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diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-localizing--prelocalizing-emacs--jeanchristophe-helary--main.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-localizing--prelocalizing-emacs--jeanchristophe-helary--main.vtt
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+WEBVTT captioned by brandelune and bhavin192
+NOTE Introduction
+00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.400
+Hello everyone, I am Jean-Christophe Helary,
+00:00:05.400 --> 00:00:09.680
+I live in Japan, and I'm a translator.
+00:09.680 --> 00:00:12.633
+Here is my second presentation on this very
+00:00:12.633 --> 00:00:15.300
+prestigious stage that is the Emacs conference.
+00:00:15.300 --> 00:00:18.367
+Following my "Let's Translate the 2 million words
+00:00:18.367 --> 00:00:21.767
+in the Emacs manual" in 2021, my topic this year,
+00:00:21.767 --> 00:00:25.167
+always related to translation, is
+00:00:25.167 --> 00:00:28.400
+pre-localizing Emacs or much less pretentiously,
+00:00:28.400 --> 00:00:31.933
+"Just make sure that your strings don't mix up plurals".
+NOTE Usage of package.el
+00:00:31.933 --> 00:00:36.133
+So, for some reason I resumed Emacs use
+00:00:36.133 --> 00:00:39.940
+around 2016, and as I was rediscovering the thing
+00:00:39.940 --> 00:00:42.800
+I found really old outline-mode files here
+00:00:42.800 --> 00:00:44.033
+and there on my machine.
+00:00:44.033 --> 00:00:45.140
+And I started to experiment
+00:00:45.140 --> 00:00:47.167
+again and write again with Emacs.
+00:00:47.167 --> 00:00:48.564
+I think that at the time,
+00:00:48.564 --> 00:00:50.433
+I was coming from Aquamacs and because of
+00:00:50.433 --> 00:00:53.400
+an integration bug with macOS, I decided
+00:00:53.400 --> 00:00:55.440
+to check what was going on in the code.
+00:55.440 --> 00:00:59.040
+That was my first official contribution.
+NOTE The bug in strings
+00:59.040 --> 00:01:02.233
+So as I was happily installing and uninstalling
+00:01:02.233 --> 00:01:05.267
+things, I noticed something weird one day.
+00:01:05.267 --> 00:01:09.080
+Let me enlarge that picture.
+01:09.080 --> 00:01:12.400
+See? And even if I were not a translator,
+00:01:12.400 --> 00:01:14.960
+I would not like that string, and obviously
+01:14.960 --> 00:01:16.833
+the same bug bites you when the string
+00:01:16.833 --> 00:01:20.520
+tells you to erase the package.
+01:20.520 --> 00:01:26.720
+Boom, so we agree that we have a problem here.
+NOTE Natural language engineering
+01:26.720 --> 00:01:29.067
+So, I started to do some spelunking into the code,
+00:01:29.067 --> 00:01:31.067
+and at least that was my feeling
+00:01:31.067 --> 00:01:33.100
+because I really am not a programmer
+00:01:33.100 --> 00:01:37.240
+by any stretch of the imagination.
+01:37.240 --> 00:01:39.467
+And what I found was an amazing piece of
+00:01:39.467 --> 00:01:41.840
+natural language engineering that was mixing code
+01:41.840 --> 00:01:44.267
+with English suffixes and all that,
+00:01:44.267 --> 00:01:46.267
+and I could see that the people who had
+00:01:46.267 --> 00:01:47.767
+written that code were pretty smart,
+00:01:47.767 --> 00:01:49.533
+but had missed a number of edge cases
+00:01:49.533 --> 00:01:51.280
+that produced the above bugs.
+01:51.280 --> 00:01:53.500
+That was my first experience with
+00:01:53.500 --> 00:01:55.033
+all the message related functions,
+00:01:55.033 --> 00:01:58.360
+"format", "concat", "message", etc.
+01:58.360 --> 00:02:00.433
+But even with my beginner's eyes I could see that
+00:02:00.433 --> 00:02:03.040
+something was off because when you want
+02:03.040 --> 00:02:06.000
+to produce natural language strings you never ever
+00:02:06.000 --> 00:02:08.600
+should use "replace-regex-in-string" to
+02:08.600 --> 00:02:11.067
+add an "ing" or an "ed" suffix
+00:02:11.067 --> 00:02:12.980
+to change the mode of a sentence.
+02:12.980 --> 00:02:16.840
+But that's what I was seeing was happening.
+NOTE More than a missed plural
+02:16.840 --> 00:02:20.333
+So, what we had to deal with here
+00:02:20.333 --> 00:02:22.220
+was way more than just a missed plural.
+02:22.220 --> 00:02:24.000
+It was an attempt at engineering all
+00:02:24.000 --> 00:02:26.400
+the message strings destined to the user
+00:02:26.400 --> 00:02:28.567
+with the smart code that was making assumptions
+00:02:28.567 --> 00:02:30.067
+on the structure of words,
+00:02:30.067 --> 00:02:33.220
+and in the localization world that's a big no-no.
+02:33.220 --> 00:02:36.667
+I'm a translator, and such UI strings issues
+00:02:36.667 --> 00:02:38.433
+have been sorted out decades ago.
+00:02:38.433 --> 00:02:41.320
+So I was a bit shocked.
