Monk Alain M. Lafon|05]] - [[Org-mode and FoilTeX - an unlikely (but useful) combination for teaching - Tom Faulkenberry|06]] - [[aithathelps|A.I. that Helps Play the Game of Your Life - Andrew J. Dougherty|07]] - [[Notmuch New(s) - David Bremner|10]] - [Ledger-mode - Quiliro Ordóñez](//mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2019/emacsconf-2019-12-ledger-mode--transcript--quiliro.org) - [[playandcontrolmusic|Play and control your music with Emacs - Damien Cassou|28]] ## Dev talks - [[Emacs: My awesome Java environment - Torstein Krause Johansen (skybert)|19]] - [[Packaging Emacs packages for Debian|22]] - [[Restclient and org-mode for Api Documentation and Testing - Mackenzie Bligh|29]] To be completed later.