From cf7e5e68409ba313c7adb98f2462a92e854aec8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sacha Chua Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 12:41:43 -0400 Subject: Try again? --- 2021/emacsconf.ics | 3150 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 1 file changed, 1575 insertions(+), 1575 deletions(-) (limited to '2021') diff --git a/2021/emacsconf.ics b/2021/emacsconf.ics index dcd87d4b..a6a838a4 100644 --- a/2021/emacsconf.ics +++ b/2021/emacsconf.ics @@ -1,1576 +1,1576 @@ -BEGIN:VCALENDAR -VERSION:2.0 -PRODID:EmacsConf -X-WR-CALNAME:EmacsConf 2021 -X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Toronto -X-WR-CALNAME:EmacsConf -CALSCALE:GREGORIAN -METHOD:PUBLISH -BEGIN:VTIMEZONE -TZID:America/Toronto -BEGIN:DAYLIGHT -TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 -TZOFFSETTO:-0400 -TZNAME:EDT -DTSTART:20210314T070000 -END:DAYLIGHT -BEGIN:STANDARD -TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 -TZOFFSETTO:-0500 -TZNAME:EST -DTSTART:20211107T060000 -END:STANDARD -BEGIN:DAYLIGHT -TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 -TZOFFSETTO:-0400 -TZNAME:EDT -DTSTART:20220313T070000 -END:DAYLIGHT -BEGIN:STANDARD -TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 -TZOFFSETTO:-0500 -TZNAME:EST -DTSTART:20221106T060000 -END:STANDARD -END:VTIMEZONE -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Opening remarks -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-day1-open -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T090000 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T090500 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Opening remarks -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Emacs News Highlights -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-news -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T090500 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T091000 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Emacs News Highlights\nSacha Chua - pronouns: she/her\n\nQuick overview of Emacs communit - y highlights since the last conference\n\n -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:The True Frownies are the Friends We Made Along the Way: An Anecdot - e of Emacs's Malleability -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-frownies -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T091100 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T093100 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# The True Frownies are the Friends We Mad - e Along the Way: An Anecdote of Emacs's Malleability\nCase Duckworth\n\nEm - acs is well-known for being extremely flexible\, programmable\, and\nexten - sible\; in fact\, that's probably the biggest reason it's still\nbeing use - d after 40+ years of existence\, and even has enough clout to\ngenerate an - entire conference in its name. In this medium-length\npresentation\, I w - ill add another point to the data set proving Emacs's\nabilities\, by narr - ating the latest package I made\, \\`frowny.el\\`\, from\nits conception t - o its current\, nearly-completed state.\n\nI wrote frowny.el to scratch so - meone else's itch as a joke on IRC\, but\nit has been called "pretty usefu - l\, for a joke package." I feel like\nthat encapsulates the spirit of Ema - cs and that's why I want to present\non this topic.\n\nAlong the way\, I'l - l discuss just a little of my own history of Emacs\,\nand why I feel it's - a great tool for non-technical users to sink their\nteeth into. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Choose Your Own (Technology-Enhanced Learning) Adventure -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-adventure -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T093400 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T095400 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Choose Your Own (Technology-Enhanced Le - arning) Adventure\nGreta Goetz\n\nThis presentation will move through Emac - s artifacts: first illustrating possible paths for beginners and then mapp - ing out the significance of the enhanced learning potential of Emacs (Cail - let in Andler & Guerry\, Engelbart\, Markauskaite & Goodyear). The technol - ogy-enhanced learning (TEL) that Emacs affords includes a systems view of - 'many\, many features' (Stallman) which surpass the confines of a pre-fabr - icated environment (Stiegler). This affords diverse possibilities for indi - viduals to interact creatively and autonomously to satisfy their own needs - (Ill\nich). Its adaptability will be shown to be an asset in supporting t - he learning trends identified by the latest pedagogical research (Guo).\n\ - n# Intro\n\nThe 'many\, many features' (Stallman 2002: 4) of Emacs do not - limit imaginable types of interactivity\, supporting both formal and infor - mal learning (cf. Caillet in Andler & Guerry 2008). Emacs can function as - a scaffold for development (cf. Vygotsky 1979: 86)\, promoting the creativ - e and autonomous ability of individuals to interact with their digital env - ironment and others who share the use of this tool (Illich 1973). Individu - als can use Emacs as often or seldom as they want to express their needs a - nd meaning in action\, with no obligation to use it (cf. Illich 1973).\n\n - The formal learning involved pertains to Emacs programs and documentation - (the 'temple') while related discussion and smaller task-based problem sol - ving represents examples of informal learning (the 'forum') (cf. Caillet i - n Andler & Guerry 2008). As a context-rich environment (Trocmé-Fabre 1999) - \, Emacs fulfills the promise of general computing: not boxing users into - personas (cf. Stiegler 2018) but allowing users at all levels to organize - and assemble multiple knowledge domains (Markauskaite & Goodyear 2017) and - programs so that they are 'just right'. People wanting to create tailored - learning environments who feel alienated or unsupported by pre-fabricated - text and programming environments will find their way with Emacs.\n\n1. - What if we are beginners overwhelmed by formal Emacs documentation? Two po - tential learning paths:\n\n - a. Build on a needs-basis. Make your own - artifacts: no use-case is too small\; leave your trace.\n - b. Study ot - hers' inits and use-cases\; Read Planet EmacsLife\; Consult programmer or - power user use-cases\; Map out workflows.\n\n2. Emacs as personal\, creati - ve\, autonomous:\n\n - a. Emacs allows for organic ongoing changes to t - he organization of knowledge\, imagination\, and experience (cf. Guerry & - Gaume 2009) . This is important as not all learners have the same spatial/ - visual needs and because these needs and knowledge can change over time (V - ygotsky 1979\; Gardner 1983\; Wang 2020).\n - b. Emacs allows us to con - trol our tools and tasks (Illich 1973). By contrast\, care-less use of pre - -fabricated apps can lead to loss of know-how in life (Stiegler 2018).\n - - c. The art of collecting traces (digital or not) is timeless - and impo - rtant to survival.\n\n3. Emacs as systems design for technology-enhanced - learning (TEL):\n\n - a. Good TEL design performance should also educat - e the designer (Goodyear & Retalis 2010). Further\, good design focuses on - 'frameworks'\, which are systems 'that can be customized\, specialized\, - or extended to provide more specific\, more appropriate\, or slightly diff - erent capabilities' (Alexander 1993 in Gabriel 1996)\, assembling epistemi - c domains (Markauskaite & Goodyear 2017). This pedagogical approach is sup - ported by Emacs artifacts (packages\, documentation\, forums\, etc.).\n - - b. The 'wise' use of programming (Crichton 1983) actively manages and - organizes workflow. This permits iterative development. Elementary use-cas - e: a workflow that relies on PPT and Zoom vs. already having a more modula - r viewpoint supported by diverse Emacs packages. The latter adaptability i - s supported by the latest educational research (Guo). Further: Emacs allow - s movement from user to contributor (Stiegler 2018\; Stavrou).\n - c. W - ise programming can include fun programming - 'there are people who want t - o put a stop to that' (Crichton 1983\; Gaffney 2019).\n - d. Extending - this systems/design view\, Emacs is developed and maintained by a communit - y dedicated to supporting this freedom of use in these multiple contexts ( - cf. Illich 1973).\n - e. One perspective is less likely to override oth - ers in such a heterogeneous environment (Morin 2004).\n\n# Conclusion\n\nE - macs does not limit any imaginable type of interactivity and promotes a di - versity of related content\, further supporting the pursuit of more advanc - ed TEL (viz. Guo). This was illustrated through an elementary use-case tha - t compared being limited to PPT as opposed to having basic familiarity wit - h Emacs\, which permits manageable\, continuous exploration of knowledge\, - workflows\, and tools (cf. Alexander in Gabriel\; Goodyear & Retalis) and - movement from consumer to creator (Stiegler\; Stavrou). Using Emacs means - being able to use a sophisticated digital tool\, thanks to the contributi - ons of heterogeneous maintainers\, developers\, and community members whos - e artifacts comprise a meta picture. It is possible\, through using Emacs\ - , to learn about the design of digital learning and learning in general as - access to knowledge is not walled off by prefabricated design(cf. Illich\ - ; Stiegler). We can choose our own adventure.\n\n\n# References\n\n## Gene - ral workflow and fun:\n- Bin\, C. (2020). Mastering Emacs in one year. < - - er/>. Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- - Gaffney\, N. (2019). Oblique strategies. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- Goetz\, G. (2021). Addition - al references: A back-to-school/GTD Emacs journey. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- - Guerry\, B. (2020). Org-mode features you may not know. . Accessed 25 October 20 - 21.\n- Kaiser\, K. (2017). Writing a technical book in Emacs and Org-mod - e. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- Planet Emacs Life. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- Stavrou\, P. My p - ackages for GNU Emacs. . Accessed 25 Octob - er 2021.\n- Wellons\, C. Emacs articles. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n\n## On TEL design:\n- Caillet\, E. - (2008). L’exposition\, le musée: L’éducation informelle comme école de l’é - ducation formelle. In Andler\, D. & Guerry\, B. (Eds.). *Apprendre demain: - Sciences cognitives et éducation à l’ère numérique*\, 137-154. Paris: Hat - ier.\n- Crichton\, M. (1983). *Electronic life*. New York: Knopf.\n- D - e Bono\, E. (2009). *Think! Before it's too late*. London: Random House.\n - - Engelbart\, D. (1962). *Augmenting human intellect: A conceptual frame - work*. Menlo Park: Stanford Research Institute.\n- Drosos\, I. & Guo\, P - . (2021). Streamers teaching programming\, art\, and gaming: Cognitive app - renticeship\, serendipitous teachable moments\, and tacit expert knowledge - . IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC)\ - , short paper\, 2021. . Accessed 25 October - 2021.\n- Gabriel\, R. (1996). *Patterns of software*. New York\, Oxford: - Oxford University Press.\n- Goodyear\, P. & Retalis\, S. (2010). Learni - ng\, technology and design. In Goodyear\, P. & Retalis\, S. (Eds.). *Techn - ology-enhanced learning: Design patterns and pattern languages*\, 1-27. Ro - tterdam\, Boston: Sense Publishers.\n- Guerry\, B. & Gaume\, N. (2008). - Ce que les jeux vidéo nous apprennent. In Andler\, D. & Guerry\, B. (Eds.) - . *Apprendre Demain: Sciences cognitives et éducation à l’ère numérique*\, - 155-159. Paris: Hatier.\n- Guo\, P. (2018). Students\, systems\, and in - teractions: Synthesizing the first\nfour years of Learning@Scale and chart - ing the future. L@S 2018\, June 26–28\, 2018\, London\, United Kingdom. DO - I: - . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- Guo\, P.\, Kim\, J. & Rubin\, R. (2014). - How video production affects student engagement: An empirical study of MOO - C videos. ACM Conference on Learning at Scale. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- Illich\, I. (1973). *Tools of convivia - lity*. New York: Harper & Row.\n- Kim\, J.\, Guo\, P.\, Seaton\, D.\, Mi - tros\, P.\, Gajos\, K. & Miller\, R. (2014). Understanding in-video dropou - ts and interaction peaks in online lecture videos. ACM Conference on Learn - ing at Scale. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- - Markauskaite\, L. & Goodyear\, P. (2017). *Epistemic fluency and profes - sional education: innovation\, knowledgeable action and actionable knowled - ge*. Dordrecht: Springer.\n- Markel\, J. & Guo\, P. (2020). Designing th - e future of experiential learning environments for a post-COVID world: A p - reliminary case study. NFW ’20 (Symposium on the New Future of Work)\, Aug - ust 3–5\, 2020\, Virtual Event. . Accessed 2 - 5 October 2021.\n- Morin\, E. ([2004] 2008). *La Méthode - tome 6: Éthiq - ue*. Éditions du Seuil: Paris.\n- Stallman\, R. (2002). *Free software\, - free society*. GNU Press\, Free Software Foundation.\n- Stiegler\, B. ( - 2018). *The neganthropocene*. Open Humanities Press.\n- Trocmé-Fabre\, H - . (1999). *Réinventer le métier d’apprendre*. Paris: Éditions d’organisati - on.\n- Vygotsky\, L. (1979). *Mind in society: The development of higher - psychological processes*. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press. - \n- Wang\, S. (2020). Open knowledge. Hope in Source. . Accessed 25 - October 2021.\n\n\n# Availability and preferred Q&A approach\n\nDue to the - pandemic situation\, my teaching schedule fluctuates so I\nwill not know - my availability until much closer to the\ndate. Therefore\, I can only gua - rantee delayed answer response\n(whatever you request)\, but if available\ - , will join live.\nMay I please note that I will be pre-recording my video - if this submission is accepted.\n\n\n# Speaker release\n\nBy submitting t - his proposal\, I agree that my presentation at\nEmacsConf 2021 is subject - to the following terms and conditions:\n\nThe EmacsConf organizers may cap - ture audio and video (a "Recording")\nof my presentation and any associate - d materials\, which may include\nslides\, notes\, transcripts\, and prerec - ording(s) of my presentation\nthat I provide to the EmacsConf organizers.\ - n\nI authorize the EmacsConf organizers to distribute\, reproduce\,\npubli - cly display\, and prepare derivative works of the Recording and\nany deriv - ative works of the Recording (the "Licensed Materials")\nunder the terms o - f the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0\nInternational (CC BY-SA - 4.0) license.\n\nI grant to the EmacsConf organizers permission to use my - name\,\nlikeness\, and biographic information in association with their u - se\nof the Licensed Materials under the above license.\n\nI represent that - I have the authority to grant the above license to\nthe EmacsConf organiz - ers. If my presentation incorporates any\nmaterial owned by third parties\ - , I represent that the material is\nsublicensable to the EmacsConf organiz - ers or that my use of them is\nfair use. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:"GNU's Not UNIX: Why Emacs Demonstrates The UNIX Philosophy Isn't A - lways The Only Answer" -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-unix -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T095600 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T100600 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# GNU's Not UNIX: Why Emacs Demonstrates The U - NIX Philosophy Isn't Always The Only Answer\nDaniel Rose\n\nThe talk targe - ts users who are curious about computational philosophies\,\nor those who - might not know how to best utilise Emacs conceptually. The\ntalk will cove - r what the UNIX philosophy is\, the GNU Free Software\nprinciples\, a typi - cal (Neo)Vi(m) user's approach\, and then how one might\naccomplish this i - n Emacs combining the aformentioned ideals. The\nlisteners will learn how - they can approach Emacs ideologically\, and how\nblocking themselves into - one philosophy or the other will limit their\nefficiency. Although you may - be a veteran GNU/Linux and Emacs user\,\nunderstanding how to use both ph - ilosophies together will still allow you\nto be more performant than witho - ut.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes:\n Cut out the portions of exp - laining the whole UNIX and GNU philosophies\n and instead talk about co - ncrete examples:\n - How can one limit their usage of CLI tools while - still maintaining\n the ideals of both.\n - How using CLI too - ls can still perfectly flow into Emacs.\n - How having all programs i - n Emacs and unified keybindings is akin\n to a terminal user. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Emacs manuals translation and OmegaT -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-omegat -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T100900 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T101900 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Emacs manuals translation and OmegaT\nJean - -Christophe Helary\n\nEven if it is generally agreed that software localiz - ation is a good thing\, Emacs is lacking in that respect for a number of t - echnical reasons. Nonetheless\, the free software using public could great - ly benefit from Emacs manuals translations\, even if the interface were to - remain in English.\n\nOmegaT is a multiplatform GPL3+ "computer aided tra - nslation" (CAT) tool running on OpenJDK 8. CATs are roughly equivalent for - translators to what IDEs are for code writers. Casual translators can ben - efit from their features but professionals or commited amateurs are the mo - st likely to make the most use of such tools.\n\nWhen OmegaT\, free softwa - re based forges and Emacs meet\, we have a free multi-user translation env - ironment that can easily sustain the (close to) 2 million words load that - comprise the manuals distributed with Emacs\, along with powerful features - like arbitrary string protection for easy typing and QA (quality assuranc - e)\, automatic legacy translation handling\, glossary management\, history - based or predictive autocompletion\, etc.\n\nThe current trial project fo - r French is hosted on 2 different forges:\n\n1. hosts the source fi - les\n \n2. chapril hos - ts the OmegaT team project architecture\n \n\nThe sources are regularly updated with a po4a based - shell script.\n\n# Outline\n\n- Duration: 10 minutes\n- Software used dur - ing the presentation\n - [po4a]( a tool to convert docum - entation formats to and from the commonly used `gettext` **PO** format.\n - po4a supports the `texinfo` format along with many others.\n - [OmegaT - ]( a "computer aided translation" tool used by translat - ors to efficiently combine translation ressources (legacy translations\, g - lossaries\, etc.) so as to produce more consistent translations.\n\nDuring - the presentation\, I will show:\n\n- How to use po4a to convert the texi - files to the PO format (the file is also converted)\n- What are th - e specificities of the Emacs manuals and what difficulties they present to - the tanslator\n- How to address those specificities in OmegaT\, with regu - lar expressions\n- How to use OmegaT features such as arbitrary string pro - tection\, legacy translation handling\, glossaries\, autocompletion\, QA\, - etc.\n- How to use OmegaT with a team of 2 (or more) translators working - at the same time\n- How to solve translation conflicts\n\nI will *not* sho - w:\n\n- How to create an OmegaT project\n- How to setup an OmegaT team pro - ject\n- How to use OmegaT from the command line to work in localization pi - pelines\n- How to use machine translation and MT "post-edit"\n- How to con - vert back the translated files to texi format\n- How to install translated - texi files for use in Emacs -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:NonGNU ELPA Update -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-nongnu -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T102200 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T103200 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# NonGNU ELPA Update\nKaluđerčić\, Philip\n\ - nNonGNU ELPA was announced last year\, as a package repository\nthat will - be enabled by default in Emacs\, but doesn't require\nany copyright assign - ment. This means that a lot of popular\npackages can now be installed easi - er\, without any additional\nconfiguration.\n\nIn this talk I would like t - he give a reminder of what NonGNU\nELPA is and how it works\, update the p - articipants on what has\nhappened since last year and what maintainers hav - e to do if they\nwant their packages to be added to the repository. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Manual Package Management in The Era of Repositories - Why and How -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-borg -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T103500 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T104500 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Manual Package Management in The Era of Repo - sitories - Why and How\nDhavan (codingquark)\n\nEmacs now has many package - repositories - enought to have conflicts\nand arguments about. The packag - es are becoming big\, they depend on many\nother packages and it is not ea - sy to keep track of what all is being\ninstalled in our Emacsen. An aggres - sive way out of this is to use Yet\nAnother Package and install all elisp - code manually - with borg[1].\n\n[1]: \n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)\n - 1. What are we trying to solve?\n 2. What is borg?\n 3. How to - use it?\n 4. Assimilate a package for demo -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:telega.el and the Emacs community on Telegram -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-telega -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T104800 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T105800 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# telega.el and the Emacs community on Teleg - ram\nGabriele Bozzola and Evgeny Zajcev\n\nTelegram is a cross-platform in - stant messaging system. The large number of\nfeatures and the widespread a - doption make it a good choice for both private\nconversations with friends - and for large online communities. In this talk\, I\nam going to present t - he Emacs community on Telegram and its initiatives. I\nam also going to di - scuss telega.el\, the Emacs client for Telegram. telega.el\nis a high-qual - ity package that perfectly integrates in Emacs. It supports\nthe vast majo - rity of the features supported by the official clients\, while\nadding sev - eral unique ones. In the talk\, I will present the package and\nhighlight - some of the most important features. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Introducing N-Angulator -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-nangulator -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T110100 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T111100 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Introducing N-Angulator\nKevin Haddock - \n\nThe Unix file system is essentially an N-dimentional sparse array that - \ncurrently lacks a decent editor and browser which\ncan effectively lever - age the logical tri-angulation (or\, more properly\n"n-angulation") of ato - ms/blobs within it.\n\nN-Angulator is the genesis\, to wit\, the "Model-T\ - ," of such a program.\n\n(see google drive link below for a very old uncir - culated prototype\nvideo demo. Be sure and turn the volume UP!)\n\ - tro.flv\n\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief descrip - tion/outline)\n\nThe reconceptualization of the Unix file system as the N- - Dimensional\nsparse array will be discussed.\n\nA simple pre-existing data - base will be queried.\n\nIf time\, questions will be entertained by video/ - audio and/or IRC. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:A day in the life of a janitor -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-janitor -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T111400 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T113400 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# A day in the life of a janitor\nStefan Mo - nnier\n\nBecause of a reckless former Emacs maintainer that shall\n bette - r stay unnamed\, ELisp has seen a fair bit of churn in the last 10\n year - s\, making it necessary to clean up "old" code [in order to open up\n the - road for yet more recklessness? ].\n In this documentary we will follow - a famous janitor in his every day job\n dealing with the aftermath of the - cl-lib / lexical-binding party.\n\n- ~20 minutes\n Here really\, I'm - not sure how much time this will take. I put 20\n minutes because I t - hink I might be able to fill that and I think more\n than that could tu - rn too boring. I intend to make it a "live coding"\n kind of thing\, w - ithout anything like an outline: it's basically "make"\n followed by fi - xing the warnings. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:How to help Emacs maintainers? -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-maintainers -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T113900 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T114900 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# How to help Emacs maintainers?\nBasti - en Guerry\n\nAfter 11 years of helping as the Org maintainer\, I would\nli - ke to share a few lessons learned. My goal is help everyone take\ncare of - Emacs maintainance by taking care of Emacs maintainers.\n\n\n\n# Outline\ - n\n- 5-10 minutes -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Typesetting Gregorian Chant with Emacs -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-gregorian -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T115200 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T120200 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Typesetting Gregorian Chant with Emacs\ - nSpencer King\n\nThere are a variety of methods for typesetting gregorian\ - nchant scores and outputting high-quality sheet music. One of these is\na - tool called Gregorio\, which integrates with LaTeX allowing scores to\nbe - cleanly inserted into other documents. All Gregorio files are plain\ntext\ - , allowing them to easily be shared with other users and managed\nwith a v - ersion control system. In this talk\, I will give a brief\noverview of the - Gregorio tool and then show how it can be used in\nEmacs by typesetting a - simple score. All code and examples will be\nmade available to help new u - sers get started with typesetting their\nown scores.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- - 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)\n 1. Introduction to chan - t music\n 2. Introduction to Gregorio\n 3. Example of typesetting - a score in Emacs\n 4. Code and example availability -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Emacs and Montessori Philosophy -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-montessori -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T123000 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T124000 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Emacs and Montessori Philosophy\n\n\nA - s a former Montessori guide and now parent\, I often think about the\nrela - tionship of this particular educational philosophy and how it manifests\ni - n my work with software\, Emacs in particular. This talk introduces the\nc - oncept of Emacs as an educational environment and how it expresses element - s of\nMontessori psychology regarding "Human Tendencies". Human tendencies - are innate\ndrives present in everybody that allow us to explore and make - sense of our world.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief descript - ion/outline)\n Quick overview of a Montessori classroom environment:\n\ - n - the adults or guides primarily observe and present material\n - - the children are free to explore materials as they choose (within limi - ts)\n - the environment itself is prepared specifically to foster eng - agement\n\n Enumerate the "Human Tendencies":\n\n - Abstraction\n - - Activity\n - Communication\n - Exactness\n - Explora - tion\n - Manipulation (of the environment)\n - Order\n - Or - ientation\n - Repetition\n - Self-Perfection\n - Work (also - described as "purposeful activity")\n\n How does Emacs express these t - hings?\n\n - in the short version\, pose the question\, and perhaps g - ive one example.\n - Emacs is an environment that provides facilities - for individuals to\n find their way to proficiency through their H - uman Tendencies.\n - We are all both learners and guides\, Emacs is o - ur classroom -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Emacs Research Group\, Season Zero: What we did together with Emacs - in 2 hours a week for a year -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-erg -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T124300 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T125800 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Emacs Research Group\, Season Zero: What we d - id together with Emacs in 2 hours a week for a year\nNoorah Alhasan\, Joe - Corneli\, Raymond Puzio\, Leo Vivier\n\nThe four of us met at EmacsConf 20 - 20\, and joined together around a\ncommon interest in Emacs and research. - Since then\, we have convened as\nthe Emacs Research Group for weekly mee - tings. During these meetings\, we\ntook notes collaboratively\, using a ‘ - conflict-free replicated data type’\npackage (crdt.el)\; at the end of eac - h session\, we debriefed using a\ntemplate that we call a Project Action R - eview (PAR). As as a\nmeta-review of our sessions\, every six weeks we pr - epared a Causal\nLayered Analysis (CLA)\, which gave us a different perspe - ctive on what we\nhad done. We reflected further on our experiences and m - ethods\, linking\nour CLA to plans and design patterns. As a formal resea - rch output\, we\ncontributed a write-up of these matters to a joint paper - which we\npresented at the Pattern Languages of Programs Conference (PLoP - 2021).\nThe paper included an interactive workshop\, in which we explored - roles\nin real-time problem solving and collaboration.\n\nIn our short tal - k we share information about these methods\, making a\ncase for other peop - le getting together and creating their own small\nresearch communities sim - ilar to ours. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:One effective CS grad student workflow -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-cs -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T130100 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T131100 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# One effective CS grad student workflow\nGreg C - oladonato\n\nWhen I was an undergrad\, I learned many things\, most of\nwh - ich I forgot. In the time since then\, I've discovered Org Mode\, Org\nRoa - m\, Org Noter\, Org Ref. PDF Tools\, and Anki. I would like to share\nmy a - pproach for capturing all the information that comes my way as a\nMS CS st - udent at Georgia Tech\, in the hopes that I can both get\nfeedback on ways - to improve the system I use\, as well as hopefully\ninspire others to bui - ld workflows that make them more productive.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 - minutes: Go through some typical workflows associated with being a grad st - udent\, using the packages mentioned in the abstract. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Using Org-Mode For Recording Continuous Professional Development -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-professional -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T131400 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T132400 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Using Org-Mode For Recording Continu - ous Professional Development\nPhilip Beadling\n\nI recently had the pleasu - re of being audited for my CPD record with one\nof the large engineering p - rofessional bodies. I decided to harness\norg-mode's TODO lists to record - CPD items and my progress against them\ncompletely within Emacs. I also - wanted the ability to export the data\nin a well presented\, compact forma - t for auditing submission.\n\nThe project was a success (I passed the audi - t) and the resulting system\nintegrates really well into my wider daily Em - acs workflow\, making future\nCPD recording seamless.\n\nThe talk will exp - lain how I tweaked and extended org-mode to get it to\nrecord the data I w - anted\, followed by a demo.\n\nA basic demo org file with embedded elisp c - an be seen here:\n\n\nA basic generated PDF from the basic demo is here:\n![img]( - - s=e0c5080560c877aa02933a40c224e52b8a1fed3b)\n\nI have a much more involved - example I could also use for the demo.\n\nThe template contains a few exa - mples. Examples are Goals that are split\nup into Activities. All Activit - ies must have a Goal\, and within a Goal\nall activities must be complete - for the Goal to be automatically set to\ncomplete.\n\nIt's basically lever - aging Org Capture Templates to create custom Goals\nand Activities.\n\nOn - save or update these are then rendered into a table using Column View.\n\n - Activities are sorted by date they were completed on.\n\nThe Column View i - s pre-configured to be exported to PDF in a condensed\nbut readable format - for submission. It stays fairly readable even when\nthe pages get busy.\n - \nThe elisp required is all under the "Config" bullet and Emacs will ask\n - to execute it on opening the Org file. The elisp concerns itself with\nnic - e custom org capture functions and a few functions to ensure nice\nformatt - ing on export\, etc.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes:\n\nA quick walk - through of the setup and functions\, followed by a demo of how\nto add CPD - items\, and update them. Finally show generation of a PDF\ncontaining al - l the items tabulated and ready for audit review. I\nestimate this at app - rox 10 minutes. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Creating technical API documentation and presentations using org-ba - bel\, restclient\, and org-treeslide -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-tech -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T132700 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T133700 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Creating technical API documentation and pre - sentations using org-babel\, restclient\, and org-treeslide\nJan Ypma\n\nT - he emacs org-babel package is often mentioned in conjunction with\nliterat - e programming. The ability to mix code segments with prose\nindeed offers - an intuitive way to augment semantic code pieces with\ntextual description - s.\n\nIn recent projects\, I've started to turn to org-mode as the primary - \nformat to maintain technical documentation\, as well as slides for a\nte - chnical language course. By using org-babel to pull in "live" code\nfor RE - ST requests\, language examples\, and shell scripts\, one can be\nsure tha - t the documentation and slides are never out of date.\n\nThe session will - show how leverage org-babel\, restclient and\norg-treeslide to write and p - resent technical documentation with style.\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- Introductio - n\n- Demo: Developer guide\n- Demo: REST API guide\n- Demo: Presentations\ - n- Used packages and configuration -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Org as an executable format -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-exec -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T134100 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T135100 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Org as an executable format\nTom Gillespie\n - \nOrg mode is known for its flexibility\, power\, and staggeringly diverse - \nnumber of workflows\, users\, and use cases.\n\nThis talk explores just - how far we can push the boundaries of the sane\nand sensible with regard t - o Org workflows.\n\nIn particular it will discuss shebang blocks\, and elv - s: two parts of a\ncomplete system for creating executable Org files.\n\nO - rg syntax does not support shebang lines. However\, it turns out that\nOrg - syntax enables something even better —\; shebang blocks.\n\nOrg is - also (supposedly) not an executable file format. However\, by\ncombining - a shebang block with a Org babel source block\, and eval\nlocal variables - (elvs) Org becomes a multi-language executable format.\n\nIn this talk we - introduce shebang blocks and elvs as a two part system\nthat transforms Or - g files into executable documents that can run on any\nrecent version of E - macs.\n\nThese ideas are implemented in\n and\n\, and\norgstrap.el is available as a package on MELPA a - nd can be installed\nvia M-x install-package orgstrap.\n\nThe talk will op - en with a demo of how to create an executable Org file\nusing the orgstrap - machinery.\n\nWe then discuss security considerations\, and show example - use cases.\n\nFinally the talk will cover the details and development of t - he\nportable shebang block for Org mode that works on a wide variety of\ns - ystems and shells\, and on the development of a formal specification\nand - a reference implementation for using Org source blocks to\ntransform Org f - iles from plain text documents with a bit of markup\ninto self describing - computational documents\, or interactive\napplications.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n - \n- 5-10 minutes:\n\nA demo of adding the orgstrap block and elvs\,\nadd - ing a shebang block\, and then running an org file. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:The use of Org mode syntax outside of GNU/Emacs -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-org-outside -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T135400 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T140400 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# The use of Org mode syntax outside of - GNU/Emacs\nKarl Voit\n\nWith the rising interest in Org mode\, the GNU/Em - acs community gained\nmuch momentum in the last decade. Being a nicely des - igned lightweight\nmarkup language\, Org mode does not only benefit users - of GNU/Emacs.\nThere are many tools and services supporting Org mode synta - x documents\nthat do have no direct connection to GNU/Emacs. I would like - to\nelaborate on the advantages on using Org mode syntax for arbitrary\nte - xt outside of GNU/Emacs for better typing usability and\ncollaboration tas - ks.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)\n\nT - his can only be a short teaser for the use of Org mode syntax without\nmuc - h comparison to other lightweight markup languages. For this\naudience\, I - do think that this would be too short because most\nattendees might alrea - dy have heard the rumors that Org mode is great\nor they have adapted Org - mode in their workflows already. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Using Org-mode to teach programming -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-teach -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T140700 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T142700 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Using Org-mode to teach programming\nDaniel - German\n\nIn this presentation I will explain how to use org-mode effecti - vely to\nprepare teaching materials\, and how to present them.\n\nFor the - last 5 years I have been using org-mode to teach programming\nin different - languages: C++\, SQL\, Ruby\, Python\, SML\nand Scheme. Org-mode has thre - e key advantages:\n\n1. it supports most programming languages with a com - mon interface\,\n2. it is an interactive medium for delivering teaching m - aterials\; and\n3. it is an always-up-to-date format that does not need t - o be exported in order to be published.\n\nI explain how I use org-mode in - my courses and how I combine org-mode\nnotes other tools such as github o - rg-mode to get\nalways up-to-date teaching materials that one can use for - both\nteaching and studying (see\n\nfor an examp - le).\n\nFinally\, I will discuss some important aspects to consider when u - sing\norg-mode for this purpose.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n20 minutes:\n\n- In - troduction\n- Quick demonstration\n- Workflow\n- Emacs configuration - \n- Important considerations\n- How to get started\n\nOh\, I made a sm - all mistake. I meant to propose a 40 minutes presentation.\nBut I can give - a quicker 20 minutes too. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Managing a research workflow (bibliographies\, note-taking\, and ar - Xiv) -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-research -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T143200 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T143700 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Managing a research workflow (bibliograp - hies\, note-taking\, and arXiv)\nAhmed Khaled\n\nResearchers and knowledge - workers have to read and discover new papers\,\nask questions about what - they read\, write notes and scratchwork\, and store\nmuch of this informat - ion for use in writing papers and/or code. Emacs allows\nus to do all of t - his (and more) using simple text interfaces that integrate\nwell together. - In this talk I will talk about the following:\n\na. Using elfeed and elfe - ed-score to read new papers from arXiv.\nb. Using org-ref to import arXiv - papers of interest into a local\nbibliography.\nc. Using Emacs hooks with - biber and rebiber in order to keep the local\n bibliography clean and up - -to-date with conference versions of papers.\nd. Using org-roam and org-ro - am-bibtex to take linked\, searchable notes in\norg on research papers.\n\ - nThis text-based workflow allows for keeping everything accessible under\n - version\ncontrol and avoids the platform lock-in of binary formats (e.g. M - endeley). I\nwill share my Doom Emacs configuration for this workflow\, bu - t it is not\nlimited\nto Doom.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: I wil - l demo the packages I use in 5 minutes. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Babel for academics -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-babel -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T144100 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T145100 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Babel for academics\nAsilata Bapat\n\nPlain - org-mode is already an extremely powerful and\ncustomisable tool for task - and time management\, note-taking\, calendar\nand agenda management\, and - much more. Babel takes org a step further\nby letting you write\, evaluat - e\, and export code in different languages\nfrom within a single file. In - this talk\, I will highlight some\nfeatures of babel that I find exciting - and extremely useful\,\nparticularly for an academic workflow.\n\nGetting - started with babel can be intimidating\, but it's hard to stop\nusing it o - nce you start. As an academic\, I typically don't manage\nlarge coding pro - jects. My primary purpose is writing lecture notes\,\nassignments\, and pa - pers\, and managing related admin. Typically\, I want\nto try and automate - the boring portions of my workflow without extra\noverhead. I also tend t - o find various tasks easier in some programming\nlanguages and harder in o - thers\, and prefer to mix and match languages\nas the task dictates. Babel - makes this process seamless.\n\nA basic use case is writing a document in - org-mode and exporting it to\nLaTeX or HTML. Org-mode even lets you write - multiple documents in a\nsingle org file\, which can be convenient. Babel - lets you add all sorts\nof enhancements to the same file. For example\, s - uppose we have a\nsingle org document with all the problem sets for a cour - se. Within\nthis single file\, we could now:\n\n- draw pictures in ditaa - \, graphviz\, or python instead of LaTeX\,\n- use python to do complex c - alculations and then output the result as LaTeX\,\n- define skeletons to - quickly draw up assignment templates\,\n- toggle exporting of assignmen - ts with or without solutions based on tags\,\n- locally change export se - ttings or run a post-export hook\,\n- automatically export to LaTeX afte - r saving\,\n- tangle code blocks from some or all of the languages to ex - ternal files.\n\nI will try to showcase features of babel that academics c - ould find\nhelpful\, by presenting some ways in which I have tried to use - babel. I\nwould also like to be inspired by other people's babel workflows - !