+NOTE The final patch
+02:41.320 --> 00:02:43.533
+The final patch took me about a year to write,
+00:02:43.533 --> 00:02:45.380
+because I'm slow, because I needed to verify
+02:45.380 --> 00:02:47.167
+and understand a lot, because there are
+00:02:47.167 --> 00:02:49.100
+plenty of rules and plenty of people who are
+00:02:49.100 --> 00:02:51.433
+explaining you very nicely what the rules are,
+00:02:51.433 --> 00:02:53.733
+because I have kids, and because the
+00:02:53.733 --> 00:02:55.600
+Emacs development list is such a cool place to be
+00:02:55.600 --> 00:02:58.560
+that you often forget why you're there sometimes.
+02:58.560 --> 00:03:01.800
+Anyway, for people who can't click on a video,
+00:03:01.800 --> 00:03:03.640
+and I can't either, here are the relevant
+03:03.640 --> 00:03:05.840
+parts with some short comments.
+03:05.840 --> 00:03:07.800
+I'll be talking with localization in mind,
+00:03:07.800 --> 00:03:09.640
+knowing full well that Emacs localization
+03:09.640 --> 00:03:12.800
+is not on the map at the moment.
+03:12.800 --> 00:03:14.167
+So first, there is this thing
+00:03:14.167 --> 00:03:15.520
+about "format" and "concat".
+03:15.520 --> 00:03:17.800
+And if I remember correctly,
+00:03:17.800 --> 00:03:20.300
+"format" is better for user-facing things,
+00:03:20.300 --> 00:03:25.160
+and "concat" is better for internal things.
+03:25.160 --> 00:03:26.800
+Here, there are two things.
+03:26.800 --> 00:03:28.800
+First, a rule that we have when we prepare
+00:03:28.800 --> 00:03:30.700
+strings that need to be localized is
+00:03:30.700 --> 00:03:33.333
+never ever make assumptions on the way
+00:03:33.333 --> 00:03:35.780
+numbers are expressed in the language.
+03:35.780 --> 00:03:37.067
+Here, the assumption is that
+00:03:37.067 --> 00:03:40.000
+we have either a singular or plural form,
+00:03:40.000 --> 00:03:42.040
+and that's not always the case.
+03:42.040 --> 00:03:44.067
+That usually means that you should externalize
+00:03:44.067 --> 00:03:48.280
+numbers and find a generic way to express them.
+03:48.280 --> 00:03:50.833
+So it makes for slightly less natural
+00:03:50.833 --> 00:03:54.400
+language strings, but it's better anyway.
+03:54.400 --> 00:03:56.667
+Then we have that comma there that's trying
+00:03:56.667 --> 00:03:58.167
+to be externalized and that's weird,
+00:03:58.167 --> 00:04:02.620
+so I put it back into the sentence.
+04:02.620 --> 00:04:04.967
+Here we have another construct, or two rather,
+00:04:04.967 --> 00:04:06.960
+that really should not be used like this.
+04:06.960 --> 00:04:10.033
+It's "prin1" that uses quoting characters,
+00:04:10.033 --> 00:04:12.480
+just like "print", and "princ" that does not.
+04:12.480 --> 00:04:15.400
+And you see why they were combined together.
+04:15.400 --> 00:04:17.133
+And they were both trying to be really smart
+00:04:17.133 --> 00:04:19.780
+about which article to put in front of a vowel.
+04:19.780 --> 00:04:20.960
+And you just don't do that.
+04:20.960 --> 00:04:25.000
+You just keep things simple.
+04:25.000 --> 00:04:26.633
+Here again, the code is trying to be smart,
+00:04:26.633 --> 00:04:28.480
+but it's really not much more efficient than
+04:28.480 --> 00:04:34.940
+plainly stating what you want.
+04:34.940 --> 00:04:36.500
+And here again, we have "concat" things
+00:04:36.500 --> 00:04:40.367
+that we could just use to plainly state
+00:04:40.367 --> 00:04:41.980
+what we want to state.
+04:41.980 --> 00:04:49.880
+So, instead of "concat" I just put a "message".
+04:49.880 --> 00:04:52.260
+And here we have something that's very cute.
+04:52.260 --> 00:04:54.540
+It's a computerized plural.
+04:54.540 --> 00:04:55.700
+Here again, assuming that
+00:04:55.700 --> 00:04:58.640
+there are only plural or singular forms.
+04:58.640 --> 00:05:00.867
+But the end string is not that much more natural
+00:05:00.867 --> 00:05:02.700
+than the fix, the code is less efficient
+00:05:02.700 --> 00:05:07.760
+and is harder to understand.
+05:07.760 --> 00:05:09.433
+Here again, the code is trying to make
+00:05:09.433 --> 00:05:13.520
+smart things where it could be much simpler.
+05:13.520 --> 00:05:14.667
+That is the part where you get the
+00:05:14.667 --> 00:05:19.480
+number of packages and their names.
+05:19.480 --> 00:05:22.067
+Here the whole sentence with the semicolons
+00:05:22.067 --> 00:05:26.333
+and the question mark is split in parts,
+00:05:26.333 --> 00:05:29.180
+between which something will be inserted.
+05:29.180 --> 00:05:34.240
+That's really ugly and difficult to read.
+05:34.240 --> 00:05:37.700
+Here again, another "ing" waiting to be
+00:05:37.700 --> 00:05:44.840
+regex-inserted into the code.
+05:44.840 --> 00:05:46.633
+And here at last, we get to the point
+00:05:46.633 --> 00:05:48.760
+where everything started.
+05:48.760 --> 00:05:50.833
+And you can see that unlike in the other spots,
+00:05:50.833 --> 00:05:52.400
+there is no possibility for the expression
+05:52.400 --> 00:05:54.680
+to be singular.
