path: root/2024/talks
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diff --git a/2024/talks/ b/2024/talks/
index c4c457c7..0e21d98a 100644
--- a/2024/talks/
+++ b/2024/talks/
@@ -47,6 +47,76 @@ See also:
[[!taglink CategoryOrgMode]]
[[!taglink CategoryRoam]]
+# Discussion
+## Questions and answers
+- Q: I\'d be interested how to start this journey of writing academic
+ papers in Org-Roam when not having used  Emacs Org-Mode yet? Thanks!
+ - A:
+- Q:How about connecting Emacs Org-Roam to Zotero? Is that something
+ you have experience with?
+ - A: You could export your bibliography from Zotero to bibtex.
+ - Tip: check out the Better Bibtex plugin and its handly \"Keep
+ updated\" option - I do this selecting biblio.bib file in roam
+ folder as target
+- Q:Out of curiosity, how do you manage your bibliography? Do you do
+ it from inside Emacs, or using a separate program like Zotero?
+ Because personally, I have struggled to do it from Emacs, although I
+ have wanted to for sometime. I see, then I am just lazy and don\'t
+ want to do it by hand -\_-
+ - A:
+- Q: How do you start a new document? There are a lot of headers you
+ have to setup! Do you use a template? I\'m curious if they use
+ yasnippets to deal with all of those latex/org meta commands? (IRC:
+ gringo)
+ - A: At present, not using snippets (but considering).  Currently
+ re-uses previous doc as template.  There\'s reconciling template
+ received from the journal/publisher.
+- Q: What do you think of using citar with org-roam-bibtex? It seems
+ that bibtex-completion is tied to org-roam-bibtex.
+ - A: Has not explored citar. I am pretty sure org-roam-bibtex
+ works with citar.
+- Q: Most academic journals insist that papers are formatted in their
+ own custom LaTeX documentclass.  Does org-roam make it easy to do
+ that? (jmd)
+ - A: No.  Makes a custom org latex class, to the import the cls;
+ then putting the template provided in the headers of the
+ document, or as needed in the body block.  Then there\'s manual
+ adaption.  When using LaTeX, you care much about the output of
+ the document; each domain/field of research has its own flavour
+ of expectations.
+- Q: Are you using zotra
+ ([]({rel="noreferrer noopener"})
+ or org-ref ?
+- Q: How much of this is tied to org-roam specifically?
+ - Not that much
+- Q: how do you convince your coauthors to use emacs?
+## Notes
+- Presentation org notes formatted for org-present:
+ []({rel="noreferrer noopener"}
+- Thank you for this! I am using org to export my CV, and had to
+ figure out a few of these things. Lots of new bits for me to
+ explore.
+- Thanks, good presentation.
+- Those exports look awesome
+- I wonder how much LaTeX experience is wrapped up in that export
+ process
+- The problem-solving aspect of tinkering with Emacs is a boon.
+- The reference management that Vincent demo\'d comes from org
+ integration. You wouldn\'t have that functionality with bare
+ LaTeX/Typst, etc. 
+- Org to typst converstion:
+ []({rel="noreferrer noopener"}
+- One way I\'ve seen to go about headers is having a template file:
+ []({rel="noreferrer noopener"}
+ That you can import with a \"#+SETUPFILE:\" line
+- Maybe down the line we can make ties with LLMs to translate styles
+ better.
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