\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)\n\nFor - a 5-10 minute presentation I will give a brief intro and present one or t - wo example files that heavily use babel. I will use these\nexamples to hig - hlight some of the features mentioned in the abstract. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Reproducible molecular graphics with Org-mode -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-molecular -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T145300 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T150300 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Reproducible molecular graphics with Or - g-mode\nBlaine Mooers\n\nResearch papers in structural biology should incl - ude the code used to make\nthe images of molecules in the article in the s - upplemental materials.\nSome structural bioinformaticists have started to - include\ntheir computer code in the supplemental materials to allow reader - s\nto reproduce their analyses. However\, authors of papers reporting new\ - nmolecular structures often overlook the inclusion of the code that makes\ - nthe images of the molecules reported in their articles. Nonetheless\,\nth - is aspect of reproducible research needs to become the standard practice\n - to improve the rigor of the science.\n\nIn a literate programming document - \, the author interleaves between blocks\nof prose the code that makes the - images of molecules. The document allows\nthe reader to reproduce the ima - ges in the manuscript by running the code.\nThe reader can also explore th - e effect of altering the parameters in the\ncode. Org files are one altern - ative for making such literate programming\ndocuments.\n\nWe developed a y - asnippet snippet library called orgpymolpysnips for\nstructural biologists - ().\nThis library facilitat - es the assembly of literate programming documents\nwith molecular images m - ade by PyMOL. PyMOL is the most popular\nmolecular graphics program for cr - eating images for publication\; it has\nover 100\,000 users\, which is a l - ot of users in molecular biology. PyMOL\nhas been used to make many of the - images of biological molecules found\non the covers of many Cell\, Nature - \, and Science issues.\n\nWe used the `jupyter' language in org-babel to s - end commands from\ncode blocks in Org files to PyMOL's Python API. PyMOL r - eturns the\nmolecular image to the output block below the code block. An E - macs\nuser can convert the Org file into a PDF\, `tangle' the code blocks\ - ninto a script file\, and submit these for non-Emacs users. We describe\nt - he content of the library and provide examples of the running PyMOL\nfrom - Org-mode documents.\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief description - /outline)\n - Title slide\n - Structural Biolog Workflow in the - Mooers Lab\n - Cover images made with PyMOL\n\n - Why develop a - snippet library for your field?\n - PyMOL in Org: kernel specificatio - n\n - Creating a conda env and installing PyMOL\n - Example code - block in Org to make DSSR block model of tRNA\n - Resulting image\n - - Summary\n - Acknowledgements -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Budgeting\, Project Monitoring and Invoicing with Org Mode -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-project -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T150600 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T151600 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Budgeting\, Project Monitoring and Invoic - ing with Org Mode\nAdolfo Villafiorita\n\nIn this talk I will present how - we use Org Mode at Shair.Tech for\nbudgeting\, project monitoring\, and in - voicing.\n\nWe are a small company and we are still tuning and improving t - he\nprocess\, but with a bit of Emacs Lisp\, the functions Org Mode\nprovi - des\, and reading here and there what other users do\, we\nimplemented an - effective workflow we have been using for nearly a\nyear\, now\, and with - which we are very happy. Talk duration:\n\n–\;> 20 minutes seems to - be right (15 talk + questions)\n–\;> I can also make in 10 minutes\, - by focusing the talk on\n budgeting (or monitoring) -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Find Your (In)voice: Emacs for Invoicing -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-invoice -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T151900 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T152900 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Find Your (In)voice: Emacs for Invoicing\ - nBala Ramadurai\n\nYe Freelance warriors\, please lend me your I/O devices - for 5 minutes.\n\nYour time is your money! Do you find it a pain to gener - ate an invoice\,\nrecord the details into your accounting software and kee - p track of\ntaxes and payments? You are not alone\, I found the whole invo - ice\nthingy to be extremely painful.\n\nBut worry not\, Emacs comes to our - rescue.\n\nMy talk will give you a basic intro on how to use org mode\, s - ome embedded python code and file jugglery to generate stylistic and profe - ssional invoices.\n\nWhat you will learn during the session:\n\n- How to - track your freelance time using orgmode\n- How to create the basic infr - astructure for invoice generation\n- How to generate the invoice\n- Ho - w to manage multiple clients\n- How to enter the finance details into yo - ur accounting software\n- How to track invoice payments\n\nWe will use t - he following packages:\n\n- Emacs+orgmode (duh?)\n- yasnippet\n- pyt - hon layer (I use spacemacs\, so whatever is the equivalent in your config) - \n- Some unnecessary Shakespearean references -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Productivity Dashboards with Emacs and Kindle -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-dashboard -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T153200 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T154200 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Productivity Dashboards with Emacs and - Kindle\nMehmet Tekman\n\nSince 2008\, Amazon have released a new Kindle de - vice every year\,\nsupplanting each generation with a newer model that boa - sts highly\npromoted incremental features which greatly devalues the price - of\ntheir older models. These forgotten models are sold on Ebay and\nothe - r secondhand websites at highly discount prices by owners who\ndo not see - the true potential of these devices: Kindles are\nexcellent high contrast - low-refresh display rate E-Ink devices\,\nwith Wifi capability\, that run - embedded Linux in the\nbackground. Depending on the model\, an idle Kindle - can last weeks\nbefore needing a recharge. This makes them ideal as passi - ve image\ndevices that can be configured easily using a few shell\nscripts - . Indeed\, efforts have been made in dedicated hacker forums\nto expose th - e Linux filesystem and to enable features such as\ncustom screensavers\, S - SH networking\, and more. By exploiting these\nfeatures\, and by carefully - disabling the software/bloatware that\ncomes with the device\, these Kind - les have found new life as online\ndashboard devices which can fetch and d - isplay information from the\ninternet at timely intervals.\n\nHere we desc - ribe a tool to control multiple Kindle devices with a\nsingle org-mode/she - ll-based tool\, built initially to periodically\nserve updated Emacs Org-A - genda views\, but later expanded to produce\nonline local weather reports - and work calendar\, Emacs calendars\n(calfw\, org-gcal)\, daily dietary in - formation (org-calories)\,\nOrg-Mode sparse TODO trees\, miscellaneous ima - ge and text content\n(via imagemagick)\, small messages\, and much more.\n - \nIn this talk\, we show how to configure multiple Kindles with any\ndesir - ed custom content\, following any daily/weekly schedule\, all\neasily mana - ged from Emacs within a single Org-Mode file.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 - minutes:\n\n 1-3 mins\n Talk about repurposing Kindles:\n\n - - Cheap second-hand wifi device\, hackable\n - Low-powered\, long - battery life\, low refresh rate –\; perfect\n for a dashboar - d\n - Timely updated Org-Mode Agendas anyone?\n - Reference - to inspired projects (kindle-dashboard)\n\n 2-3 mins\n Generat - e content\n\n - A static text+picture image easily generated with ima - gemagick\n wrapper\n - An image of a sparse tree of org-mode T - ODO file\n - An image of another emacs view (e.g. Calfw\, or org-calo - ries)\n - Show post-processing for optimizing image for Kindles\n\n - 1-2 mins\n Configuration in a single org-mode file\n\n - D - efining Machines\n - Defining Commands to generate content\n - D - efining Schedules to run Commands on multiple Machines at\n specifi - c points in the day\n\n 1-2 mins\n Export and Run:\n\n - - Show exported shell configs and generated cronjobs\n - Witness multip - le Kindles producing desired content with wakeup\n timers -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Emacs with Nyxt: extend your editor with the power of a Lisp browse - r -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-nyxt -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T154500 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T155500 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Emacs with Nyxt: extend your editor with the - power of a Lisp browser\nAndrea\n\nIn 2021 browsers are essential if you - use a computer. Even if Emacs\nusers love text as a format\, they may need - to shop and video call from\ntime to time (even more so in a pandemic!). - Some of us modified their\nbrowsers to at least have the same keybindings - as our editor of\nchoice. What if I told you there is an Emacsy browser in - the making?\nWhat if you could "ace-jump" within a web page? What if you - could run\na REPL to extend your browser while browsing? What if you could - record\nmacros?! The browser exists: its name is Nyxt!\n\nIn this talk I - will share why it has great potential\, how you can\nintegrate it with Ema - cs\, and how you can migrate your Emacs mastery to\nthe web!\n\nIf you wer - e wishing for a Lispy and Emacsy browser\, you should not\nmiss this talk! - \n\nYou can learn more about this at: \n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: quick demo of running Nyxt fro - m Emacs and a little explanation of the code necessary for integration -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:On the design of text editors -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-design -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T155800 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T160800 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# On the design of text editors\nNicolas P. - Rougier\n\nText editors are written by and for developers. They come\nwit - h a large set of default and implicit choices in terms of layout\,\ntypogr - aphy\, colorization and interaction that hardly change from one\neditor to - the other. It is not clear if these implicit choices derive\nfrom the ign - orance of alternatives or if they derive from developers'\nhabits\, reprod - ucing what they are used to. Durint this talk\, I will\ncharacterize these - implicit choices and illustrate what are some\nalternatives using GNU Ema - cs.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n\n- 10 minutes alternative\n\nMostly a live demo - of my environment with pointers to the different\npackages -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:How Emacs made me appreciate software freedom -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-freedom -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T161200 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T165200 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# How Emacs made me appreciate software fre - edom\nProtesilaos Stavrou\n\nThe theme will be "how Emacs empowered my sof - tware freedom".\nI will outline the key moments in my transition to a GNU/ - Linux operating\nsystem and mark those which eventually contributed toward - s me becoming\nan Emacs user\, maintainer of a—\;dare I say—\; - popular package\, and\ncontributor to upstream Emacs (among others). By a - lluding to personal\nexperiences\, I will draw generalisable insights and - connect them to what\nI believe are irreducible qualities of Emacs qua sof - tware and Emacs as a\ncommunity of like-minded people. The talk will be t - heoretical in\nnature: there won't be any code-related demonstration nor t - echnical\nreferences that only people with a background in computer scienc - e would\nlikely recognise. Personal anecdotes shall be tangential to the - point\nand considered as ancillary to the thesis of what Emacs represents - from\nthe standpoint of software freedom and user empowerment. The\nprese - ntation is intended for a general audience that is interested in\nGNU soft - ware in general and Emacs in particular. My formal educational\nbackgroun - d as a social scientist (i.e. not a programmer) and later as a\nphilosophe - r informs my approach to this topic.\n\nThe presentation shall be 40 minut - es long. Its text will be in essay\nform and shall be supplied as complem - entary material to the video. The\nnotation will be in Org mode. I canno - t provide an outline in advance\,\nas it will most likely not be consisten - t with the actual presentation.\nIf\, however\, this is absolutely require - d for administrative purposes I\nshall furnish one regardless with the pro - viso that I am in no way bound\nby it and thus reserve the right to modify - it ahead of the main event. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Closing remarks day 1 -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-day1-close -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T165200 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T165700 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Closing remarks day 1 -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Opening remarks day 2 -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-day2-open -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T090000 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T090500 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Opening remarks day 2 -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:How to write faster Emacs Lisp -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-faster -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T090500 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T092500 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# How to write faster Emacs Lisp\nDmitry Gut - ov\n\n- Before optimizing\, benchmark first.\n- Different benchmarking - approaches.\n- Live evaluation\, step-debugging\, measuring from a debu - gger breakpoint.\n- How to determine if a function is expensive. How to - pick one from\n competing alternatives (cl-lib\, seq\, dash\, lean core - ).\n- Print-benchmarking.\n- Byte-compiled code can give a very differ - ent picture\, changing where\n the bottleneck is. How to quickly load a - byte-compiled version.\n- Steps taken to speed up the Xref package rece - ntly. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Tree-edit: Structural editing for Java\, Python\, C\, and beyond! -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-structural -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T093000 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T094000 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Tree-edit: Structural editing for Java - \, Python\, C\, and beyond!\nEthan Leba\n\nIn this talk\, I'll discuss a v - ision for how writing code could be\, where the\nediting operations map di - rectly to the primitives of the language itself -- and\nmy humble attempt - of implementing this vision. _tree-edit_ seeks to provides a\nstructural e - diting plugin supporting conceivably any language with a tree-sitter\npars - er.\n\n**Structural editing does not have to be relegated to lisps or nich - e DSLs.**\n\nI liken the state of code editing today to writing assembly. - The reason why\npeople like Python more than assembly is that for most pur - poses\, the building\nblocks of the language are mismatched with our thoug - ht process. We don't think\nin terms of registers and addresses\, we think - in terms of variables\, functions\,\netc. So when we write and edit code\ - , why do we edit in terms of deleting\,\ninserting\, replacing characters - –\; not wrapping\, inserting\, raising\,\ndeleting expressions and s - tatements?\n\nI'll also discuss the implementation of tree-edit\, which us - es a novel\ncombination of the fantastic\n[tree-sitter]( - /emacs-tree-sitter/elisp-tree-sitter) parser\nwith an embedded logic progr - amming DSL ([miniKanren](\,\nusing elisp port [reaz - on]( to power it's\nsyntax tree gener - ation.\n\nCheck out the GitHub repo [here]( - ree-edit)!\n\n# Outline\n\n- Discuss motivation - (Why should I care?)\n- Demonstrate tree-edit (Li - ve-coding with tree-edit)\n- Demonstrate tree-edit syntax tree generator - (Elevator pitch on miniKanren) -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Self-Describing Smart DSL's: The Next Magits -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-dsl -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T094300 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T100300 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Self-Describing Smart DSL's: The Next Magits\ - nPsionic\n\nWhen we begin programming\, the promise is to automate away re - petitive\ntasks in life. As those program's capability grows\, we begin t - o need\nconfiguration UI's. We can start with a CLI\, but as any CLI grow - s\, we\nrun into the following issues:\n\n- As options pile up\, the int - uition of simplicity is lost in helps and\nmanpages\n\n- Stateless opera - tion has no idea what to do next and loses terseness\n- Frequent dispatch - of commands to interrogate state required for the\noperator to decide what - action to perform\n\n- Composition compounds with all of these issues\n - \nMagit has the UI trifecta of being terse\, intuitive\, and intelligent.\ - nMagit's UI input library\, Transient\, is a standalone package for\ndevel - oping more killer UI's\, and not just for CLI applications\, but\nalso for - server applications\, Emacs applications\, and Emacs itself.\n\nWhile Tra - nsient's potential is to create the most highly productive\nUI's short of - thought control\, going beyond simple command dispatchers\nrequires a deep - er dive. When we think like constructing a DSL for the\ntask and using tr - ansient to input that DSL\, we get an intelligent\,\nself-describing modal - programming system.\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- Updates to Transient documentati - on and demos of API examples\n- Wrapping a custom CLI tool in Transient -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:"Yak-shaving to a UI framework" (/"Help! I accidentally yak-shaved - my way to writing a UI framework because overlays were slow") -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-ui -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T100600 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T101600 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# "Yak-shaving to a UI framework" (/"Help! I acc - identally yak-shaved my way to writing a UI framework because overlays wer - e slow")\nErik Anderson\n\nTui.el is a textual User Interface (UI) framewo - rk for Emacs Lisp\nmodeled after the popular JavaScript 'React' framework. - This package\nimplements React Component API's with the goal of simplify - ing\ndevelopment of interactive UI's for all Emacs users- regardless of\nt - heir prior experience with React or web programming. Components\nprovide - a useful functional unit for constructing complex interfaces\ndeclarativel - y and also eliminate much of the burden associated with\nupdating textual - content as application state changes. This talk will\ncover use of the tu - i.el API and its operation in a textual environment\nby implementing some - basic UI's.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes:\n - Problem space: - UI implementation complexity.\n - API introduction: Displaying conten - t\, Components.\n - Visual taste of dashboards and applications built - with tui. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Extending Emacs in Rust with Dynamic Modules -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-rust -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T101900 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T103900 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Extending Emacs in Rust with Dynamic Modules - \nTuấn-Anh Nguyễn\n\nDynamic module support has been available since Emacs - 25. It can be\nused to extend Emacs with native libraries\, for performan - ce\,\nOS-specific features\, or other functionalities that would take a lo - t\nof time to re-implement in Lisp. The officially supported language is\n - C\, which is tedious and error-prone to use. This talk discusses a\n**safe - ** alternative that is also a lot **more convenient**: writing these\ndyna - mic modules in Rust.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- Walking through creating **a s - imple dynamic module** in\n Rust\, including setting up CI.\n- Going t - hrough and explaining the **available APIs**. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Emacs Application Framework: A 2021 Update -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-eaf -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T104400 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T105400 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Emacs Application Framework: A 2021 Update\nM - atthew Zeng\n\nEmacs Application Framework (EAF) is a customizable and ext - ensible GUI\napplication framework that extends Emacs graphical capabiliti - es using\nPyQt5. There are many new but important updates since EmacsConf2 - 020\nlast year\, this talk will briefly go over them.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n - - 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline) -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Extending the "model" of Emacs to other applications -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-model -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T105800 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T110800 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Extending the "model" of Emacs to other app - lications\nLaszlo Krajnikovszkij\n\nEmacs is a great operating environment - in a sense that it provides consistency\nacross different tools and appli - cations within the Emacs ecosystem\, as well as\nexternal apps that can be - integrated into it. It is also the most truly\nmalleable environment\, ea - ch element of which can be adjusted or extended\,\ntherefore providing the - user with more power and freedom in personal computing.