+05:54.680 --> 00:05:57.600
+So, I guess that if it hadn't been for that bug,
+00:05:57.600 --> 00:05:59.320
+I would not have found the other items,
+05:59.320 --> 00:06:01.033
+and we would be left with code that works,
+00:06:01.033 --> 00:06:02.033
+of course, but that is
+00:06:02.033 --> 00:06:06.020
+harder to understand, and maintain.
+06:06.020 --> 00:06:08.333
+Last but not least, a last version of
+00:06:08.333 --> 00:06:10.920
+"just plainly state what you mean to state".
+06:10.920 --> 00:06:14.880
+Keep it simple.
+NOTE "What did I learn, and how did I learn it?"
+06:14.880 --> 00:06:19.267
+So first, we have this wonderful CONTRIBUTE file
+00:06:19.267 --> 00:06:21.267
+that is very explicit about
+00:06:21.267 --> 00:06:23.520
+how we must proceed when contributing code.
+06:23.520 --> 00:06:25.233
+So, that's really the first place
+00:06:25.233 --> 00:06:27.760
+that we should all read.
+06:27.760 --> 00:06:29.333
+The README file is pretty cool too,
+00:06:29.333 --> 00:06:30.967
+especially at the beginning of the process,
+00:06:30.967 --> 00:06:31.867
+when you're not sure whether
+00:06:31.867 --> 00:06:36.240
+you want to fix that bug or just report it.
+NOTE Useful packages
+06:36.240 --> 00:06:37.920
+And then we've got packages.
+06:37.920 --> 00:06:39.900
+We've got a number of packages that are really
+00:06:39.900 --> 00:06:42.600
+helpful when it comes to reading
+00:06:42.600 --> 00:06:45.880
+the information and the manuals.
+06:45.880 --> 00:06:48.000
+I'm mentioning three of them here,
+00:06:48.000 --> 00:06:53.720
+and I think they are the most important for us.
+NOTE Package: helpful
+06:53.720 --> 00:06:55.600
+So "helpful" is on the right,
+00:06:55.600 --> 00:06:58.667
+and it's overflowing the window with
+00:06:58.667 --> 00:07:01.900
+all the contextualized information it provides,
+00:07:01.900 --> 00:07:05.280
+and the standard "help" is on the left.
+07:05.280 --> 00:07:07.933
+I mean, really there are like two or three
+00:07:07.933 --> 00:07:11.567
+screen-full of information in the "helpful" output,
+00:07:11.567 --> 00:07:13.233
+so you really only see a part,
+00:07:13.233 --> 00:07:16.320
+but I guess if you use it, you know what I'm saying.
+07:16.320 --> 00:07:18.867
+What I like the most here is the "view in manual"
+00:07:18.867 --> 00:07:21.800
+part, where you can actually click and even get
+00:07:21.800 --> 00:07:23.667
+more information that's sometimes
+00:07:23.667 --> 00:07:28.400
+easier to read and understand.
+NOTE Package: inform
+07:28.400 --> 00:07:33.640
+And then you've got the "info" versus "inform" formats.
+07:33.640 --> 00:07:34.567
+When you're in the manual,
+00:07:34.567 --> 00:07:37.140
+"inform" makes a huge difference.
+07:37.140 --> 00:07:39.367
+You can see here that you've got colorized items,
+00:07:39.367 --> 00:07:42.000
+and also in the middle you've got that
+07:42.000 --> 00:07:45.000
+'read' part that's green and bold.
+07:45.000 --> 00:07:49.333
+In "info" it's not a specific object,
+00:07:49.333 --> 00:07:52.200
+it's just a string. In 'inform' it's actually
+00:07:52.200 --> 00:07:53.800
+a link that you can click,
+00:07:53.800 --> 00:07:58.320
+and actually go to that 'read' manual page.
+NOTE Package: which-key
+07:58.320 --> 00:08:01.300
+Now, we've got "which-key".
+08:01.300 --> 00:08:03.400
+"which-key" is a savior for beginners too.
+08:03.400 --> 00:08:04.867
+Just wait half a second or something,
+00:08:04.867 --> 00:08:06.500
+and Emacs will show you all the keys
+00:08:06.500 --> 00:08:08.433
+that you can access from the prefix combination
+00:08:08.433 --> 00:08:09.920
+that you just typed.
+08:09.920 --> 00:08:13.200
+So, it's really helpful for discovering functions
+00:08:13.200 --> 00:08:19.160
+and learning new functions, getting used to them.
+NOTE It all started with this message…
+08:19.160 --> 00:08:21.500
+And so that whole process started…,
+00:08:21.500 --> 00:08:26.533
+it was May 23, 2017,
+00:08:26.533 --> 00:08:30.440
+with that thread when I found the bug.
+08:30.440 --> 00:08:32.800
+I just bumped into an English/code bug
+00:08:32.800 --> 00:08:36.920
+this morning. In package.el, when one package
+08:36.920 --> 00:08:39.033
+is not needed anymore, the message is:
+00:08:39.033 --> 00:08:41.300
+"Package menu: Operation finished.
+00:08:41.300 --> 00:08:44.880
+1 packages are no longer needed", etc.
+08:44.880 --> 00:08:49.633
+So, I was asking whether we had best practices
+00:08:49.633 --> 00:08:53.800
+for using messages, and we had a whole thread
+08:53.800 --> 00:08:57.867
+about that. And while I was discussing on that
+00:08:57.867 --> 00:09:01.240
+thread, I started that new thread, which is:
+09:01.240 --> 00:09:02.867
+"package.el strings".
+00:09:02.867 --> 00:09:09.900
+The whole thing actually ended on June 27, 2018.
