[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2015 Samer Masterson"]]

[[!img /i/emacsconf-logo1-256.png alt="EmacsConf logo" class="center"]]  
### _EmacsConf 2015 was held on **August 29th, 2015** (a Saturday) in **San Francisco, CA**._

- [[Planning]]
- [[Ideas]]
- [[Register]]
- [[Schedule]]
- [[Code of Conduct|conduct]]
- [[Videos]] from the conference!
- [[Chat logs|logs]] from the conference!


We're busy putting things together at the moment! Check out the
planning document here: <https://emacsconf.github.io/emacsconf2015/>

We need **your** help to make EmacsConf 2015 amazing!  Please spread
the word.  If you have ideas for talks or want to help plan the
conference, please note that in the form above or contact me:
<samer@samertm.com>. If you want to be involved with planning the
conference and setting up our infrastructure, please email
<samer@samertm.com> or join us at
[#emacsconf](irc://irc.freenode.net:6697/emacsconf) on freenode