\nEmacs definitely - can be considered one of greatest software products in\nexistence.\n\nAs - a non-programmer\, having had the chance to stumble upon Emacs a couple of - \nyears ago\, the only regret to have is that it didn't happen earlier. Th - e definite\nkiller feature of Emacs - Org-mode\, is what draws many of the - less technical\nfolks to join the party and gradually start to use Emacs - for writing documents\,\nwhether personal or work related\, manage tasks\, - emails and potentially everything\nelse. The learning curve and differenc - e in approach\, however\, leaves some\npotential users too scared of the a - rcane interface even with all it's quirks and\nfeatures because it require - s at least some technical skills to understand and\nuse properly\, and doe - s not have an easy way to connect with external tools that\nmost people ar - e forced to use for work.\n\nThis talk proposes some ideas about how the m - odel of Emacs\, it's focus on\nconsistency\, extensibility\, as well as it - 's powerful interaction model can be\ncarried over to make modern interfac - es\, whether desktop or web applications\,\nthat would be designed with a - goal of reflecting the spirit of Emacs in terms of\nthe aforementioned fea - tures it possesses\, and therefore enhance the capabilities\nof the Emacs\ - , while at the same time utilizing it as a backend for\ntext-processing an - d editing to a large extent. It would be really great to have\na personal - web-interface for using modern task management tools\, chats\, emails\nand - such\, but from a UI defined by the user. The goal is to use it on a desk - top\nor mobile\, locally or self-hosted on a server\, with support for tou - ch and\ngesture-based workflows\, while preserving the Emacs philosophy an - d allowing to\nseamlessly switch between Emacs and its web extension\n\nTh - e proposed solution is to integrate more of the modern tools with Emacs\,\ - nutilize Org-mode as a way to define application-specific parameters for t - hese\ntools through Org properties\, and then utilize these parameters for - making a\nmodern local frontend that would enhance Emacs UI while allowin - g to use external\ntools in a more personal and freedom respecting way (ma - king the originals\nobsolete over time). The talk serves the purpose of in - viting community members to\na discussion about how Emacs can become more - modern\, more approachable by people\nwho don't possess the neccessarry te - chnical skills to adjust it themselves\, but\nare keen to learn it\, and p - otentially how to attract more users to greater\nproductivity\, computer l - iteracy and the ideas of free software.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minut - es\n - Introduction\n - Issues with most modern tools for work\n - - Issues with Emacs as a tool for work\n - In search for a hybr - id approach\n - User controlled web-apps\n - Opinions encouraged - \n - Contacts -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Don't write that package! or: How I learned to stop worrying and lo - ve emacs-devel -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-devel -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T111100 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T113100 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Don't write that package! or: How I learned - to stop worrying and love emacs-devel\nStefan Kangas\n\nEmacs' greatest s - trength is also its greatest weakness: it is **too** hackable.\n\nWe have - a great community that experiment with new features that are still\nlackin - g in Emacs core. They write up a package and develop the living daylights - \nout of it\, until it is basically amazing. (I'm looking at you Magit.)\ - n\nThere are other examples such as helpful.el - great package\, but why a - re those\nfeatures not in core? What about projectile? And so on.\n\nCor - e demands copyright assignments (CLA). This is a fact of life. While I\n - mostly agree with the people saying it is not helful\, they are there to p - rotect\nEmacs from copyright issues in the future. So my suggestion here - is simple:\njust **sign the papers**. It is just a formality\, and you sh - ould only need to do\nit once.\n\nI suggest that any ambitious feature tha - t we **might** want to see shipped in the\ndefault Emacs distribution shou - ld by default go to GNU ELPA. You don't need to\ndo this\, of course\, an - d I respect your decision\, but I urge you to do it.\n\nGNU ELPA does not - have an exceptionally high standard\, but we do try to give any\nnew packa - ge a proper code review.\n\nMELPA is excellent. We love MELPA. They don' - t have a criterion for their\npackages that is important to the FSF\, whic - h is to not recommend non-free\nsoftware. Therefore\, we could not recomm - end it by default\, and had to build\nNonGNU ELPA.\n\nNonGNU ELPA will be - used for packages that we don't have an assignment for but\nwould still li - ke to distribute. It should ideally only be for old packages\nwhere getti - ng a CLA is impractical.\n\nIt is sometimes perceived as hard to contribut - e to Emacs core. This impression\nis largely wrong. If I can do it\, you - can too.\n\nWe do have a problem in that our tools and methods (mailing l - ists\, the bug\ntracker) are out-dated. This is largely correct. We want - to migrate to\nsomething else\, and the best candidate is probably Source - hut. Please volunteer\nto help!\n\nWe sometimes see people adding stuff t - o their Init file to fix this or that\nannoyance\, or even bug. The more - ambitious would go on to package up such fixes\nin what I call "patch pack - ages". "Hey\, foo-mode doesn't have support for\n'bookmark-set'\, let's wr - ite a package!" I am here to suggest that you submit a\npatch to Emacs in - stead.\n\nFixing an issue for one person is good\, and fixing it for more - people is even\nbetter. Fixing it for everyone? Priceless.\n\nemacs-deve - l is not that scary\, nor is email. We are really quite friendly and\neas - y going\, but the communication we prefer (for reasons of efficiency - the - \nvolume is very high) is often very brief and to the point. We are tryin - g our\nbest at communicating\, but sometimes fail.\n\nAnd we need more con - tributors. We need a successful Emacs on this planet.\n\nSo should you re - ally write a package\, or should YOU become a core contributor?\n\n\n\n# O - utline\n\n- I will urge people to consider contributing to Emacs instead o - f\n writing small packages\, and explain GNU ELPA\, MELPA\, CLA.\n- I wil - l go into greater detail about emacs-devel\, how it "works"\n (e.g. is Em - acs conservative without reason?)\, how to get things\n done and the nece - ssary mindset. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Turbo Bindat -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-bindat -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T113600 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T115600 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Turbo Bindat\nStefan Monnier\n\n\n# Table - of Contents\n\n\n\nBindat is an ELisp library to help manipulate binary da - ta. This is a\nniche library that is used by packages such as Websocket\, - EMMS\, and\ncpio-mode. Its implementation was repeatedly caught harassing - hapless\nkitten while at the same time providing poor service slowly. For\ - nEmacs-28\, Bindat was rewritten so as to make it more efficient and\nflex - ible while respecting the kitten. In this presentation I intent to\nshow h - ow we saved those. Not recommended for birds.\n\n- ~20 minutes:\n 5 m - in: Intro and presentation of Bindat\n 5 min: Showcase some of its prob - lems\n 5 min: Present the new design\n 5 min: Examples of what can b - e done with it -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Emacs Lisp native compiler\, current status and future developments -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-native -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T130000 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T132000 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Emacs Lisp native compiler\, current statu - s and future developments\nAndrea Corallo\n\nEmacs Lisp (Elisp) is the Lis - p dialect used by the Emacs text editor\nfamily. GNU Emacs is traditional - ly capable of executing Elisp code\neither interpreted or byte-interpreted - after it has been compiled to\nbyte-code.\n\nIn this talk I'll discuss th - e Emacs Lisp native compiler. This feature\nrecently merged into the main - Emacs development line allow for\nautomatically compiling and executing E - lisp as native code.\n\nDuring the presentation I'll touch on:\n\n- desi - gn goals\n- compiler and runtime design and implementation\n- performa - nce implications\n- upstream process\n- area of improvements and futur - e developments\n\nFormat: 40 minutes -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Old McCarthy Had a Form -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-form -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T132700 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T133700 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Old McCarthy Had a Form\nIan Eure\n\nMost pr - actical languages are multi-paradigm\, offering several\nabstractions for - the programmer. But did you know that Emacs Lisp\ncomes with a powerful s - ystem for object-oriented programming? Join me\nfor a discussion of EIEIO\ - , and learn how it can help you write more\nmodular\, flexible Emacs Lisp. - \n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)\n - - What is CLOS/EIEIO?\n - Why would I want OOP in Emacs Lisp?\n - - How is the CLOS object model different from C++/Java/.NET?\n - Furt - her reading -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Test blocks -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-test -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T134100 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T134600 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Test blocks\nEduardo Ochs\n\nIn this present - ation I will show an idea that feels completely obvious\nonce we see it\, - but that only occured to me after after using Emacs\nand eev as my main in - terface to the computer for more than 20 years.\nTake any interpreted lang - uage that supports multi-line comments\, and\nwhose interpreter can be run - in an Emacs buffer - for example Lua\,\nHaskell\, Python\, or Julia\; let - 's say just "Lua" from here on for\nsimplicity. So: suppose that we have a - Lua script that we wrote\, that\nis called "foo.lua" and that defines lot - s of functions and defines the\nclasses Bar and Bletch. We can put after t - he definition of the class\nBar a multi-line comment that contains an eepi - tch block that when\nexecuted starts a Lua interpreter\, loads the script - foo.lua (by\nrunning 'dofile "foo.lua"')\, and then has several tests for - that class\nand its methods\; and we can put another block with tests like - that\nafter the class Bletch\, and other blocks after some functions. Eep - itch\nallows sending these tests line by line to the Lua interpreter by\nt - yping on each line that we want to send\, and this lets us create\n - tests that are very easy to understand even without writing comments\;\nth - is gives us a very quick way to document code by executable tests\,\nthat - is super-great for experimental code that is still going to\nchange a lot - before running the risk of being read by other people.\n\nThese multi-line - comments with eepitch blocks that run an interpreter\nand make it load th - e current file are called "test blocks". The\ncommand \\`M-x eeit' inserts - a test block at point\, using the major mode\nto decide the right syntax - to use for the multi-line comments and for\nthe "dofile". We can configure - the syntax of the test blocks for the\ncurrent major mode by running \\`M - -x find-eeit-links'\; this can also be\nused to add support for test block - s to more languages (or\, more\nprecisely: to more major modes).\n\nEduard - o Ochs -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Let's talk about bug trackers -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-bug -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T134900 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T140900 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Let's talk about bug trackers\nBastien Guerry - \n\nFor 17 years\, the Org developers didn't use a bug tracker\,\nshameles - sly failing the Joel Spolsky test. Why was it "good enough"?\nWhy was it - wrong? Why did we move to Woof!? Why Woof! is not a bug\ntracker?\n\n- - 20 minutes -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Perso-Arabic Input Methods And Making More Emacs Apps BIDI Aware -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-bidi -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T141600 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T143600 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Perso-Arabic Input Methods And Making More E - macs Apps BIDI Aware\nMohsen BANAN\n\n\n# Table of Contents\n\n\n\nStartin - g with Emacs 24\, full native bidi\n(bidirectional) support became availab - le. For\nmany years prior to that Unicode support was\navailable and by a - round year 2000\, reasonable\nopen-source shaping libraries were also avai - lable.\n\nWith these in place at around 2012\, I developed\ntwo Persian in - put methods for emacs. These input\nmethods or variations of them can also - be used\nArabic and other persoarabic scripts.\n\nWith all of these in pl - ace\, Emacs has now become\nthe ne plus ultra Halaal/Convivial usage\nenvi - ronment for persoarabic users.\n\nSince emacs comes loaded with everything - (Gnus\nfor email\, Bbdb for address books\, XeLaTeX modes\nfor typesettin - g\, org-mode for organization\, spell\ncheckers\, completions\, calendar\, - etc.)\, all basic\ncomputing and communication needs of persoarabic\nuser - s can be addressed in one place and\ncohesively.\n\nIn this talk I will de - monstrate what a wonderful\nenvironment that can be.\n\n- 40 minutes: (b - rief description/outline)\n\n My talk will be in two parts.\n\n In P - art 1\, I cover persian input methods. With an\n emphasis on &lsquo \;B - anan Multi-Character (Reverse)\n Transliteration Persian Input Method&r - squo\;. The\n software is part of base emacs distribution.\n Full do - cumentation is available at:\n Persian Input Methods\n - For Emacs And More Broadly Speaking\n شیوه‌هایِ درج به فارسی‌\n - \n\n In Part 2 - \, I will cover the ramifications of bidi\n on existing emacs applicati - ons\, including:\n\n - Gnus:\n - Persoarabic rich email send - ing in HTML.\n - Ramifications of bidi on from\, to and\n - subject lines.\n\n - Bbdb: Ramifications of bidi on display and\n - completion.\n\n - Calendar:\n - Ramifications of bid - i on display.\n - Use of persian text for Persian (solar) calenda - r.\n - Use of arabic text for Muslem (lunar) calendar.\n\n - - AUCTeX: Persian typesetting with XeLaTeX -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Moldable Emacs\, a step towards sustainable software -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-mold -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T144100 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T145100 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Moldable Emacs\, a step towards sustainable - software\nAndrea\n\nWe could learn about things better. Mountains of knowl - edge hide in\nplaces we cannot access or use. The more we write down\, the - more it\ntakes to find and understand things we find useful.\n\nKnowledge - (web\, software\, books) keeps growing faster and faster! This\nis not su - stainable: we cannot keep up with it! What if we repeat the\nerror of some - body else\, only because it would take too much reading to\nknow? What if - that knowledge is in some code we work with everyday?\n\nMoldable developm - ent is a paradigm shift that attempts to solve this\nproblem. In a gist\, - the tool you use should let you create special tools\nto learn smartly fro - m what you have already.\n\nSince we use Emacs\, let's make our great edit - or moldable!\n\nThis talk shows my progress in making Emacs closer to such - a tool. We\nare going to see how we can mold structured (and maybe even n - atural)\ntext to learn better\, how we can inject notes in our projects an - d how\nself documenting this tool is!\n\nI aim to inspire you to find a qu - icker way to learn from our digital\nworld!\n\nYou can learn more about th - is at: \n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5- - 10 minutes: quick demo of moldable-emacs -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:CLEDE the Common Lisp Emacs Development Environment. -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-clede -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T145500 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T151500 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# CLEDE the Common Lisp Emacs Development Env - ironment.\nFermin MF\n\nI've been developing a package that helps with the - development of\nCommon Lisp's software\,\nit's uses the internal semantic - framework\, it has a custom reader\nand integration for\ncommon Emacs pac - kages (like Sly and the internal inferior-lisp-mode).\n\nThe idea is to su - pply features that other language with and static\nanalyzer have\,\nlike r - efactoring and code generation.\n\nFor more details: \n\n- 20 minutes:\n It seems like not too much people - knows about semantic\, so I can\n summarize some of it in 10 minutes\n - and then An explanation on how to use the package\, how to extend it\n - and the future of it. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Imaginary Programming -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-imaginary -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T152200 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T153200 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Imaginary Programming\nShane Mulligan\n - \nImaginary Programming (IP) is both methodology and paradigm. It is an\ne - xtension of literate programming and a way of creating software without\nt - he use of imperative\, functional or even declarative code. Yet IP employs - \nall disciplines to achieve the miraculous. The only contingency is on on - e\nor more language models\, known as foundation models. The real value of - IP\nis not found by abandoning sound logic altogether\, but in weaving th - e real\nwith the imaginary. The future of imaginary programming is one in - which\nalmost all of computing is inferred. I have built a suite of tools - based on\nemacs for interfacing real programming languages with imaginary - ones\; all\nof this in order to demonstrate what I mean\; a ‘complex’ term - inal that lets\nyou imagine what happens no matter how nested you are with - in interpreters\,\nan example-oriented language\, a file format that encod - es the provenance of\ntext and a library for imaginary functional programm - ing primitives called\niLambda. It is important to recognise IP because\, - for lack of a better\nterm\, it has far-reaching implications for intellec - tual property and the\nGPL. Please keep an open mind.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n - - 5-10 minutes:\n- a 5 minute introduction to imaginary programming\, - followed by\n - a demonstration of iLambda.\n - iλ\, a famil - y of imaginary programming libraries\n \n\n\n\nIR - C libertyprime at #emacs on libera\n\nShane Mulligan -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:How to build an Emacs -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-build -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T153600 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T155600 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# How to build an Emacs\nFermin MF\n\nThis is - a deep dive in the Emacs philosophical and technical\naspect on what make - s our beloved GNU Emacs\nwhat it it. It's also a talk about the early LISP - machines and\nfascinating were those days of experimentation and engineer - ing.\n\nIt will continue with the Emacs benefits/trade-offs from an\nuser/ - developer stand points\, what things can be improved and\nwhat can be an h - ypothetical path on how to build a software that\ncan also be called Emacs - .\n\nAs a last part\, I'll talk about CEDAR\, an Emacs that I've been\ndev - eloping in Common Lisp\, the project goals\nand the challenges.\n\nFor mor - e details about CEDAR: \n\n- 40 minu - tes:\n A dive into the Emacs/Lisp machines history\, what makes GNU Ema - cs\n an Emacs and how you can build an Emacs. -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:M-x Forever: Why Emacs will outlast text editor trends -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-forever -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T160300 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T164300 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# M-x Forever: Why Emacs will outlast text - editor trends\nDavid Wilson\n\nThe computer software industry has seen man - y "popular" text editors come\nand go\, often due to the mercurial fashion - s of software development. In\nthis talk\, we'll take a look at why popul - ar editors fade and the\nspecific aspects of Emacs that will ensure it rem - ains relevant\nregardless of mainstream popularity.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- - Discuss the core thesis\, the features that make Emacs\n desirable for lo - ng-term use (extensibility\, day-to-day 'life' features)\n\n- Include more - background on the text editor landscape and\n how the scope of various e - ditors is more narrow and doesn't compare to Emacs.