+00:09:09.900 --> 00:09:15.400
+So, a year after, with that message from Noam
+00:09:15.400 --> 00:09:18.567
+telling me that "Yes I can close the bug,"
+00:09:18.567 --> 00:09:22.040
+and that was it.
+09:22.040 --> 00:09:24.000
+So, it took about a year to finish that.
+00:09:24.000 --> 00:09:28.133
+What I did learn basically is that
+00:09:28.133 --> 00:09:32.160
+helping with Emacs is not that difficult.
+09:32.160 --> 00:09:36.100
+It takes time when you're not fluent with the code,
+00:09:36.100 --> 00:09:37.100
+but that's okay because the reference
+09:37.100 --> 00:09:39.300
+is excellent, and there are lots of people
+00:09:39.300 --> 00:09:41.520
+who are here to help.
+NOTE Conclusion
+09:41.520 --> 00:09:45.700
+Basically, the solution to all our problems is
+00:09:45.700 --> 00:09:47.733
+"Keep It Simple and Straightforward".
+00:09:47.733 --> 00:09:51.033
+As you can see in that patch,
+00:09:51.033 --> 00:09:53.233
+even if it's a beginner's patch,
+00:09:53.233 --> 00:09:57.733
+what I did shows what can be done by Emacs Lisp
+00:09:57.733 --> 00:09:59.533
+beginners to help with "straightening" the strings
+00:09:59.533 --> 00:10:02.267
+to reduce the number of potential English bugs.
+00:10:02.267 --> 00:10:04.533
+And then to make Emacs strings easier
+00:10:04.533 --> 00:10:07.233
+to be handled by real localization processes one day.
+00:10:07.233 --> 00:10:09.067
+But it doesn't have to be about strings
+00:10:09.067 --> 00:10:12.767
+because strings can be an easy entry point to Emacs,
+00:10:12.767 --> 00:10:16.720
+but it can be any itch that you want to scratch.
+10:16.720 --> 00:10:18.267
+And my real conclusion is that
+00:10:18.267 --> 00:10:22.160
+Emacs is free software, and what that means is mostly
+10:22.160 --> 00:10:24.067
+that it allows you to do things that you would
+00:10:24.067 --> 00:10:27.920
+never have thought of being able to do before.
+10:27.920 --> 00:10:32.000
+That's really the biggest lesson to be learned here.
+10:32.000 --> 00:10:33.400
+So, I want to thank all the people
+00:10:33.400 --> 00:10:37.920
+who allowed this to be happening, allowed me to
+10:37.920 --> 00:10:41.267
+learn a bit and contribute a bit to that wonderful
+00:10:41.267 --> 00:10:42.800
+piece of software that Emacs is.
+00:10:42.800 --> 00:10:44.533
+And thank you everyone for listening,
+00:10:44.533 --> 00:10:46.700
+and hopefully I'll see you next year
+00:10:46.700 --> 00:10:51.520
+with a different translation related presentation.
+10:51.520 --> 11:13.640
+Thank you very much.
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+<a name="localizing-mainVideo-transcript"></a>
+# Transcript
+[[!template text="""Hello everyone, I am Jean-Christophe Helary,""" start="00:00:00.000" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I live in Japan, and I'm a translator.""" start="00:00:05.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here is my second presentation on this very""" start="00:00:09.680" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""prestigious stage that is the Emacs conference.""" start="00:00:12.633" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Following my &quot;Let's Translate the 2 million words""" start="00:00:15.300" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""in the Emacs manual&quot; in 2021, my topic this year,""" start="00:00:18.367" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""always related to translation, is""" start="00:00:21.767" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""pre-localizing Emacs or much less pretentiously,""" start="00:00:25.167" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;Just make sure that your strings don't mix up plurals&quot;.""" start="00:00:28.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, for some reason I resumed Emacs use""" start="00:00:31.933" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""around 2016, and as I was rediscovering the thing""" start="00:00:36.133" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I found really old outline-mode files here""" start="00:00:39.940" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and there on my machine.""" start="00:00:42.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And I started to experiment""" start="00:00:44.033" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""again and write again with Emacs.""" start="00:00:45.140" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I think that at the time,""" start="00:00:47.167" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I was coming from Aquamacs and because of""" start="00:00:48.564" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""an integration bug with macOS, I decided""" start="00:00:50.433" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to check what was going on in the code.""" start="00:00:53.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""That was my first official contribution.""" start="00:00:55.440" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So as I was happily installing and uninstalling""" start="00:00:59.040" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""things, I noticed something weird one day.""" start="00:01:02.233" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Let me enlarge that picture.""" start="00:01:05.267" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""See? And even if I were not a translator,""" start="00:01:09.080" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I would not like that string, and obviously""" start="00:01:12.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""the same bug bites you when the string""" start="00:01:14.960" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""tells you to erase the package.""" start="00:01:16.833" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Boom, so we agree that we have a problem here.""" start="00:01:20.520" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, I started to do some spelunking into the code,""" start="00:01:26.720" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and at least that was my feeling""" start="00:01:29.067" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""because I really am not a programmer""" start="00:01:31.067" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""by any stretch of the imagination.""" start="00:01:33.100" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And what I found was an amazing piece of""" start="00:01:37.240" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""natural language engineering that was mixing code""" start="00:01:39.467" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with English suffixes and all that,""" start="00:01:41.840" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and I could see that the people who had""" start="00:01:44.267" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""written that code were pretty smart,""" start="00:01:46.267" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but had missed a number of edge cases""" start="00:01:47.767" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that produced the above bugs.""" start="00:01:49.533" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""That was my first experience with""" start="00:01:51.280" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""all the message related functions,""" start="00:01:53.500" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;format&quot;, &quot;concat&quot;, &quot;message&quot;, etc.""" start="00:01:55.033" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""But even with my beginner's eyes I could see that""" start="00:01:58.360" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""something was off because when you want""" start="00:02:00.433" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to produce natural language strings you never ever""" start="00:02:03.040" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""should use &quot;replace-regex-in-string&quot; to""" start="00:02:06.000" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""add an &quot;ing&quot; or an &quot;ed&quot; suffix""" start="00:02:08.600" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to change the mode of a sentence.""" start="00:02:11.067" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""But that's what I was seeing was happening.""" start="00:02:12.980" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, what we had to deal with here""" start="00:02:16.840" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""was way more than just a missed plural.""" start="00:02:20.333" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It was an attempt at engineering all""" start="00:02:22.220" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""the message strings destined to the user""" start="00:02:24.000" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with the smart code that was making assumptions""" start="00:02:26.