[[!meta title="Don't wait! Write your own (yas)snippet - Tony Aldon"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2019 Tony Aldon"]] [[!template id=vid src="https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2019/emacsconf-2019-31-dont-wait-write-your-own-yas-snippet--tony-aldon.webm" type="video/webm"]] ### Download - [Video](https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/emacsconf/2019/emacsconf-2019-31-dont-wait-write-your-own-yas-snippet--tony-aldon.webm) (1080p) ### Transcript ```org #+TITLE: Don't wait! Write your own (ya)snippets. #+AUTHOR: Tony Aldon LICENSE: CC BY-SA 4.0 * Init Hey everybody, welcome to the emacsconf 2019, I'm TONY and I hope this video will help you to get started with the yasnippet package. * Table of content At first we'll have a look at some useful commands and variables provide by yasnippet: yas-expand, yas-describe-tables, and yas-snippet-dirs. Then we'll write a snippet for the js-mode using the command yas-new-snippet which pops a new buffer for writing a snippet. Ready, OK, let's go!! * (1) yas-expand In javascript, to consol.log some text we just type LOG and hit TAB to expand the snippet. It moves the cursor between the parentheses. We can do the same with a if statment, and we move through the snippet with the 'tab' key. * (2) yas-describe-tables To display the available snippets of the buffer's mode, we use the command yas-describe-tables. We scroll down. And we see that 'function' is a snippet and 'f' is the key. If we type 'f' and hit 'tab' it expands the snippet. * (3) snippet's description Let's go back to the describe table, we scroll down. And with the cursor on the snippet named 'function', we hit 'return'. Now in another window we can inspect the snippet definition. The first line would tell emacs this is a snippet. The second and third lines define the name and the key of the snippet. And after this line, the snippet's body starts. The dollar sign indicates where the cursor is going to be, and The numbers signify which order 'tab' is going to move you through the snippet. The cursor will move first, before the open parenthese to let you fill the function's name. Then, will move, after the open parenthese, to let you fill the function's arguments. And finally the cursor will end at 0. Now, we go back to the javascript file. * (4) yas-snippets-dirs To know where our snippets are defined, let's see the variable yas-snippet-dirs which lists the top-level snippet directories. We can see that some of my snippets are defined in this directory. Let's have a look on it. Well, for instance, the available snippets for the latex mode are defined in this directory 'latex dash mode' directory, and each file defines exactly one snippet. * (5) express snippet Now assume that you're using the framework 'express' to build APIs, and, you want that APP to be the key of the snippet that looks like this. For that, let's just call the command yas-new-snippet. It pops a new buffer for writing the snippet. We enter the name: express app The key, which is: app. And for the organization in the describe table, we add this snippet to the group: express. For testing, we enter: blabla. And we save it. And this will automatically load the snippet. Let's go back to the javascript file. We hit 'tab', and it expands it. Now we copy the text we want for the snippet. And we add the end position of the cursor. We save it and go back to the javascript file. Now we hit 'tab' and it expands it as this way. Ok, pretty cool. Now in the cycle of the cursor, we add two positions. First position and second position. This allows us to write on the fly the 'method' and the 'path' off the 'app' object. Let's back to the javascript file, we expand the snippet, and now we can write the method and the path. Ok, to be more readable, we add placeholders for the first two positions of the cursor. We add 'method' and we add 'path'. Let's have a look on it. We go back to the javascript file. Now we expand it, we see the placeholders. We replace it, the method and the path. Yeah!!! We did it. We've written the snippet 'express app', and it works. For the end, we check in the describe table if the snippet appears. We go back to the describe table, we scroll down, and there it is. Ok, now you can write your own snippets. * Thanks! I hope you've enjoyed the video. I'm tony, Thank you for watching, keep learning and stay alive. ```