\n\n- Talk about specif - ic instances where editors were popular\, fell out\n of popularity\, and - why (due to changing fashions\, not usually\n better features). -END:VEVENT -BEGIN:VEVENT -SUMMARY:Closing remarks day 2 -LOCATION: -UID:emacsconf-2021-day2-close -URL: -DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T165000 -DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T170000 -DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 -DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac - \n# Closing remarks day 2 -END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VCALENDAR +VERSION:2.0 +PRODID:EmacsConf +X-WR-CALNAME:EmacsConf 2021 +X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Toronto +X-WR-CALNAME:EmacsConf +CALSCALE:GREGORIAN +METHOD:PUBLISH +BEGIN:VTIMEZONE +TZID:America/Toronto +BEGIN:DAYLIGHT +TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 +TZOFFSETTO:-0400 +TZNAME:EDT +DTSTART:20210314T070000 +END:DAYLIGHT +BEGIN:STANDARD +TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 +TZOFFSETTO:-0500 +TZNAME:EST +DTSTART:20211107T060000 +END:STANDARD +BEGIN:DAYLIGHT +TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 +TZOFFSETTO:-0400 +TZNAME:EDT +DTSTART:20220313T070000 +END:DAYLIGHT +BEGIN:STANDARD +TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 +TZOFFSETTO:-0500 +TZNAME:EST +DTSTART:20221106T060000 +END:STANDARD +END:VTIMEZONE +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Opening remarks +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-day1-open +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T090000 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T090500 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Opening remarks +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Emacs News Highlights +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-news +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T090500 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T091000 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Emacs News Highlights\nSacha Chua - pronouns: she/her\n\nQuick overview of Emacs communit + y highlights since the last conference\n\n +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:The True Frownies are the Friends We Made Along the Way: An Anecdot + e of Emacs's Malleability +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-frownies +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T091100 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T093100 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# The True Frownies are the Friends We Mad + e Along the Way: An Anecdote of Emacs's Malleability\nCase Duckworth\n\nEm + acs is well-known for being extremely flexible\, programmable\, and\nexten + sible\; in fact\, that's probably the biggest reason it's still\nbeing use + d after 40+ years of existence\, and even has enough clout to\ngenerate an + entire conference in its name. In this medium-length\npresentation\, I w + ill add another point to the data set proving Emacs's\nabilities\, by narr + ating the latest package I made\, \\`frowny.el\\`\, from\nits conception t + o its current\, nearly-completed state.\n\nI wrote frowny.el to scratch so + meone else's itch as a joke on IRC\, but\nit has been called "pretty usefu + l\, for a joke package." I feel like\nthat encapsulates the spirit of Ema + cs and that's why I want to present\non this topic.\n\nAlong the way\, I'l + l discuss just a little of my own history of Emacs\,\nand why I feel it's + a great tool for non-technical users to sink their\nteeth into. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Choose Your Own (Technology-Enhanced Learning) Adventure +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-adventure +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T093400 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T095400 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Choose Your Own (Technology-Enhanced Le + arning) Adventure\nGreta Goetz\n\nThis presentation will move through Emac + s artifacts: first illustrating possible paths for beginners and then mapp + ing out the significance of the enhanced learning potential of Emacs (Cail + let in Andler & Guerry\, Engelbart\, Markauskaite & Goodyear). The technol + ogy-enhanced learning (TEL) that Emacs affords includes a systems view of + 'many\, many features' (Stallman) which surpass the confines of a pre-fabr + icated environment (Stiegler). This affords diverse possibilities for indi + viduals to interact creatively and autonomously to satisfy their own needs + (Ill\nich). Its adaptability will be shown to be an asset in supporting t + he learning trends identified by the latest pedagogical research (Guo).\n\ + n# Intro\n\nThe 'many\, many features' (Stallman 2002: 4) of Emacs do not + limit imaginable types of interactivity\, supporting both formal and infor + mal learning (cf. Caillet in Andler & Guerry 2008). Emacs can function as + a scaffold for development (cf. Vygotsky 1979: 86)\, promoting the creativ + e and autonomous ability of individuals to interact with their digital env + ironment and others who share the use of this tool (Illich 1973). Individu + als can use Emacs as often or seldom as they want to express their needs a + nd meaning in action\, with no obligation to use it (cf. Illich 1973).\n\n + The formal learning involved pertains to Emacs programs and documentation + (the 'temple') while related discussion and smaller task-based problem sol + ving represents examples of informal learning (the 'forum') (cf. Caillet i + n Andler & Guerry 2008). As a context-rich environment (Trocmé-Fabre 1999) + \, Emacs fulfills the promise of general computing: not boxing users into + personas (cf. Stiegler 2018) but allowing users at all levels to organize + and assemble multiple knowledge domains (Markauskaite & Goodyear 2017) and + programs so that they are 'just right'. People wanting to create tailored + learning environments who feel alienated or unsupported by pre-fabricated + text and programming environments will find their way with Emacs.\n\n1. + What if we are beginners overwhelmed by formal Emacs documentation? Two po + tential learning paths:\n\n - a. Build on a needs-basis. Make your own + artifacts: no use-case is too small\; leave your trace.\n - b. Study ot + hers' inits and use-cases\; Read Planet EmacsLife\; Consult programmer or + power user use-cases\; Map out workflows.\n\n2. Emacs as personal\, creati + ve\, autonomous:\n\n - a. Emacs allows for organic ongoing changes to t + he organization of knowledge\, imagination\, and experience (cf. Guerry & + Gaume 2009) . This is important as not all learners have the same spatial/ + visual needs and because these needs and knowledge can change over time (V + ygotsky 1979\; Gardner 1983\; Wang 2020).\n - b. Emacs allows us to con + trol our tools and tasks (Illich 1973). By contrast\, care-less use of pre + -fabricated apps can lead to loss of know-how in life (Stiegler 2018).\n + - c. The art of collecting traces (digital or not) is timeless - and impo + rtant to survival.\n\n3. Emacs as systems design for technology-enhanced + learning (TEL):\n\n - a. Good TEL design performance should also educat + e the designer (Goodyear & Retalis 2010). Further\, good design focuses on + 'frameworks'\, which are systems 'that can be customized\, specialized\, + or extended to provide more specific\, more appropriate\, or slightly diff + erent capabilities' (Alexander 1993 in Gabriel 1996)\, assembling epistemi + c domains (Markauskaite & Goodyear 2017). This pedagogical approach is sup + ported by Emacs artifacts (packages\, documentation\, forums\, etc.).\n + - b. The 'wise' use of programming (Crichton 1983) actively manages and + organizes workflow. This permits iterative development. Elementary use-cas + e: a workflow that relies on PPT and Zoom vs. already having a more modula + r viewpoint supported by diverse Emacs packages. The latter adaptability i + s supported by the latest educational research (Guo). Further: Emacs allow + s movement from user to contributor (Stiegler 2018\; Stavrou).\n - c. W + ise programming can include fun programming - 'there are people who want t + o put a stop to that' (Crichton 1983\; Gaffney 2019).\n - d. Extending + this systems/design view\, Emacs is developed and maintained by a communit + y dedicated to supporting this freedom of use in these multiple contexts ( + cf. Illich 1973).\n - e. One perspective is less likely to override oth + ers in such a heterogeneous environment (Morin 2004).\n\n# Conclusion\n\nE + macs does not limit any imaginable type of interactivity and promotes a di + versity of related content\, further supporting the pursuit of more advanc + ed TEL (viz. Guo). This was illustrated through an elementary use-case tha + t compared being limited to PPT as opposed to having basic familiarity wit + h Emacs\, which permits manageable\, continuous exploration of knowledge\, + workflows\, and tools (cf. Alexander in Gabriel\; Goodyear & Retalis) and + movement from consumer to creator (Stiegler\; Stavrou). Using Emacs means + being able to use a sophisticated digital tool\, thanks to the contributi + ons of heterogeneous maintainers\, developers\, and community members whos + e artifacts comprise a meta picture. It is possible\, through using Emacs\ + , to learn about the design of digital learning and learning in general as + access to knowledge is not walled off by prefabricated design(cf. Illich\ + ; Stiegler). We can choose our own adventure.\n\n\n# References\n\n## Gene + ral workflow and fun:\n- Bin\, C. (2020). Mastering Emacs in one year. < + + er/>. Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- + Gaffney\, N. (2019). Oblique strategies. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- Goetz\, G. (2021). Addition + al references: A back-to-school/GTD Emacs journey. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- + Guerry\, B. (2020). Org-mode features you may not know. . Accessed 25 October 20 + 21.\n- Kaiser\, K. (2017). Writing a technical book in Emacs and Org-mod + e. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- Planet Emacs Life. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- Stavrou\, P. My p + ackages for GNU Emacs. . Accessed 25 Octob + er 2021.\n- Wellons\, C. Emacs articles. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n\n## On TEL design:\n- Caillet\, E. + (2008). L’exposition\, le musée: L’éducation informelle comme école de l’é + ducation formelle. In Andler\, D. & Guerry\, B. (Eds.). *Apprendre demain: + Sciences cognitives et éducation à l’ère numérique*\, 137-154. Paris: Hat + ier.\n- Crichton\, M. (1983). *Electronic life*. New York: Knopf.\n- D + e Bono\, E. (2009). *Think! Before it's too late*. London: Random House.\n + - Engelbart\, D. (1962). *Augmenting human intellect: A conceptual frame + work*. Menlo Park: Stanford Research Institute.\n- Drosos\, I. & Guo\, P + . (2021). Streamers teaching programming\, art\, and gaming: Cognitive app + renticeship\, serendipitous teachable moments\, and tacit expert knowledge + . IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC)\ + , short paper\, 2021. . Accessed 25 October + 2021.\n- Gabriel\, R. (1996). *Patterns of software*. New York\, Oxford: + Oxford University Press.\n- Goodyear\, P. & Retalis\, S. (2010). Learni + ng\, technology and design. In Goodyear\, P. & Retalis\, S. (Eds.). *Techn + ology-enhanced learning: Design patterns and pattern languages*\, 1-27. Ro + tterdam\, Boston: Sense Publishers.\n- Guerry\, B. & Gaume\, N. (2008). + Ce que les jeux vidéo nous apprennent. In Andler\, D. & Guerry\, B. (Eds.) + . *Apprendre Demain: Sciences cognitives et éducation à l’ère numérique*\, + 155-159. Paris: Hatier.\n- Guo\, P. (2018). Students\, systems\, and in + teractions: Synthesizing the first\nfour years of Learning@Scale and chart + ing the future. L@S 2018\, June 26–28\, 2018\, London\, United Kingdom. DO + I: + . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- Guo\, P.\, Kim\, J. & Rubin\, R. (2014). + How video production affects student engagement: An empirical study of MOO + C videos. ACM Conference on Learning at Scale. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- Illich\, I. (1973). *Tools of convivia + lity*. New York: Harper & Row.\n- Kim\, J.\, Guo\, P.\, Seaton\, D.\, Mi + tros\, P.\, Gajos\, K. & Miller\, R. (2014). Understanding in-video dropou + ts and interaction peaks in online lecture videos. ACM Conference on Learn + ing at Scale. . Accessed 25 October 2021.\n- + Markauskaite\, L. & Goodyear\, P. (2017). *Epistemic fluency and profes + sional education: innovation\, knowledgeable action and actionable knowled + ge*. Dordrecht: Springer.\n- Markel\, J. & Guo\, P. (2020). Designing th + e future of experiential learning environments for a post-COVID world: A p + reliminary case study. NFW ’20 (Symposium on the New Future of Work)\, Aug + ust 3–5\, 2020\, Virtual Event. . Accessed 2 + 5 October 2021.\n- Morin\, E. ([2004] 2008). *La Méthode - tome 6: Éthiq + ue*. Éditions du Seuil: Paris.\n- Stallman\, R. (2002). *Free software\, + free society*. GNU Press\, Free Software Foundation.\n- Stiegler\, B. ( + 2018). *The neganthropocene*. Open Humanities Press.\n- Trocmé-Fabre\, H + . (1999). *Réinventer le métier d’apprendre*. Paris: Éditions d’organisati + on.\n- Vygotsky\, L. (1979). *Mind in society: The development of higher + psychological processes*. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press. + \n- Wang\, S. (2020). Open knowledge. Hope in Source. . Accessed 25 + October 2021.\n\n\n# Availability and preferred Q&A approach\n\nDue to the + pandemic situation\, my teaching schedule fluctuates so I\nwill not know + my availability until much closer to the\ndate. Therefore\, I can only gua + rantee delayed answer response\n(whatever you request)\, but if available\ + , will join live.\nMay I please note that I will be pre-recording my video + if this submission is accepted.\n\n\n# Speaker release\n\nBy submitting t + his proposal\, I agree that my presentation at\nEmacsConf 2021 is subject + to the following terms and conditions:\n\nThe EmacsConf organizers may cap + ture audio and video (a "Recording")\nof my presentation and any associate + d materials\, which may include\nslides\, notes\, transcripts\, and prerec + ording(s) of my presentation\nthat I provide to the EmacsConf organizers.\ + n\nI authorize the EmacsConf organizers to distribute\, reproduce\,\npubli + cly display\, and prepare derivative works of the Recording and\nany deriv + ative works of the Recording (the "Licensed Materials")\nunder the terms o + f the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0\nInternational (CC BY-SA + 4.0) license.\n\nI grant to the EmacsConf organizers permission to use my + name\,\nlikeness\, and biographic information in association with their u + se\nof the Licensed Materials under the above license.\n\nI represent that + I have the authority to grant the above license to\nthe EmacsConf organiz + ers. If my presentation incorporates any\nmaterial owned by third parties\ + , I represent that the material is\nsublicensable to the EmacsConf organiz + ers or that my use of them is\nfair use. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:"GNU's Not UNIX: Why Emacs Demonstrates The UNIX Philosophy Isn't A + lways The Only Answer" +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-unix +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T095600 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T100600 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# GNU's Not UNIX: Why Emacs Demonstrates The U + NIX Philosophy Isn't Always The Only Answer\nDaniel Rose\n\nThe talk targe + ts users who are curious about computational philosophies\,\nor those who + might not know how to best utilise Emacs conceptually. The\ntalk will cove + r what the UNIX philosophy is\, the GNU Free Software\nprinciples\, a typi + cal (Neo)Vi(m) user's approach\, and then how one might\naccomplish this i + n Emacs combining the aformentioned ideals. The\nlisteners will learn how + they can approach Emacs ideologically\, and how\nblocking themselves into + one philosophy or the other will limit their\nefficiency. Although you may + be a veteran GNU/Linux and Emacs user\,\nunderstanding how to use both ph + ilosophies together will still allow you\nto be more performant than witho + ut.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes:\n Cut out the portions of exp + laining the whole UNIX and GNU philosophies\n and instead talk about co + ncrete examples:\n - How can one limit their usage of CLI tools while + still maintaining\n the ideals of both.\n - How using CLI too + ls can still perfectly flow into Emacs.\n - How having all programs i + n Emacs and unified keybindings is akin\n to a terminal user. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Emacs manuals translation and OmegaT +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-omegat +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T100900 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T101900 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Emacs manuals translation and OmegaT\nJean + -Christophe Helary\n\nEven if it is generally agreed that software localiz + ation is a good thing\, Emacs is lacking in that respect for a number of t + echnical reasons. Nonetheless\, the free software using public could great + ly benefit from Emacs manuals translations\, even if the interface were to + remain in English.\n\nOmegaT is a multiplatform GPL3+ "computer aided tra + nslation" (CAT) tool running on OpenJDK 8. CATs are roughly equivalent for + translators to what IDEs are for code writers. Casual translators can ben + efit from their features but professionals or commited amateurs are the mo + st likely to make the most use of such tools.\n\nWhen OmegaT\, free softwa + re based forges and Emacs meet\, we have a free multi-user translation env + ironment that can easily sustain the (close to) 2 million words load that + comprise the manuals distributed with Emacs\, along with powerful features + like arbitrary string protection for easy typing and QA (quality assuranc + e)\, automatic legacy translation handling\, glossary management\, history + based or predictive autocompletion\, etc.\n\nThe current trial project fo + r French is hosted on 2 different forges:\n\n1. hosts the source fi + les\n \n2. chapril hos + ts the OmegaT team project architecture\n \n\nThe sources are regularly updated with a po4a based + shell script.\n\n# Outline\n\n- Duration: 10 minutes\n- Software used dur + ing the presentation\n - [po4a]( a tool to convert docum + entation formats to and from the commonly used `gettext` **PO** format.\n + po4a supports the `texinfo` format along with many others.\n - [OmegaT + ]( a "computer aided translation" tool used by translat + ors to efficiently combine translation ressources (legacy translations\, g + lossaries\, etc.) so as to produce more consistent translations.\n\nDuring + the presentation\, I will show:\n\n- How to use po4a to convert the texi + files to the PO format (the file is also converted)\n- What are th + e specificities of the Emacs manuals and what difficulties they present to + the tanslator\n- How to address those specificities in OmegaT\, with regu + lar expressions\n- How to use OmegaT features such as arbitrary string pro + tection\, legacy translation handling\, glossaries\, autocompletion\, QA\, + etc.\n- How to use OmegaT with a team of 2 (or more) translators working + at the same time\n- How to solve translation conflicts\n\nI will *not* sho + w:\n\n- How to create an OmegaT project\n- How to setup an OmegaT team pro + ject\n- How to use OmegaT from the command line to work in localization pi + pelines\n- How to use machine translation and MT "post-edit"\n- How to con + vert back the translated files to texi format\n- How to install translated + texi files for use in Emacs +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:NonGNU ELPA Update +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-nongnu +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T102200 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T103200 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# NonGNU ELPA Update\nKaluđerčić\, Philip\n\ + nNonGNU ELPA was announced last year\, as a package repository\nthat will + be enabled by default in Emacs\, but doesn't require\nany copyright assign + ment. This means that a lot of popular\npackages can now be installed easi + er\, without any additional\nconfiguration.\n\nIn this talk I would like t + he give a reminder of what NonGNU\nELPA is and how it works\, update the p + articipants on what has\nhappened since last year and what maintainers hav + e to do if they\nwant their packages to be added to the repository. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Manual Package Management in The Era of Repositories - Why and How +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-borg +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T103500 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T104500 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Manual Package Management in The Era of Repo + sitories - Why and How\nDhavan (codingquark)\n\nEmacs now has many package + repositories - enought to have conflicts\nand arguments about. The packag + es are becoming big\, they depend on many\nother packages and it is not ea + sy to keep track of what all is being\ninstalled in our Emacsen. An aggres + sive way out of this is to use Yet\nAnother Package and install all elisp + code manually - with borg[1].\n\n[1]: \n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)\n + 1. What are we trying to solve?\n 2. What is borg?\n 3. How to + use it?\n 4. Assimilate a package for demo +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:telega.el and the Emacs community on Telegram +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-telega +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T104800 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T105800 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# telega.el and the Emacs community on Teleg + ram\nGabriele Bozzola and Evgeny Zajcev\n\nTelegram is a cross-platform in + stant messaging system. The large number of\nfeatures and the widespread a + doption make it a good choice for both private\nconversations with friends + and for large online communities. In this talk\, I\nam going to present t + he Emacs community on Telegram and its initiatives. I\nam also going to di + scuss telega.el\, the Emacs client for Telegram. telega.el\nis a high-qual + ity package that perfectly integrates in Emacs. It supports\nthe vast majo + rity of the features supported by the official clients\, while\nadding sev + eral unique ones. In the talk\, I will present the package and\nhighlight + some of the most important features. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Introducing N-Angulator +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-nangulator +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T110100 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T111100 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Introducing N-Angulator\nKevin Haddock + \n\nThe Unix file system is essentially an N-dimentional sparse array that + \ncurrently lacks a decent editor and browser which\ncan effectively lever + age the logical tri-angulation (or\, more properly\n"n-angulation") of ato + ms/blobs within it.\n\nN-Angulator is the genesis\, to wit\, the "Model-T\ + ," of such a program.\n\n(see google drive link below for a very old uncir + culated prototype\nvideo demo. Be sure and turn the volume UP!)\n\ + tro.flv\n\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief descrip + tion/outline)\n\nThe reconceptualization of the Unix file system as the N- + Dimensional\nsparse array will be discussed.\n\nA simple pre-existing data + base will be queried.\n\nIf time\, questions will be entertained by video/ + audio and/or IRC. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:A day in the life of a janitor +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-janitor +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T111400 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T113400 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# A day in the life of a janitor\nStefan Mo + nnier\n\nBecause of a reckless former Emacs maintainer that shall\n bette + r stay unnamed\, ELisp has seen a fair bit of churn in the last 10\n year + s\, making it necessary to clean up "old" code [in order to open up\n the + road for yet more recklessness? ].\n In this documentary we will follow + a famous janitor in his every day job\n dealing with the aftermath of the + cl-lib / lexical-binding party.\n\n- ~20 minutes\n Here really\, I'm + not sure how much time this will take. I put 20\n minutes because I t + hink I might be able to fill that and I think more\n than that could tu + rn too boring. I intend to make it a "live coding"\n kind of thing\, w + ithout anything like an outline: it's basically "make"\n followed by fi + xing the warnings. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:How to help Emacs maintainers? +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-maintainers +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T113900 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T114900 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# How to help Emacs maintainers?\nBasti + en Guerry\n\nAfter 11 years of helping as the Org maintainer\, I would\nli + ke to share a few lessons learned. My goal is help everyone take\ncare of + Emacs maintainance by taking care of Emacs maintainers.\n\n\n\n# Outline\ + n\n- 5-10 minutes +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Typesetting Gregorian Chant with Emacs +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-gregorian +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T115200 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T120200 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Typesetting Gregorian Chant with Emacs\ + nSpencer King\n\nThere are a variety of methods for typesetting gregorian\ + nchant scores and outputting high-quality sheet music. One of these is\na + tool called Gregorio\, which integrates with LaTeX allowing scores to\nbe + cleanly inserted into other documents. All Gregorio files are plain\ntext\ + , allowing them to easily be shared with other users and managed\nwith a v + ersion control system. In this talk\, I will give a brief\noverview of the + Gregorio tool and then show how it can be used in\nEmacs by typesetting a + simple score. All code and examples will be\nmade available to help new u + sers get started with typesetting their\nown scores.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- + 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)\n 1. Introduction to chan + t music\n 2. Introduction to Gregorio\n 3. Example of typesetting + a score in Emacs\n 4. Code and example availability +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Emacs and Montessori Philosophy +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-montessori +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T123000 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T124000 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Emacs and Montessori Philosophy\n\n\nA + s a former Montessori guide and now parent\, I often think about the\nrela + tionship of this particular educational philosophy and how it manifests\ni + n my work with software\, Emacs in particular. This talk introduces the\nc + oncept of Emacs as an educational environment and how it expresses element + s of\nMontessori psychology regarding "Human Tendencies". Human tendencies + are innate\ndrives present in everybody that allow us to explore and make + sense of our world.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief descript + ion/outline)\n Quick overview of a Montessori classroom environment:\n\ + n - the adults or guides primarily observe and present material\n + - the children are free to explore materials as they choose (within limi + ts)\n - the environment itself is prepared specifically to foster eng + agement\n\n Enumerate the "Human Tendencies":\n\n - Abstraction\n + - Activity\n - Communication\n - Exactness\n - Explora + tion\n - Manipulation (of the environment)\n - Order\n - Or + ientation\n - Repetition\n - Self-Perfection\n - Work (also + described as "purposeful activity")\n\n How does Emacs express these t + hings?\n\n - in the short version\, pose the question\, and perhaps g + ive one example.\n - Emacs is an environment that provides facilities + for individuals to\n find their way to proficiency through their H + uman Tendencies.\n - We are all both learners and guides\, Emacs is o + ur classroom +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Emacs Research Group\, Season Zero: What we did together with Emacs + in 2 hours a week for a year +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-erg +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T124300 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T125800 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Emacs Research Group\, Season Zero: What we d + id together with Emacs in 2 hours a week for a year\nNoorah Alhasan\, Joe + Corneli\, Raymond Puzio\, Leo Vivier\n\nThe four of us met at EmacsConf 20 + 20\, and joined together around a\ncommon interest in Emacs and research. + Since then\, we have convened as\nthe Emacs Research Group for weekly mee + tings. During these meetings\, we\ntook notes collaboratively\, using a ‘ + conflict-free replicated data type’\npackage (crdt.el)\; at the end of eac + h session\, we debriefed using a\ntemplate that we call a Project Action R + eview (PAR). As as a\nmeta-review of our sessions\, every six weeks we pr + epared a Causal\nLayered Analysis (CLA)\, which gave us a different perspe + ctive on what we\nhad done. We reflected further on our experiences and m + ethods\, linking\nour CLA to plans and design patterns. As a formal resea + rch output\, we\ncontributed a write-up of these matters to a joint paper + which we\npresented at the Pattern Languages of Programs Conference (PLoP + 2021).\nThe paper included an interactive workshop\, in which we explored + roles\nin real-time problem solving and collaboration.\n\nIn our short tal + k we share information about these methods\, making a\ncase for other peop + le getting together and creating their own small\nresearch communities sim + ilar to ours. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:One effective CS grad student workflow +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-cs +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T130100 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T131100 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# One effective CS grad student workflow\nGreg C + oladonato\n\nWhen I was an undergrad\, I learned many things\, most of\nwh + ich I forgot. In the time since then\, I've discovered Org Mode\, Org\nRoa + m\, Org Noter\, Org Ref. PDF Tools\, and Anki. I would like to share\nmy a + pproach for capturing all the information that comes my way as a\nMS CS st + udent at Georgia Tech\, in the hopes that I can both get\nfeedback on ways + to improve the system I use\, as well as hopefully\ninspire others to bui + ld workflows that make them more productive.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 + minutes: Go through some typical workflows associated with being a grad st + udent\, using the packages mentioned in the abstract. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Using Org-Mode For Recording Continuous Professional Development +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-professional +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T131400 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T132400 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Using Org-Mode For Recording Continu + ous Professional Development\nPhilip Beadling\n\nI recently had the pleasu + re of being audited for my CPD record with one\nof the large engineering p + rofessional bodies. I decided to harness\norg-mode's TODO lists to record + CPD items and my progress against them\ncompletely within Emacs. I also + wanted the ability to export the data\nin a well presented\, compact forma + t for auditing submission.\n\nThe project was a success (I passed the audi + t) and the resulting system\nintegrates really well into my wider daily Em + acs workflow\, making future\nCPD recording seamless.\n\nThe talk will exp + lain how I tweaked and extended org-mode to get it to\nrecord the data I w + anted\, followed by a demo.\n\nA basic demo org file with embedded elisp c + an be seen here:\n\n\nA basic generated PDF from the basic demo is here:\n![img]( + + s=e0c5080560c877aa02933a40c224e52b8a1fed3b)\n\nI have a much more involved + example I could also use for the demo.\n\nThe template contains a few exa + mples. Examples are Goals that are split\nup into Activities. All Activit + ies must have a Goal\, and within a Goal\nall activities must be complete + for the Goal to be automatically set to\ncomplete.\n\nIt's basically lever + aging Org Capture Templates to create custom Goals\nand Activities.\n\nOn + save or update these are then rendered into a table using Column View.\n\n + Activities are sorted by date they were completed on.\n\nThe Column View i + s pre-configured to be exported to PDF in a condensed\nbut readable format + for submission. It stays fairly readable even when\nthe pages get busy.\n + \nThe elisp required is all under the "Config" bullet and Emacs will ask\n + to execute it on opening the Org file. The elisp concerns itself with\nnic + e custom org capture functions and a few functions to ensure nice\nformatt + ing on export\, etc.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes:\n\nA quick walk + through of the setup and functions\, followed by a demo of how\nto add CPD + items\, and update them. Finally show generation of a PDF\ncontaining al + l the items tabulated and ready for audit review. I\nestimate this at app + rox 10 minutes. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Creating technical API documentation and presentations using org-ba + bel\, restclient\, and org-treeslide +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-tech +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T132700 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T133700 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Creating technical API documentation and pre + sentations using org-babel\, restclient\, and org-treeslide\nJan Ypma\n\nT + he emacs org-babel package is often mentioned in conjunction with\nliterat + e programming. The ability to mix code segments with prose\nindeed offers + an intuitive way to augment semantic code pieces with\ntextual description + s.\n\nIn recent projects\, I've started to turn to org-mode as the primary + \nformat to maintain technical documentation\, as well as slides for a\nte + chnical language course. By using org-babel to pull in "live" code\nfor RE + ST requests\, language examples\, and shell scripts\, one can be\nsure tha + t the documentation and slides are never out of date.\n\nThe session will + show how leverage org-babel\, restclient and\norg-treeslide to write and p + resent technical documentation with style.\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- Introductio + n\n- Demo: Developer guide\n- Demo: REST API guide\n- Demo: Presentations\ + n- Used packages and configuration +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Org as an executable format +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-exec +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T134100 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T135100 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Org as an executable format\nTom Gillespie\n + \nOrg mode is known for its flexibility\, power\, and staggeringly diverse + \nnumber of workflows\, users\, and use cases.\n\nThis talk explores just + how far we can push the boundaries of the sane\nand sensible with regard t + o Org workflows.\n\nIn particular it will discuss shebang blocks\, and elv + s: two parts of a\ncomplete system for creating executable Org files.\n\nO + rg syntax does not support shebang lines. However\, it turns out that\nOrg + syntax enables something even better —\; shebang blocks.\n\nOrg is + also (supposedly) not an executable file format. However\, by\ncombining + a shebang block with a Org babel source block\, and eval\nlocal variables + (elvs) Org becomes a multi-language executable format.\n\nIn this talk we + introduce shebang blocks and elvs as a two part system\nthat transforms Or + g files into executable documents that can run on any\nrecent version of E + macs.\n\nThese ideas are implemented in\n and\n\, and\norgstrap.el is available as a package on MELPA a + nd can be installed\nvia M-x install-package orgstrap.\n\nThe talk will op + en with a demo of how to create an executable Org file\nusing the orgstrap + machinery.\n\nWe then discuss security considerations\, and show example + use cases.\n\nFinally the talk will cover the details and development of t + he\nportable shebang block for Org mode that works on a wide variety of\ns + ystems and shells\, and on the development of a formal specification\nand + a reference implementation for using Org source blocks to\ntransform Org f + iles from plain text documents with a bit of markup\ninto self describing + computational documents\, or interactive\napplications.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n + \n- 5-10 minutes:\n\nA demo of adding the orgstrap block and elvs\,\nadd + ing a shebang block\, and then running an org file. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:The use of Org mode syntax outside of GNU/Emacs +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-org-outside +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T135400 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T140400 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# The use of Org mode syntax outside of + GNU/Emacs\nKarl Voit\n\nWith the rising interest in Org mode\, the GNU/Em + acs community gained\nmuch momentum in the last decade. Being a nicely des + igned lightweight\nmarkup language\, Org mode does not only benefit users + of GNU/Emacs.\nThere are many tools and services supporting Org mode synta + x documents\nthat do have no direct connection to GNU/Emacs. I would like + to\nelaborate on the advantages on using Org mode syntax for arbitrary\nte + xt outside of GNU/Emacs for better typing usability and\ncollaboration tas + ks.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)\n\nT + his can only be a short teaser for the use of Org mode syntax without\nmuc + h comparison to other lightweight markup languages. For this\naudience\, I + do think that this would be too short because most\nattendees might alrea + dy have heard the rumors that Org mode is great\nor they have adapted Org + mode in their workflows already. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Using Org-mode to teach programming +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-teach +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T140700 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T142700 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Using Org-mode to teach programming\nDaniel + German\n\nIn this presentation I will explain how to use org-mode effecti + vely to\nprepare teaching materials\, and how to present them.\n\nFor the + last 5 years I have been using org-mode to teach programming\nin different + languages: C++\, SQL\, Ruby\, Python\, SML\nand Scheme. Org-mode has thre + e key advantages:\n\n1. it supports most programming languages with a com + mon interface\,\n2. it is an interactive medium for delivering teaching m + aterials\; and\n3. it is an always-up-to-date format that does not need t + o be exported in order to be published.\n\nI explain how I use org-mode in + my courses and how I combine org-mode\nnotes other tools such as github o + rg-mode to get\nalways up-to-date teaching materials that one can use for + both\nteaching and studying (see\n\nfor an examp + le).\n\nFinally\, I will discuss some important aspects to consider when u + sing\norg-mode for this purpose.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n20 minutes:\n\n- In + troduction\n- Quick demonstration\n- Workflow\n- Emacs configuration + \n- Important considerations\n- How to get started\n\nOh\, I made a sm + all mistake. I meant to propose a 40 minutes presentation.\nBut I can give + a quicker 20 minutes too. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Managing a research workflow (bibliographies\, note-taking\, and ar + Xiv) +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-research +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T143200 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T143700 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Managing a research workflow (bibliograp + hies\, note-taking\, and arXiv)\nAhmed Khaled\n\nResearchers and knowledge + workers have to read and discover new papers\,\nask questions about what + they read\, write notes and scratchwork\, and store\nmuch of this informat + ion for use in writing papers and/or code. Emacs allows\nus to do all of t + his (and more) using simple text interfaces that integrate\nwell together. + In this talk I will talk about the following:\n\na. Using elfeed and elfe + ed-score to read new papers from arXiv.\nb. Using org-ref to import arXiv + papers of interest into a local\nbibliography.\nc. Using Emacs hooks with + biber and rebiber in order to keep the local\n bibliography clean and up + -to-date with conference versions of papers.\nd. Using org-roam and org-ro + am-bibtex to take linked\, searchable notes in\norg on research papers.\n\ + nThis text-based workflow allows for keeping everything accessible under\n + version\ncontrol and avoids the platform lock-in of binary formats (e.g. M + endeley). I\nwill share my Doom Emacs configuration for this workflow\, bu + t it is not\nlimited\nto Doom.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: I wil + l demo the packages I use in 5 minutes. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Babel for academics +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-babel +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T144100 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T145100 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Babel for academics\nAsilata Bapat\n\nPlain + org-mode is already an extremely powerful and\ncustomisable tool for task + and time management\, note-taking\, calendar\nand agenda management\, and + much more. Babel takes org a step further\nby letting you write\, evaluat + e\, and export code in different languages\nfrom within a single file. In + this talk\, I will highlight some\nfeatures of babel that I find exciting + and extremely useful\,\nparticularly for an academic workflow.\n\nGetting + started with babel can be intimidating\, but it's hard to stop\nusing it o + nce you start. As an academic\, I typically don't manage\nlarge coding pro + jects. My primary purpose is writing lecture notes\,\nassignments\, and pa + pers\, and managing related admin. Typically\, I want\nto try and automate + the boring portions of my workflow without extra\noverhead. I also tend t + o find various tasks easier in some programming\nlanguages and harder in o + thers\, and prefer to mix and match languages\nas the task dictates. Babel + makes this process seamless.\n\nA basic use case is writing a document in + org-mode and exporting it to\nLaTeX or HTML. Org-mode even lets you write + multiple documents in a\nsingle org file\, which can be convenient. Babel + lets you add all sorts\nof enhancements to the same file. For example\, s + uppose we have a\nsingle org document with all the problem sets for a cour + se. Within\nthis single file\, we could now:\n\n- draw pictures in ditaa + \, graphviz\, or python instead of LaTeX\,\n- use python to do complex c + alculations and then output the result as LaTeX\,\n- define skeletons to + quickly draw up assignment templates\,\n- toggle exporting of assignmen + ts with or without solutions based on tags\,\n- locally change export se + ttings or run a post-export hook\,\n- automatically export to LaTeX afte + r saving\,\n- tangle code blocks from some or all of the languages to ex + ternal files.\n\nI will try to showcase features of babel that academics c + ould find\nhelpful\, by presenting some ways in which I have tried to use + babel. I\nwould also like to be inspired by other people's babel workflows + !\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)\n\nFor + a 5-10 minute presentation I will give a brief intro and present one or t + wo example files that heavily use babel. I will use these\nexamples to hig + hlight some of the features mentioned in the abstract. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Reproducible molecular graphics with Org-mode +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-molecular +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T145300 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T150300 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Reproducible molecular graphics with Or + g-mode\nBlaine Mooers\n\nResearch papers in structural biology should incl + ude the code used to make\nthe images of molecules in the article in the s + upplemental materials.\nSome structural bioinformaticists have started to + include\ntheir computer code in the supplemental materials to allow reader + s\nto reproduce their analyses. However\, authors of papers reporting new\ + nmolecular structures often overlook the inclusion of the code that makes\ + nthe images of the molecules reported in their articles. Nonetheless\,\nth + is aspect of reproducible research needs to become the standard practice\n + to improve the rigor of the science.\n\nIn a literate programming document + \, the author interleaves between blocks\nof prose the code that makes the + images of molecules. The document allows\nthe reader to reproduce the ima + ges in the manuscript by running the code.\nThe reader can also explore th + e effect of altering the parameters in the\ncode. Org files are one altern + ative for making such literate programming\ndocuments.\n\nWe developed a y + asnippet snippet library called orgpymolpysnips for\nstructural biologists + ().\nThis library facilitat + es the assembly of literate programming documents\nwith molecular images m + ade by PyMOL. PyMOL is the most popular\nmolecular graphics program for cr + eating images for publication\; it has\nover 100\,000 users\, which is a l + ot of users in molecular biology. PyMOL\nhas been used to make many of the + images of biological molecules found\non the covers of many Cell\, Nature + \, and Science issues.\n\nWe used the `jupyter' language in org-babel to s + end commands from\ncode blocks in Org files to PyMOL's Python API. PyMOL r + eturns the\nmolecular image to the output block below the code block. An E + macs\nuser can convert the Org file into a PDF\, `tangle' the code blocks\ + ninto a script file\, and submit these for non-Emacs users. We describe\nt + he content of the library and provide examples of the running PyMOL\nfrom + Org-mode documents.\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief description + /outline)\n - Title slide\n - Structural Biolog Workflow in the + Mooers Lab\n - Cover images made with PyMOL\n\n - Why develop a + snippet library for your field?\n - PyMOL in Org: kernel specificatio + n\n - Creating a conda env and installing PyMOL\n - Example code + block in Org to make DSSR block model of tRNA\n - Resulting image\n + - Summary\n - Acknowledgements +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Budgeting\, Project Monitoring and Invoicing with Org Mode +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-project +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T150600 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T151600 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Budgeting\, Project Monitoring and Invoic + ing with Org Mode\nAdolfo Villafiorita\n\nIn this talk I will present how + we use Org Mode at Shair.Tech for\nbudgeting\, project monitoring\, and in + voicing.\n\nWe are a small company and we are still tuning and improving t + he\nprocess\, but with a bit of Emacs Lisp\, the functions Org Mode\nprovi + des\, and reading here and there what other users do\, we\nimplemented an + effective workflow we have been using for nearly a\nyear\, now\, and with + which we are very happy. Talk duration:\n\n–\;> 20 minutes seems to + be right (15 talk + questions)\n–\;> I can also make in 10 minutes\, + by focusing the talk on\n budgeting (or monitoring) +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Find Your (In)voice: Emacs for Invoicing +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-invoice +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T151900 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T152900 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Find Your (In)voice: Emacs for Invoicing\ + nBala Ramadurai\n\nYe Freelance warriors\, please lend me your I/O devices + for 5 minutes.\n\nYour time is your money! Do you find it a pain to gener + ate an invoice\,\nrecord the details into your accounting software and kee + p track of\ntaxes and payments? You are not alone\, I found the whole invo + ice\nthingy to be extremely painful.\n\nBut worry not\, Emacs comes to our + rescue.\n\nMy talk will give you a basic intro on how to use org mode\, s + ome embedded python code and file jugglery to generate stylistic and profe + ssional invoices.\n\nWhat you will learn during the session:\n\n- How to + track your freelance time using orgmode\n- How to create the basic infr + astructure for invoice generation\n- How to generate the invoice\n- Ho + w to manage multiple clients\n- How to enter the finance details into yo + ur accounting software\n- How to track invoice payments\n\nWe will use t + he following packages:\n\n- Emacs+orgmode (duh?)\n- yasnippet\n- pyt + hon layer (I use spacemacs\, so whatever is the equivalent in your config) + \n- Some unnecessary Shakespearean references +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Productivity Dashboards with Emacs and Kindle +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-dashboard +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T153200 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T154200 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Productivity Dashboards with Emacs and + Kindle\nMehmet Tekman\n\nSince 2008\, Amazon have released a new Kindle de + vice every year\,\nsupplanting each generation with a newer model that boa + sts highly\npromoted incremental features which greatly devalues the price + of\ntheir older models. These forgotten models are sold on Ebay and\nothe + r secondhand websites at highly discount prices by owners who\ndo not see + the true potential of these devices: Kindles are\nexcellent high contrast + low-refresh display rate E-Ink devices\,\nwith Wifi capability\, that run + embedded Linux in the\nbackground. Depending on the model\, an idle Kindle + can last weeks\nbefore needing a recharge. This makes them ideal as passi + ve image\ndevices that can be configured easily using a few shell\nscripts + . Indeed\, efforts have been made in dedicated hacker forums\nto expose th + e Linux filesystem and to enable features such as\ncustom screensavers\, S + SH networking\, and more. By exploiting these\nfeatures\, and by carefully + disabling the software/bloatware that\ncomes with the device\, these Kind + les have found new life as online\ndashboard devices which can fetch and d + isplay information from the\ninternet at timely intervals.\n\nHere we desc + ribe a tool to control multiple Kindle devices with a\nsingle org-mode/she + ll-based tool\, built initially to periodically\nserve updated Emacs Org-A + genda views\, but later expanded to produce\nonline local weather reports + and work calendar\, Emacs calendars\n(calfw\, org-gcal)\, daily dietary in + formation (org-calories)\,\nOrg-Mode sparse TODO trees\, miscellaneous ima + ge and text content\n(via imagemagick)\, small messages\, and much more.\n + \nIn this talk\, we show how to configure multiple Kindles with any\ndesir + ed custom content\, following any daily/weekly schedule\, all\neasily mana + ged from Emacs within a single Org-Mode file.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 + minutes:\n\n 1-3 mins\n Talk about repurposing Kindles:\n\n + - Cheap second-hand wifi device\, hackable\n - Low-powered\, long + battery life\, low refresh rate –\; perfect\n for a dashboar + d\n - Timely updated Org-Mode Agendas anyone?\n - Reference + to inspired projects (kindle-dashboard)\n\n 2-3 mins\n Generat + e content\n\n - A static text+picture image easily generated with ima + gemagick\n wrapper\n - An image of a sparse tree of org-mode T + ODO file\n - An image of another emacs view (e.g. Calfw\, or org-calo + ries)\n - Show post-processing for optimizing image for Kindles\n\n + 1-2 mins\n Configuration in a single org-mode file\n\n - D + efining Machines\n - Defining Commands to generate content\n - D + efining Schedules to run Commands on multiple Machines at\n specifi + c points in the day\n\n 1-2 mins\n Export and Run:\n\n - + Show exported shell configs and generated cronjobs\n - Witness multip + le Kindles producing desired content with wakeup\n timers +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Emacs with Nyxt: extend your editor with the power of a Lisp browse + r +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-nyxt +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T154500 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T155500 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Emacs with Nyxt: extend your editor with the + power of a Lisp browser\nAndrea\n\nIn 2021 browsers are essential if you + use a computer. Even if Emacs\nusers love text as a format\, they may need + to shop and video call from\ntime to time (even more so in a pandemic!). + Some of us modified their\nbrowsers to at least have the same keybindings + as our editor of\nchoice. What if I told you there is an Emacsy browser in + the making?\nWhat if you could "ace-jump" within a web page? What if you + could run\na REPL to extend your browser while browsing? What if you could + record\nmacros?! The browser exists: its name is Nyxt!\n\nIn this talk I + will share why it has great potential\, how you can\nintegrate it with Ema + cs\, and how you can migrate your Emacs mastery to\nthe web!\n\nIf you wer + e wishing for a Lispy and Emacsy browser\, you should not\nmiss this talk! + \n\nYou can learn more about this at: \n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: quick demo of running Nyxt fro + m Emacs and a little explanation of the code necessary for integration +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:On the design of text editors +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-design +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T155800 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T160800 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# On the design of text editors\nNicolas P. + Rougier\n\nText editors are written by and for developers. They come\nwit + h a large set of default and implicit choices in terms of layout\,\ntypogr + aphy\, colorization and interaction that hardly change from one\neditor to + the other. It is not clear if these implicit choices derive\nfrom the ign + orance of alternatives or if they derive from developers'\nhabits\, reprod + ucing what they are used to. Durint this talk\, I will\ncharacterize these + implicit choices and illustrate what are some\nalternatives using GNU Ema + cs.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n\n- 10 minutes alternative\n\nMostly a live demo + of my environment with pointers to the different\npackages +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:How Emacs made me appreciate software freedom +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-freedom +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T161200 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T165200 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# How Emacs made me appreciate software fre + edom\nProtesilaos Stavrou\n\nThe theme will be "how Emacs empowered my sof + tware freedom".\nI will outline the key moments in my transition to a GNU/ + Linux operating\nsystem and mark those which eventually contributed toward + s me becoming\nan Emacs user\, maintainer of a—\;dare I say—\; + popular package\, and\ncontributor to upstream Emacs (among others). By a + lluding to personal\nexperiences\, I will draw generalisable insights and + connect them to what\nI believe are irreducible qualities of Emacs qua sof + tware and Emacs as a\ncommunity of like-minded people. The talk will be t + heoretical in\nnature: there won't be any code-related demonstration nor t + echnical\nreferences that only people with a background in computer scienc + e would\nlikely recognise. Personal anecdotes shall be tangential to the + point\nand considered as ancillary to the thesis of what Emacs represents + from\nthe standpoint of software freedom and user empowerment. The\nprese + ntation is intended for a general audience that is interested in\nGNU soft + ware in general and Emacs in particular. My formal educational\nbackgroun + d as a social scientist (i.e. not a programmer) and later as a\nphilosophe + r informs my approach to this topic.\n\nThe presentation shall be 40 minut + es long. Its text will be in essay\nform and shall be supplied as complem + entary material to the video. The\nnotation will be in Org mode. I canno + t provide an outline in advance\,\nas it will most likely not be consisten + t with the actual presentation.\nIf\, however\, this is absolutely require + d for administrative purposes I\nshall furnish one regardless with the pro + viso that I am in no way bound\nby it and thus reserve the right to modify + it ahead of the main event. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Closing remarks day 1 +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-day1-close +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T165200 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211127T165700 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Closing remarks day 1 +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Opening remarks day 2 +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-day2-open +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T090000 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T090500 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Opening remarks day 2 +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:How to write faster Emacs Lisp +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-faster +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T090500 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T092500 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# How to write faster Emacs Lisp\nDmitry Gut + ov\n\n- Before optimizing\, benchmark first.\n- Different benchmarking + approaches.\n- Live evaluation\, step-debugging\, measuring from a debu + gger breakpoint.\n- How to determine if a function is expensive. How to + pick one from\n competing alternatives (cl-lib\, seq\, dash\, lean core + ).\n- Print-benchmarking.\n- Byte-compiled code can give a very differ + ent picture\, changing where\n the bottleneck is. How to quickly load a + byte-compiled version.\n- Steps taken to speed up the Xref package rece + ntly. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Tree-edit: Structural editing for Java\, Python\, C\, and beyond! +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-structural +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T093000 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T094000 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Tree-edit: Structural editing for Java + \, Python\, C\, and beyond!\nEthan Leba\n\nIn this talk\, I'll discuss a v + ision for how writing code could be\, where the\nediting operations map di + rectly to the primitives of the language itself -- and\nmy humble attempt + of implementing this vision. _tree-edit_ seeks to provides a\nstructural e + diting plugin supporting conceivably any language with a tree-sitter\npars + er.\n\n**Structural editing does not have to be relegated to lisps or nich + e DSLs.**\n\nI liken the state of code editing today to writing assembly. + The reason why\npeople like Python more than assembly is that for most pur + poses\, the building\nblocks of the language are mismatched with our thoug + ht process. We don't think\nin terms of registers and addresses\, we think + in terms of variables\, functions\,\netc. So when we write and edit code\ + , why do we edit in terms of deleting\,\ninserting\, replacing characters + –\; not wrapping\, inserting\, raising\,\ndeleting expressions and s + tatements?\n\nI'll also discuss the implementation of tree-edit\, which us + es a novel\ncombination of the fantastic\n[tree-sitter]( + /emacs-tree-sitter/elisp-tree-sitter) parser\nwith an embedded logic progr + amming DSL ([miniKanren](\,\nusing elisp port [reaz + on]( to power it's\nsyntax tree gener + ation.\n\nCheck out the GitHub repo [here]( + ree-edit)!\n\n# Outline\n\n- Discuss motivation + (Why should I care?)\n- Demonstrate tree-edit (Li + ve-coding with tree-edit)\n- Demonstrate tree-edit syntax tree generator + (Elevator pitch on miniKanren) +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Self-Describing Smart DSL's: The Next Magits +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-dsl +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T094300 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T100300 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Self-Describing Smart DSL's: The Next Magits\ + nPsionic\n\nWhen we begin programming\, the promise is to automate away re + petitive\ntasks in life. As those program's capability grows\, we begin t + o need\nconfiguration UI's. We can start with a CLI\, but as any CLI grow + s\, we\nrun into the following issues:\n\n- As options pile up\, the int + uition of simplicity is lost in helps and\nmanpages\n\n- Stateless opera + tion has no idea what to do next and loses terseness\n- Frequent dispatch + of commands to interrogate state required for the\noperator to decide what + action to perform\n\n- Composition compounds with all of these issues\n + \nMagit has the UI trifecta of being terse\, intuitive\, and intelligent.\ + nMagit's UI input library\, Transient\, is a standalone package for\ndevel + oping more killer UI's\, and not just for CLI applications\, but\nalso for + server applications\, Emacs applications\, and Emacs itself.\n\nWhile Tra + nsient's potential is to create the most highly productive\nUI's short of + thought control\, going beyond simple command dispatchers\nrequires a deep + er dive. When we think like constructing a DSL for the\ntask and using tr + ansient to input that DSL\, we get an intelligent\,\nself-describing modal + programming system.\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- Updates to Transient documentati + on and demos of API examples\n- Wrapping a custom CLI tool in Transient +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:"Yak-shaving to a UI framework" (/"Help! I accidentally yak-shaved + my way to writing a UI framework because overlays were slow") +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-ui +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T100600 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T101600 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# "Yak-shaving to a UI framework" (/"Help! I acc + identally yak-shaved my way to writing a UI framework because overlays wer + e slow")\nErik Anderson\n\nTui.el is a textual User Interface (UI) framewo + rk for Emacs Lisp\nmodeled after the popular JavaScript 'React' framework. + This package\nimplements React Component API's with the goal of simplify + ing\ndevelopment of interactive UI's for all Emacs users- regardless of\nt + heir prior experience with React or web programming. Components\nprovide + a useful functional unit for constructing complex interfaces\ndeclarativel + y and also eliminate much of the burden associated with\nupdating textual + content as application state changes. This talk will\ncover use of the tu + i.el API and its operation in a textual environment\nby implementing some + basic UI's.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes:\n - Problem space: + UI implementation complexity.\n - API introduction: Displaying conten + t\, Components.\n - Visual taste of dashboards and applications built + with tui. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Extending Emacs in Rust with Dynamic Modules +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-rust +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T101900 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T103900 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Extending Emacs in Rust with Dynamic Modules + \nTuấn-Anh Nguyễn\n\nDynamic module support has been available since Emacs + 25. It can be\nused to extend Emacs with native libraries\, for performan + ce\,\nOS-specific features\, or other functionalities that would take a lo + t\nof time to re-implement in Lisp. The officially supported language is\n + C\, which is tedious and error-prone to use. This talk discusses a\n**safe + ** alternative that is also a lot **more convenient**: writing these\ndyna + mic modules in Rust.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- Walking through creating **a s + imple dynamic module** in\n Rust\, including setting up CI.\n- Going t + hrough and explaining the **available APIs**. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Emacs Application Framework: A 2021 Update +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-eaf +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T104400 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T105400 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Emacs Application Framework: A 2021 Update\nM + atthew Zeng\n\nEmacs Application Framework (EAF) is a customizable and ext + ensible GUI\napplication framework that extends Emacs graphical capabiliti + es using\nPyQt5. There are many new but important updates since EmacsConf2 + 020\nlast year\, this talk will briefly go over them.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n + - 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline) +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Extending the "model" of Emacs to other applications +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-model +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T105800 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T110800 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Extending the "model" of Emacs to other app + lications\nLaszlo Krajnikovszkij\n\nEmacs is a great operating environment + in a sense that it provides consistency\nacross different tools and appli + cations within the Emacs ecosystem\, as well as\nexternal apps that can be + integrated into it. It is also the most truly\nmalleable environment\, ea + ch element of which can be adjusted or extended\,\ntherefore providing the + user with more power and freedom in personal computing.