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""on the structure of words,""" start="00:02:28.567" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and in the localization world that's a big no-no.""" start="00:02:30.067" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I'm a translator, and such UI strings issues""" start="00:02:33.220" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""have been sorted out decades ago.""" start="00:02:36.667" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So I was a bit shocked.""" start="00:02:38.433" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The final patch took me about a year to write,""" start="00:02:41.320" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""because I'm slow, because I needed to verify""" start="00:02:43.533" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and understand a lot, because there are""" start="00:02:45.380" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""plenty of rules and plenty of people who are""" start="00:02:47.167" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""explaining you very nicely what the rules are,""" start="00:02:49.100" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""because I have kids, and because the""" start="00:02:51.433" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Emacs development list is such a cool place to be""" start="00:02:53.733" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that you often forget why you're there sometimes.""" start="00:02:55.600" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Anyway, for people who can't click on a video,""" start="00:02:58.560" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and I can't either, here are the relevant""" start="00:03:01.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""parts with some short comments.""" start="00:03:03.640" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I'll be talking with localization in mind,""" start="00:03:05.840" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""knowing full well that Emacs localization""" start="00:03:07.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""is not on the map at the moment.""" start="00:03:09.640" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So first, there is this thing""" start="00:03:12.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""about &quot;format&quot; and &quot;concat&quot;.""" start="00:03:14.167" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And if I remember correctly,""" start="00:03:15.520" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;format&quot; is better for user-facing things,""" start="00:03:17.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and &quot;concat&quot; is better for internal things.""" start="00:03:20.300" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here, there are two things.""" start="00:03:25.160" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""First, a rule that we have when we prepare""" start="00:03:26.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""strings that need to be localized is""" start="00:03:28.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""never ever make assumptions on the way""" start="00:03:30.700" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""numbers are expressed in the language.""" start="00:03:33.333" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here, the assumption is that""" start="00:03:35.780" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""we have either a singular or plural form,""" start="00:03:37.067" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and that's not always the case.""" start="00:03:40.000" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""That usually means that you should externalize""" start="00:03:42.040" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""numbers and find a generic way to express them.""" start="00:03:44.067" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So it makes for slightly less natural""" start="00:03:48.280" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""language strings, but it's better anyway.""" start="00:03:50.833" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Then we have that comma there that's trying""" start="00:03:54.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to be externalized and that's weird,""" start="00:03:56.667" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""so I put it back into the sentence.""" start="00:03:58.167" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here we have another construct, or two rather,""" start="00:04:02.620" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that really should not be used like this.""" start="00:04:04.967" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It's &quot;prin1&quot; that uses quoting characters,""" start="00:04:06.960" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""just like &quot;print&quot;, and &quot;princ&quot; that does not.""" start="00:04:10.033" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And you see why they were combined together.""" start="00:04:12.480" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And they were both trying to be really smart""" start="00:04:15.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""about which article to put in front of a vowel.""" start="00:04:17.133" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And you just don't do that.""" start="00:04:19.780" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You just keep things simple.""" start="00:04:20.960" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here again, the code is trying to be smart,""" start="00:04:25.000" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but it's really not much more efficient than""" start="00:04:26.633" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""plainly stating what you want.""" start="00:04:28.480" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And here again, we have &quot;concat&quot; things""" start="00:04:34.940" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that we could just use to plainly state""" start="00:04:36.500" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""what we want to state.""" start="00:04:40.367" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, instead of &quot;concat&quot; I just put a &quot;message&quot;.""" start="00:04:41.980" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And here we have something that's very cute.""" start="00:04:49.880" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It's a computerized plural.""" start="00:04:52.260" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here again, assuming that""" start="00:04:54.540" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""there are only plural or singular forms.""" start="00:04:55.700" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""But the end string is not that much more natural""" start="00:04:58.640" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""than the fix, the code is less efficient""" start="00:05:00.867" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and is harder to understand.""" start="00:05:02.700" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here again, the code is trying to make""" start="00:05:07.760" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""smart things where it could be much simpler.""" start="00:05:09.433" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""That is the part where you get the""" start="00:05:13.520" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""number of packages and their names.""" start="00:05:14.667" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here the whole sentence with the semicolons""" start="00:05:19.480" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and the question mark is split in parts,""" start="00:05:22.067" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""between which something will be inserted.""" start="00:05:26.333" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""That's really ugly and difficult to read.""" start="00:05:29.180" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here again, another &quot;ing&quot; waiting to be""" start="00:05:34.240" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""regex-inserted into the code.""" start="00:05:37.700" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And here at last, we get to the point""" start="00:05:44.840" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""where everything started.""" start="00:05:46.633" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And you can see that unlike in the other spots,""" start="00:05:48.760" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""there is no possibility for the expression""" start="00:05:50.833" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to be singular.""" start="00:05:52.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, I guess that if it hadn't been for that bug,""" start="00:05:54.680" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I would not have found the other items,""" start="00:05:57.600" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and we would be left with code that works,""" start="00:05:59.320" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of course, but that is""" start="00:06:01.033" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""harder to understand, and maintain.""" start="00:06:02.033" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Last but not least, a last version of""" start="00:06:06.020" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;just plainly state what you mean to state&quot;.""" start="00:06:08.333" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Keep it simple.""" start="00:06:10.920" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So first, we have this wonderful CONTRIBUTE file""" start="00:06:14.880" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that is very explicit about""" start="00:06:19.267" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""how we must proceed when contributing code.""" start="00:06:21.267" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, that's really the first place""" start="00:06:23.520" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that we should all read.""" start="00:06:25.233" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The README file is pretty cool too,""" start="00:06:27.760" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""especially at the beginning of the