[[!meta title="Ideas"]] This is _the_ place to collect ideas for talks and other sessions for EmacsConf 2019. :-) Be sure to check out the ideas from previous years as well: [[2015|2015/ideas]]. ## Ideas ### _Add your idea here!_ ### Evolution of a ... User Emacs is so powerful, it can be hard to know where you start and how to grow as a user. It would be great to see sessions for things like Org, Magit, Spacemacs, development, etc. along the lines of what the evolution of use might look like, starting from simple things with quick payoffs. You don't have to teach everything. You can just show quick examples and tell people what to search for so they can learn more. (Part of the challenge of Emacs discovery is imagining what's possible and another part is figuring out what it's called!) --- contributed by [[SachaChua]], who would love to see people pick up the idea and run with it ### Extending Emacs to do ... It could be interesting to see a bunch of sessions that walk through the process of extending Emacs. Things like how to define a new thing in Org, or how to parse the data so you can use it for other stuff; how to make something that shows popups or offers completion; how to build REPLs or other interfaces; the basics of async or dynamic modules... --- also contributed by SachaChua, who apparently has a long wishlist of sessions she would love to attend ### Live demo: gradual presentation of Emacs I would love to have a talk that consists of a dazzling live demo of Emacs, starting with the basics of text editing ("everybody using a computer sometimes need to write something", transpose words, undo, spellcheck, rectangle functions, macros, flycheck), and then gradually revealing some of the many things Emacs can do. It could be aimed at people who use computers a lot, but not necessarily for programming, and also for programmers who haven't tried Emacs, or shied away previously. The next step after basic editing could be dired (including editing filenames and permissions, e.g. by search/replace), then perhaps searching with ag or ripgrep, opening a shell, then Magit, then maybe TRAMP (suddenly you can do all the stuff on other computers as well, including editing/searching/version control/shells, and you can access HDFS and docker containers). After that you could go on to XMPP (jabber.el), loading a webpage with eww, and perhaps showing a calendar (calfw). To round things off, show Gnus for email (search with notmuch, rendering HTML/pictures with shr), play some music by controlling mpd, and perhaps play a game of Tetris. The idea would be to start from "Notepad"-level and then build up and up and up, hopefully blowing people who aren't used to Emacs' minds --- [[AdamSjøgren]] #### Emacs, Language Server Protocol(LSP) and Debug Adapter Protocol(DAP) Overview of LSP and DAP architecture. Overview how each of the LSP/DAP features maps to Emacs packages(imenu/xref/company/helm/expand-region/) and the challenges imposed by Emacs platform and elisp language. Demo of lsp-mode/dap-mode and related components. --- [[yyoncho]] lsp-mode/dap-mode maintainer. #### Repetitive task become a breeze with Emacs I think that EmacsConf would benefit newbies tremendously if they could identify repetitive tasks each specific user does and show them how to do them faster in Emacs, in contrast with their current workflow. That would be a great motivator to learn more of Emacs. I even think this would be great for anyone, regardless of the level of their knowledge of Emacs. --- [[Quiliro]]