\nEmacs definitely + can be considered one of greatest software products in\nexistence.\n\nAs + a non-programmer\, having had the chance to stumble upon Emacs a couple of + \nyears ago\, the only regret to have is that it didn't happen earlier. Th + e definite\nkiller feature of Emacs - Org-mode\, is what draws many of the + less technical\nfolks to join the party and gradually start to use Emacs + for writing documents\,\nwhether personal or work related\, manage tasks\, + emails and potentially everything\nelse. The learning curve and differenc + e in approach\, however\, leaves some\npotential users too scared of the a + rcane interface even with all it's quirks and\nfeatures because it require + s at least some technical skills to understand and\nuse properly\, and doe + s not have an easy way to connect with external tools that\nmost people ar + e forced to use for work.\n\nThis talk proposes some ideas about how the m + odel of Emacs\, it's focus on\nconsistency\, extensibility\, as well as it + 's powerful interaction model can be\ncarried over to make modern interfac + es\, whether desktop or web applications\,\nthat would be designed with a + goal of reflecting the spirit of Emacs in terms of\nthe aforementioned fea + tures it possesses\, and therefore enhance the capabilities\nof the Emacs\ + , while at the same time utilizing it as a backend for\ntext-processing an + d editing to a large extent. It would be really great to have\na personal + web-interface for using modern task management tools\, chats\, emails\nand + such\, but from a UI defined by the user. The goal is to use it on a desk + top\nor mobile\, locally or self-hosted on a server\, with support for tou + ch and\ngesture-based workflows\, while preserving the Emacs philosophy an + d allowing to\nseamlessly switch between Emacs and its web extension\n\nTh + e proposed solution is to integrate more of the modern tools with Emacs\,\ + nutilize Org-mode as a way to define application-specific parameters for t + hese\ntools through Org properties\, and then utilize these parameters for + making a\nmodern local frontend that would enhance Emacs UI while allowin + g to use external\ntools in a more personal and freedom respecting way (ma + king the originals\nobsolete over time). The talk serves the purpose of in + viting community members to\na discussion about how Emacs can become more + modern\, more approachable by people\nwho don't possess the neccessarry te + chnical skills to adjust it themselves\, but\nare keen to learn it\, and p + otentially how to attract more users to greater\nproductivity\, computer l + iteracy and the ideas of free software.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minut + es\n - Introduction\n - Issues with most modern tools for work\n + - Issues with Emacs as a tool for work\n - In search for a hybr + id approach\n - User controlled web-apps\n - Opinions encouraged + \n - Contacts +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Don't write that package! or: How I learned to stop worrying and lo + ve emacs-devel +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-devel +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T111100 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T113100 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Don't write that package! or: How I learned + to stop worrying and love emacs-devel\nStefan Kangas\n\nEmacs' greatest s + trength is also its greatest weakness: it is **too** hackable.\n\nWe have + a great community that experiment with new features that are still\nlackin + g in Emacs core. They write up a package and develop the living daylights + \nout of it\, until it is basically amazing. (I'm looking at you Magit.)\ + n\nThere are other examples such as helpful.el - great package\, but why a + re those\nfeatures not in core? What about projectile? And so on.\n\nCor + e demands copyright assignments (CLA). This is a fact of life. While I\n + mostly agree with the people saying it is not helful\, they are there to p + rotect\nEmacs from copyright issues in the future. So my suggestion here + is simple:\njust **sign the papers**. It is just a formality\, and you sh + ould only need to do\nit once.\n\nI suggest that any ambitious feature tha + t we **might** want to see shipped in the\ndefault Emacs distribution shou + ld by default go to GNU ELPA. You don't need to\ndo this\, of course\, an + d I respect your decision\, but I urge you to do it.\n\nGNU ELPA does not + have an exceptionally high standard\, but we do try to give any\nnew packa + ge a proper code review.\n\nMELPA is excellent. We love MELPA. They don' + t have a criterion for their\npackages that is important to the FSF\, whic + h is to not recommend non-free\nsoftware. Therefore\, we could not recomm + end it by default\, and had to build\nNonGNU ELPA.\n\nNonGNU ELPA will be + used for packages that we don't have an assignment for but\nwould still li + ke to distribute. It should ideally only be for old packages\nwhere getti + ng a CLA is impractical.\n\nIt is sometimes perceived as hard to contribut + e to Emacs core. This impression\nis largely wrong. If I can do it\, you + can too.\n\nWe do have a problem in that our tools and methods (mailing l + ists\, the bug\ntracker) are out-dated. This is largely correct. We want + to migrate to\nsomething else\, and the best candidate is probably Source + hut. Please volunteer\nto help!\n\nWe sometimes see people adding stuff t + o their Init file to fix this or that\nannoyance\, or even bug. The more + ambitious would go on to package up such fixes\nin what I call "patch pack + ages". "Hey\, foo-mode doesn't have support for\n'bookmark-set'\, let's wr + ite a package!" I am here to suggest that you submit a\npatch to Emacs in + stead.\n\nFixing an issue for one person is good\, and fixing it for more + people is even\nbetter. Fixing it for everyone? Priceless.\n\nemacs-deve + l is not that scary\, nor is email. We are really quite friendly and\neas + y going\, but the communication we prefer (for reasons of efficiency - the + \nvolume is very high) is often very brief and to the point. We are tryin + g our\nbest at communicating\, but sometimes fail.\n\nAnd we need more con + tributors. We need a successful Emacs on this planet.\n\nSo should you re + ally write a package\, or should YOU become a core contributor?\n\n\n\n# O + utline\n\n- I will urge people to consider contributing to Emacs instead o + f\n writing small packages\, and explain GNU ELPA\, MELPA\, CLA.\n- I wil + l go into greater detail about emacs-devel\, how it "works"\n (e.g. is Em + acs conservative without reason?)\, how to get things\n done and the nece + ssary mindset. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Turbo Bindat +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-bindat +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T113600 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T115600 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Turbo Bindat\nStefan Monnier\n\n\n# Table + of Contents\n\n\n\nBindat is an ELisp library to help manipulate binary da + ta. This is a\nniche library that is used by packages such as Websocket\, + EMMS\, and\ncpio-mode. Its implementation was repeatedly caught harassing + hapless\nkitten while at the same time providing poor service slowly. For\ + nEmacs-28\, Bindat was rewritten so as to make it more efficient and\nflex + ible while respecting the kitten. In this presentation I intent to\nshow h + ow we saved those. Not recommended for birds.\n\n- ~20 minutes:\n 5 m + in: Intro and presentation of Bindat\n 5 min: Showcase some of its prob + lems\n 5 min: Present the new design\n 5 min: Examples of what can b + e done with it +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Emacs Lisp native compiler\, current status and future developments +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-native +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T130000 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T132000 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Emacs Lisp native compiler\, current statu + s and future developments\nAndrea Corallo\n\nEmacs Lisp (Elisp) is the Lis + p dialect used by the Emacs text editor\nfamily. GNU Emacs is traditional + ly capable of executing Elisp code\neither interpreted or byte-interpreted + after it has been compiled to\nbyte-code.\n\nIn this talk I'll discuss th + e Emacs Lisp native compiler. This feature\nrecently merged into the main + Emacs development line allow for\nautomatically compiling and executing E + lisp as native code.\n\nDuring the presentation I'll touch on:\n\n- desi + gn goals\n- compiler and runtime design and implementation\n- performa + nce implications\n- upstream process\n- area of improvements and futur + e developments\n\nFormat: 40 minutes +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Old McCarthy Had a Form +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-form +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T132700 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T133700 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Old McCarthy Had a Form\nIan Eure\n\nMost pr + actical languages are multi-paradigm\, offering several\nabstractions for + the programmer. But did you know that Emacs Lisp\ncomes with a powerful s + ystem for object-oriented programming? Join me\nfor a discussion of EIEIO\ + , and learn how it can help you write more\nmodular\, flexible Emacs Lisp. + \n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)\n - + What is CLOS/EIEIO?\n - Why would I want OOP in Emacs Lisp?\n - + How is the CLOS object model different from C++/Java/.NET?\n - Furt + her reading +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Test blocks +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-test +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T134100 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T134600 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Test blocks\nEduardo Ochs\n\nIn this present + ation I will show an idea that feels completely obvious\nonce we see it\, + but that only occured to me after after using Emacs\nand eev as my main in + terface to the computer for more than 20 years.\nTake any interpreted lang + uage that supports multi-line comments\, and\nwhose interpreter can be run + in an Emacs buffer - for example Lua\,\nHaskell\, Python\, or Julia\; let + 's say just "Lua" from here on for\nsimplicity. So: suppose that we have a + Lua script that we wrote\, that\nis called "foo.lua" and that defines lot + s of functions and defines the\nclasses Bar and Bletch. We can put after t + he definition of the class\nBar a multi-line comment that contains an eepi + tch block that when\nexecuted starts a Lua interpreter\, loads the script + foo.lua (by\nrunning 'dofile "foo.lua"')\, and then has several tests for + that class\nand its methods\; and we can put another block with tests like + that\nafter the class Bletch\, and other blocks after some functions. Eep + itch\nallows sending these tests line by line to the Lua interpreter by\nt + yping on each line that we want to send\, and this lets us create\n + tests that are very easy to understand even without writing comments\;\nth + is gives us a very quick way to document code by executable tests\,\nthat + is super-great for experimental code that is still going to\nchange a lot + before running the risk of being read by other people.\n\nThese multi-line + comments with eepitch blocks that run an interpreter\nand make it load th + e current file are called "test blocks". The\ncommand \\`M-x eeit' inserts + a test block at point\, using the major mode\nto decide the right syntax + to use for the multi-line comments and for\nthe "dofile". We can configure + the syntax of the test blocks for the\ncurrent major mode by running \\`M + -x find-eeit-links'\; this can also be\nused to add support for test block + s to more languages (or\, more\nprecisely: to more major modes).\n\nEduard + o Ochs +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Let's talk about bug trackers +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-bug +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T134900 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T140900 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Let's talk about bug trackers\nBastien Guerry + \n\nFor 17 years\, the Org developers didn't use a bug tracker\,\nshameles + sly failing the Joel Spolsky test. Why was it "good enough"?\nWhy was it + wrong? Why did we move to Woof!? Why Woof! is not a bug\ntracker?\n\n- + 20 minutes +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Perso-Arabic Input Methods And Making More Emacs Apps BIDI Aware +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-bidi +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T141600 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T143600 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Perso-Arabic Input Methods And Making More E + macs Apps BIDI Aware\nMohsen BANAN\n\n\n# Table of Contents\n\n\n\nStartin + g with Emacs 24\, full native bidi\n(bidirectional) support became availab + le. For\nmany years prior to that Unicode support was\navailable and by a + round year 2000\, reasonable\nopen-source shaping libraries were also avai + lable.\n\nWith these in place at around 2012\, I developed\ntwo Persian in + put methods for emacs. These input\nmethods or variations of them can also + be used\nArabic and other persoarabic scripts.\n\nWith all of these in pl + ace\, Emacs has now become\nthe ne plus ultra Halaal/Convivial usage\nenvi + ronment for persoarabic users.\n\nSince emacs comes loaded with everything + (Gnus\nfor email\, Bbdb for address books\, XeLaTeX modes\nfor typesettin + g\, org-mode for organization\, spell\ncheckers\, completions\, calendar\, + etc.)\, all basic\ncomputing and communication needs of persoarabic\nuser + s can be addressed in one place and\ncohesively.\n\nIn this talk I will de + monstrate what a wonderful\nenvironment that can be.\n\n- 40 minutes: (b + rief description/outline)\n\n My talk will be in two parts.\n\n In P + art 1\, I cover persian input methods. With an\n emphasis on &lsquo \;B + anan Multi-Character (Reverse)\n Transliteration Persian Input Method&r + squo\;. The\n software is part of base emacs distribution.\n Full do + cumentation is available at:\n Persian Input Methods\n + For Emacs And More Broadly Speaking\n شیوه‌هایِ درج به فارسی‌\n + \n\n In Part 2 + \, I will cover the ramifications of bidi\n on existing emacs applicati + ons\, including:\n\n - Gnus:\n - Persoarabic rich email send + ing in HTML.\n - Ramifications of bidi on from\, to and\n + subject lines.\n\n - Bbdb: Ramifications of bidi on display and\n + completion.\n\n - Calendar:\n - Ramifications of bid + i on display.\n - Use of persian text for Persian (solar) calenda + r.\n - Use of arabic text for Muslem (lunar) calendar.\n\n - + AUCTeX: Persian typesetting with XeLaTeX +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Moldable Emacs\, a step towards sustainable software +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-mold +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T144100 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T145100 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Moldable Emacs\, a step towards sustainable + software\nAndrea\n\nWe could learn about things better. Mountains of knowl + edge hide in\nplaces we cannot access or use. The more we write down\, the + more it\ntakes to find and understand things we find useful.\n\nKnowledge + (web\, software\, books) keeps growing faster and faster! This\nis not su + stainable: we cannot keep up with it! What if we repeat the\nerror of some + body else\, only because it would take too much reading to\nknow? What if + that knowledge is in some code we work with everyday?\n\nMoldable developm + ent is a paradigm shift that attempts to solve this\nproblem. In a gist\, + the tool you use should let you create special tools\nto learn smartly fro + m what you have already.\n\nSince we use Emacs\, let's make our great edit + or moldable!\n\nThis talk shows my progress in making Emacs closer to such + a tool. We\nare going to see how we can mold structured (and maybe even n + atural)\ntext to learn better\, how we can inject notes in our projects an + d how\nself documenting this tool is!\n\nI aim to inspire you to find a qu + icker way to learn from our digital\nworld!\n\nYou can learn more about th + is at: \n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- 5- + 10 minutes: quick demo of moldable-emacs +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:CLEDE the Common Lisp Emacs Development Environment. +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-clede +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T145500 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T151500 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# CLEDE the Common Lisp Emacs Development Env + ironment.\nFermin MF\n\nI've been developing a package that helps with the + development of\nCommon Lisp's software\,\nit's uses the internal semantic + framework\, it has a custom reader\nand integration for\ncommon Emacs pac + kages (like Sly and the internal inferior-lisp-mode).\n\nThe idea is to su + pply features that other language with and static\nanalyzer have\,\nlike r + efactoring and code generation.\n\nFor more details: \n\n- 20 minutes:\n It seems like not too much people + knows about semantic\, so I can\n summarize some of it in 10 minutes\n + and then An explanation on how to use the package\, how to extend it\n + and the future of it. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Imaginary Programming +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-imaginary +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T152200 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T153200 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Imaginary Programming\nShane Mulligan\n + \nImaginary Programming (IP) is both methodology and paradigm. It is an\ne + xtension of literate programming and a way of creating software without\nt + he use of imperative\, functional or even declarative code. Yet IP employs + \nall disciplines to achieve the miraculous. The only contingency is on on + e\nor more language models\, known as foundation models. The real value of + IP\nis not found by abandoning sound logic altogether\, but in weaving th + e real\nwith the imaginary. The future of imaginary programming is one in + which\nalmost all of computing is inferred. I have built a suite of tools + based on\nemacs for interfacing real programming languages with imaginary + ones\; all\nof this in order to demonstrate what I mean\; a ‘complex’ term + inal that lets\nyou imagine what happens no matter how nested you are with + in interpreters\,\nan example-oriented language\, a file format that encod + es the provenance of\ntext and a library for imaginary functional programm + ing primitives called\niLambda. It is important to recognise IP because\, + for lack of a better\nterm\, it has far-reaching implications for intellec + tual property and the\nGPL. Please keep an open mind.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n + - 5-10 minutes:\n- a 5 minute introduction to imaginary programming\, + followed by\n - a demonstration of iLambda.\n - iλ\, a famil + y of imaginary programming libraries\n \n\n\n\nIR + C libertyprime at #emacs on libera\n\nShane Mulligan +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:How to build an Emacs +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-build +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T153600 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T155600 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# How to build an Emacs\nFermin MF\n\nThis is + a deep dive in the Emacs philosophical and technical\naspect on what make + s our beloved GNU Emacs\nwhat it it. It's also a talk about the early LISP + machines and\nfascinating were those days of experimentation and engineer + ing.\n\nIt will continue with the Emacs benefits/trade-offs from an\nuser/ + developer stand points\, what things can be improved and\nwhat can be an h + ypothetical path on how to build a software that\ncan also be called Emacs + .\n\nAs a last part\, I'll talk about CEDAR\, an Emacs that I've been\ndev + eloping in Common Lisp\, the project goals\nand the challenges.\n\nFor mor + e details about CEDAR: \n\n- 40 minu + tes:\n A dive into the Emacs/Lisp machines history\, what makes GNU Ema + cs\n an Emacs and how you can build an Emacs. +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:M-x Forever: Why Emacs will outlast text editor trends +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-forever +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T160300 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T164300 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# M-x Forever: Why Emacs will outlast text + editor trends\nDavid Wilson\n\nThe computer software industry has seen man + y "popular" text editors come\nand go\, often due to the mercurial fashion + s of software development. In\nthis talk\, we'll take a look at why popul + ar editors fade and the\nspecific aspects of Emacs that will ensure it rem + ains relevant\nregardless of mainstream popularity.\n\n\n\n# Outline\n\n- + Discuss the core thesis\, the features that make Emacs\n desirable for lo + ng-term use (extensibility\, day-to-day 'life' features)\n\n- Include more + background on the text editor landscape and\n how the scope of various e + ditors is more narrow and doesn't compare to Emacs.\n\n- Talk about specif + ic instances where editors were popular\, fell out\n of popularity\, and + why (due to changing fashions\, not usually\n better features). +END:VEVENT +BEGIN:VEVENT +SUMMARY:Closing remarks day 2 +LOCATION: +UID:emacsconf-2021-day2-close +URL: +DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T165000 +DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211128T170000 +DTSTAMP:20211027T123802 +DESCRIPTION: Times are approximate and will probably change. \nhttps://emac + \n# Closing remarks day 2 +END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3