process,""" start="00:06:29.333" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""when you're not sure whether""" start="00:06:30.967" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you want to fix that bug or just report it.""" start="00:06:31.867" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And then we've got packages.""" start="00:06:36.240" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""We've got a number of packages that are really""" start="00:06:37.920" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""helpful when it comes to reading""" start="00:06:39.900" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""the information and the manuals.""" start="00:06:42.600" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I'm mentioning three of them here,""" start="00:06:45.880" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and I think they are the most important for us.""" start="00:06:48.000" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So &quot;helpful&quot; is on the right,""" start="00:06:53.720" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and it's overflowing the window with""" start="00:06:55.600" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""all the contextualized information it provides,""" start="00:06:58.667" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and the standard &quot;help&quot; is on the left.""" start="00:07:01.900" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I mean, really there are like two or three""" start="00:07:05.280" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""screen-full of information in the &quot;helpful&quot; output,""" start="00:07:07.933" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""so you really only see a part,""" start="00:07:11.567" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but I guess if you use it, you know what I'm saying.""" start="00:07:13.233" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""What I like the most here is the &quot;view in manual&quot;""" start="00:07:16.320" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""part, where you can actually click and even get""" start="00:07:18.867" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""more information that's sometimes""" start="00:07:21.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""easier to read and understand.""" start="00:07:23.667" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And then you've got the &quot;info&quot; versus &quot;inform&quot; formats.""" start="00:07:28.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""When you're in the manual,""" start="00:07:33.640" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;inform&quot; makes a huge difference.""" start="00:07:34.567" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You can see here that you've got colorized items,""" start="00:07:37.140" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and also in the middle you've got that""" start="00:07:39.367" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""'read' part that's green and bold.""" start="00:07:42.000" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""In &quot;info&quot; it's not a specific object,""" start="00:07:45.000" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""it's just a string. In 'inform' it's actually""" start="00:07:49.333" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""a link that you can click,""" start="00:07:52.200" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and actually go to that 'read' manual page.""" start="00:07:53.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Now, we've got &quot;which-key&quot;.""" start="00:07:58.320" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;which-key&quot; is a savior for beginners too.""" start="00:08:01.300" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Just wait half a second or something,""" start="00:08:03.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and Emacs will show you all the keys""" start="00:08:04.867" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that you can access from the prefix combination""" start="00:08:06.500" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that you just typed.""" start="00:08:08.433" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, it's really helpful for discovering functions""" start="00:08:09.920" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and learning new functions, getting used to them.""" start="00:08:13.200" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And so that whole process started…,""" start="00:08:19.160" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""it was May 23, 2017,""" start="00:08:21.500" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with that thread when I found the bug.""" start="00:08:26.533" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I just bumped into an English/code bug""" start="00:08:30.440" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""this morning. In package.el, when one package""" start="00:08:32.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""is not needed anymore, the message is:""" start="00:08:36.920" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;Package menu: Operation finished.""" start="00:08:39.033" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""1 packages are no longer needed&quot;, etc.""" start="00:08:41.300" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, I was asking whether we had best practices""" start="00:08:44.880" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""for using messages, and we had a whole thread""" start="00:08:49.633" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""about that. And while I was discussing on that""" start="00:08:53.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""thread, I started that new thread, which is:""" start="00:08:57.867" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;package.el strings&quot;.""" start="00:09:01.240" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The whole thing actually ended on June 27, 2018.""" start="00:09:02.867" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, a year after, with that message from Noam""" start="00:09:09.900" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""telling me that &quot;Yes I can close the bug,&quot;""" start="00:09:15.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and that was it.""" start="00:09:18.567" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, it took about a year to finish that.""" start="00:09:22.040" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""What I did learn basically is that""" start="00:09:24.000" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""helping with Emacs is not that difficult.""" start="00:09:28.133" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It takes time when you're not fluent with the code,""" start="00:09:32.160" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but that's okay because the reference""" start="00:09:36.100" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""is excellent, and there are lots of people""" start="00:09:37.100" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""who are here to help.""" start="00:09:39.300" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Basically, the solution to all our problems is""" start="00:09:41.520" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;Keep It Simple and Straightforward&quot;.""" start="00:09:45.700" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""As you can see in that patch,""" start="00:09:47.733" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""even if it's a beginner's patch,""" start="00:09:51.033" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""what I did shows what can be done by Emacs Lisp""" start="00:09:53.233" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""beginners to help with &quot;straightening&quot; the strings""" start="00:09:57.733" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to reduce the number of potential English bugs.""" start="00:09:59.533" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And then to make Emacs strings easier""" start="00:10:02.267" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to be handled by real localization processes one day.""" start="00:10:04.533" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""But it doesn't have to be about strings""" start="00:10:07.233" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""because strings can be an easy entry point to Emacs,""" start="00:10:09.067" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but it can be any itch that you want to scratch.""" start="00:10:12.767" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And my real conclusion is that""" start="00:10:16.720" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Emacs is free software, and what that means is mostly""" start="00:10:18.267" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that it allows you to do things that you would""" start="00:10:22.160" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""never have thought of being able to do before.""" start="00:10:24.067" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""That's really the biggest lesson to be learned here.""" start="00:10:27.920" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So, I want to thank all the people""" start="00:10:32.000" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""who allowed this to be happening, allowed me to""" start="00:10:33.400" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""learn a bit and contribute a bit to that wonderful""" start="00:10:37.920" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""piece of software that Emacs is.""" start="00:10:41.267" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And thank you everyone for listening,""" start="00:10:42.800" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and hopefully I'll see you next year""" start="00:10:44.533" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with a different translation related presentation.""" start="00:10:46.700" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Thank you very much.""" start="00:10:51.520" video="mainVideo-localizing" id="subtitle"]]
Questions or comments? Please e-mail [](
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index 66682306..91bcfd47 100644
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The following image shows where the talk is in the schedule for Sun 2022-12-04. Solid lines show talks with Q&A via BigBlueButton. Dashed lines show talks with Q&A via IRC or Etherpad.<div class="schedule-in-context schedule-svg-container" data-slug="localizing">
-<svg width="800" height="150" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title> Schedule for Sunday</title> <rect width="800" height="150" x="0" y="0" fill="white"></rect> <text font-size="10" fill="black" y="12" x="3"> Sunday</text> <a href="/2022/talks/sun-open" title="Sunday opening remarks" data-slug="sun-open"> <title> 9:00- 9:05 Sunday opening remarks</title> <rect x="0" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="7" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(5,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sun-open</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/survey" title="Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey" data-slug="survey"> <title> 9:05- 9:25 Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey</title> <rect x="7" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(36,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> survey</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgyear" title="This Year in Org" data-slug="orgyear"> <title> 9:35- 9:45 This Year in Org</title> <rect x="54" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(67,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgyear</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rolodex" title="Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex" data-slug="rolodex"> <title> 9:55-10:20 Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex</title> <rect x="86" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(123,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rolodex</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgsuperlinks" title="Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten)" data-slug="orgsuperlinks"> <title> 10:40-10:50 Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten)</title> <rect x="156" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(169,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgsuperlinks</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgvm" title="orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org" data-slug="orgvm"> <title> 11:10-11:20 orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org</title> <rect x="203" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(216,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgvm</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/hyperorg" title="Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode" data-slug="hyperorg"> <title> 1:00- 1:30 Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode</title> <rect x="376" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="47" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(421,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> hyperorg</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/workflows" title="Org workflows for developers" data-slug="workflows"> <title> 1:50- 2:15 Org workflows for developers</title> <rect x="454" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(491,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> workflows</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/grail" title="GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers" data-slug="grail"> <title> 2:35- 2:55 GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers</title> <rect x="525" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(554,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> grail</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/indieweb" title="Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb" data-slug="indieweb"> <title> 3:25- 3:45 Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb</title> <rect x="603" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(632,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> indieweb</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/devel" title="Emacs development updates" data-slug="devel"> <title> 4:05- 4:15 Emacs development updates</title> <rect x="666" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(679,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> devel</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/fanfare" title="Fanfare for the Common Emacs User" data-slug="fanfare"> <title> 4:25- 4:35 Fanfare for the Common Emacs User</title> <rect x="698" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(711,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> fanfare</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/sun-close" title="Sunday closing remarks" data-slug="sun-close"> <title> 4:50- 5:00 Sunday closing remarks</title> <rect x="737" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(750,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sun-close</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rde" title="rde Emacs introduction" data-slug="rde"> <title> 10:00-10:25 rde Emacs introduction</title> <rect x="94" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(131,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rde</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/justl" title="justl: Driving recipes within Emacs" data-slug="justl"> <title> 10:50-11:05 justl: Driving recipes within Emacs</title> <rect x="172" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(193,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> justl</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rms" title="What I'd like to see in Emacs" data-slug="rms"> <title> 11:15-11:35 What I'd like to see in Emacs</title> <rect x="211" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(240,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rms</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/detached" title="Getting detached from Emacs" data-slug="detached"> <title> 1:00- 1:15 Getting detached from Emacs</title> <rect x="376" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(397,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> detached</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/eshell" title="Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell" data-slug="eshell"> <title> 1:40- 1:55 Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell</title> <rect x="439" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(460,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> eshell</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/async" title="Emacs was async before async was cool" data-slug="async"> <title> 2:20- 2:40 Emacs was async before async was cool</title> <rect x="501" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(530,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> async</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/dbus" title="The Wheels on D-Bus" data-slug="dbus"> <title> 3:15- 3:35 The Wheels on D-Bus</title> <rect x="588" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(617,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> dbus</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/localizing" title="Pre-localizing Emacs" data-slug="localizing"> <title> 4:00- 4:10 Pre-localizing Emacs</title> <rect stroke-width="3" x="658" y="75" opacity="0.8" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(671,133)"> <text font-weight="bold" fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> localizing</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/python" title="Short hyperlinks to Python docs" data-slug="python"> <title> 4:30- 4:35 Short hyperlinks to Python docs</title> <rect x="705" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="7" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(710,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> python</text></g></a> <g transform="translate(0,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 9 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(94,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 10 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(188,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 11 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(282,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 12 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(376,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 1 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(470,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 2 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(564,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 3 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(658,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 4 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(752,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 5 PM</text></g></svg>
+<svg width="800" height="150" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title> Schedule for Sunday</title> <rect width="800" height="150" x="0" y="0" fill="white"></rect> <text font-size="10" fill="black" y="12" x="3"> Sunday</text> <a href="/2022/talks/sun-open" title="Sunday opening remarks" data-slug="sun-open"> <title> 9:00- 9:05 Sunday opening remarks</title> <rect x="0" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="7" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(5,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sun-open</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/survey" title="Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey" data-slug="survey"> <title> 9:06- 9:26 Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey</title> <rect x="9" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(38,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> survey</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgyear" title="This Year in Org" data-slug="orgyear"> <title> 9:35- 9:45 This Year in Org</title> <rect x="54" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(67,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgyear</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rolodex" title="Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex" data-slug="rolodex"> <title> 9:57-10:22 Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex</title> <rect x="89" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(126,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rolodex</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgsuperlinks" title="Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten)" data-slug="orgsuperlinks"> <title> 10:40-10:50 Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten)</title> <rect x="156" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(169,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgsuperlinks</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgvm" title="orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org" data-slug="orgvm"> <title> 11:10-11:20 orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org</title> <rect x="203" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(216,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgvm</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/hyperorg" title="Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode" data-slug="hyperorg"> <title> 1:00- 1:30 Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode</title> <rect x="376" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="47" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(421,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> hyperorg</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/workflows" title="Org workflows for developers" data-slug="workflows"> <title> 1:50- 2:15 Org workflows for developers</title> <rect x="454" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(491,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> workflows</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/grail" title="GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers" data-slug="grail"> <title> 2:35- 2:55 GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers</title> <rect x="525" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(554,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> grail</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/indieweb" title="Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb" data-slug="indieweb"> <title> 3:25- 3:45 Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb</title> <rect x="603" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(632,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> indieweb</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/devel" title="Emacs development updates" data-slug="devel"> <title> 4:05- 4:15 Emacs development updates</title> <rect x="666" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(679,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> devel</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/fanfare" title="Fanfare for the Common Emacs User" data-slug="fanfare"> <title> 4:25- 4:35 Fanfare for the Common Emacs User</title> <rect x="698" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(711,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> fanfare</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/sun-close" title="Sunday closing remarks" data-slug="sun-close"> <title> 4:50- 5:00 Sunday closing remarks</title> <rect x="737" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(750,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sun-close</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rde" title="rde Emacs introduction" data-slug="rde"> <title> 10:00-10:25 rde Emacs introduction</title> <rect x="94" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(131,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rde</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/justl" title="justl: Driving recipes within Emacs" data-slug="justl"> <title> 10:50-11:05 justl: Driving recipes within Emacs</title> <rect x="172" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(193,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> justl</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rms" title="What I'd like to see in Emacs" data-slug="rms"> <title> 11:15-11:35 What I'd like to see in Emacs</title> <rect x="211" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(240,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rms</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/detached" title="Getting detached from Emacs" data-slug="detached"> <title> 1:01- 1:16 Getting detached from Emacs</title> <rect x="378" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(399,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> detached</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/eshell" title="Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell" data-slug="eshell"> <title> 1:40- 1:55 Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell</title> <rect x="439" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(460,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> eshell</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/async" title="Emacs was async before async was cool" data-slug="async"> <title> 2:20- 2:40 Emacs was async before async was cool</title> <rect x="501" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(530,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> async</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/dbus" title="The Wheels on D-Bus" data-slug="dbus"> <title> 3:15- 3:35 The Wheels on D-Bus</title> <rect x="588" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(617,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> dbus</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/localizing" title="Pre-localizing Emacs" data-slug="localizing"> <title> 4:00- 4:10 Pre-localizing Emacs</title> <rect stroke-width="3" x="658" y="75" opacity="0.8" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(671,133)"> <text font-weight="bold" fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> localizing</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/python" title="Short hyperlinks to Python docs" data-slug="python"> <title> 4:30- 4:35 Short hyperlinks to Python docs</title> <rect x="705" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="7" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(710,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> python</text></g></a> <g transform="translate(0,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 9 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(94,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 10 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(188,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 11 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(282,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 12 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(376,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 1 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(470,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 2 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(564,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 3 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(658,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 4 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(752,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 5 PM</text></g></svg>
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Format: 11-min talk followed by live Q&A (<>)
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<div>Times in different timezones:</div><div class="times" start="2022-12-04T21:00:00Z" end="2022-12-04T21:10:00Z"><div class="conf-time">Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~4:00 PM - 4:10 PM EST (US/Eastern)</div><div class="others"><div>which is the same as:</div>Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~3:00 PM - 3:10 PM CST (US/Central)<br />Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~2:00 PM - 2:10 PM MST (US/Mountain)<br />Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~1:00 PM - 1:10 PM PST (US/Pacific)<br />Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~9:00 PM - 9:10 PM UTC <br />Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~10:00 PM - 10:10 PM CET (Europe/Paris)<br />Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~11:00 PM - 11:10 PM EET (Europe/Athens)<br />Monday, Dec 5 2022, ~2:30 AM - 2:40 AM IST (Asia/Kolkata)<br />Monday, Dec 5 2022, ~5:00 AM - 5:10 AM +08 (Asia/Singapore)<br />Monday, Dec 5 2022, ~6:00 AM - 6:10 AM JST (Asia/Tokyo)</div></div><div><a href="/2022/watch/dev/">Find out how to watch and participate</a></div>
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